//+----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2000 // // File: cred.h // // Contents: declarations, constants for credential manager // // // History: KDamour 15Mar00 Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef NTDIGEST_CRED_H #define NTDIGEST_CRED_H #define SSP_TOKEN_ACCESS (READ_CONTROL |\ WRITE_DAC |\ TOKEN_DUPLICATE |\ TOKEN_IMPERSONATE |\ TOKEN_QUERY |\ TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE |\ TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES |\ TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS |\ TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT) // Supplimental Credential format (provide a specified username, realm, password) // to // Initializes the credential manager package NTSTATUS CredHandlerInit(VOID); // Inserts a credential into the linked list NTSTATUS CredHandlerInsertCred(IN PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL pDigestCred); // Initialize the Credential Structure NTSTATUS CredentialInit(IN PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL pDigestCred); // Initialize the Credential Structure NTSTATUS CredentialFree(IN PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL pDigestCred); // This routine checks to see if the Credential Handle is from a currently // active client, and references the Credential if it is valid. // No need to specify UseFlags since we have a reference to the Credential NTSTATUS CredHandlerHandleToPtr( IN ULONG_PTR CredentialHandle, IN BOOLEAN DereferenceCredential, OUT PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL * UserCredential); // Locate a Credential based on the LogonId & ProcessID NTSTATUS CredHandlerLocatePtr( IN PLUID pLogonId, IN ULONG CredentialUseFlags, OUT PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL * UserCredential); // Releases the Credential by decreasing reference counter NTSTATUS CredHandlerRelease(PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL pCredential); // Set the unicode string password in the credential NTSTATUS CredHandlerPasswdSet( IN OUT PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL pCredential, IN PUNICODE_STRING pustrPasswd); // Get the unicode string password in the credential NTSTATUS CredHandlerPasswdGet( IN PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL pCredential, OUT PUNICODE_STRING pustrPasswd); NTSTATUS SspGetToken (OUT PHANDLE ReturnedTokenHandle); SECURITY_STATUS SspDuplicateToken( IN HANDLE OriginalToken, IN SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel, OUT PHANDLE DuplicatedToken); // Print out the credential information NTSTATUS CredPrint(PDIGEST_CREDENTIAL pCredential); // Extract the authz information from supplied buffer NTSTATUS CredAuthzData( IN PVOID pAuthorizationData, IN PSECPKG_CALL_INFO pCallInfo, IN OUT PULONG NewCredentialUseFlags, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING pUserName, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING pDomainName, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING pPassword); #endif // NTDIGEST_CRED_H