//+----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2000 // // File: user.h // // Contents: declarations, constants for UserMode context manager // // // History: KDamour 13Apr00 Created // //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef NTDIGEST_USER_H #define NTDIGEST_USER_H #include "nonce.h" #define DES_BLOCKSIZE 8 #define RC4_BLOCKSIZE 1 // For import of plain text keys typedef struct _PLAINTEXTBLOB { BLOBHEADER Blob; DWORD dwKeyLen; CHAR bKey[MD5_HASH_BYTESIZE]; } PLAINTEXTBLOB; // Initializes the context manager package NTSTATUS UserCtxtHandlerInit(VOID); // Add a Context into the Cntext List NTSTATUS UserCtxtHandlerInsertCred(IN PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pDigestCtxt); // Initialize all the struct elements in a Context NTSTATUS NTAPI UserCtxtInit(IN PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext); // Release memory utilized by the Context NTSTATUS NTAPI UserCtxtFree(IN PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext); // Find the security context by the security context handle NTSTATUS NTAPI UserCtxtHandlerHandleToContext( IN ULONG_PTR ContextHandle, IN BOOLEAN fDerefContextHandle, IN BOOLEAN fRefContextHandle, OUT PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT *ppContext ); // Releases the Context by decreasing reference counter NTSTATUS UserCtxtHandlerRelease(PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext); // Check to see if Context is within valid lifetime BOOL UserCtxtHandlerTimeHasElapsed(PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext); // Creates a new DACL for the token granting the server and client NTSTATUS SspCreateTokenDacl(HANDLE Token); // From userapi.cxx // SECURITY_STATUS SEC_ENTRY FreeContextBuffer(void SEC_FAR * pvContextBuffer); NTSTATUS SspGetTokenUser(HANDLE Token, PTOKEN_USER * pTokenUser); // Create a local context for a real context NTSTATUS SspMapDigestContext(IN PDIGEST_CONTEXT pLsaContext, IN PDIGEST_PARAMETER pDigest, IN ULONG ulFlagOptions, OUT PSecBuffer ContextData); NTSTATUS NTAPI DigestUserProcessParameters( IN OUT PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext, IN PDIGEST_PARAMETER pDigest, OUT PSecBuffer pFirstOutputToken); NTSTATUS NTAPI DigestUserHTTPHelper( IN PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext, IN eSignSealOp Op, IN OUT PSecBufferDesc pMessage, IN ULONG MessageSeqNo ); NTSTATUS NTAPI DigestUserSignHelperMulti( IN PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext, IN OUT PSecBufferDesc pMessage, IN ULONG MessageSeqNo ); NTSTATUS NTAPI DigestUserSealHelperMulti( IN PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext, IN OUT PSecBufferDesc pMessage, IN ULONG MessageSeqNo ); NTSTATUS NTAPI DigestUserUnsealHelper( IN PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext, IN OUT PSecBufferDesc pMessage, IN ULONG MessageSeqNo ); NTSTATUS NTAPI DigestUserVerifyHelper( IN PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext, IN OUT PSecBufferDesc pMessage, IN ULONG MessageSeqNo ); // Unpack the context from LSA mode into the User mode Context NTSTATUS DigestUnpackContext( IN PDIGEST_PACKED_USERCONTEXT pPackedUserContext, OUT PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext); // Printout the fields present in usercontext pContext NTSTATUS UserContextPrint(PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext); // Create a symmetric key with a given cleartext shared secret NTSTATUS SEC_ENTRY CreateSymmetricKey( IN ALG_ID Algid, IN DWORD cbKey, IN UCHAR *pbKey, IN UCHAR *pbIV, OUT HCRYPTKEY *phKey ); NTSTATUS SEC_ENTRY EncryptData2Multi( IN HCRYPTKEY hKey, IN ULONG cbBlocklength, IN PSecBufferDesc pSecBuff, IN ULONG cbSignature, IN OUT UCHAR *pbSignature ); NTSTATUS SEC_ENTRY LinkBuffersToEncrypt( IN HCRYPTKEY hKey, IN ULONG cbBlocklength, IN PSecBufferDesc pSecBuff, IN OUT PULONG pulIndex, IN OUT PULONG pcbDataBytesUsed, IN PUCHAR pbSignature, IN ULONG cbSignature ); NTSTATUS SEC_ENTRY DecryptData( IN HCRYPTKEY hKey, IN ULONG cbData, IN OUT UCHAR *pbData ); // Calculate the HMAC block for SASL messaging NTSTATUS SEC_ENTRY CalculateSASLHMAC( IN PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext, IN BOOL fSign, IN PSTRING pstrSignKeyConst, IN DWORD dwSeqNum, IN PBYTE pdata, // location of data to HMAC IN ULONG cbdata, // How many bytes of data to process OUT PSASL_MAC_BLOCK pMacBlock ); // Calculate the HMAC block for SASL messaging (multiData SecBuffer) NTSTATUS SEC_ENTRY CalculateSASLHMACMulti( IN PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext, IN BOOL fSign, IN PSTRING pstrSignKeyConst, IN DWORD dwSeqNum, IN PSecBufferDesc pSecBuff, // location of data buffers to HMAC OUT PSASL_MAC_BLOCK pMacBlock ); // For encrypt (seal)/ decrypt (unseal) calculate the value of Kc RFC 2831 sect 2.4 NTSTATUS SEC_ENTRY CalculateKc( IN PBYTE pbSessionKey, IN USHORT cbHA1n, IN PSTRING pstrSealKeyConst, IN PBYTE pHashData ); void SetDESParity( PBYTE pbKey, DWORD cbKey ); NTSTATUS AddDESParity( IN PBYTE pbSrcKey, IN DWORD cbSrcKey, OUT PBYTE pbDstKey, OUT PDWORD pcbDstKey ); NTSTATUS CalculateDataCount( IN PSecBufferDesc pSecBuff, OUT PULONG pulData ); NTSTATUS SEC_ENTRY DigestUserCompareDirectives( IN PDIGEST_USERCONTEXT pContext, IN PDIGEST_PARAMETER pDigest ); #endif // DIGEST_USER_H