// This is a part of the Microsoft Management Console. // Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Management Console and related // electronic documentation provided with the interfaces. #include "stdafx.h" #include //const CLSID CLSID_Snapin = {0x18731372,0x1D79,0x11D0,{0xA2,0x9B,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xD9,0x09,0xDD}}; // Main NodeType GUID on numeric format //const GUID cNodeType = {0x44092d22,0x1d7e,0x11D0,{0xA2,0x9B,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xD9,0x09,0xDD}}; // Main NodeType GUID on string format //const wchar_t* cszNodeType = L"{44092d22-1d7e-11d0-a29b-00c04fd909dd}"; // Internal private format const wchar_t* SNAPIN_INTERNAL = L"WSECMGR_INTERNAL"; const CLSID CLSID_Snapin = { 0x803e14a0, 0xb4fb, 0x11d0, { 0xa0, 0xd0, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0xf, 0x57, 0x4b } }; // Main NodeType GUID on numeric format const GUID cNodeType = { 0x803e14a1, 0xb4fb, 0x11d0, { 0xa0, 0xd0, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0xf, 0x57, 0x4b } }; // Main NodeType GUID on string format const wchar_t* cszNodeType = L"{803E14A1-B4FB-11d0-A0D0-00A0C90F574B}"; // // class IDs for RSOP extenstion // // {FE883157-CEBD-4570-B7A2-E4FE06ABE626} const CLSID CLSID_RSOPSnapin = { 0xfe883157, 0xcebd, 0x4570, { 0xb7, 0xa2, 0xe4, 0xfe, 0x6, 0xab, 0xe6, 0x26 } }; // {F2E29987-59E0-47d0-B6D1-4ECD9DFBCB20} const GUID cRSOPNodeType = //{ 0xf2e29987, 0x59e0, 0x47d0, { 0xb6, 0xd1, 0x4e, 0xcd, 0x9d, 0xfb, 0xcb, 0x20 } }; cNodeType; // {F2E29987-59E0-47d0-B6D1-4ECD9DFBCB20} const wchar_t* cszRSOPNodeType = //L"{F2E29987-59E0-47d0-B6D1-4ECD9DFBCB20}"; cszNodeType; // // class IDs for SCE (standalone) // const CLSID CLSID_SCESnapin = { 0x5adf5bf6, 0xe452, 0x11d1, { 0x94, 0x5a, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x84, 0xf9 } }; // SCE NodeType GUID on numeric format const GUID cSCENodeType = { 0xe10db5c6, 0xe450, 0x11d1, { 0x94, 0x5a, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x84, 0xf9 } }; // SCE NodeType GUID on string format const wchar_t* cszSCENodeType = L"{E10DB5C6-E450-11D1-945A-00C04FB984F9}"; // {2AABFCD0-1797-11d2-ABA2-00C04FB6C6FA} const GUID CLSID_SCEAbout = { 0x2aabfcd0, 0x1797, 0x11d2, { 0xab, 0xa2, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb6, 0xc6, 0xfa } }; // {5C0786ED-1847-11d2-ABA2-00C04FB6C6FA} const GUID CLSID_SCMAbout = { 0x5c0786ed, 0x1847, 0x11d2, { 0xab, 0xa2, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb6, 0xc6, 0xfa } }; // {5C0786EE-1847-11d2-ABA2-00C04FB6C6FA} const GUID CLSID_SSAbout = { 0x5c0786ee, 0x1847, 0x11d2, { 0xab, 0xa2, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb6, 0xc6, 0xfa } }; // {2E8EA1E5-F406-46f5-AF10-661FD6539F28} const GUID CLSID_LSAbout = { 0x2e8ea1e5, 0xf406, 0x46f5, { 0xaf, 0x10, 0x66, 0x1f, 0xd6, 0x53, 0x9f, 0x28 } }; // {1B6FC61A-648A-4493-A303-A1A22B543F01} const GUID CLSID_RSOPAbout = { 0x1b6fc61a, 0x648a, 0x4493, { 0xa3, 0x3, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0x2b, 0x54, 0x3f, 0x1 } }; // // class IDs for SAV (standalone) // const CLSID CLSID_SAVSnapin = { 0x011be22d, 0xe453, 0x11d1, { 0x94, 0x5a, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x84, 0xf9 } }; // SAV NodeType GUID on numeric format const GUID cSAVNodeType = { 0xbd7d80a8, 0xe452, 0x11d1, { 0x94, 0x5a, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x84, 0xf9 } }; // SAV NodeType GUID on string format const wchar_t* cszSAVNodeType = L"{BD7D80A8-E452-11D1-945A-00C04FB984F9}"; // // class IDs for Local Security Settings (standalone) // // {CFF49D53-EE51-49f2-A807-7E3DF4EA36E3} const CLSID CLSID_LSSnapin = { 0xcff49d53, 0xee51, 0x49f2, { 0xa8, 0x7, 0x7e, 0x3d, 0xf4, 0xea, 0x36, 0xe3 } }; const wchar_t* cszLSNodeType = L"{C935FE05-7181-4926-B5E0-7A14477F98CC}"; const GUID cLSNodeType = { 0xc935fe05, 0x7181, 0x4926, { 0xb5, 0xe0, 0x7a, 0x14, 0x47, 0x7f, 0x98, 0xcc } }; const TCHAR SNAPINS_KEY[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\MMC\\SnapIns"); const TCHAR NODE_TYPES_KEY[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\MMC\\NodeTypes"); const TCHAR g_szExtensions[] = TEXT("Extensions"); const TCHAR g_szNameSpace[] = TEXT("NameSpace"); HPROPSHEETPAGE MyCreatePropertySheetPage(AFX_OLDPROPSHEETPAGE* psp) { PROPSHEETPAGE_V3 sp_v3 = {0}; CopyMemory (&sp_v3, psp, psp->dwSize); //This is a safe usage. PROPSHEETPAGE_V3 contains a AFX_OLDPROPSHEETPAGE member. sp_v3.dwSize = sizeof(sp_v3); return (::CreatePropertySheetPage (&sp_v3)); }