474 lines
14 KiB
474 lines
14 KiB
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
dim szEmail, szServerEmail, szServerDomain, szOrigURL, szReason
dim fBadEmail, fBadCheck, fAgreeCheck, fBadReason, fLimited
dim objConn, objCmd, dwResult
Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"
<!-- #include file="util.asp"-->
<!-- #include file="AccessUtil.asp"-->
<!-- #include file="MailUtil.asp"-->
Sub AddAuthenticationLevel(szEmail, szDomain, wAccessLevel)
dim objConn, objRec, szSQL, dwUserID, dwUserAccessLevelID
dim objCmd, res, dwResult
dwUserID = 0
'Response.Write("Connection: " + szConnectionAuthorization + "<BR>")
set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
'objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization, OCA_RW_UID, OCA_RW_PWD
objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization
set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.COMMAND")
objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandType = &H0004
objCmd.CommandText = "OcaAddUserAndLevel"
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("RETURN_VALUE", 3, &H0004)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@User",200,&H0001,50,szEmail)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@Domain",200,&H0001,50,szDomain)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@CurrTime",200,&H0001,50,CStr(Now()))
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@Level",3,&H0001,,wAccessLevel)
'Response.Write("User: " & szEmail & " domain: " & szDomain & " access: " & wAccessLevel )
dwResult = CLng(objCmd.Parameters("RETURN_VALUE"))
set objCmd = nothing
set objConn = nothing
if dwResult = 0 then
Response.Write "<html><body>Error #1 validating user information.: " & dwResult
end if
End Sub
Function AddUserForApproval(ApprovalTypeID, szEmail, szDomain, szReason)
dim objConn, objRec, szSQL, dwUserID, dwUserAccessLevelID
dim objCmd, res, dwResult
set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
'objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization, OCA_RW_UID, OCA_RW_PWD
objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization
set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.COMMAND")
objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandType = &H0004
objCmd.CommandText = "OcaAddUserForApproval"
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("RETURN_VALUE", 3, &H0004)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@ApprovalType",3,&H0001,,ApprovalTypeID)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@User",200,&H0001,50,szEmail)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@Domain",200,&H0001,50,szDomain)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@Reason",200,&H0001,255,szReason)
dwResult = CLng(objCmd.Parameters("RETURN_VALUE"))
set objCmd = nothing
set objConn = nothing
if dwResult = -1 then
Response.Write "<html><body>Error #2 validating user information."
end if
AddUserForApproval = dwResult
End Function
Function FLimitedUser(szEmail, szDomain)
Dim szEmailT, szDomainT
exit function
szEmailT = CStr(szEmail)
szDomainT = CStr(szDomain)
if Len(szEmailT) = 0 or Len(szDomainT) = 0 then
FLimitedUser = False
exit function
end if
if (Len(szEmailT) >=3) then
if Mid(szEmailT, 2, 1) = "-" then
FLimitedUser = True
Exit Function
end if
end if
if StrComp(szDomainT, "redmond", vbTextCompare) <> 0 And StrComp(szDomainT, "ntdev", vbTextCompare) <> 0 And _
StrComp(szDomainT, "northamerica", vbTextCompare) <> 0 then
FLimitedUser = True
exit function
end if
FLimitedUser = False
End Function
Sub DoRedirect
if (szOrigURL <> "") then
Response.Redirect szOrigURL
end if
Response.Redirect "../dbgportalv2.asp"
End Sub
Sub DoNoAccess
Response.Write "<html><body>"
Response.Write "Access to this website has been denied. If you have questions concerning this, please E-mail "
Response.Write "<a href='mailto:dwappr'>dwappr</a>."
End Sub
Function EmailListFromAccessLevelID(AccessLevelID)
dim objConn, objRec, szSQL, dwUserID, dwUserAccessLevelID
dim fFirst, szEmail, cCount
fFirst = True
set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
set objRec = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET")
'objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization, OCA_RO_UID, OCA_RO_PWD
objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization
objConn.CommandTimeout = 600
szSQL = "SELECT UserAlias FROM OcaAuthorizedUsers INNER JOIN OcaUserAccessLevels ON OcaAuthorizedUsers.UserID = OcaUserAccessLevels.UserID WHERE AccessLevelID = " & AccessLevelID
set objRec = objConn.Execute (szSQL)
szEmail = ""
cCount = 0
if not objRec.EOF then
do until objRec.EOF
cCount = cCount + 1
if cCount > 10 then
Response.Write "Mail overflow error!"
end if
if Not fFirst then
szEmail = szEmail & ","
fFirst = False
end if
szEmail = szEmail & objRec("UserAlias") & "@microsoft.com"
end if
set objRec = nothing
set objConn = nothing
EmailListFromAccessLevelID = szEmail
End Function
Sub FindReplace(szString, szFind, szReplace)
dim iPos, cchFind, szResult, cchString
cchFind = Len(szFind)
Do While (true)
iPos = Instr(szString, szFind)
if iPos = 0 then
exit sub
end if
cchString = Len(szString)
if iPos = 1 then
szResult = ""
szResult = Left(szString, iPos - 1)
end if
szResult = szResult & szReplace
if (iPos + cchFind - 1) <> cchString then
szResult = szResult & Right(szString, 1+(cchString - (iPos + cchFind)))
end if
szString = szResult
End Sub
Sub DoApproval
Response.Write "<html><head><title>Website Access Request</title></head><body>"
Response.Write "Your request for website access was previously submitted, but has not been approved yet. You will receive an E-mail when it is approved.<p>If it has been more than 24-hours and you have not heard from us, please E-mail "
Response.Write "<a href='mailto:dwappr'>dwappr</a>."
End Sub
Sub SendApprovalMail(dwUserID, AccessLevelID, szEmail, szDomain, szReason)
dim szBody, szTo
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3
Dim fs, f, szFilename
szFilename = Server.MapPath("\") & "\ApproverEmail.htm"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(szFilename, ForReading,False,0)
szBody = f.ReadAll
set f=nothing
set fs = nothing
FindReplace szBody, "%domainalias%", szDomain & "\" & szEmail
FindReplace szBody, "%approveurl%", "http://watson/UserLevels.asp?UserID=" & dwUserID
FindReplace szBody, "%requestuser%", szEmail
FindReplace szBody, "%reason%", szReason
szTo = EmailListFromAccessLevelID(AccessLevelID)
if Not FSendMail("dwappr@microsoft.com", szTo, "Request for Watson Access", szBody, 15) then
Response.Write "<html><body>"
Response.Write "An error has occured while processing your request. Please E-mail "
Response.Write "<a href='mailto:dwappr'>dwappr</a>."
end if
Response.Write "<html><head><title>Website Access Request</title></head><body>"
Response.Write "Your request for website access has been submitted and you will receive an E-mail when it is approved.<p>If you don't hear from us within 24-hours, please E-mail "
Response.Write "<a href='mailto:dwappr'>dwappr</a>."
End Sub
Sub ProcessApproval(szEmail, szDomain, szReason)
dim dwUserID
dim szReasonLimited
szReasonLimited = szReason
if Len(szReasonLimited) > 255 then
szReasonLimited = Left(szReasonLimited, 255)
end if
dwUserID = AddUserForApproval(constApprovalTypeWebsiteAccess, szEmail, szDomain, szReasonLimited)
'SendApprovalMail dwUserID, constAccessApproveNonStd, szEmail, szDomain, szReasonLimited
End Sub
szEmail = ""
szReason = ""
fBadReason = False
fAgreeCheck = False
szOrigURL = CStr(Request("Orig"))
if CStr(Request.QueryString ) <> "" then
szOrigURL = Request.QueryString
end if
//Response.Write "<BR> qyer: " & Request.QueryString
//Response.Write "<BR> queyrstring: " & Request.QueryString( "OrigForm" )
//Response.Write ("<BR><BR>SZOrigurl: " & szOrigURL )
EmailDomainFromLogon szServerEmail, szServerDomain
fLimited = FLimitedUser(szServerEmail, szServerDomain)
set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION")
'objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization, OCA_RO_UID, OCA_RO_PWD
'objConn.Open "Driver=SQL Server;Server=TKOffDWSql02;DATABASE=Authorization;uid=ocasqlrw;pwd=FT126USW"
objConn.Open szConnectionAuthorization
set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.COMMAND")
objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandType = &H0004
objCmd.CommandText = "OcaCheckUserAccessApprovals"
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("RETURN_VALUE", 3, &H0004)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@User",200,&H0001,50,szServerEmail)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@Domain",200,&H0001,50,szServerDomain)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@Level",3,&H0001,,constAccessAuthorized)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ("@ApprovalTypeID",3,&H0001,,constApprovalTypeWebsiteAccess )
dwResult = CLng(objCmd.Parameters("RETURN_VALUE"))
set objCmd = nothing
set objConn = nothing
if dwResult = 1 then
Session("Authenticated") = "Yes"
end if
if dwResult = 2 then
end if
if dwResult = 3 then
end if
if (Request("Authentication") = "seen") then
if Request.Form("chkAgree") <> "ON" then
fBadCheck = True
fAgreeCheck = True
end if
szEmail = CStr(Request.Form("txtEmail"))
if StrComp(szServerEmail, szEmail, vbTextCompare) <> 0 or szServerEmail = "" then
fBadEmail = True
end if
if fLimited then
szReason = CStr(Request.Form("txtReason"))
if Len(szReason) = 0 then
fBadReason = True
end if
end if
if Not fBadEmail and Not fBadCheck and not fBadReason then
if Not fLimited then
Session("Authenticated") = "Yes"
AddAuthenticationLevel szServerEmail, szServerDomain, constAccessAuthorized
AddAuthenticationLevel szServerEmail, szServerDomain, constAccessAuthorized
ProcessApproval szServerEmail, szServerDomain, szReason
end if
end if
end if
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>OCA Debug Portal Website Access</TITLE>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="CallTree.css"/>
<script language="javascript">
function checkInput()
if (document.all.item("txtReason").value.length <= 255)
alert("The text in your reason is too long. Please limit your reason to 255 characters.");
function checkReasonLength(inObj)
if (inObj.value.length <= 255)
document.all.item("idReasonLength").style.display = "none";
document.all.item("idReasonLength").style.display = "";
<BODY bgcolor=#eeeeee>
<form name="Authentication_Form" href="Authentication.asp" method=post
<% if fLimited then %>
<% end if %>
<input type=hidden name="Authentication" value="seen">
<input type=hidden name="Orig" value="<% =Server.HTMLEncode(szOrigURL) %>">
<h1><font face="Verdana" style="font-size: 16pt">Private Customer Data</font></h1>
<P align=left><B><FONT color=red face="Arial">Before entering this website, you must read and understand the
<a href="http://watson.microsoft.com/dw/1033/dcp.asp">data collection policy</a></FONT></B></P>
<H2><font style="font-size: 14pt; font-style: italic" face="Verdana">Summary</font></H2>
<P><font face="Tahoma" size="2">The purpose of the Online Crash Analyses error reporting is to collect data and use it to
improve Microsoft products. You cannot use OCA data for purposes other than
finding and fixing bugs. </font>
<LI><font face="Tahoma" size="2">If you discover information that identifies a customer, you may not
contact that customer. (Except Microsoft employees and users who have
explicitly agreed to be contacted.) </font>
<LI><font face="Tahoma" size="2">If you want to work with an outside company to fix a problem you must talk
to the <A href="mailto:blueteam">OCA</A> team first.</font></LI>
<P><font face="Tahoma" size="2">Please understand that by accessing this data you are bound to the
<a href="http://handbook/default.asp?contentpage=/f/guidelines13.asp">NDA</a> that you signed.</font></P>
<% if fLimited then %>
<H2><font style="font-size: 14pt; font-style: italic" face="Verdana">Request Access</font></H2>
<p><font face="Tahoma" size="2">Please briefly describe why you need access to data
on this website. You will be contacted by email when your request is
<p style="margin-bottom: 0"><font face="Tahoma" size="2">I need to access Watson because:</font>
<textarea rows="3" name="txtReason" cols="47" onafterupdate="checkReasonLength(this)" onchange="checkReasonLength(this)" onkeyup="checkReasonLength(this)"><% =szReason %></textarea>
<span id="idReasonLength" style="display:none"><font color=red><-- The text in your reason is too long. Please limit your reason to 255 characters.</font></span>
if fBadReason then
Response.Write "<font color=red><-- You need to specify a reason before submitting this request.</font>"
end if
<% end if %>
<P><font face="Tahoma"><font size="3">
<INPUT type=checkbox name=chkAgree value="ON" <% if fAgreeCheck then %>checked<%end if %>></font><font size="2"> I have read and understand the <A
href="http://watson.microsoft.com/dw/1033/dcp.asp">data collection
if fBadCheck then
Response.Write "<font color=red><-- You need to read and understand the data collection policy.</font>"
end if
<P><font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Email alias: </font><font size="3">
<INPUT name=txtEmail size="20" value="<% =szEmail %>"></font></font>
if fBadEmail then
Response.Write "<font color=red><-- Incorrect E-mail alias. For example, if your E-mail is johndoe@microsoft.com, enter just <b><i>johndoe</i></b>.</font>"
end if
<font face="Arial"><INPUT type=submit value=Submit>
<font face="Tahoma" size="2">If you encounter problems when using this web page, please E-mail <a href="mailto:solson@microsoft.com">SOlson@Microsoft.com</a>.</font>