// DO NOT Edit this file w/o consulting with reinerf (mailto:reinerf) #define VER_MAJOR_PRODUCTVER 6 #define VER_MINOR_PRODUCTVER 0 #define VER_PRODUCTVERSION VER_MAJOR_PRODUCTVER,VER_MINOR_PRODUCTVER,VER_PRODUCTBUILD,VER_PRODUCTBUILD_QFE #define VER_PRODUCTVERSION_W (0x0600) #define VER_PRODUCTVERSION_DW (0x06000000 | VER_PRODUCTBUILD) // READ THIS // Do not change VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STRING. // // Again // // Do not change VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STRING. // // One more time // // Do not change VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STRING. // // ntverp.h will do the right thing wrt the minor version #'s by stringizing // the VER_PRODUCTBUILD and VER_PRODUCTBUILD_QFE values and concatenating them to // the end of VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STRING. VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STRING only needs // is the major product version #'s. (currently, 5.00) #define VER_PRODUCTBETA_STR /* Win9x */ "" #define VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STRING "6.00"