742 lines
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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
/* ---------------------------- */
/* */
/* Vertical Ruby object handler */
/* */
/* Contact: antons */
/* */
/* ---------------------------- */
#include "lsmem.h"
#include "limits.h"
#include "vruby.h"
#include "objhelp.h"
#include "lscbk.h"
#include "lsdevres.h"
#include "pdobj.h"
#include "objdim.h"
#include "plssubl.h"
#include "plsdnode.h"
#include "pilsobj.h"
#include "lscrsubl.h"
#include "lssubset.h"
#include "lsdnset.h"
#include "zqfromza.h"
#include "lsdocinf.h"
#include "fmti.h"
#include "posichnk.h"
#include "locchnk.h"
#include "lsdnfin.h"
#include "brko.h"
#include "lspap.h"
#include "plspap.h"
#include "lsqsubl.h"
#include "dispi.h"
#include "lsdssubl.h"
#include "lsems.h"
#include "dispmisc.h"
#include "lstfset.h"
#include "lsqout.h"
#include "lsqin.h"
#include "sobjhelp.h"
#include "brkkind.h"
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b))
struct ilsobj
POLS pols;
LSCBK lscbk;
PLSC plsc;
LSDEVRES lsdevres;
VRUBYSYNTAX vrubysyntax;
LSESC lsescMain;
LSESC lsescRuby;
VRUBYCBK vrcbk; /* Callbacks to client application */
struct dobj
SOBJHELP sobjhelp; /* common area for simple objects */
PILSOBJ pilsobj; /* ILS object */
PLSDNODE plsdn; /* DNODE for this object */
PLSRUN plsrun; /* PLSRUN of the object */
LSCP cpStart; /* Starting LS cp for object */
LSTFLOW lstflowParent; /* text flow of the parent subline */
LSTFLOW lstflowRuby; /* text flow of the ruby subline (must be Rotate90CloclWise [lstflowParent]) */
LSCP cpStartRuby; /* first cp of the ruby line */
LSCP cpStartMain; /* first cp of the main line */
PLSSUBL plssublMain; /* Handle to first subline */
PLSSUBL plssublRuby; /* Handle to second line */
HEIGHTS heightsRefRubyT; /* Ref and pres height of rotated Ruby line as given by client */
HEIGHTS heightsPresRubyT;
OBJDIM objdimMain; /* Dimensions of the main subline */
OBJDIM objdimRuby; /* Dimensions of the ruby subline */
/* Display information */
long dupMain;
long dupOffsetRuby; /* Offset of Ruby line's baseline from start of object */
long dvpOffsetRuby; /* Offset of Ruby line's baseline from start of object */
/* V R U B Y F R E E D O B J */
%%Function: VRubyFreeDobj
%%Contact: antons
Free all resources associated with this VRuby dobj.
static LSERR VRubyFreeDobj (PDOBJ pdobj)
LSERR lserr1 = lserrNone;
LSERR lserr2 = lserrNone;
PILSOBJ pilsobj = pdobj->pilsobj;
if (pdobj->plssublMain != NULL)
lserr1 = LsDestroySubline(pdobj->plssublMain);
if (pdobj->plssublRuby != NULL)
lserr2 = LsDestroySubline(pdobj->plssublRuby);
pilsobj->lscbk.pfnDisposePtr(pilsobj->pols, pdobj);
if (lserr1 != lserrNone) return lserr1;
else return lserr2;
/* V R U B Y F M T F A I L E D */
%%Function: RubyFmtFailed
%%Contact: antons
Could not create VRuby DOBJ due to error.
static LSERR VRubyFmtFailed (PDOBJ pdobj, LSERR lserr)
if (pdobj != NULL) VRubyFreeDobj (pdobj); /* Works with parially-filled DOBJ */
return lserr;
/* V R U B I C R E A T E I L S O B J */
%%Function: VRubyCreateILSObj
%%Contact: antons
Create the ILS object for all VRuby objects.
POLS pols, /* (IN): client application context */
PLSC plsc, /* (IN): LS context */
PCLSCBK pclscbk, /* (IN): callbacks to client application */
DWORD idObj, /* (IN): id of the object */
PILSOBJ *ppilsobj) /* (OUT): object ilsobj */
PILSOBJ pilsobj;
LSERR lserr;
VRUBYINIT vrubyinit;
vrubyinit.dwVersion = VRUBY_VERSION;
/* Get initialization data */
lserr = pclscbk->pfnGetObjectHandlerInfo(pols, idObj, &vrubyinit);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
pilsobj = pclscbk->pfnNewPtr(pols, sizeof(*pilsobj));
if (NULL == pilsobj) return lserrOutOfMemory;
pilsobj->pols = pols;
pilsobj->lscbk = *pclscbk;
pilsobj->plsc = plsc;
pilsobj->lsescMain.wchFirst = vrubyinit.wchEscMain;
pilsobj->lsescMain.wchLast = vrubyinit.wchEscMain;
pilsobj->lsescRuby.wchFirst = vrubyinit.wchEscRuby;
pilsobj->lsescRuby.wchLast = vrubyinit.wchEscRuby;
pilsobj->vrcbk = vrubyinit.vrcbk;
pilsobj->vrubysyntax = vrubyinit.vrubysyntax;
*ppilsobj = pilsobj;
return lserrNone;
/* V R U B I D E S T R O Y I L S O B J */
%%Function: RubyDestroyILSObj
%%Contact: antons
Free all resources assocaiated with VRuby ILS object.
PILSOBJ pilsobj) /* (IN): object ilsobj */
pilsobj->lscbk.pfnDisposePtr(pilsobj->pols, pilsobj);
return lserrNone;
/* V R U B I S E T D O C */
%%Function: VRubySetDoc
%%Contact: antons
Keep track of device resolution.
PILSOBJ pilsobj, /* (IN): object ilsobj */
PCLSDOCINF pclsdocinf) /* (IN): initialization data of the document level */
pilsobj->lsdevres = pclsdocinf->lsdevres;
return lserrNone;
/* V R U B I C R E A T E L N O B J */
%%Function: RubyCreateLNObj
%%Contact: antons
Create the Line Object for the Ruby. Since we only really need
the global ILS object, just pass that object back as the line object.
LSERR WINAPI VRubyCreateLNObj (PCILSOBJ pcilsobj, PLNOBJ *pplnobj)
*pplnobj = (PLNOBJ) pcilsobj;
return lserrNone;
/* V R U B I D E S T R O Y L N O B J */
%%Function: RubyDestroyLNObj
%%Contact: antons
Frees resources associated with the Ruby line object. No-op because
we don't really allocate one.
LSERR WINAPI VRubyDestroyLNObj (PLNOBJ plnobj)
return lserrNone;
/* L S F T L O W V R U B Y F R O M L S T F L O W M A I N */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: LstflowVRubyFromLstflowMain
%%Contact: antons
LSTFLOW LstflowVRubyFromLstflowMain (LSTFLOW lstflow)
static LSTFLOW lstflowRotateForRuby [] =
lstflowSW, /* [ lstflowES ] - english */
lstflowNW, /* [ lstflowEN ] */
lstflowEN, /* [ lstflowSE ] */
lstflowWN, /* [ lstflowSW ] */
lstflowSE, /* [ lstflowWS ] - bidi */
lstflowNE, /* [ lstflowWN ] */
lstflowES, /* [ lstflowNE ] */
lstflowWS /* [ lstflowNW ] */
return lstflowRotateForRuby [lstflow];
/* C A L C A G R E G A T E D H E I G H T */
%%Function: CalcAgregatedHeight
%%Contact: antons
void CalcAgregatedHeights (PCHEIGHTS pcHeights1, PCHEIGHTS pcHeights2, PHEIGHTS pHeightOut)
pHeightOut->dvAscent = max (pcHeights1->dvAscent, pcHeights2->dvAscent);
pHeightOut->dvDescent = max (pcHeights1->dvDescent, pcHeights2->dvDescent);
pHeightOut->dvMultiLineHeight = max (pcHeights1->dvMultiLineHeight, pcHeights2->dvMultiLineHeight);
/* V R U B I F M T */
%%Function: VRubyFmt
%%Contact: antons
Format Vertical Ruby object
PLNOBJ plnobj, /* (IN): object lnobj */
PCFMTIN pcfmtin, /* (IN): formatting input */
FMTRES *pfmtres) /* (OUT): formatting result */
PDOBJ pdobj;
LSERR lserr;
PILSOBJ pilsobj = (PILSOBJ) plnobj;
POLS pols = pilsobj->pols;
LSCP cpStartMain;
LSCP cpStartRuby = pcfmtin->lsfgi.cpFirst + 1;
LSCP cpOut;
LSTFLOW lstflow = pcfmtin->lsfgi.lstflow;
FMTRES fmtres;
FMTRES fmtr = fmtrCompletedRun;
LONG durAdjust;
/* Allocate the DOBJ */
pdobj = pilsobj->lscbk.pfnNewPtr(pols, sizeof(*pdobj));
if (pdobj == NULL) return VRubyFmtFailed (NULL, lserrOutOfMemory);
ZeroMemory(pdobj, sizeof(*pdobj));
pdobj->pilsobj = pilsobj;
pdobj->plsrun = pcfmtin->lsfrun.plsrun;
pdobj->plsdn = pcfmtin->plsdnTop;
pdobj->cpStart = pcfmtin->lsfgi.cpFirst;
pdobj->lstflowParent = lstflow;
pdobj->lstflowRuby = LstflowVRubyFromLstflowMain (lstflow);
if (VRubyPronunciationLineFirst == pilsobj->vrubysyntax)
/* Build pronunciation line of text */
lserr = FormatLine ( pilsobj->plsc, cpStartRuby, LONG_MAX, pdobj->lstflowRuby,
& pdobj->plssublRuby, 1, &pilsobj->lsescRuby,
& pdobj->objdimRuby, &cpOut, NULL, NULL, &fmtres );
/* +1 moves passed the ruby line escape character */
cpStartMain = cpOut + 1;
pdobj->cpStartRuby = cpStartRuby;
pdobj->cpStartMain = cpStartMain;
/* Build main line of text */
if (lserrNone == lserr)
lserr = FormatLine ( pilsobj->plsc, cpStartMain, LONG_MAX, lstflow,
& pdobj->plssublMain, 1, &pilsobj->lsescMain,
& pdobj->objdimMain, &cpOut, NULL, NULL, &fmtres );
/* Build main line of text */
cpStartMain = cpStartRuby;
lserr = FormatLine ( pilsobj->plsc, cpStartMain, LONG_MAX, lstflow,
& pdobj->plssublMain, 1, &pilsobj->lsescMain,
& pdobj->objdimMain, &cpOut, NULL, NULL, &fmtres );
/* +1 moves passed the main line escape character */
cpStartRuby = cpOut + 1;
pdobj->cpStartRuby = cpStartRuby;
pdobj->cpStartMain = cpStartMain;
/* Build pronunciation line of text */
if (lserrNone == lserr)
lserr = FormatLine ( pilsobj->plsc, cpStartRuby, LONG_MAX, pdobj->lstflowRuby,
& pdobj->plssublRuby, 1, &pilsobj->lsescRuby,
& pdobj->objdimRuby, &cpOut, NULL, NULL, &fmtres);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return VRubyFmtFailed (pdobj, lserr);
/* Calculate the object dimensions */
lserr = pilsobj->vrcbk.pfnFetchVRubyPosition
( pols, pdobj->cpStart, pdobj->lstflowParent,
&pdobj->objdimMain.heightsRef, &pdobj->objdimMain.heightsPres,
&durAdjust );
if (lserr != lserrNone) return VRubyFmtFailed (pdobj, lserr);
pdobj->sobjhelp.objdimAll.dur = pdobj->objdimMain.dur + pdobj->objdimRuby.heightsRef.dvDescent +
pdobj->objdimRuby.heightsRef.dvAscent +
durAdjust ;
CalcAgregatedHeights (&pdobj->objdimMain.heightsPres, &pdobj->heightsPresRubyT, &pdobj->sobjhelp.objdimAll.heightsPres );
CalcAgregatedHeights (&pdobj->objdimMain.heightsRef, &pdobj->heightsRefRubyT, &pdobj->sobjhelp.objdimAll.heightsRef );
/* Need to add 1 to take into account escape character at end. */
pdobj->sobjhelp.dcp = cpOut - pdobj->cpStart + 1;
lserr = LsdnFinishRegular(pilsobj->plsc, pdobj->sobjhelp.dcp,
pcfmtin->lsfrun.plsrun, pcfmtin->lsfrun.plschp, pdobj,
if (lserr != lserrNone) return VRubyFmtFailed (pdobj, lserr);
if (pcfmtin->lsfgi.urPen + pdobj->sobjhelp.objdimAll.dur > pcfmtin->lsfgi.urColumnMax)
fmtr = fmtrExceededMargin;
*pfmtres = fmtr;
return lserrNone;
/* V R U B Y S E T B R E A K */
%%Function: VRubySetBreak
%%Contact: antons
PDOBJ pdobj, /* (IN): dobj which is broken */
BRKKIND brkkind, /* (IN): prev | next | force | after */
DWORD cBreakRecord, /* (IN): size of array */
BREAKREC *rgBreakRecord, /* (IN): array of break records */
DWORD *pcActualBreakRecord) /* (IN): actual number of used elements in array */
Unreferenced (rgBreakRecord);
Unreferenced (cBreakRecord);
Unreferenced (brkkind);
Unreferenced (pdobj);
*pcActualBreakRecord = 0;
return lserrNone;
/* V R U B Y G E T S P E C I A L E F F E C T S I N S I D E */
%%Function: VRubyGetSpecialEffectsInside
%%Contact: antons
LSERR WINAPI VRubyGetSpecialEffectsInside(
PDOBJ pdobj, /* (IN): dobj */
UINT *pEffectsFlags) /* (OUT): Special effects for this object */
LSERR lserr = LsGetSpecialEffectsSubline(pdobj->plssublMain, pEffectsFlags);
if (lserrNone == lserr)
UINT uiSpecialEffectsRuby;
lserr = LsGetSpecialEffectsSubline(pdobj->plssublRuby, &uiSpecialEffectsRuby);
*pEffectsFlags |= uiSpecialEffectsRuby;
return lserr;
/* V R U B Y C A L C P R E S E N T A T I O N */
%%Function: VRubyCalcPresentation
%%Contact: antons
LSERR WINAPI VRubyCalcPresentation (
PDOBJ pdobj, /* (IN): dobj */
long dup, /* (IN): dup of dobj */
LSKJUST lskjust, /* (IN): Justification type */
BOOL fLastVisibleOnLine ) /* (IN): Is this object last visible on line? */
LSERR lserr = lserrNone;
LSTFLOW lstflowUnused;
Unreferenced (lskjust);
Unreferenced (fLastVisibleOnLine);
lserr = LsMatchPresSubline(pdobj->plssublMain);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
lserr = LsMatchPresSubline(pdobj->plssublRuby);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
LssbGetDupSubline (pdobj->plssublMain, &lstflowUnused, &pdobj->dupMain);
pdobj->dupOffsetRuby = pdobj->dupMain + pdobj->objdimRuby.heightsPres.dvDescent;
/* Review (antons): This will not work if horizintal res != vertical */
pdobj->dvpOffsetRuby = pdobj->heightsPresRubyT.dvAscent;
return lserr;
/* V R U B Y Q U E R Y P O I N T P C P */
%%Function: RubyQueryPointPcp
%%Contact: antons
LSERR WINAPI VRubyQueryPointPcp(
PDOBJ pdobj, /*(IN): dobj to query */
PCPOINTUV ppointuvQuery, /*(IN): query point (uQuery,vQuery) */
PCLSQIN plsqin, /*(IN): query input */
PLSQOUT plsqout) /*(OUT): query output */
PLSSUBL plssubl;
long dupAdj;
long dvpAdj;
* Decide which line to to return based on the height of the point input
/* Assume main line */
plssubl = pdobj->plssublMain;
dupAdj = 0;
dvpAdj = 0;
if (ppointuvQuery->u > pdobj->dupMain)
/* hit second line */
plssubl = pdobj->plssublRuby;
dupAdj = pdobj->dupOffsetRuby;
dvpAdj = pdobj->dvpOffsetRuby;
return CreateQueryResult(plssubl, dupAdj, dvpAdj, plsqin, plsqout);
/* V R U B Y Q U E R Y C P P P O I N T */
%%Function: RubyQueryCpPpoint
%%Contact: antons
LSERR WINAPI VRubyQueryCpPpoint(
PDOBJ pdobj, /*(IN): dobj to query, */
LSDCP dcp, /*(IN): dcp for the query */
PCLSQIN plsqin, /*(IN): query input */
PLSQOUT plsqout) /*(OUT): query output */
PLSSUBL plssubl;
long dupAdj;
long dvpAdj;
BOOL fMain = fFalse;
LSCP cpQuery = pdobj->cpStart + dcp;
/* Assume ruby line */
plssubl = pdobj->plssublRuby;
dupAdj = pdobj->dupOffsetRuby;
dvpAdj = pdobj->dvpOffsetRuby;
/* + 1 means we include the cp of the object in the Ruby pronunciation line. */
if (VRubyPronunciationLineFirst == pdobj->pilsobj->vrubysyntax)
/* Ruby pronunciation line is first */
if (cpQuery >= pdobj->cpStartMain)
fMain = fTrue;
/* Main text line is first */
if (cpQuery < pdobj->cpStartRuby)
fMain = fTrue;
if (fMain)
plssubl = pdobj->plssublMain;
dupAdj = 0;
dvpAdj = 0;
return CreateQueryResult(plssubl, dupAdj, dvpAdj, plsqin, plsqout);
/* V R U B I D I S P L A Y */
%%Function: VRubyDisplay
%%Contact: antons
PDOBJ pdobj, /*(IN): dobj to display */
PCDISPIN pcdispin) /*(IN): display info */
LSERR lserr;
UINT kDispMode = pcdispin->kDispMode;
POINT ptLine;
/* display first line */
lserr = LsDisplaySubline(pdobj->plssublMain, &pcdispin->ptPen, kDispMode,
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
ptAdd.u = pdobj->dupOffsetRuby;
ptAdd.v = pdobj->dvpOffsetRuby;
LsPointXYFromPointUV(&pcdispin->ptPen, pdobj->lstflowParent, &ptAdd, &ptLine);
return LsDisplaySubline(pdobj->plssublRuby, &ptLine, kDispMode, pcdispin->prcClip);
/* V R U B I D E S T R O Y D O B J */
%%Function: VRubyDestroyDobj
%%Contact: antons
LSERR WINAPI VRubyDestroyDobj(
PDOBJ pdobj) /*(IN): dobj to destroy */
return VRubyFreeDobj (pdobj);
/* V R U B Y E N U M */
%%Function: VRubyEnum
%%Contact: antons
PDOBJ pdobj, /*(IN): dobj to enumerate */
PLSRUN plsrun, /*(IN): from DNODE */
PCLSCHP plschp, /*(IN): from DNODE */
LSCP cp, /*(IN): from DNODE */
LSDCP dcp, /*(IN): from DNODE */
LSTFLOW lstflow, /*(IN): text flow*/
BOOL fReverse, /*(IN): enumerate in reverse order */
BOOL fGeometryNeeded, /*(IN): */
const POINT *ppt, /*(IN): starting position (top left), iff fGeometryNeeded */
PCHEIGHTS pcheights, /*(IN): from DNODE, relevant iff fGeometryNeeded */
long dupRun ) /*(IN): from DNODE, relevant iff fGeometryNeeded */
POINT ptMain;
POINT ptRuby;
long dupMain = 0;
long dupRuby = 0;
LSERR lserr;
LSTFLOW lstflowIgnored;
if (fGeometryNeeded)
ptMain = *ppt;
ptAdd.u = pdobj->dupOffsetRuby;
ptAdd.v = pdobj->dvpOffsetRuby;
LsPointXYFromPointUV(ppt, pdobj->lstflowParent, &ptAdd, &ptRuby);
lserr = LssbGetDupSubline(pdobj->plssublMain, &lstflowIgnored, &dupMain);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
lserr = LssbGetDupSubline(pdobj->plssublRuby, &lstflowIgnored, &dupRuby);
if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
return pdobj->pilsobj->vrcbk.pfnVRubyEnum (pdobj->pilsobj->pols, plsrun,
plschp, cp, dcp, lstflow, fReverse, fGeometryNeeded, ppt, pcheights,
dupRun, &ptMain, &pdobj->objdimMain.heightsPres, dupMain, &ptRuby,
&pdobj->objdimRuby.heightsPres, dupRuby, pdobj->plssublMain,
/* V R U B I H A N D L E R I N I T */
%%Function: VRubyHandlerInit
%%Contact: antons
LSERR WINAPI LsGetVRubyLsimethods ( LSIMETHODS *plsim )
plsim->pfnCreateILSObj = VRubyCreateILSObj;
plsim->pfnDestroyILSObj = VRubyDestroyILSObj;
plsim->pfnSetDoc = VRubySetDoc;
plsim->pfnCreateLNObj = VRubyCreateLNObj;
plsim->pfnDestroyLNObj = VRubyDestroyLNObj;
plsim->pfnFmt = VRubyFmt;
plsim->pfnFmtResume = ObjHelpFmtResume;
plsim->pfnGetModWidthPrecedingChar = ObjHelpGetModWidthChar;
plsim->pfnGetModWidthFollowingChar = ObjHelpGetModWidthChar;
plsim->pfnTruncateChunk = SobjTruncateChunk;
plsim->pfnFindPrevBreakChunk = SobjFindPrevBreakChunk;
plsim->pfnFindNextBreakChunk = SobjFindNextBreakChunk;
plsim->pfnForceBreakChunk = SobjForceBreakChunk;
plsim->pfnSetBreak = VRubySetBreak;
plsim->pfnGetSpecialEffectsInside = VRubyGetSpecialEffectsInside;
plsim->pfnFExpandWithPrecedingChar = ObjHelpFExpandWithPrecedingChar;
plsim->pfnFExpandWithFollowingChar = ObjHelpFExpandWithFollowingChar;
plsim->pfnCalcPresentation = VRubyCalcPresentation;
plsim->pfnQueryPointPcp = VRubyQueryPointPcp;
plsim->pfnQueryCpPpoint = VRubyQueryCpPpoint;
plsim->pfnDisplay = VRubyDisplay;
plsim->pfnDestroyDObj = VRubyDestroyDobj;
plsim->pfnEnum = VRubyEnum;
return lserrNone;