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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation
// File: ary.hxx
// Contents: CFormsAry* classes
#ifndef _HXX_CARY
#define _HXX_CARY
class CFormsAry;
inline size_t
MemGetSize(void *pv)
if (!pv)
return 0;
return (size_t)::GlobalSize(GlobalPtrHandle(pv));
inline void *
MemAlloc(size_t cb)
return(GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, cb));
inline void *
MemAllocClear(size_t cb)
return(GlobalAllocPtr(GPTR, cb));
inline void
MemFree(void *pv)
if (pv)
inline HRESULT
MemRealloc(void **ppv, size_t cb)
LPVOID pv = *ppv;
if (pv)
pv = GlobalReAllocPtr(pv, cb, GMEM_MOVEABLE);
pv = MemAlloc(cb);
if (pv)
*ppv = pv;
return S_OK;
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError());
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppv); \
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) (void); \
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (void);
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppv); \
ULONG _ulRefs; \
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) (void) \
{ \
return ++_ulRefs; \
} \
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (void) \
{ \
if (--_ulRefs == 0) \
{ \
delete this; \
return 0; \
} \
return _ulRefs; \
} \
ULONG GetRefs(void) \
{ return _ulRefs; }
// Class: CFormsAry (ary)
// Purpose: Generic resizeable array class. Note that most of
// the functionality in this class is provided in
// protected members. The CPtrAry and CDataAry templates
// define concrete implementations of the array class.
// In these concrete classes, public methods are provided
// which delegate to the protected methods. This allows
// us to avoid storing the element size with the array.
// Interface:
// CFormsAry, ~CFormsAry
// EnsureSize Ensures that the array is at least a certain
// size, allocating more memory if necessary.
// Note that the array size is measured in elements,
// rather than in bytes.
// Size Returns the current size of the array.
// SetSize Sets the array size; EnsureSize must be called
// first to reserve space if the array is growing
// operator void * Allow the CFormsAry class to be cast
// to a (void *)
// Append Adds a new pointer to the end of the array,
// growing the array if necessary. Only works
// for arrays of pointers.
// AppendIndirect As Append, for non-pointer arrays
// Insert Inserts a new pointer at the given index in
// the array, growing the array if necessary. Any
// elements at or following the index are moved
// out of the way.
// InsertIndirect As Insert, for non-pointer arrays
// Delete Deletes an element of the array, moving any
// elements that follow it to fill
// DeleteMultiple Deletes a range of elements from the array,
// moving to fill
// DeleteByValue Delete element matching given value.
// DeleteByValueIndirect As DeleteByValue, for non-pointer arrays.
// BringToFront Moves an element of the array to index 0,
// shuffling elements to make room
// SendToBack Moves an element to the end of the array,
// shuffling elements to make room
// Swap swaps two elements
// Find Returns the index at which a given pointer
// is found
// FindIndirect As Find, for non-pointer arrays
// CopyAppend Appends data from another array to the end
// Copy Creates a copy of the object.
// CopyAppendIndirect Appends data from a c-style array
// CopyIndirect Creates a copy of a c-style array
// EnumElements Create an enumerator which supports the given
// interface ID for the contents of the array
// EnumElements Create an IEnumVARIANT enumerator.
// Deref Returns a pointer to an element of the array;
// normally used by type-safe methods in derived
// classes
// GetAlloced Get number of elements allocated
// Members: _c Current size of the array
// _pv Buffer storing the elements
// Note: The CFormsAry class only supports arrays of elements
// whose size is less than 128.
class CFormsAry
// friend class CBaseEnum;
// friend class CEnumGeneric;
// friend class CEnumVARIANT;
int Size() const { return _c; }
void SetSize(int c) { _c = c;}
operator void *() { return PData(); }
void DeleteAll();
void * Deref(size_t cb, int i);
// Methods which are wrapped by inline subclass methods
CFormsAry() { _c = 0; PData() = 0; }
HRESULT EnsureSize(size_t cb, int c);
HRESULT AppendIndirect(size_t cb, void * pv);
HRESULT InsertIndirect(size_t cb, int i, void * pv);
int FindIndirect(size_t cb, void *);
void Delete(size_t cb, int i);
BOOL DeleteByValueIndirect(size_t cb, void *pv);
void DeleteMultiple(size_t cb, int start, int end);
void BringToFront(size_t cb, int i);
void SendToBack(size_t cb, int i);
void Swap(size_t cb, int i1, int i2);
HRESULT CopyAppend(size_t cb, const CFormsAry& ary, BOOL fAddRef);
HRESULT Copy(size_t cb, const CFormsAry& ary, BOOL fAddRef);
HRESULT CopyAppendIndirect(size_t cb, int c, void * pv, BOOL fAddRef);
HRESULT CopyIndirect(size_t cb, int c, void * pv, BOOL fAddRef);
int GetAlloced(size_t cb)
{ return MemGetSize(PData()) / cb; }
HRESULT EnumElements(
size_t cb,
void ** ppv,
BOOL fAddRef,
BOOL fCopy = TRUE,
BOOL fDelete = TRUE);
size_t cb,
IEnumVARIANT ** ppenum,
BOOL fCopy = TRUE,
BOOL fDelete = TRUE);
int _c;
void * _pv;
void * & PData() { return _pv; }
// Member: CFormsAry::Deref
// Synopsis: Returns a pointer to the i'th element of the array. This
// method is normally called by type-safe methods in derived
// classes.
// Arguments: i
// Returns: void *
inline void *
CFormsAry::Deref(size_t cb, int i)
MYDBGASSERT(i < GetAlloced(cb));
return ((BYTE *) PData()) + i * cb;
// Class: CDataAry
// Purpose: This template class declares a concrete derived class
// of CFormsAry. See CFormsAry discussion above for
// documentation.
template <class ELEM>
class CDataAry : public CFormsAry
CDataAry() : CFormsAry() { }
operator ELEM *() { return (ELEM *)PData(); }
CDataAry(const CDataAry &);
CDataAry& operator=(const CDataAry &);
HRESULT EnsureSize(int c)
{ return CFormsAry::EnsureSize(sizeof(ELEM), c); }
HRESULT AppendIndirect(void * pv)
{ return CFormsAry::AppendIndirect(sizeof(ELEM), pv); }
HRESULT InsertIndirect(int i, void * pv)
{ return CFormsAry::InsertIndirect(sizeof(ELEM), i, pv); }
int FindIndirect(void * pv)
{ return CFormsAry::FindIndirect(sizeof(ELEM), pv); }
void Delete(int i)
{ CFormsAry::Delete(sizeof(ELEM), i); }
BOOL DeleteByValueIndirect(void *pv)
{ return CFormsAry::DeleteByValueIndirect(sizeof(ELEM), pv); }
void DeleteMultiple(int start, int end)
{ CFormsAry::DeleteMultiple(sizeof(ELEM), start, end); }
void BringToFront(int i)
{ CFormsAry::BringToFront(sizeof(ELEM), i); }
void SendToBack(int i)
{ CFormsAry::SendToBack(sizeof(ELEM), i); }
HRESULT CopyAppend(const CFormsAry& ary, BOOL fAddRef)
{ return CFormsAry::Copy(sizeof(ELEM), ary, fAddRef); }
HRESULT Copy(const CFormsAry& ary, BOOL fAddRef)
{ return CFormsAry::Copy(sizeof(ELEM), ary, fAddRef); }
HRESULT CopyAppendIndirect(int c, void * pv, BOOL fAddRef)
{ return CFormsAry::CopyAppendIndirect(sizeof(ELEM), c, pv, fAddRef); }
HRESULT CopyIndirect(int c, void * pv, BOOL fAddRef)
{ return CFormsAry::CopyIndirect(sizeof(ELEM), c, pv, fAddRef); }
HRESULT EnumElements(
void ** ppv,
BOOL fAddRef,
BOOL fCopy = TRUE,
BOOL fDelete = TRUE)
{ return CFormsAry::EnumElements(sizeof(ELEM), iid, ppv, fAddRef, fCopy, fDelete); }
IEnumVARIANT ** ppenum,
BOOL fCopy = TRUE,
BOOL fDelete = TRUE)
{ return CFormsAry::EnumVARIANT(sizeof(ELEM), vt, ppenum, fCopy, fDelete); }
#define DECLARE_FORMSDATAARY(_Cls, _Ty, _pTy) class _Cls : public CDataAry<_Ty> { };
#endif // #ifndef _HXX_CARY