set errors=N set bldErrors= if "%1" == "" goto end if not exist %1 goto end if exist err.out del err.out :chkError %myGrep% -y " error " %1 if errorlevel 1 goto chkFatal %myGrep% -y "object module" %1 > nul if errorlevel 1 goto gotErr goto chkFatal :chkFatal %myGrep% -y " fatal " %1 if errorlevel 1 goto chkLib goto gotErr :chkLib %myGrep% -y " cannot find " %1 if errorlevel 1 goto chkLineBeg goto gotErr :chkLineBeg %myGrep% -y "^error: " %1 if errorlevel 1 goto chkSsync goto gotErr :chkSsync %myGrep% -y " is not enlisted " %1 if errorlevel 1 goto end goto gotErr :gotErr set errors=Y REM bell 50 420 350 300 840 700 600 %bldComponentErrSound% if not "%tgtFullname%" == "" goto tgt if not "%tgtDesc%" == "" goto tgt goto tgtX :tgt echo %tgtFullname% (%tgtDesc%) >> err.out :tgtX echo. >> err.out echo ----------------- >> err.out echo Summary of errors >> err.out echo ----------------- >> err.out %myGrep% -y "^error: " %1 >> err.out %myGrep% -y " error " %1 >> err.out %myGrep% -y " fatal " %1 >> err.out %myGrep% -y " cannot find " %1 >> err.out %myGrep% -y "^error: " %1 >> err.out %myGrep% -y " is not enlisted " %1 >> err.out echo. >> err.out echo ---------------- >> err.out echo Detail of errors >> err.out echo ---------------- >> err.out cat %1 >> err.out if "%bldMailBuilder%" == "Y" goto builder if "%bldMailBuilder%" == "y" goto builder goto builderx :builder set name=anthonyr if not "%bldBuilder%" == "" set name=%bldBuilder% set subject=%bldTgtEnv% errors: %tgtComponent% (%tgtOwner%) set file=err.out call email.bat :builderx if "%bldMailOwner%" == "Y" goto owner if "%bldMailOwner%" == "y" goto owner goto ownerx :owner if "%tgtOwner%" == "" goto ownerx set name=%tgtOwner% set subject=%bldTgtEnv% errors: %tgtComponent% (%tgtOwner%) set file=err.out call email.bat :ownerx if "%errors%" == "Y" goto end if exist err.out del err.out :end set file=