/*++ Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: logon.h Abstract: This interface abstracts a Passport Logon Session. Author: Biao Wang (biaow) 01-Oct-2000 --*/ #ifndef LOGON_H #define LOGON_H #include "xstring.h" void DecryptPassword ( WCHAR* pClearPassword, PVOID pPassword, DWORD cbSize ); class SESSION; class LOGON { public: LOGON(SESSION*, DWORD dwParentFlags); virtual ~LOGON(void); BOOL Open(PCWSTR pwszPartnerInfo); void Close(void); BOOL SetCredentials( PCWSTR pwszRealm, PCWSTR pwszTarget, PCWSTR pwszSignIn, PCWSTR pwszPassword, PSYSTEMTIME pTimeCredsEntered ); BOOL GetLogonHost( PWSTR pwszHostName, OUT PDWORD pdwHostNameLen ) const; DWORD Logon(BOOL fAnonymous); PLIST_ENTRY GetPrivacyEvents(void) const { return (PLIST_ENTRY)&m_PrivacyEventList; } BOOL GetChallengeInfo( HBITMAP* phBitmap, PBOOL pfPrompt, PWSTR pwszCbText, PDWORD pdwTextLen, PWSTR pwszRealm, DWORD dwMaxRealmLen, PWSTR pwszReqUserName, PDWORD pdwReqUserNameLen ) const; BOOL GetChallengeContent( PBYTE pContent, OUT PDWORD pdwContentLen ) const; BOOL GetAuthorizationInfo( PWSTR pwszTicket, // e.g. "from-PP = ..." PDWORD pdwTicketLen, PBOOL pfKeepVerb, // if TRUE, no data will be copied into pwszUrl PWSTR pwszUrl, // user supplied buffer ... PDWORD pdwUrlLen // ... and length (will be updated to actual length // on successful return) ) const; VOID StatusCallback( IN HINTERNET hInternet, IN DWORD dwInternetStatus, IN LPVOID lpvStatusInformation, IN DWORD dwStatusInformationLength); protected: void GetCachedCreds( PCWSTR pwszRealm, PCWSTR pwszTarget, PCREDENTIALW** pppCreds, DWORD* pdwCreds ); BOOL DownLoadCoBrandBitmap( PWSTR pwszChallenge ); DWORD Handle401FromDA( HINTERNET hRequest, BOOL fTicketRequest ); DWORD Handle200FromDA( HINTERNET hRequest ); void CheckForVersionChange( HINTERNET hRequest ); protected: SESSION* m_pSession; HINTERNET m_hConnect; BOOL m_fCredsPresent; PWSTR m_pwszSignIn; CSecureStr m_Password; WCHAR m_wNewDAUrl[1024]; PWSTR m_pwszTicketRequest; PWSTR m_pwszAuthInfo; PWSTR m_pwszReturnUrl; // PWSTR m_pwszCbUrl; BOOL m_fWhistler; HBITMAP m_hBitmap; BOOL m_fPrompt; WCHAR m_wRealm[128]; WCHAR m_wTimeSkew[16]; PWSTR m_pwszAuthHeader; DWORD m_dwParentFlags; PWSTR m_pwszCbtxt; WCHAR m_wDAHostName[256]; LPSTREAM m_p401Content; SYSTEMTIME m_TimeCredsEntered; LIST_ENTRY m_PrivacyEventList; }; #endif // LOGON_H