//#-------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: support.h // // Synopsis: holds the Class declaration for the CSupport // class // // History: 5/8/97 MKarki Created // // Copyright (C) 1996-97 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // //---------------------------------------------------------------- #include "..\icwphbk\icwsupport.h" const TCHAR PHBK_LIB[] = TEXT("icwphbk.dll"); const CHAR PHBK_SUPPORTNUMAPI[] = "GetSupportNumbers"; typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *PFNGETSUPPORTNUMBERS) (PSUPPORTNUM, PDWORD); class CSupport { private: PSUPPORTNUM m_pSupportNumList; DWORD m_dwTotalNums; // // this function gets the countryID // BOOL GetCountryID (PDWORD pdwCountryID); public: CSupport (VOID) { m_pSupportNumList = NULL; m_dwTotalNums = 0; } ~CSupport (VOID); BOOL GetSupportInfo (LPTSTR, DWORD); }; // end of CSupport class declaration