@echo off :: :: First we must test the OS. :: NT provides command line extensions we need :: if not "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto e_badplt echo cmdline: %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 echo: set IC_SENDSTR=Inetcomm propagation batch job started. net send ATHBUILDER %IC_SENDSTR% > nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 net send T-ERIKNE2 %IC_SENDSTR% > nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 net send SBAILEY %IC_SENDSTR% > nul set IC_ENLIST_ROOT=%_NTDRIVE%\inetcomm :: :: Lettuce get a build number :: pushd %IC_ENLIST_ROOT% if defined BLDNUM goto preset if not exist base goto e_nonum rem autogenerate it cat base > __bang$.bat date /t >> __bang$.bat call __bang$.bat del __bang$.bat rem we have a problem that the month != the build number rem so we get to munch on digits set BLDNUM=%BLDNUM:~4,5% set BLDNUM=%BLDNUM:/=% set BLDNUM2=%BLDNUM:~0,2% rem after December 1997, this + 3 should be + 15 set /A BLDNUM2=%BLDNUM2% + 3 if %BLDNUM2% LSS 10 set BLDNUM2=0%BLDNUM2% set BLDNUM=%BLDNUM2%%BLDNUM:~2,100% set BLDNUM=%BLDNUM: =% rem yum. we're done now. bldnum should be somethin' like 0606 set BLDNUM2= rem if this is a dot release, append that to the number set IC_DOT=%1 if not "%IC_DOT:~0,1%"=="." goto gotnum echo [Dot Release] set BLDNUM=%BLDNUM%%IC_DOT% shift goto gotnum :: :: Setup :: :preset echo [Using preset bldnum: %BLDNUM%] set IC_BLDNUM_DIR=%BLDNUM% goto foo0 :gotnum set IC_BLDNUM_DIR=bld%BLDNUM% :foo0 echo Building: %BLDNUM% echo Propping: %IC_BLDNUM_DIR% set IC_ROOT=%IC_ENLIST_ROOT%\inetcomm set IC_DROP=%_NTDRIVE%\drops\inetcomm\%IC_BLDNUM_DIR% set IC_ALPHA_DROP=%IC_DROP%\alpha set IC_OLD_SYNCOPT=%_SYNCOPTIONS% set _SYNCOPTIONS=$fm! set IC_BUILDSTATE= set IC_CLEAN_BUILD=-cC set IC_BUILD_FLAGS=-w set IC_IMAGENAME=inetcomm :: :: Options :: :: these options can only be used in position 1 if /I "%1"=="/?" goto usage if /I "%1"=="-?" goto usage if /I "%1"=="help" goto usage shift :doopt if /I "%1"=="srconly" goto opt_src if /I "%1"=="nosync" set IC_NOSYNC=1 if /I "%1"=="rebuild" goto opt_rbld if "%1"=="" goto postopt :next shift goto doopt :opt_src if defined IC_REBUILD goto e_mutex1 set IC_SRCONLY=1 goto next :opt_rbld if defined IC_SRCONLY goto e_mutex1 set IC_REBUILD=1 goto next :postopt if defined IC_SRCONLY goto dosrc if not exist %IC_DROP%\nul goto newbuild if not defined IC_REBUILD goto e_rebld :: we prompt the user here to make sure delnode %IC_DROP% :: if this exists, they bailed if exist %IC_DROP%\nul goto e_rebld :newbuild if defined IC_NOSYNC goto skipsync :dosync title Doing ssync... echo [ IEsync ] call iesync cd /d %IC_ENLIST_ROOT% echo [ %IC_IMAGENAME% ssync ] ssync -amf!$ goto dobuilds :skipsync rem no clean build if there was no ssync set IC_CLEAN_BUILD= :dobuilds :: :: Builds :: set IC_BUILD_FLAGS=%IC_BUILD_FLAGS% %IC_CLEAN_BUILD% title Doing prebuilds... set IC_BUILDSTATE=PREBUILD echo [ building IEDEV ] cd /d %_NTBINDIR%\private\iedev call iebuild %IC_BUILD_FLAGS% if exist buildd.err goto bldbrk echo [ building WIN ] cd /d %_NTBINDIR%\private\windows if defined IC_CLEAN_BUILD goto cleanwin call iebuild goto doicbld :cleanwin call nmake -fmakefil0 clean1 :doicbld echo [ building INETCOMM ] title Building %IC_IMAGENAME% DEBUG... set IC_BUILDSTATE=DEBUG cd /d %IC_ENLIST_ROOT% call iebuild chk nostrip pdb %IC_BUILD_FLAGS% if exist buildd.err goto bldbrk title Building %IC_IMAGENAME% RETAIL... set IC_BUILDSTATE=RETAIL call iebuild fre nostrip %IC_BUILD_FLAGS% if exist build.err goto bldbrk :: :: Propagations :: md %IC_DROP% if not exist %IC_ALPHA_DROP%\nul md %IC_ALPHA_DROP% title Propagating %IC_IMAGENAME%... if not exist %IC_ALPHA_DROP%\debug\nul md %IC_ALPHA_DROP%\debug copy %_NTBINDIR%\drop\debug\%IC_IMAGENAME%\*.* %IC_ALPHA_DROP%\debug copy %IC_ROOT%\build\objd\alpha\%IC_IMAGENAME%.lib %IC_ALPHA_DROP%\debug if not exist %IC_ALPHA_DROP%\retail\nul md %IC_ALPHA_DROP%\retail copy %IC_ROOT%\build\obj\alpha\%IC_IMAGENAME%.lib %IC_ALPHA_DROP%\retail binplace -r %IC_ALPHA_DROP%\retail -s . %_NTBINDIR%\drop\retail\%IC_IMAGENAME%\%IC_IMAGENAME%.dll if not exist %IC_DROP%\inc\nul md %IC_DROP%\inc copy %_NTBINDIR%\public\sdk\inc\mimeole.h %IC_DROP%\inc copy %_NTBINDIR%\public\sdk\inc\imnact.h %IC_DROP%\inc copy %_NTBINDIR%\public\sdk\inc\imnxport.h %IC_DROP%\inc copy %_NTBINDIR%\private\iedev\inc\mimeole.idl %IC_DROP%\inc copy %_NTBINDIR%\private\iedev\inc\imnact.idl %IC_DROP%\inc copy %_NTBINDIR%\private\iedev\inc\imnxport.idl %IC_DROP%\inc copy %IC_ROOT%\help\inetcomm.hlp %IC_DROP%\inc :: :: Do the source copies :: should always copy this once :: if not exist %IC_DROP%\src\nul goto dosrc if not "%1"=="source" goto exit :dosrc echo Copying sources... xcopy /s /v /i /c /q %IC_ENLIST_ROOT% %IC_DROP%\src cd /d %IC_DROP%\src dir /s/b/l obj > turds dir /s/b/l objd >> turds REM TODO: need to account for case of the environment variable call sed "s/%_NTDRIVE%/delnode \/q %_NTDRIVE%/g" delobj.bat call delobj.bat del delobj.bat del turds del base del *.bat popd set IC_SENDSTR=%IC_IMAGENAME% build is complete (%BLDNUM%). net send ATHBUILDER %IC_SENDSTR% > nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 net send T-ERIKNE2 %IC_SENDSTR% > nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 net send SBAILEY %IC_SENDSTR% > nul goto exit :e_nonum echo Build number must be set. ex: 0912 echo please run setbldnm.bat goto exit :e_rebld echo This build has already been propagated! echo Run "prop rebuild" to override, otherwise echo change the build number with setbldnm.bat echo: echo num is %BLDNUM% ~~ dir is %IC_DROP% goto out :e_mutex1 echo The options REBUILD and SRCONLY cannot both be specified goto exit :bldbrk title BUILD BREAK! echo !BUILD IS BROKEN! set IC_SENDSTR=%IC_IMAGENAME% build is broken in %IC_BUILDSTATE%. net send ATHBUILDER %IC_SENDSTR% > nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 net send T-ERIKNE2 %IC_SENDSTR% > nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 net send SBAILEY %IC_SENDSTR% > nul goto exit :e_badplt echo Windows NT is required for this batch file goto exit :usage echo ************************************************************************ echo * * echo * Purpose: to automate the * echo * Usage: prop [dot] [options] -- build a daily build of inetcomm * echo * * echo * [dot] is an optional parameter specified to get a "dot" release, * echo * e.g. 0314.1. ex: prop .2 * echo * * echo * [options] * echo * srconly -- this will skip the build steps and just to a source * echo * drop. good for builds that you've done by hand. * echo * nosync -- skip the ssyncs. if the build has failed, use this * echo * after you've done a selective ssync or a hand fix * echo * rebuild -- if you run prop twice in a row, the second run will * echo * fail b/c the directory structure of the release * echo * point already exists. use this option to override * echo * and recopy everything. often used with nosync * echo * /?, -? -- this text * echo * * echo * NOTE : must be run on NT * echo * * echo ************************************************************************ goto exit :exit set _SYNCOPTIONS=%IC_OLD_SYNCOPT% call proprset.bat echo Exiting... echo: goto out :out