// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Resource.h // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "resource.h" #include "Exploder.rcv" // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Strings // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_HELP "help" IDS_TITLE "Microsoft MHTML Exploder" IDS_CMDLINE_FORMAT "This program is used to generate a Thicket from an MHTML file. \ If no command line parameters are passed to this program, you will be asked \ to pick the source and destination. This program can also take command line \ parameters in the following format:\n\n \ /source:\n \ /dest:\n\n \ You can also register this program, via command line parameters, to handle the .mhtml file extension:\n\n \ /reg (Registers this program to handle open and edit of MHTML files)\n \ /unreg (Un-registers this program)" IDS_FILE_NOEXIST "The specified source file '%s' does not exist. Would like to browse for the specified file?" IDS_MHTML_FILTER "MHTML Files (*.mht;*.mhtml)|*.mht;*.mhtml||" IDS_DIRECTORY_NOEXIST "The specified destination directory '%s' does not exist. Would like to create the directory?" IDS_NOCREATE_DIRECTORY "The directory '%s' could not be created. Would you like to browse for a destination directory?" IDS_BROWSE_DEST "Select a directory to Explode the MHTML file to..." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_MEMORY "There is not enough memory to complete the operation. Result: 0x%08X" IDS_GENERAL_ERROR "The file could not be exploded for an unknown reason. Your computer may be low on memory or disk space. Result: 0x%08X" IDS_OPEN_FILE "The file '%s' could not be opened. It may be opened and locked by another process. Result: 0x%08X" IDS_LOAD_FAILURE "The file '%s' could not be loaded. It may not be a valid MHTML file. Result: 0x%08X" IDS_NO_HTML "The MHTML file '%s' does not contain a primary HTML body. The file is not a valid HTML file. Result: 0x%08X" END // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // REGINST // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGINST REGINST MOVEABLE PURE "selfreg.inx"