#ifndef _CCSV #define _CCSV #define CCSVFILE_BUFFER_SIZE 2*512 // simple file i/o for comma seperated files class CCSVFile { public: void far * operator new( size_t cb ) { return GlobalAlloc(GPTR,cb); }; void operator delete( void far * p ) {GlobalFree(p); }; CCSVFile(); ~CCSVFile(); BOOLEAN Open(LPCTSTR pszFileName); BOOLEAN ReadToken(LPSTR psz, DWORD cbMax); // reads up to comma or newline, returns fFalse on EOF BOOLEAN SkipTillEOL(void); // reads up to EOL void Close(void); inline int ILastRead(void) { return m_iLastRead; } private: BOOL FReadInBuffer(void); inline int ChNext(void); CHAR m_rgchBuf[CCSVFILE_BUFFER_SIZE]; //buffer LPSTR m_pchBuf; //pointer to the next item in the buffer to read LPSTR m_pchLast; //pointer to the last item in the buffer int m_iLastRead; //the character last read. DWORD m_cchAvail; HANDLE m_hFile; }; // ccsv #endif //_CCSV