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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// File: migrate.cpp
// Module: CMSTP.EXE
// Synopsis: This source file contains most of the code necessary for
// the migration of CM profiles. This code handles both migrating
// a user when a CM1.2 profile is installed on a machine with
// existing 1.0 profiles and if the user upgrades their OS to NT5.
// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: quintinb Created 07/14/98
#include "cmmaster.h"
// For ProfileNeedsMigration
#include "needsmig.cpp"
// Function: CreateRegAndValue
// Synopsis: This function is a wrapper to Create a Reg Key and then add a defualt
// value to that same key.
// Arguments: HKEY hBaseKey - Relative starting point for the new subkey
// LPTSTR szSubKey - SubKey path
// LPTSTR szValue - String to put in the Keys default value.
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the key and value were successfully created
// History: quintinb Created Header 5/5/98
BOOL CreateRegAndValue(HKEY hBaseKey, LPCTSTR szSubKey, LPCTSTR szValue)
DWORD dwDisp;
BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
HKEY hKey;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCreateKeyEx(hBaseKey, szSubKey, 0, NULL,
bReturn = (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ,
(BYTE*)szValue, (lstrlen(szValue)+1)));
return bReturn;
// Note: I added this function because I needed to get the following CFileNameParts
// off the stack of UpdateProfileLegacyGUIDs so that I didn't need a
// stack checking function. Not the greatest workaround but it sufficed.
BOOL IsDefaultIcon(LPCTSTR szIconPath)
BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
CFileNameParts IconPath(szIconPath);
if (CSTR_EQUAL != CompareString(Lcid, NORM_IGNORECASE, IconPath.m_FileName, -1, TEXT("cmmgr32"), -1))
// Then the icon path is something else besides cmmgr32.exe, we must not
// update it.
bReturn = FALSE;
return bReturn;
// Function: UpdateProfileLegacyGUIDs
// Synopsis: This function upgrades GUIDs on a Legacy OS install to make sure
// that older profile still function. This is necessary because CM
// 1.0/1.1 profiles expected the CM bits to be in the same directory as
// the cmp file. Thus only the cmp filename was given. In CM 1.2 we need
// the full path to the CMP file since the cm bits are now located in
// system32. The GUIDs are also updated to have a delete option and
// the attributes were changed to not allow renaming.
// Arguments: LPTSTR szCmpFile - Full path to the cmp file of the profile to update
// Returns: BOOL - returns TRUE if the profile was successfully updated
// History: quintinb Created Header 5/5/98
BOOL UpdateProfileLegacyGUIDs(LPCTSTR szCmpFile)
TCHAR szInfFile[MAX_PATH+1];
TCHAR szCommandStr[2*MAX_PATH+1];
BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
HKEY hKey;
UINT nNumChars;
MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != szCmpFile[0]);
// Now split the path
CFileNameParts FileParts(szCmpFile);
// Now construct the path to the INF file (1.0 and 1.1 profiles kept the infs in
// the system dir)
MYVERIFY(0 != GetSystemDirectory(szTemp, MAX_PATH));
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szInfFile, TEXT("%s\\%s%s"), szTemp, FileParts.m_FileName, TEXT(".inf"));
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szInfFile) > nNumChars);
// Get the GUID from the inf file.
ZeroMemory(szGUID, sizeof(szGUID));
GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszDesktopGuid, TEXT(""), szGUID,
MAX_PATH, szInfFile);
if (0 != szGUID[0])
// Update the DefaultIcon Value if it points to cmmgr32.exe
BOOL bUpdateIconPath = TRUE;
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("CLSID\\%s\\DefaultIcon"), szGUID);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars);
DWORD dwSize = CELEMS(szTemp);
DWORD dwType = REG_SZ;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szTemp, &dwSize))
bUpdateIconPath = IsDefaultIcon(szTemp);
if (bUpdateIconPath)
if (GetSystemDirectory(szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)))
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szCommandStr, TEXT("%s\\cmmgr32.exe,0"), szTemp);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szCommandStr) > nNumChars);
bReturn &= CreateRegAndValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szSubKey, szCommandStr);
// Update Settings to Properties on the desktop icon menu
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("CLSID\\%s\\Shell\\Settings..."), szGUID);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars);
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szCommandStr, TEXT("P&roperties"));
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szCommandStr) > nNumChars);
bReturn &= CreateRegAndValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szSubKey, szCommandStr);
// Now change the underlying command to give the full
// path to the cmp file.
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("CLSID\\%s\\Shell\\Settings...\\Command"), szGUID);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars);
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szCommandStr, TEXT("cmmgr32.exe /settings \"%s\""), szCmpFile);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szCommandStr) > nNumChars);
bReturn &= CreateRegAndValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szSubKey, szCommandStr);
// Update Open to Connect on the desktop icon menu
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("CLSID\\%s\\Shell\\Open"), szGUID);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars);
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szCommandStr, TEXT("C&onnect"));
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szCommandStr) > nNumChars);
bReturn &= CreateRegAndValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szSubKey, szCommandStr);
// Now change the underlying command string to use the full path to the cmp file.
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("CLSID\\%s\\Shell\\Open\\Command"), szGUID);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars);
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szCommandStr, TEXT("cmmgr32.exe \"%s\""), szCmpFile);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szCommandStr) > nNumChars);
bReturn &= CreateRegAndValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szSubKey, szCommandStr);
// Remove the showicon command from the inf.
// RemoveShowIconFromRunPostSetupCommands(szInfFile);
// Add the delete menu option
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("CLSID\\%s\\Shell\\Delete"), szGUID);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars);
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szCommandStr, TEXT("&Delete"));
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars);
bReturn &= CreateRegAndValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szSubKey, szCommandStr);
// Create the uninstall command
lstrcpy(szTemp, TEXT("cmstp.exe /u \""));
lstrcat(szTemp, szInfFile);
lstrcat(szTemp, TEXT("\""));
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("CLSID\\%s\\Shell\\Delete\\Command"), szGUID);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars);
bReturn &= CreateRegAndValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szSubKey, szTemp);
// Remove the Add/Remove Programs entry, making sure to leave the uninstall dir
// value.
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("%s\\%s"), c_pszRegUninstall,
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars);
szSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey))
RegDeleteValue(hKey, TEXT("UninstallString"));
RegDeleteValue(hKey, TEXT("DisplayName"));
// Change the attributes to not allow rename
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("CLSID\\%s\\ShellFolder"), szGUID);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars);
szSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey))
DWORD dwZero = 0;
bReturn &= (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetValueEx(hKey, TEXT("Attributes"),
0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwZero, sizeof(DWORD))); //lint !e514 this is desired behavior
bReturn = FALSE;
bReturn = FALSE;
return bReturn;
// Function: UpdateProfileDesktopIconsOnNT5
// Synopsis: This function is meant to be called in an upgrade scenario of NT5.
// Thus if the user has Connection Manager installed on a legacy platform
// and then upgrades to NT5, this code would be called. Basically the code
// removes the users existing Desktop GUID and replaces it with a Desktop
// icon that is a shortcut to the connection object in the connections folder.
// This code assumes the new NT5 pbk entry is written and that the connections folder
// is uptodate.
// Arguments: LPTSTR szCmpFilePath - path to the cmp file for the profile
// LPTSTR szLongServiceName - Long Service Name of the profile
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the profile is successfully updated
// History: quintinb Created Header 5/5/98
BOOL UpdateProfileDesktopIconsOnNT5(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR szCmpFilePath, LPCTSTR szLongServiceName)
TCHAR szInfFile[MAX_PATH+1];
BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
HKEY hKey;
UINT nNumChars;
// Now split the path
CFileNameParts FileParts(szCmpFilePath);
// Now construct the path to the 1.2 inf file location
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szInfFile, TEXT("%s%s%s\\%s%s"), FileParts.m_Drive,
FileParts.m_Dir, FileParts.m_FileName, FileParts.m_FileName, TEXT(".inf"));
MYDBGASSERT(nNumChars < CELEMS(szInfFile));
if (!FileExists(szInfFile))
// Now construct the path to the INF file (1.0 and 1.1 profiles kept the infs in
// the system dir)
MYVERIFY(0 != GetSystemDirectory(szTemp, MAX_PATH));
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szInfFile, TEXT("%s\\%s%s"), szTemp, FileParts.m_FileName, TEXT(".inf"));
MYDBGASSERT(nNumChars < CELEMS(szInfFile));
if (!FileExists(szInfFile))
return FALSE;
// Remove ShowIcon from the Inf File so that the user won't get an error if they
// try to uninstall it.
// RemoveShowIconFromRunPostSetupCommands(szInfFile);
// Get the GUID from the inf file.
ZeroMemory(szGUID, sizeof(szGUID));
MYVERIFY(0 != GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszInfSectionStrings, c_pszDesktopGuid, TEXT(""), szGUID,
MAX_PATH, szInfFile));
if (0 != szGUID[0])
// Delete the Explorer\Desktop entry
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("%s\\%s"), c_pszRegNameSpace, szGUID);
if (CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars)
hr = HrRegDeleteKeyTree (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szSubKey);
bReturn &= SUCCEEDED(hr); //lint !e514 intended use, quintinb
// Delete the GUID
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("CLSID\\%s"), szGUID);
if (CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars)
hr = HrRegDeleteKeyTree (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szSubKey);
bReturn &= SUCCEEDED(hr);//lint !e514 intended use, quintinb
// Delete the uninstall strings
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSubKey, TEXT("%s\\%s"), c_pszRegUninstall, FileParts.m_FileName);
if (CELEMS(szSubKey) > nNumChars)
szSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey))
// Leave the UninstallDir value but delete the other two. We still use
// UninstallDir to know where to uninstall from.
bReturn &= (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegDeleteValue(hKey,
TEXT("DisplayName"))); //lint !e514 intended use, quintinb
bReturn &= (ERROR_SUCCESS ==RegDeleteValue(hKey,
TEXT("UninstallString"))); //lint !e514 intended use, quintinb
hKey = NULL;
// Construct the InstallDir path to get the phonebook path to
// pass to CreateShortcut
szTemp[0] = TEXT('\0');
if (GetAllUsersCmDir(szTemp, hInstance))
LPTSTR pszPhoneBook = NULL;
// Assuming that legacy platform was All-Users thus we use TRUE
if (GetPhoneBookPath(szTemp, &pszPhoneBook, TRUE))
// Create a desktop shortcut
DeleteNT5ShortcutFromPathAndName(hInstance, szLongServiceName, CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY);
hr = CreateNT5ProfileShortcut(szLongServiceName, pszPhoneBook, TRUE); // bAllUsers == TRUE
bReturn &= SUCCEEDED(hr); //lint !e514 intended use, quintinb
return bReturn;
// Function: RemoveOldCmInstalls
// Synopsis: This function tries to remove old Connection Manager installs by
// using the instcm.inf file.
// Arguments: LPTSTR szCmpFile - Path to a cmp file (gives the directory of
// the CM install to delete)
// Returns: BOOL - returns TRUE if instcm.inf was successfully launched or
// if the cmp was in winsys, in which case we don't want to
// launch.
// History: quintinb Created Header 5/5/98
BOOL RemoveOldCmInstalls(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR szCmpFile, LPCTSTR szCurrentDir)
TCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH+1];
TCHAR szSystemDir[MAX_PATH+1];
UINT nNumChars;
BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
HKEY hKey;
// Check the input
if ((szCmpFile == NULL) || (TEXT('\0') == szCmpFile[0]))
return FALSE;
// Next make a copy of instcm.inf
const TCHAR* const c_pszInstCmInfFmt = TEXT("%sinstcm.inf");
const TCHAR* const c_pszRemoveCmInfFmt = TEXT("%sremovecm.inf");
if (0 == GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir, MAX_PATH))
return FALSE;
lstrcat(szSystemDir, TEXT("\\"));
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSource, c_pszInstCmInfFmt, szSystemDir);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSource) > nNumChars);
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, c_pszRemoveCmInfFmt, szSystemDir);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szDest) > nNumChars);
if (!FileExists(szSource))
// We probably haven't installed instcm.inf yet, check in the current dir.
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szSource, c_pszInstCmInfFmt, szCurrentDir);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szSource) > nNumChars);
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, c_pszRemoveCmInfFmt, szCurrentDir);
MYDBGASSERT(CELEMS(szDest) > nNumChars);
if (CopyFile(szSource, szDest, FALSE))
// Now construct the directory that the old cm bits could be in.
CFileNameParts FileParts(szCmpFile);
nNumChars = (UINT)wsprintf(szCmDir, TEXT("%s%s"), FileParts.m_Drive, FileParts.m_Dir);
// Make sure that we are not uninstalling CM from system32 (the new 1.2 location)
if (0 == lstrcmpi(szSystemDir, szCmDir))
// Then the cmp file is in winsys, so don't remove the new cm bits
return TRUE;
// Next put the path to the CM bits in the OldPath Value of the CMMGR32.EXE
// App Paths Key
lstrcpyn(szTemp, c_pszRegCmAppPaths, CELEMS(szTemp));
szTemp, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey))
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetValueEx(hKey, TEXT("OldPath"), 0, REG_SZ,
(BYTE*)szCmDir, (lstrlen(szCmDir) + sizeof(TCHAR)))) // must include size of NULL char
// Finally launch the inf file to uninstall CM
TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH+1] = {TEXT("")};
MYVERIFY(0 != LoadString(hInstance, IDS_CMSTP_TITLE, szTitle, MAX_PATH));
MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != szTitle[0]);
MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(LaunchInfSection(szDest, TEXT("Remove"), szTitle, TRUE))); // bQuiet = TRUE
RegDeleteValue(hKey, TEXT("OldPath")); //lint !e534 if CM app path is removed so is this
bReturn = TRUE;
return bReturn;
// Function: MigratePhonebookEntry
// Synopsis: This function migrates an old phonebook entry to the new
// Arguments: HINSTANCE hInstance - Module instance handle so that resources can be accessed
// LPCTSTR pszCmpFile - full path to the cmp file
// LPCTSTR pszLongServiceName - Long service name of the profile
// Returns: BOOL - returns TRUE on success
// History: quintinb Created for NTRAID 227444 9/30/98
// quintinb modified to delete from ras\rasphone.pbk
// as well on NT5 (NTRAID 280738) 2/1/99
BOOL MigratePhonebookEntry(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR pszCmpFile, LPCTSTR pszLongServiceName)
TCHAR szCmsFile[MAX_PATH+1]={0};
TCHAR szInstallDir[MAX_PATH+1]={0};
TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]={0};
LPTSTR pszPhonebook = NULL;
CPlatform plat;
// First try to delete the phonebook entry from the old phonebook location,
// namely %windir%\system32\ras\rasphone.pbk
if (plat.IsAtLeastNT5() && GetSystemDirectory(szTemp, CELEMS(szTemp)))
pszPhonebook = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(1 + lstrlen(c_pszRasDirRas) +
lstrlen(c_pszRasPhonePbk) +
lstrlen (szTemp));
if (NULL != pszPhonebook)
wsprintf(pszPhonebook, TEXT("%s%s%s"), szTemp, c_pszRasDirRas, c_pszRasPhonePbk);
CMTRACE2(TEXT("MigratePhonebookEntry -- Calling RemovePhonebookEntry on %s in phone book %s"), pszLongServiceName, MYDBGSTR(pszPhonebook));
RemovePhonebookEntry(pszLongServiceName, pszPhonebook, TRUE);
// Next try to delete the phonebook entry from the new location, namely
// C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Connections\PBK\rasphone.pbk
if (!GetAllUsersCmDir(szInstallDir, hInstance))
return FALSE;
// Construct the cms file
CFileNameParts CmpFileParts(pszCmpFile);
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szCmsFile) > (UINT)wsprintf(szCmsFile, TEXT("%s%s\\%s.cms"),
szInstallDir, CmpFileParts.m_FileName, CmpFileParts.m_FileName));
// Get the new phonebook path.
// Assuming that legacy platform was All-Users thus we use TRUE
if (!GetPhoneBookPath(szInstallDir, &pszPhonebook, TRUE))
return FALSE;
CMTRACE2(TEXT("MigratePhonebookEntry -- Calling RemovePhonebookEntry on %s in phone book %s"), pszLongServiceName, MYDBGSTR(pszPhonebook));
MYVERIFY(FALSE != RemovePhonebookEntry(pszLongServiceName, pszPhonebook, TRUE));
// Finally write the new pbk entry.
BOOL bReturn = WriteCmPhonebookEntry(pszLongServiceName, pszPhonebook, szCmsFile);
return bReturn;
// Function: MigrateOldCmProfileForProfileInstall
// Synopsis: This function is used to migrate Old cm profiles when a 1.2 profile
// is installed. This ensures that old profiles will still work but
// that already migrated profiles won't be migrated over and over again.
// This function should only be called when a 1.2 profile is installed
// and not on OS migration, call MigrateCmProfilesForWin2kUpgrade for
// that. Migration of the profile consists of deleting the old connectoids
// and creating new style connectoids. Ensuring that the desktop guid
// is up to date or is replaced by a shortcut on NT5. It also removes
// old installs of CM as neccessary.
// Arguments: HINSTANCE hInstance - Instance handle to load resources as necessary
// Returns: HRESULT -- Standard COM Error Codes
// History: quintinb Created 11/18/98
HRESULT MigrateOldCmProfilesForProfileInstall(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR szCurrentDir)
HKEY hKey;
DWORD dwValueSize;
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwDataSize;
TCHAR szCurrentValue[MAX_PATH+1];
TCHAR szCurrentData[MAX_PATH+1];
BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
CPlatform plat;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegCmMappings, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey))
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
dwValueSize = MAX_PATH;
dwDataSize = MAX_PATH;
while (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumValue(hKey, dwIndex, szCurrentValue, &dwValueSize, NULL, &dwType,
(LPBYTE)szCurrentData, &dwDataSize))
if (REG_SZ == dwType)
MYDBGASSERT(0 != szCurrentValue[0]);
MYDBGASSERT(0 != szCurrentData[0]);
if (ProfileNeedsMigration(szCurrentValue, szCurrentData))
// Update the phonebook entries
bReturn &= MigratePhonebookEntry(hInstance, szCurrentData, szCurrentValue);
if (plat.IsAtLeastNT5())
// when we are moving a machine to NT5 we need to remove the profiles
// old pbk entries and create new ones. Then we need to remove the
// profile GUIDS and replace them with desktop shortcuts.
bReturn &= UpdateProfileDesktopIconsOnNT5(hInstance, szCurrentData,
// Fix up the users desktop GUIDs so they work with the new
// command line format.
bReturn &= UpdateProfileLegacyGUIDs(szCurrentData);
// Always try to remove old CM installs
bReturn &= RemoveOldCmInstalls(hInstance, szCurrentData, szCurrentDir);
dwValueSize = MAX_PATH;
dwDataSize = MAX_PATH;
CMTRACE(TEXT("No CM mappings key to migrate."));
return (bReturn ? S_OK : E_FAIL);
// Function: MigrateCmProfilesForWin2kUpgrade
// Synopsis:
// This function opens the HKLM Mappings key and enumerates all the profiles that are
// listed there. This function is used when a legacy machine is upgraded to Win2K and
// CM is installed. In this case we have 1.0/1.1/1.2 profiles that need to be migrated to use
// the NT5 connections folder. Thus they need to have their connectoids upgraded to the new
// NT 5 style and they need to have their Desktop Guids replaced by shortcuts to the connections
// folder. We should always attempt to remove any old installations of connection manager
// that are discovered in the old cmp directories.
// Arguments: hInstance - Instance handle for string resources
// Returns: HRESULT -- Standard COM Error codes
// History: quintinb created 5/2/98
HRESULT MigrateCmProfilesForWin2kUpgrade(HINSTANCE hInstance)
HKEY hKey;
DWORD dwValueSize;
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwDataSize;
TCHAR szCurrentDir[MAX_PATH+1];
TCHAR szCurrentValue[MAX_PATH+1];
TCHAR szCurrentData[MAX_PATH+1];
CPlatform plat;
if (0 == GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, szCurrentDir))
return E_FAIL;
lstrcat(szCurrentDir, TEXT("\\"));
if (!(plat.IsAtLeastNT5()))
CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("MigrateCmProfilesForWin2kUpgrade - This function is supposed to be NT5 only"));
return E_FAIL;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegCmMappings, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey))
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
dwValueSize = MAX_PATH;
dwDataSize = MAX_PATH;
while (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumValue(hKey, dwIndex, szCurrentValue, &dwValueSize, NULL, &dwType,
(LPBYTE)szCurrentData, &dwDataSize))
if (REG_SZ == dwType)
MYDBGASSERT(0 != szCurrentValue[0]);
MYDBGASSERT(0 != szCurrentData[0]);
// Update the phonebook entries
BOOL bReturn = MigratePhonebookEntry(hInstance, szCurrentData, szCurrentValue);
if (!bReturn)
CMTRACE2(TEXT("MigrateCmProfilesForWin2kUpgrade -- MigratePhonebookEntry for profile %s failed. Cmp path is %s"), szCurrentValue, szCurrentData);
// when we are moving a machine to NT5 we need to remove the profiles
// old pbk entries and create new ones. Then we need to remove the
// profile GUIDS and replace them with desktop shortcuts.
bReturn = UpdateProfileDesktopIconsOnNT5(hInstance, szCurrentData, szCurrentValue);
if (!bReturn)
CMTRACE2(TEXT("MigrateCmProfilesForWin2kUpgrade -- UpdateProfileDesktopIconsOnNT5 for profile %s failed. Cmp path is %s"), szCurrentValue, szCurrentData);
// Always try to remove old CM installs
bReturn = RemoveOldCmInstalls(hInstance, szCurrentData, szCurrentDir);
if (!bReturn)
CMTRACE2(TEXT("MigrateCmProfilesForWin2kUpgrade -- RemoveOldCmInstalls for profile %s failed. Cmp path is %s"), szCurrentValue, szCurrentData);
dwValueSize = MAX_PATH;
dwDataSize = MAX_PATH;
CMTRACE(TEXT("No CM mappings key to migrate."));
static const TCHAR c_ValueString[] = TEXT("Connection Manager Profiles Upgrade");
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
RegDeleteValue(hKey, c_ValueString); //lint !e534 this value may not exist
return S_OK;