/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: dock.c Abstract: Author: Kenneth D. Ray (kenray) Feb 1998 Revision History: --*/ #include "pnpmgrp.h" #undef ExAllocatePool #undef ExAllocatePoolWithQuota #include "..\config\cmp.h" #include #include #include // // Internal functions to dockhwp.c // NTSTATUS IopExecuteHardwareProfileChange( IN HARDWARE_PROFILE_BUS_TYPE Bus, IN PWCHAR * ProfileSerialNumbers, IN ULONG SerialNumbersCount, OUT PHANDLE NewProfile, OUT PBOOLEAN ProfileChanged ); NTSTATUS IopExecuteHwpDefaultSelect( IN PCM_HARDWARE_PROFILE_LIST ProfileList, OUT PULONG ProfileIndexToUse, IN PVOID Context ); #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, IopExecuteHwpDefaultSelect) #pragma alloc_text(PAGE, IopExecuteHardwareProfileChange) #endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA NTSTATUS IopExecuteHwpDefaultSelect( IN PCM_HARDWARE_PROFILE_LIST ProfileList, OUT PULONG ProfileIndexToUse, IN PVOID Context ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ProfileList); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); * ProfileIndexToUse = 0; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS IopExecuteHardwareProfileChange( IN HARDWARE_PROFILE_BUS_TYPE Bus, IN PWCHAR *ProfileSerialNumbers, IN ULONG SerialNumbersCount, OUT HANDLE *NewProfile, OUT BOOLEAN *ProfileChanged ) /*++ Routine Description: A docking event has occured and now, given a list of Profile Serial Numbers that describe the new docking state: Transition to the given docking state. Set the Current Hardware Profile to based on the new state. (Possibly Prompt the user if there is ambiguity) Send Removes to those devices that are turned off in this profile, Arguments: Bus - This is the bus that is supplying the hardware profile change. (currently only HardwareProfileBusTypeAcpi is supported). ProfileSerialNumbers - A list of serial numbers (a list of null terminated UCHAR lists) representing this new docking state. These can be listed in any order, and form a complete representation of the new docking state caused by a docking even on the given bus. A Serial Number string of "\0" represents an "undocked state" and should not be listed with any other strings. This list need not be sorted. SerialNumbersCount - The number of serial numbers listed. NewProfile - a handle to the registry key representing the new hardware profile (IE \CCS\HardwareProfiles\Current".) ProfileChanged - set to TRUE if new current profile (as a result of this docking event, is different that then old current profile. --*/ { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG len; ULONG tmplen; ULONG i, j; PWCHAR tmpStr; UNICODE_STRING tmpUStr; PUNICODE_STRING sortedSerials = NULL; PPROFILE_ACPI_DOCKING_STATE dockState = NULL; IopDbgPrint(( IOP_TRACE_LEVEL, "Execute Profile (BusType %x), (SerialNumCount %x)\n", Bus, SerialNumbersCount)); // // Sort the list of serial numbers // len = sizeof(UNICODE_STRING) * SerialNumbersCount; sortedSerials = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, len); if (NULL == sortedSerials) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Clean; } for(i=0; i < SerialNumbersCount; i++) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&sortedSerials[i], ProfileSerialNumbers[i]); } // // I do not anticipate getting more than a few serial numbers, and I am // just lazy enough to write this comment and use a bubble sort. // for(i = 0; i < SerialNumbersCount; i++) { for(j = 0; j < SerialNumbersCount - 1; j++) { if (0 < RtlCompareUnicodeString(&sortedSerials[j], &sortedSerials[j+1], FALSE)) { tmpUStr = sortedSerials[j]; sortedSerials[j] = sortedSerials[j+1]; sortedSerials[j+1] = tmpUStr; } } } // // Construct the DockState ID // len = 0; for(i=0; i < SerialNumbersCount; i++) { len += sortedSerials[i].Length; } len += sizeof(WCHAR); // NULL termination; dockState = (PPROFILE_ACPI_DOCKING_STATE) ExAllocatePool( NonPagedPool, len + sizeof(PROFILE_ACPI_DOCKING_STATE) ); if (NULL == dockState) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Clean; } for(i = 0, tmpStr = dockState->SerialNumber, tmplen = 0; i < SerialNumbersCount; i++) { tmplen = sortedSerials[i].Length; ASSERT(tmplen <= len - ((PCHAR)tmpStr - (PCHAR)dockState->SerialNumber)); RtlCopyMemory(tmpStr, sortedSerials[i].Buffer, tmplen); tmpStr = (PWCHAR)((PCHAR)tmpStr + tmplen); } *(tmpStr++) = L'\0'; ASSERT(len == (ULONG) ((PCHAR) tmpStr - (PCHAR) dockState->SerialNumber)); dockState->SerialLength = (USHORT) len; if ((SerialNumbersCount > 1) || (L'\0' != dockState->SerialNumber[0])) { dockState->DockingState = HW_PROFILE_DOCKSTATE_DOCKED; } else { dockState->DockingState = HW_PROFILE_DOCKSTATE_UNDOCKED; } // // Set the new Profile // switch(Bus) { case HardwareProfileBusTypeACPI: status = CmSetAcpiHwProfile( dockState, IopExecuteHwpDefaultSelect, NULL, NewProfile, ProfileChanged ); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(status) || (!(*ProfileChanged))); break; default: *ProfileChanged = FALSE; status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto Clean; } Clean: if (NULL != sortedSerials) { ExFreePool(sortedSerials); } if (NULL != dockState) { ExFreePool(dockState); } return status; }