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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
/* File: strclass.h
Description: Typical class to handle strings.
Revision History:
Date Description Programmer
-------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------
07/01/97 Initial creation. BrianAu
#ifndef _WINDOWS_
# include <windows.h>
#ifndef _INC_STDIO
# include <stdio.h>
#ifndef _INC_STDARG
# include <stdarg.h> // For va_list stuff.
# include "except.h"
#undef StrCpyA
// class String implements a reference-counted string class with all
// the typical string class operations.
class CString
explicit CString(INT cch);
explicit CString(LPCSTR pszA);
explicit CString(LPCWSTR pszW);
CString(const CString& rhs);
CString(HINSTANCE hInst, INT idMsg, ...);
virtual ~CString(VOID);
// Basic operations.
// - Assignment.
// - Concatenation.
// - Comparison.
// - Array subscript.
CString& operator = (const CString& rhs);
CString& operator = (LPCSTR rhsA);
CString& operator = (LPCWSTR rhsW);
CString operator + (const CString& rhs) const;
CString operator + (LPCSTR rhsA) const;
CString operator + (LPCWSTR rhsW) const;
friend CString operator + (LPCSTR pszA, const CString& s);
friend CString operator + (LPCWSTR pszW, const CString& s);
CString& operator += (const CString& rhs);
BOOL operator == (const CString& rhs) const;
BOOL operator != (const CString& rhs) const;
BOOL operator < (const CString& rhs) const;
BOOL operator <= (const CString& rhs) const;
BOOL operator > (const CString& rhs) const;
BOOL operator >= (const CString& rhs) const;
TCHAR operator[] (INT index) const;
TCHAR& operator[] (INT index);
// Type conversion. Give read access to nul terminated c-string.
operator LPCTSTR(VOID) const
{ return m_pValue->m_psz; }
operator LPCTSTR(VOID)
{ return m_pValue->m_psz; }
operator LPTSTR(VOID)
{ CopyOnWrite(); return m_pValue->m_psz; }
// Same thing as (LPCTSTR) conversion but in function form.
LPCTSTR Cstr(void) const
{ return m_pValue->m_psz; }
// Return a pointer to a specifically-sized buffer.
LPTSTR GetBuffer(INT cchMax = -1);
void ReleaseBuffer(void);
// Trim trailing or leading whitespace.
void Rtrim(void);
void Ltrim(void);
void Trim(void)
{ Ltrim(); Rtrim(); }
// Character location.
INT First(TCHAR ch) const;
INT Last(TCHAR ch) const;
// Extract a substring.
CString SubString(INT iFirst, INT cch = -1);
// Convert characters to upper/lower case.
VOID ToUpper(INT iFirst = 0, INT cch = -1);
VOID ToLower(INT iFirst = 0, INT cch = -1);
// Load string from resource or message table.
// Supports FormatMessage-style variable arg formatting.
BOOL Format(HINSTANCE hInst, UINT idFmt, ...);
BOOL Format(LPCTSTR pszFmt, ...);
BOOL Format(HINSTANCE hInst, UINT idFmt, va_list *pargs);
BOOL Format(LPCTSTR pszFmt, va_list *pargs);
// Minimum size display rect.
bool GetDisplayRect(HDC hdc, LPRECT prc) const;
// Expand any embedded environment strings.
VOID ExpandEnvironmentStrings(VOID);
// Compare with a normal 'C' string.
INT Compare(LPCWSTR rhsW) const;
INT Compare(LPCSTR rhsA) const;
INT CompareNoCase(LPCWSTR rhsW) const;
INT CompareNoCase(LPCSTR rhsA) const;
// Clear a string's contents. Leaves in new-object state.
// Does the object have no content?
BOOL IsEmpty(VOID) const;
// Length of string, excluding nul terminator.
INT Length(VOID) const;
INT LengthBytes(VOID) const
{ return Length() * sizeof(TCHAR); }
VOID Size(INT cch);
INT Size(VOID) const
{ return m_pValue->m_cchAlloc; }
INT SizeBytes(VOID) const
{ return m_pValue->m_cchAlloc * sizeof(TCHAR); }
VOID DebugOut(BOOL bNewline = TRUE) const;
// Replacements for standard string functions.
// The Ansi versions are DBCS-aware.
static INT StrLenA(LPCSTR psz);
static INT StrLenW(LPCWSTR psz);
static LPSTR StrCpyNA(LPSTR pszDest, LPCSTR pszSrc, INT cch);
static LPWSTR StrCpyNW(LPWSTR pszDest, LPCWSTR pszSrc, INT cch);
// class StringValue contains actual string data and a reference count.
// Class CString has a pointer to one of these. If a CString
// object is initialized with or assigned another CString, their StringValue
// pointers reference the same StringValue object. The StringValue
// object maintains a reference count to keep track of how many
// CString objects reference it. The CString object implements
// copy-on-write so that when it is modified, a private copy of the
// StringValue is created so other CString objects are left unmodified.
struct StringValue
LPTSTR m_psz; // Ptr to nul-term character string.
INT m_cchAlloc; // Number of characters allocated in buffer.
LONG m_cRef; // Number of CString objects referencing this value.
mutable INT m_cch; // Number of characters in buffer (excl nul term).
StringValue(INT cch);
StringValue(LPCSTR pszA);
StringValue(LPCWSTR pszW);
INT Length(VOID) const;
static LPSTR WideToAnsi(LPCWSTR pszW, INT *pcch = NULL);
static LPWSTR AnsiToWide(LPCSTR pszA, INT *pcch = NULL);
static LPWSTR Dup(LPCWSTR pszW, INT len = 0);
static LPSTR Dup(LPCSTR pszA, INT len = 0);
static LPTSTR Concat(StringValue *psv1, StringValue *psv2);
StringValue *m_pValue; // Pointer to string representation.
BOOL ValidIndex(INT index) const;
VOID CopyOnWrite(VOID);
inline bool IsWhiteSpace(TCHAR ch) const;
inline bool
) const
return (TEXT(' ') == ch ||
TEXT('\t') == ch ||
TEXT('\n') == ch);
inline BOOL
INT index
) const
return (0 <= index && index < Length());
inline BOOL
CString::operator != (
const CString& rhs
) const
return !(this->operator == (rhs));
inline BOOL
CString::operator <= (
const CString& rhs
) const
return (*this < rhs || *this == rhs);
inline BOOL
CString::operator > (
const CString& rhs
) const
return !(*this <= rhs);
inline BOOL
CString::operator >= (
const CString& rhs
) const
return !(*this < rhs);
inline INT
return lstrlenW(psz);
inline INT
return lstrlenA(psz);
inline LPWSTR
LPWSTR pszDest,
INT cch
return ::lstrcpynW(pszDest, pszSrc, cch);
inline LPSTR
LPSTR pszDest,
LPCSTR pszSrc,
INT cch
return ::lstrcpynA(pszDest, pszSrc, cch);
operator + (const LPCWSTR pszW, const CString& s);
operator + (const LPCSTR pszA, const CString& s);