/*++ Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Workque.c Abstract: This module implements the queue of work from the FSD to the FSP threads (system worker threads) for the NetWare redirector. Author: Colin Watson [ColinW] 19-Dec-1992 Revision History: --*/ #include "Procs.h" LIST_ENTRY IrpContextList; KSPIN_LOCK IrpContextInterlock; KSPIN_LOCK ContextInterlock; LONG FreeContextCount = 4; // Allow up to 4 free contexts LIST_ENTRY MiniIrpContextList; LONG FreeMiniContextCount = 20; // Allow up to 20 free mini contexts LONG MiniContextCount = 0; // Allow up to 20 free mini contexts HANDLE WorkerThreadHandle; // // The debug trace level // #define Dbg (DEBUG_TRACE_WORKQUE) #ifdef ALLOC_PRAGMA #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, InitializeIrpContext ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UninitializeIrpContext ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, NwAppendToQueueAndWait ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, WorkerThread ) #ifndef QFE_BUILD // //#pragma alloc_text( PAGE1, NwDequeueIrpContext ) //We hold a spinlock coming in or we acquire one inside the function //So, this should be non-paged. // #pragma alloc_text( PAGE1, AllocateMiniIrpContext ) #pragma alloc_text( PAGE1, FreeMiniIrpContext ) #endif #endif #if 0 // Not pageable AllocateIrpContext FreeIrpContext NwCompleteRequest SpawnWorkerThread // see ifndef QFE_BUILD above #endif PIRP_CONTEXT AllocateIrpContext ( PIRP pIrp ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize a work queue structure, allocating all structures used for it. Arguments: pIrp - Supplies the Irp for the applications request Return Value: PIRP_CONTEXT - Newly allocated Irp Context. --*/ { PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext; if ((IrpContext = (PIRP_CONTEXT )ExInterlockedRemoveHeadList(&IrpContextList, &IrpContextInterlock)) == NULL) { try { // // If there are no IRP contexts in the "zone", allocate a new // Irp context from non paged pool. // IrpContext = ALLOCATE_POOL_EX(NonPagedPool, sizeof(IRP_CONTEXT)); if (IrpContext == NULL) { InternalError(("Could not allocate IRP context\n")); ExRaiseStatus( STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } else { RtlFillMemory( IrpContext, sizeof(IRP_CONTEXT), 0 ); IrpContext->TxMdl = NULL; IrpContext->RxMdl = NULL; KeInitializeEvent( &IrpContext->Event, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE ); IrpContext->NodeTypeCode = NW_NTC_IRP_CONTEXT; IrpContext->NodeByteSize = sizeof(IRP_CONTEXT); IrpContext->TxMdl = ALLOCATE_MDL( &IrpContext->req, MAX_SEND_DATA, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if ( IrpContext->TxMdl == NULL) { InternalError(("Could not allocate TxMdl for IRP context\n")); ExRaiseStatus( STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } IrpContext->RxMdl = ALLOCATE_MDL( &IrpContext->rsp, MAX_RECV_DATA, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if ( IrpContext->RxMdl == NULL) { InternalError(("Could not allocate RxMdl for IRP context\n")); ExRaiseStatus( STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } } } finally { if ( AbnormalTermination() ) { if ( IrpContext != NULL ) { if (IrpContext->TxMdl != NULL ) { FREE_MDL( IrpContext->TxMdl ); } FREE_POOL( IrpContext ); } else { InternalError(("Could not allocate pool for IRP context\n")); } } } MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool(IrpContext->TxMdl); MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool(IrpContext->RxMdl); #ifdef NWDBG // Make it easy to find fields in the context IrpContext->Signature1 = 0xfeedf00d; IrpContext->Signature2 = 0xfeedf00d; IrpContext->Signature3 = 0xfeedf00d; #endif // IrpContext is allocated. Finish off initialization. } else { // Record that we have removed an entry from the free list InterlockedIncrement(&FreeContextCount); ASSERT( IrpContext != NULL ); // // The free list uses the start of the structure for the list entry // so restore corrupted fields. // IrpContext->NodeTypeCode = NW_NTC_IRP_CONTEXT; IrpContext->NodeByteSize = sizeof(IRP_CONTEXT); // Ensure mdl's are clean IrpContext->TxMdl->Next = NULL; IrpContext->RxMdl->Next = NULL; IrpContext->RxMdl->ByteCount = MAX_RECV_DATA; // // Clean "used" fields // IrpContext->Flags = 0; IrpContext->Icb = NULL; IrpContext->pEx = NULL; IrpContext->TimeoutRoutine = NULL; IrpContext->CompletionSendRoutine = NULL; IrpContext->ReceiveDataRoutine = NULL; IrpContext->pTdiStruct = NULL; // // Clean the specific data zone. // RtlZeroMemory( &(IrpContext->Specific), sizeof( IrpContext->Specific ) ); // 8/13/96 cjc Fix problem with apps not being able to save // files to NDS drives. This was never reset so // ExchangeWithWait ret'd an error to WriteNCP. IrpContext->ResponseParameters.Error = 0; } InterlockedIncrement(&ContextCount); // // Save away the fields in the Irp that might be tromped by // building the Irp for the exchange with the server. // IrpContext->pOriginalIrp = pIrp; if ( pIrp != NULL) { IrpContext->pOriginalSystemBuffer = pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; IrpContext->pOriginalUserBuffer = pIrp->UserBuffer; IrpContext->pOriginalMdlAddress = pIrp->MdlAddress; } #ifdef NWDBG IrpContext->pNpScb = NULL; #endif ASSERT( !BooleanFlagOn( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_FLAG_ON_SCB_QUEUE ) ); return IrpContext; } VOID FreeIrpContext ( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize a work queue structure, allocating all structures used for it. Arguments: PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext - Irp Context to free. None Return Value: --*/ { ASSERT( IrpContext->NodeTypeCode == NW_NTC_IRP_CONTEXT ); ASSERT( !BooleanFlagOn( IrpContext->Flags, IRP_FLAG_ON_SCB_QUEUE ) ); ASSERT( IrpContext->PostProcessRoutine == NULL ); FreeReceiveIrp( IrpContext ); #ifdef NWDBG IrpContext->DebugValue = 0; #endif IrpContext->Flags = 0; // // Cleanup the Irp needs to be restored to its original settings. // if ( IrpContext->pOriginalIrp != NULL ) { PIRP pIrp = IrpContext->pOriginalIrp; pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer = IrpContext->pOriginalSystemBuffer; pIrp->UserBuffer = IrpContext->pOriginalUserBuffer; pIrp->MdlAddress = IrpContext->pOriginalMdlAddress; #ifdef NWDBG IrpContext->pOriginalIrp = NULL; #endif } #ifdef NWDBG RtlZeroMemory( &IrpContext->WorkQueueItem, sizeof( WORK_QUEUE_ITEM ) ); #endif InterlockedDecrement(&ContextCount); if ( InterlockedDecrement(&FreeContextCount) >= 0 ) { // // We use the first two longwords of the IRP context as a list entry // when we free it to the list. // ExInterlockedInsertTailList(&IrpContextList, (PLIST_ENTRY )IrpContext, &IrpContextInterlock); } else { // // We already have as many free context as we allow so destroy // this context. Restore FreeContextCount to its original value. // InterlockedIncrement( &FreeContextCount ); FREE_MDL( IrpContext->TxMdl ); FREE_MDL( IrpContext->RxMdl ); FREE_POOL(IrpContext); #ifdef NWDBG ContextCount --; #endif } } VOID InitializeIrpContext ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize the Irp Context system Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { PAGED_CODE(); KeInitializeSpinLock(&IrpContextInterlock); KeInitializeSpinLock(&ContextInterlock); InitializeListHead(&IrpContextList); InitializeListHead(&MiniIrpContextList); } VOID UninitializeIrpContext ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize the Irp Context system Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PMINI_IRP_CONTEXT MiniIrpContext; PAGED_CODE(); // // Free all the IRP contexts. // while ( !IsListEmpty( &IrpContextList ) ) { IrpContext = (PIRP_CONTEXT)RemoveHeadList( &IrpContextList ); FREE_MDL( IrpContext->TxMdl ); FREE_MDL( IrpContext->RxMdl ); FREE_POOL(IrpContext); } while ( !IsListEmpty( &MiniIrpContextList ) ) { ListEntry = RemoveHeadList( &MiniIrpContextList ); MiniIrpContext = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, MINI_IRP_CONTEXT, Next ); FREE_POOL( MiniIrpContext->Buffer ); FREE_MDL( MiniIrpContext->Mdl2 ); FREE_MDL( MiniIrpContext->Mdl1 ); FREE_IRP( MiniIrpContext->Irp ); FREE_POOL( MiniIrpContext ); } } VOID NwCompleteRequest ( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, NTSTATUS Status ) /*++ Routine Description: The following procedure is used by the FSP and FSD routines to complete an IRP. Arguments: IrpContext - A pointer to the IRP context information. Status - The status to use to complete the IRP. Return Value: None. --*/ { PIRP Irp; if ( IrpContext == NULL ) { return; } if ( Status == STATUS_PENDING ) { return; } if ( Status == STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ) { Error( EVENT_NWRDR_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE, Status, NULL, 0, 0 ); } Irp = IrpContext->pOriginalIrp; Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; DebugTrace(0, Dbg, "Completing Irp with status %X\n", Status ); // Restore the Irp to its original state if ((Irp->CurrentLocation) > (CCHAR) (Irp->StackCount +1)) { DbgPrint("Irp is already completed.\n", Irp); DbgBreakPoint(); } FreeIrpContext( IrpContext ); IoCompleteRequest ( Irp, IO_NETWORK_INCREMENT ); return; } VOID NwAppendToQueueAndWait( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine appends an IrpContext to the SCB queue, and waits the the queue to be ready to process the Irp. Arguments: IrpContext - A pointer to the IRP context information. Return Value: None. --*/ { BOOLEAN AtFront; PAGED_CODE(); DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "NwAppendToQueueAndWait\n", 0); IrpContext->RunRoutine = SetEvent; #ifdef MSWDBG ASSERT( IrpContext->Event.Header.SignalState == 0 ); #endif AtFront = AppendToScbQueue( IrpContext, IrpContext->pNpScb ); if ( AtFront ) { KickQueue( IrpContext->pNpScb ); } // // Wait until we get to the front of the queue. // KeWaitForSingleObject( &IrpContext->Event, UserRequest, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL ); ASSERT( IrpContext->pNpScb->Requests.Flink == &IrpContext->NextRequest ); DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "NwAppendToQueueAndWait\n", 0); return; } VOID NwDequeueIrpContext( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, IN BOOLEAN OwnSpinLock ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine removes an IRP Context from the front the SCB queue. Arguments: IrpContext - A pointer to the IRP context information. OwnSpinLock - If TRUE, the caller owns the SCB spin lock. Return Value: None. --*/ { PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry; KIRQL OldIrql; PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb; DebugTrace(+1, Dbg, "NwDequeueIrpContext\n", 0); if (!BooleanFlagOn( pIrpContext->Flags, IRP_FLAG_ON_SCB_QUEUE ) ) { DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "NwDequeueIrpContext\n", 0); return; } pNpScb = pIrpContext->pNpScb; if ( !OwnSpinLock ) { KeAcquireSpinLock( &pNpScb->NpScbSpinLock, &OldIrql ); } // // Disable timer from looking at this queue. // pNpScb->OkToReceive = FALSE; pListEntry = RemoveHeadList( &pNpScb->Requests ); if ( !OwnSpinLock ) { KeReleaseSpinLock( &pNpScb->NpScbSpinLock, OldIrql ); } #ifdef NWDBG ASSERT ( CONTAINING_RECORD( pListEntry, IRP_CONTEXT, NextRequest ) == pIrpContext ); { PIRP_CONTEXT RemovedContext = CONTAINING_RECORD( pListEntry, IRP_CONTEXT, NextRequest ); if ( RemovedContext != pIrpContext ) { DbgBreakPoint(); } } DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Dequeued IRP Context %08lx\n", CONTAINING_RECORD( pListEntry, IRP_CONTEXT, NextRequest ) ); #ifdef MSWDBG pNpScb->RequestDequeued = TRUE; #endif #endif ClearFlag( pIrpContext->Flags, IRP_FLAG_ON_SCB_QUEUE ); // // Give the next IRP context on the SCB queue a chance to run. // KickQueue( pNpScb ); DebugTrace(-1, Dbg, "NwDequeueIrpContext\n", 0); return; } VOID NwCancelIrp ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine implements the cancel function for an IRP being processed by the redirector. Arguments: DeviceObject - ignored Irp - Supplies the Irp being cancelled. Return Value: None. --*/ { PLIST_ENTRY listEntry, nextListEntry; KIRQL OldIrql; PIRP_CONTEXT pTestIrpContext; PIRP pTestIrp; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( DeviceObject ); // // We now need to void the cancel routine and release the io cancel // spin-lock. // IoSetCancelRoutine( Irp, NULL ); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock( Irp->CancelIrql ); // // Now we have to search for the IRP to cancel everywhere. So just // look for cancelled IRPs and process them all. // // // Process the Get Message queue. // KeAcquireSpinLock( &NwMessageSpinLock, &OldIrql ); for ( listEntry = NwGetMessageList.Flink; listEntry != &NwGetMessageList; listEntry = nextListEntry ) { nextListEntry = listEntry->Flink; // // If the file object of the queued request, matches the file object // that is being closed, remove the IRP from the queue, and // complete it with an error. // pTestIrpContext = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, IRP_CONTEXT, NextRequest ); pTestIrp = pTestIrpContext->pOriginalIrp; if ( pTestIrp->Cancel ) { RemoveEntryList( listEntry ); NwCompleteRequest( pTestIrpContext, STATUS_CANCELLED ); } } KeReleaseSpinLock( &NwMessageSpinLock, OldIrql ); // // Process the set of SCB IRP queues. // // // And return to our caller // return; } PMINI_IRP_CONTEXT AllocateMiniIrpContext ( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine allocates an IRP, a buffer, and an MDL for sending a burst write fragment. Arguments: None. Return Value: Irp - The allocated and initialized IRP. NULL - The IRP allocation failed. --*/ { PMINI_IRP_CONTEXT MiniIrpContext; PIRP Irp = NULL; PMDL Mdl1 = NULL, Mdl2 = NULL; PVOID Buffer = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; ListEntry = ExInterlockedRemoveHeadList( &MiniIrpContextList, &IrpContextInterlock); if ( ListEntry == NULL) { try { MiniIrpContext = ALLOCATE_POOL_EX( NonPagedPool, sizeof( *MiniIrpContext ) ); MiniIrpContext->NodeTypeCode = NW_NTC_MINI_IRP_CONTEXT; MiniIrpContext->NodeByteSize = sizeof( *MiniIrpContext ); Irp = ALLOCATE_IRP( IrpContext->pNpScb->Server.pDeviceObject->StackSize, FALSE ); if ( Irp == NULL ) { ExRaiseStatus( STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } Buffer = ALLOCATE_POOL_EX( NonPagedPool, sizeof( NCP_BURST_HEADER ) ); Mdl1 = ALLOCATE_MDL( Buffer, sizeof( NCP_BURST_HEADER ), FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if ( Mdl1 == NULL ) { ExRaiseStatus( STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool( Mdl1 ); // // Since this MDL can be used to send a packet on any server, // allocate an MDL large enough for any packet size. // Mdl2 = ALLOCATE_MDL( 0, 65535 + PAGE_SIZE - 1, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); if ( Mdl2 == NULL ) { ExRaiseStatus( STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } Mdl1->Next = Mdl2; MiniIrpContext->Irp = Irp; MiniIrpContext->Buffer = Buffer; MiniIrpContext->Mdl1 = Mdl1; MiniIrpContext->Mdl2 = Mdl2; InterlockedIncrement( &MiniContextCount ); } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { if ( Buffer != NULL ) { FREE_POOL( Buffer ); } if ( Irp != NULL ) { FREE_IRP( Irp ); } if ( Mdl1 != NULL ) { FREE_MDL( Mdl1 ); } return( NULL ); } } else { // // Record that we have removed an entry from the free list. // InterlockedIncrement( &FreeMiniContextCount ); MiniIrpContext = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, MINI_IRP_CONTEXT, Next ); } MiniIrpContext->IrpContext = IrpContext; return( MiniIrpContext ); } VOID FreeMiniIrpContext ( PMINI_IRP_CONTEXT MiniIrpContext ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine frees a mini IRP Context. Arguments: MiniIrpContext - The mini IRP context to free. Return Value: None. --*/ { InterlockedDecrement( &MiniContextCount ); if ( InterlockedDecrement( &FreeMiniContextCount ) >= 0 ) { // // Ok to keep this mini irp context. Just queue it to the free list. // MmPrepareMdlForReuse( MiniIrpContext->Mdl2 ); ExInterlockedInsertTailList( &MiniIrpContextList, &MiniIrpContext->Next, &IrpContextInterlock ); } else { // // We already have as many free context as we allow so destroy // this context. Restore FreeContextCount to its original value. // InterlockedIncrement( &FreeContextCount ); FREE_POOL( MiniIrpContext->Buffer ); FREE_MDL( MiniIrpContext->Mdl2 ); FREE_MDL( MiniIrpContext->Mdl1 ); FREE_IRP( MiniIrpContext->Irp ); FREE_POOL( MiniIrpContext ); } } PWORK_CONTEXT AllocateWorkContext ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Allocates a work queue structure, and initializes it. Arguments: None. Return Value: PWORK_CONTEXT - Newly allocated Work Context. --*/ { PWORK_CONTEXT pWorkContext; try { pWorkContext = ALLOCATE_POOL_EX(NonPagedPool, sizeof(WORK_CONTEXT)); RtlFillMemory( pWorkContext, sizeof(WORK_CONTEXT), 0 ); pWorkContext->NodeTypeCode = NW_NTC_WORK_CONTEXT; pWorkContext->NodeByteSize = sizeof(WORK_CONTEXT); return pWorkContext; } except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Failed to allocate work context\n", 0 ); return NULL; } } VOID FreeWorkContext ( PWORK_CONTEXT WorkContext ) /*++ Routine Description: Free the supplied work context. Arguments: PWORK_CONTEXT IrpContext - Work Context to free. Return Value: None --*/ { ASSERT( WorkContext->NodeTypeCode == NW_NTC_WORK_CONTEXT ); FREE_POOL(WorkContext); } VOID SpawnWorkerThread ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Create our own worker thread which will service reroute and reconnect attempts. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { NTSTATUS status; status = PsCreateSystemThread( &WorkerThreadHandle, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, // Access mask NULL, // object attributes NULL, // Process handle NULL, // client id (PKSTART_ROUTINE) WorkerThread, // Start routine NULL // Startcontext ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { // // If we can't create the worker thread, it means that we // cannot service reconnect or reroute attempts. It is a // non-critical error. // DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "SpawnWorkerThread: Can't create worker thread", 0 ); WorkerThreadRunning = FALSE; } else { DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "SpawnWorkerThread: created worker thread", 0 ); WorkerThreadRunning = TRUE; } } VOID WorkerThread ( VOID ) { PLIST_ENTRY listentry; PWORK_CONTEXT workContext; PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext; NODE_WORK_CODE workCode; PNONPAGED_SCB OriginalNpScb = NULL; PAGED_CODE(); DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Worker thread \n", 0 ); IoSetThreadHardErrorMode( FALSE ); while (TRUE) { // // Check to see if we have any work to do. // listentry = KeRemoveQueue ( &KernelQueue, // Kernel queue object KernelMode, // Processor wait mode NULL // No timeout ); ASSERT( listentry != (PVOID) STATUS_TIMEOUT); // // We have atleast one reroute attempt to look into. Get the address of the // work item. // workContext = CONTAINING_RECORD ( listentry, WORK_CONTEXT, Next ); pIrpContext = workContext->pIrpC; workCode = workContext->NodeWorkCode; if (pIrpContext) { OriginalNpScb = pIrpContext->pNpScb; } // // We don't need the work context anymore // FreeWorkContext( workContext ); // // The work which this thread does can be one of the following: // // - Attempt a reroute // - Attempt a reconnect // - Terminate itself // switch (workCode) { case NWC_NWC_REROUTE: { ASSERT(BooleanFlagOn( pIrpContext->Flags, IRP_FLAG_REROUTE_IN_PROGRESS )); DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "worker got reroute work for scb 0x%x.\n", OriginalNpScb ); if ( BooleanFlagOn( pIrpContext->Flags, IRP_FLAG_BURST_PACKET ) ) { NewRouteBurstRetry( pIrpContext ); } else { NewRouteRetry( pIrpContext ); } NwDereferenceScb( OriginalNpScb ); ClearFlag( pIrpContext->Flags, IRP_FLAG_REROUTE_IN_PROGRESS ); break; } case NWC_NWC_RECONNECT: { DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "worker got reconnect work.\n", 0 ); ReconnectRetry( pIrpContext ); break; } case NWC_NWC_TERMINATE: { DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Terminated worker thread.\n", 0 ); // // Flush any remaining work items out of the work queue... // while (listentry != NULL) { listentry = KeRundownQueue( &KernelQueue ); DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Residual workitem in q %X.\n",listentry ); } // // and terminate yourself. // WorkerThreadRunning = FALSE; PsTerminateSystemThread( STATUS_SUCCESS ); break; } default: { // // There is something wrong here. // DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "Unknown work code...ignoring\n", 0 ); } } } } VOID TerminateWorkerThread ( VOID ) { PWORK_CONTEXT workContext = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER timeout; NTSTATUS status; if (WorkerThreadRunning == TRUE) { // // set a 5 second timeout for retrying allocation failures // timeout.QuadPart = (LONGLONG) ( NwOneSecond * 5 * (-1) ); // // Prepare the work context // workContext = AllocateWorkContext(); while ( workContext == NULL) { KeDelayExecutionThread( KernelMode, FALSE, &timeout ); workContext = AllocateWorkContext(); } workContext->NodeWorkCode = NWC_NWC_TERMINATE; workContext->pIrpC = NULL; // // and queue it. // KeInsertQueue( &KernelQueue, &workContext->Next ); // // We now have to wait until the thread terminates itself. // DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "TerminateWorkerThread: Waiting for thread termination.\n", 0 ); do { status = ZwWaitForSingleObject( WorkerThreadHandle, FALSE, NULL // No timeout ); } while ( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ); DebugTrace( 0, Dbg, "TerminateWorkerThread: Wait returned with 0x%x\n", status ); status = ZwClose( WorkerThreadHandle ); } }