//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. // // File: ddwarn.h // // Contents: definition of CDlgDependencyWarn // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined(AFX_DDWARN_H__A405CAFD_800F_11D2_812B_00C04FD92F7B__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_DDWARN_H__A405CAFD_800F_11D2_812B_00C04FD92F7B__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include "HelpDlg.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDlgDependencyWarn dialog // // DPCHECK_OPERATOR tells how to compare the values. // enum DPCHECK_OPERATOR { DPCHECK_CONFIGURED = 1, // The dependent item must be configured. // A default value must be specifide for the suggested item. DPCHECK_NOTCONFIGURED, // The dependent item must be not configured, // (only valid if the item itsel if not configured). DPCHECK_LESSEQUAL, // The dependent item must be less than or equal. DPCHECK_LESS, // The dependent item must be less than. DPCHECK_GREATEREQUAL, // The dependent item must be greater than or eqaul. DPCHECK_GREATER, // The dependent item must be greater. //The next two case are special cases for retention Method DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_CONFIGURED, // The dependent item must be configured DPCHECK_RETENTION_METHOD_NOTCONFIGURED, // The dependent item must not be configured //The next two case are special cases for Retain *** Log for DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_CONFIGURED, //The dependent item must be configured DPCHECK_RETAIN_FOR_NOTCONFIGURED, //The dependent item must not be configured }; // // Flags for Depenecy checking. // value is set to the items value. // DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC - The test is valid for not configured [uDepends] items, // by default checks are not valid for not configured items. // DPCHECK_FOREVER - The item can be configured for FOREVER // DPCHECK_NEVER - Treat configured to never (0) as not configured // DPCHECK_INVERSE - Conversion is done by devision not multiplication. // seconds - days would be an inverse where // #define DPCHECK_VALIDFOR_NC 0x10000000 #define DPCHECK_FOREVER 0x20000000 #define DPCHECK_INVERSE 0x40000000 #define DPCHECK_NEVER 0x80000000 // // Used for creating a dependency list. For it to work correctly you must // create the list so that // uID - is a valid ID for the result item you are checking // uDepends - is a valid ID for a result item in the same Folder. // uDependencyCount - is the total dependencies for this item. // uDefault - Only used if uOpFlags has DPCHECK_CONFIGURED // uOpFlags - The test you want to perform and any other special flags. // The low order word is the operation to perform. // The high order word is used for special flags. // typedef struct _tag_DEPENDENCYLIST { UINT uID; // The ID we are checking UINT uDepends; // The ID of the dependent item. UINT uDependencyCount; // The number of sequential dependencies. UINT uDefault; // The default value to use if there are no good values. UINT uConversion; // Conversion number. The dependent values are converted // items value. UINT uOpFlags; // What kind of check to perfrom and other flags. } DEPENDENCYLIST, *PDEPENDENCYLIST; // // Min max information for the dependency checks. // typedef struct _tag_DEPENDENCYMINMAX { UINT uID; // The ID of the item. UINT uMin; // Minimum value. UINT uMax; // Maximum value. UINT uInc; // Increment value. } DEPENDENCYMINMAX, *PDEPENDENCYMINMAX; // // This structure will be created by the Dependency check, The caller can // enumerate through the dialog failed list to see which items failed. // The [dwSuggested] member will be set to the value that should be set for the // [pResult] item. // GetFailedCount() - Returns number of items that failed the dependency check // GetFailedInfo(int i) - Returns a pointer to this structure. // typedef struct _tag_DEPENDENCYFAILED { const DEPENDENCYLIST *pList; // The attributes of the item CResult *pResult; // The CResult associated with this item. LONG_PTR dwSuggested; // The suggested setting for this value. }DEPENDENCYFAILED, *PDEPENDENCYFAILED; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDlgDependencyWarn Class declaration. // Usage: First call CheckDendencies with some valid values. If CheckDendencies returns // ERROR_MORE_DATA, then [m_aFailedList] has failed items. If you want to display the // information to the user you can call DoModal() for the dialog box. DoModal will return // IDOK if the user presses 'Auto set' or IDCANCEL if the user presses Cancel. You // can then enumerate through the failed list through a for loop with the count of // dependecies returned by GetFailedCount(), then get each failed item by calling // GetFailedInfo() which returns a PDEPENDENCYFAILED item. // class CDlgDependencyWarn : public CHelpDialog { // Construction public: CDlgDependencyWarn(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor virtual ~CDlgDependencyWarn(); // Destructor DWORD InitializeDependencies( CSnapin *pSnapin, // The snapin who owns the CResult item. CResult *pResult, // The CResult item we are checking PDEPENDENCYLIST pList = NULL, int iCount = 0 ); DWORD CheckDependencies( DWORD dwValue // The value we are checking. ); CResult * GetResultItem( CResult *pBase, // Need this to find the CFolder container UINT uID // The ID to search for. ); const PDEPENDENCYFAILED GetFailedInfo(int i) // Get a specifide failed dependcies. { return m_aFailedList[i]; }; int GetFailedCount() // { return (int)m_aFailedList.GetSize(); }; BOOL GetResultItemString( CString &str, int iCol, CResult *pResult, LONG_PTR dwValue = NULL ); // Dialog Data //{{AFX_DATA(CDlgDependencyWarn) enum { IDD = IDD_WARNING_DIALOG }; // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add data members here //}}AFX_DATA // Overrides // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CDlgDependencyWarn) protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support //}}AFX_VIRTUAL // Implementation protected: // Generated message map functions //{{AFX_MSG(CDlgDependencyWarn) virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() WTL::CImageList m_imgList; CTypedPtrArray< CPtrArray, PDEPENDENCYFAILED> m_aFailedList; CTypedPtrArray< CPtrArray, CResult *> m_aDependsList; LONG_PTR m_dwValue; CResult *m_pResult; CSnapin *m_pSnapin; PDEPENDENCYLIST m_pList; int m_iCount; public: static DEPENDENCYMINMAX m_aMinMaxInfo[]; static const DEPENDENCYMINMAX *LookupMinMaxInfo(UINT uID); }; //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line. #endif // !defined(AFX_DDWARN_H__A405CAFD_800F_11D2_812B_00C04FD92F7B__INCLUDED_)