
249 lines
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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
@if "%_echo%"=="" echo off
if "%1" == "-?" goto Usage
if "%1" == "/?" goto Usage
if "%1" == "-help" goto Usage
if "%1" == "/help" goto Usage
if "%BUILD_OFFLINE%"=="1" goto :eof
set PUB=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\public
set _readme=%TEMP%\revert_public_readme.txt
if exist %_readme% del /f %_readme%
pushd %PUB%
call :revert_public public %PUB%\publish.log %1
for %%i in (*_CHANGENUM.SD) do (
for /f "delims=_ tokens=1" %%j in ("%%i") do (
@if /i "%%j" neq "public" (
call :revert_public %%j %PUB%\%%j_publish.log %1
goto :eof
if exist %PUB%\%1_CHANGENUM.SD goto GotPubChangeNum
echo %PUB%\public\%1_CHANGENUM.SD is missing - Open a new razzle window and retry
goto :eof
pushd %_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\%1
if /I "%1" neq "public" (
rem determine where published binaries are dropped.
if not exist (
echo No file in %CD% for project %1.
goto :eof
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%b in ( do (
if "%%b" equ "PROJECT_BINDROP_DIR" (
if not defined PROJECT_BINDROP_DIR (
echo file in %CD% doesn't define PROJECT_BINDROP_DIR
goto :eof
@rem we've already pushed into the project directory. just cd here and let the
@rem pop at the end get us out.
@rem Check for old edit_public turds. Make sure they're handled before continueing.
set _publishfile=%2
if exist %_publishfile%* (
for %%x in (%_publishfile%_*) do (
type %%x >> %_publishfile%
del %%x
call edit_public.cmd
set _rwfiles=%TEMP%\revert_public_not_in_sd_%RANDOM%
set _rwfiles2=%TEMP%\revert_public_not_in_sd2_%RANDOM%
set _openedfiles=%TEMP%\revert_public_opened_in_other_changenum%RANDOM%
set _missingfiles=%TEMP%\revert_public_missing_%RANDOM%
set _missingfiles2=%TEMP%\revert_public_missing2_%RANDOM%
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in (%PUB%\%1_CHANGENUM.SD) do (
set __CHANGENUM=%%i
echo Reverting public changes (changenum: %__CHANGENUM%) in %CD%\...
sd revert -c %__CHANGENUM% ...
if %errorlevel% GEQ 1 echo.&&echo Error talking to SD depot - Try again later&&echo.&& goto Finished
if NOT "%3" == "-ForceSync" goto CheckForExtraRandomFiles
sd sync -f ...
if %errorlevel% GEQ 1 echo.&&echo Error talking to SD depot - Try again later&&echo.&& goto Finished
echo Looking for other opened files...
sd opened -l ... > %_openedfiles%
if %errorlevel% GEQ 1 echo.&&echo Error talking to SD depot - Try again later&&echo.&& goto Finished
if exist %_openedfiles% for /f "delims=#" %%i in (%_openedfiles%) do attrib +r %%i
@rem Preserve files we don't want cleaned up by temporarily making them read-only.
@rem only relevant for the src\public directory but it's benign for anything
@rem else.
if exist publish.log attrib +r publish.log
if exist build_logs attrib +r build_logs\*.*
dir /s/b/a-d-r > %_rwfiles%_1 2>nul
for /f %%i in (%_rwfiles%_1) do echo %%i>> %_rwfiles%
if exist %_rwfiles%_1 del %_rwfiles%_1
if exist publish.log attrib -r publish.log
del /s/q/a-r *
if exist build_logs attrib -r build_logs\*.*
echo Update missing files...
if exist %_openedfiles% for /f "delims=#" %%i in (%_openedfiles%) do attrib -r %%i
if exist %_openedfiles% del /f %_openedfiles%
for /f %%i in ('sd diff -sd ...') do (
echo %%i>>%_missingfiles%
if exist %_missingfiles% sd -x %_missingfiles% sync -f
@rem O.K. We now have a list of r/w files that aren't previously edit'ed
@rem And another list of files that are missing according to sd. Reconcile the differences
@rem and print out the results.
@rem no r/w files
if exist %_rwfiles% goto CheckMissingFiles
if NOT exist %_missingfiles% goto Finished
@rem No r/w files - all the missing files must be legit warnings.
type %_missingfiles% > %_missingfiles2%
goto PrintMissingFiles
@rem r/w files exist, do missing files?
if exist %_missingfiles% goto CheckMissingFiles2
@rem Nope. All r/w files must be legit warnings.
for /f %%i in (%_rwfiles%) do echo %%i>> %_rwfiles2%
goto PrintMissingFiles
@rem Both r/w and missing files exist. See if there's any files in the r/w list
@rem that are also in the missing list. These are files that for some reason
@rem didn't get checked out. Any files on the r/w list that aren't in the missing list
@rem are just mistakes.
@rem First make both files have lowercase names
set tempfile=%TEMP%\%RANDOM%
perl -n -e "tr/A-Z/a-z/;print $_;" < %_rwfiles% > %tempfile%
type %tempfile% > %_rwfiles%
perl -n -e "tr/A-Z/a-z/;print $_;" < %_missingfiles% > %tempfile%
type %tempfile% > %_missingfiles%
del %tempfile%
@rem then find the intersections.
for /f %%i in ('findstr /l /g:%_rwfiles% /v %_missingfiles%') do echo %%i>> %_missingfiles2%
for /f %%i in ('findstr /l /g:%_missingfiles% /v %_rwfiles%') do echo %%i>> %_rwfiles2%
goto PrintMissingFiles
if NOT exist %_rwfiles2% goto PrintMissingFiles2
echo Warning: The following file(s) were not under source control.>>%_readme%
echo If these files are new, make sure they're added asap.>>%_readme%
if "%1" == "public" (
echo If they shouldn't be in public, fix the build so they're not.>>%_readme%
) else (
echo If they shouldn't be binary drops in %1, fix the build so they're not.>>%_readme%
echo ======================================================================>>%_readme%
echo files under %CD%\... >>%_readme%
type %_rwfiles2% >>%_readme%
echo ======================================================================>>%_readme%
if NOT exist %_missingfiles2% goto Finished
echo Warning: The following file(s) are in source control, but were missing>>%_readme%
echo from your client. They have all been restored to the last sync'd version.>>%_readme%
echo ======================================================================>>%_readme%
type %_MissingFiles2% >>%_readme%
echo ======================================================================>>%_readme%
if exist %_openedfiles% del /f %_openedfiles%
if exist %_missingfiles% del /f %_missingfiles%
if exist %_missingfiles2% del /f %_missingfiles2%
if exist %_rwfiles2% del /f %_rwfiles2%
if exist %_rwfiles% del /f %_rwfiles%
@rem Back to whereever we started.
goto :eof
echo This script will revert all the files checked out as a result of publishing to public.
echo Usually done as the first step of a clean build.
echo Usage: revert_public {-?} {-ForceSync}
echo where:
echo -? : prints this message
echo -ForceSync : issue a sd sync -f ... cmd after reverting (to ensure all files are correct)