//#-------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: icwsupport.h // // Synopsis: holds the function declaration, etc // for the support.cpp file // // History: 5/8/97 MKarki Created // // Copyright (C) 1996-97 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // //---------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _SUPPORT_H_ #define _SUPPORT_H_ #include "ccsv.h" // // size of Phone Number string // const DWORD PHONE_NUM_SIZE = 64; // // SUPPORTNUM struct declaration // typedef struct _SUPPORTNUM { DWORD dwCountryCode; CHAR szPhoneNumber[PHONE_NUM_SIZE +4]; } SUPPORTNUM, *PSUPPORTNUM; // // function gets the support phone number from the SUPPORT.ICW // file // HRESULT GetSupportNumsFromFile ( PSUPPORTNUM pSupportNumList, PDWORD pdwSize ); // // processes one line at a time from the file // HRESULT ReadOneLine ( PSUPPORTNUM pPhbk, CCSVFile *pcCSVFile ); #endif //_SUPPORT_H_