// iextag.idl : IDL source for iextag.dll // // This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to // produce the type library (iextag.tlb) and marshalling code. // import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl"; [ uuid(6663F9D3-B482-11d1-89C6-00C04FB6BFC4), helpstring("IPeerFactory Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IPeerFactory : IUnknown { }; [ object, uuid(766BF2AF-D650-11d1-9811-00C04FC31D2E), dual, helpstring("IHomePage Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IHomePage : IDispatch { [id(1)] HRESULT navigateHomePage(); [id(2)] HRESULT setHomePage([in] BSTR bstrURL); [id(3)] HRESULT isHomePage([in] BSTR bstrURL, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* p); }; [ object, uuid(7E8BC44D-AEFF-11D1-89C2-00C04FB6BFC4), dual, helpstring("IClientCaps Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IClientCaps : IDispatch { [propget, id(1)] HRESULT javaEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal); [propget, id(2)] HRESULT cookieEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal); [propget, id(3)] HRESULT cpuClass([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propget, id(4)] HRESULT systemLanguage([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propget, id(6)] HRESULT userLanguage([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propget, id(7)] HRESULT platform([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propget, id(9)] HRESULT connectionSpeed([retval, out] long * p); [propget, id(10)] HRESULT onLine([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL * p); [propget, id(11)] HRESULT colorDepth([retval, out] long * p); [propget, id(12)] HRESULT bufferDepth([retval, out] long * p); [propget, id(13)] HRESULT width([retval, out] long * p); [propget, id(14)] HRESULT height([retval, out] long * p); [propget, id(15)] HRESULT availHeight([retval, out] long * p); [propget, id(16)] HRESULT availWidth([retval, out] long * p); [propget, id(17)] HRESULT connectionType([retval, out] BSTR * p); [id(18)] HRESULT isComponentInstalled([in] BSTR bstrName, [in]BSTR bstrType, [defaultvalue(""),in]BSTR bStrVer, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* p); [id(19)] HRESULT getComponentVersion([in] BSTR bstrName, [in] BSTR bstrType, [out,retval] BSTR* pbstrVer); [id(20)] HRESULT compareVersions([in] BSTR bstrVer1, [in] BSTR bstrVer2, [out, retval] long *p); [id(21)] HRESULT addComponentRequest([in]BSTR bstrName, [in]BSTR bstrType, [defaultvalue(""),in]BSTR bstrVer); [id(22)] HRESULT doComponentRequest([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* p); [id(23)] HRESULT clearComponentRequest(); }; [ object, uuid(9B9F68E6-1AAA-11d2-BCA5-00C04FD929DB), dual, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IIntelliForms : IDispatch { [propget, id(1)] HRESULT enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal); [propput, id(1)] HRESULT enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL bVal); } [ object, uuid(BAE31F98-1B81-11D2-A97A-00C04F8ECB02), dual, helpstring("Iwfolders Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface Iwfolders : IDispatch { [id(1), helpstring("method navigate")] HRESULT navigate([in] BSTR bstrUrl,[retval, out] BSTR * pbstrRetVal); [id(2), helpstring("method navigateFrame")] HRESULT navigateFrame([in] BSTR bstrUrl, [in] BSTR bstrTargetFrame, //bug#50463 [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [retval, out] BSTR * pbstrRetVal); [id(3)] HRESULT navigateNoSite ([in] BSTR bstrUrl, [in] BSTR bstrTargetFrame, //bug#50463 [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [in] DWORD dwhwnd, [in] IUnknown * pwb); }; [ object, uuid(13D5413B-33B9-11D2-95A7-00C04F8ECB02), dual, helpstring("IAnchorClick Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IAnchorClick : IDispatch { [id(1), helpstring("ProcOnClick navigate")] HRESULT ProcOnClick(); }; [ hidden, uuid(3050f4c7-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] dispinterface HTMLPersistEvents { properties: methods: [id(1)] void onsave(); [id(2)] void onload(); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f48f-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IHTMLUserDataOM : IDispatch { [propget, id(1)] HRESULT XMLDocument([retval, out] IDispatch* * p); [id(2)] HRESULT save([in] BSTR strName); [id(3)] HRESULT load([in] BSTR strName); [id(4)] HRESULT getAttribute([in] BSTR name,[retval, out] VARIANT* pValue); [id(5)] HRESULT setAttribute([in] BSTR name,[in] VARIANT value); [id(6)] HRESULT removeAttribute([in] BSTR name); [propput, id(7)] HRESULT expires([in] BSTR bstr); [propget, id(7)] HRESULT expires([retval, out] BSTR * pbstr); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f4c0-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IHTMLPersistDataOM : IDispatch { [propget, id(3)] HRESULT XMLDocument([retval, out] IDispatch* * p); [id(4)] HRESULT getAttribute([in] BSTR name,[retval, out] VARIANT* pValue); [id(5)] HRESULT setAttribute([in] BSTR name,[in] VARIANT value); [id(6)] HRESULT removeAttribute([in] BSTR name); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f4c5-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IHTMLPersistData : IUnknown { [id(1)] HRESULT save([in] IUnknown* pUnk,[in] long lType,[retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL* fContinueBroacast); [id(2)] HRESULT load([in] IUnknown* pUnk,[in] long lType,[retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL* fDoDefault); [id(3)] HRESULT queryType([in] long lType,[retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL* pfSupportsType); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f5bd-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IDownloadBehavior : IDispatch { [id(1)] HRESULT startDownload([in] BSTR bstrUrl, [in] IDispatch* pdispCallback); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f64e-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IHtmlArea : IDispatch { [propput, id(1)] HRESULT value([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(1)] HRESULT value([retval, out] BSTR * p); [id(2)] HRESULT select(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------- [ hidden, uuid(3050f674-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] dispinterface LayoutRectEvents { properties: methods: [id(1)] void onpage(); [id(2)] void onlayoutcomplete(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------- [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f665-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface ILayoutRect : IDispatch { [propput, id(1)] HRESULT nextRect([in] BSTR bstrElementId); [propget, id(1)] HRESULT nextRect([retval, out] BSTR * pbstrElementId); [propput, id(2)] HRESULT contentSrc([in] VARIANT varContentSrc); [propget, id(2)] HRESULT contentSrc([retval, out] VARIANT * pvarContentSrc); [propput, id(3)] HRESULT honorPageBreaks([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(3)] HRESULT honorPageBreaks([retval, out]VARIANT_BOOL * p); [propput, id(4)] HRESULT honorPageRules([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(4)] HRESULT honorPageRules([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL * p); [propput, id(5)] HRESULT nextRectElement([in] IDispatch * pElem ); [propget, id(5)] HRESULT nextRectElement([retval, out] IDispatch ** ppElem); [propget, id(6)] HRESULT contentDocument([retval, out] IDispatch ** pDoc); }; //----------------------------------------------------------- [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f6d5-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IDeviceRect : IDispatch { }; //----------------------------------------------------------- [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f6b4-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface ITemplatePrinter : IDispatch { [id(1)] HRESULT startDoc([in] BSTR bstrTitle, [retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [id(2)] HRESULT stopDoc(); [id(3)] HRESULT printBlankPage(); [id(4)] HRESULT printPage([in] IDispatch *pElemDisp); [id(5)] HRESULT ensurePrintDialogDefaults([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [id(6)] HRESULT showPrintDialog([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [id(7)] HRESULT showPageSetupDialog([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [id(8)] HRESULT printNonNative([in] IUnknown *pMarkup, [retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [id(9)] HRESULT printNonNativeFrames([in] IUnknown *pMarkup, [in] VARIANT_BOOL fActiveFrame); [propput, id(10)] HRESULT framesetDocument([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(10)] HRESULT framesetDocument([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(11)] HRESULT frameActive([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(11)] HRESULT frameActive([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(12)] HRESULT frameAsShown([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(12)] HRESULT frameAsShown([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(13)] HRESULT selection([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(13)] HRESULT selection([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(14)] HRESULT selectedPages([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(14)] HRESULT selectedPages([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(15)] HRESULT currentPage([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(15)] HRESULT currentPage([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(16)] HRESULT currentPageAvail([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(16)] HRESULT currentPageAvail([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(17)] HRESULT collate([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(17)] HRESULT collate([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propget, id(18)] HRESULT duplex([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(19)] HRESULT copies([in] WORD v); [propget, id(19)] HRESULT copies([retval, out] WORD *p); [propput, id(20)] HRESULT pageFrom([in] WORD v); [propget, id(20)] HRESULT pageFrom([retval, out] WORD *p); [propput, id(21)] HRESULT pageTo([in] WORD v); [propget, id(21)] HRESULT pageTo([retval, out] WORD *p); [propput, id(22)] HRESULT tableOfLinks([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(22)] HRESULT tableOfLinks([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(23)] HRESULT allLinkedDocuments([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(23)] HRESULT allLinkedDocuments([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(24)] HRESULT header([in] BSTR bstrHeader); [propget, id(24)] HRESULT header([retval, out] BSTR *bstrHeader); [propput, id(25)] HRESULT footer([in] BSTR bstrFooter); [propget, id(25)] HRESULT footer([retval, out] BSTR *bstrFooter); [propput, id(26)] HRESULT marginLeft([in] long v); [propget, id(26)] HRESULT marginLeft([retval, out] long *p); [propput, id(27)] HRESULT marginRight([in] long v); [propget, id(27)] HRESULT marginRight([retval, out] long *p); [propput, id(28)] HRESULT marginTop([in] long v); [propget, id(28)] HRESULT marginTop([retval, out] long *p); [propput, id(29)] HRESULT marginBottom([in] long v); [propget, id(29)] HRESULT marginBottom([retval, out] long *p); [propget, id(30)] HRESULT pageWidth([retval, out] long *p); [propget, id(31)] HRESULT pageHeight([retval, out] long *p); [propget, id(32)] HRESULT unprintableLeft([retval, out] long *p); [propget, id(33)] HRESULT unprintableTop([retval, out] long *p); [propget, id(34)] HRESULT unprintableRight([retval, out] long *p); [propget, id(35)] HRESULT unprintableBottom([retval, out] long *p); [id(36)] HRESULT updatePageStatus([in] long *p); }; //----------------------------------------------------------- [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f83f-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface ITemplatePrinter2 : ITemplatePrinter { [propput, id(37)] HRESULT selectionEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(37)] HRESULT selectionEnabled([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(38)] HRESULT frameActiveEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(38)] HRESULT frameActiveEnabled([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [propput, id(39)] HRESULT orientation([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(39)] HRESULT orientation([retval, out] BSTR *p); [propput, id(40)] HRESULT usePrinterCopyCollate([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(40)] HRESULT usePrinterCopyCollate([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL *p); [id(41)] HRESULT deviceSupports([in] BSTR bstrProperty, [retval, out] VARIANT *pvar); }; //----------------------------------------------------------- [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f6ce-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IHeaderFooter : IDispatch { [propget, id(1)] HRESULT htmlHead([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propget, id(2)] HRESULT htmlFoot([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propput, id(3)] HRESULT textHead([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(3)] HRESULT textHead([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propput, id(4)] HRESULT textFoot([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(4)] HRESULT textFoot([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propput, id(5)] HRESULT page([in] DWORD v); [propget, id(5)] HRESULT page([retval, out] DWORD * p); [propput, id(6)] HRESULT pageTotal([in] DWORD v); [propget, id(6)] HRESULT pageTotal([retval, out] DWORD * p); [propput, id(7)] HRESULT URL([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(7)] HRESULT URL([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propput, id(8)] HRESULT title([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(8)] HRESULT title([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propput, id(9)] HRESULT dateShort([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(9)] HRESULT dateShort([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propput, id(10)] HRESULT dateLong([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(10)] HRESULT dateLong([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propput, id(11)] HRESULT timeShort([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(11)] HRESULT timeShort([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propput, id(12)] HRESULT timeLong([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(12)] HRESULT timeLong([retval, out] BSTR * p); }; //----------------------------------------------------------- [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f677-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface ICombobox : IDispatch { [propput, id(1)] HRESULT value([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(1)] HRESULT value([retval, out] BSTR * p); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f697-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IHTMLOptionElement2 : IDispatch { [propput, id(1)] HRESULT value([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(1)] HRESULT value([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propput, id(2)] HRESULT selected([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(2)] HRESULT selected([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL * p); [propput, id(3)] HRESULT defaultSelected([in] VARIANT_BOOL v); [propget, id(3)] HRESULT defaultSelected([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL * p); [propput, id(4)] HRESULT index([in] long lIndex); [propget, id(4)] HRESULT index([retval, out] long * plIndex); [propput, id(5)] HRESULT text([in] BSTR bstrText); [propget, id(5)] HRESULT text([retval, out] BSTR * pbstrText); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f687-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IHTMLSelectElement3 : IDispatch { [id(1)] HRESULT clearSelection(); [id(2)] HRESULT selectAll(); [propput, id(3)] HRESULT name([in] BSTR bstrName); [propget, id(3)] HRESULT name([retval, out] BSTR * pbstrName); [propput, id(4)] HRESULT size([in] long lSize); [propget, id(4)] HRESULT size([retval, out] long *plSize); [propput, id(5)] HRESULT selectedIndex([in] long lIndex); [propget, id(5)] HRESULT selectedIndex([retval, out] long *plIndex); [propput, id(6)] HRESULT multiple([in] VARIANT_BOOL bMultiple); [propget, id(6)] HRESULT multiple([retval, out] VARIANT_BOOL * bMultiple); [propget, id(7)] HRESULT length([retval, out] long *plLength); [propget, id(8)] HRESULT type([retval, out] BSTR * pbstrType); [propget, id(9)] HRESULT options([retval, out] IDispatch **ppOptions); [id(10)] HRESULT remove([defaultvalue(-1), in] long lIndex); [id(11)] HRESULT add([in] IDispatch *pOption, [optional, in] VARIANT varIndex); [propget, id(DISPID_NEWENUM), hidden, restricted] HRESULT _newEnum([retval, out] IUnknown* * p); [id(DISPID_VALUE)] HRESULT item([optional, in] VARIANT name,[optional, in] VARIANT index,[retval, out] IDispatch** pdisp); [id(14)] HRESULT tags([in] VARIANT tagName,[retval, out] IDispatch** pdisp); [id(15)] HRESULT urns([in] VARIANT urn,[retval, out] IDispatch** pdisp); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f685-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface ICheckBox : IDispatch { [propput, id(1)] HRESULT value([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(1)] HRESULT value([retval, out] BSTR * p); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f69b-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IRadioButton : IDispatch { [propput, id(1)] HRESULT value([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(1)] HRESULT value([retval, out] BSTR * p); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f689-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IScrollBar : IDispatch { [propput, id(1)] HRESULT min([in] long v); [propget, id(1)] HRESULT min([retval, out] long * p); [propput, id(2)] HRESULT max([in] long v); [propget, id(2)] HRESULT max([retval, out] long * p); [propput, id(3)] HRESULT position([in] long v); [propget, id(3)] HRESULT position([retval, out] long * p); [propput, id(4)] HRESULT unit([in] long v); [propget, id(4)] HRESULT unit([retval, out] long * p); [propput, id(5)] HRESULT block([in] long v); [propget, id(5)] HRESULT block([retval, out] long * p); [propput, id(6)] HRESULT orientation([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(6)] HRESULT orientation([retval, out] BSTR * p); [propput, id(7)] HRESULT visibleUnits([in] long v); [propget, id(7)] HRESULT visibleUnits([retval, out] long * p); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f68b-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface ISpinButton : IDispatch { }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f68d-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface ISliderBar : IDispatch { [propput, id(1)] HRESULT min([in] long v); [propget, id(1)] HRESULT min([retval, out] long * p); [propput, id(2)] HRESULT max([in] long v); [propget, id(2)] HRESULT max([retval, out] long * p); [propput, id(3)] HRESULT position([in] long v); [propget, id(3)] HRESULT position([retval, out] long * p); [propput, id(4)] HRESULT unit([in] long v); [propget, id(4)] HRESULT unit([retval, out] long * p); [propput, id(5)] HRESULT block([in] long v); [propget, id(5)] HRESULT block([retval, out] long * p); [propput, id(6)] HRESULT orientation([in] BSTR v); [propget, id(6)] HRESULT orientation([retval, out] BSTR * p); }; [ odl, oleautomation, dual, uuid(3050f6af-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] interface IUtilityButton : IDispatch { }; [ uuid(7E8BC440-AEFF-11D1-89C2-00C04FB6BFC4), version(1.0), helpstring("iextag 1.0 Type Library") ] library IEXTagLib { importlib("stdole2.tlb"); //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050F4CF-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B), helpstring("PeerFactory Class") ] coclass PeerFactory { [default] interface IPeerFactory; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(7E8BC44E-AEFF-11D1-89C2-00C04FB6BFC4), helpstring("ClientCaps Class") ] coclass ClientCaps { [default] interface IClientCaps; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(613AB92E-16BF-11d2-BCA5-00C04FD929DB) ] coclass IntelliForms { [default] interface IIntelliForms; } //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(766BF2AE-D650-11d1-9811-00C04FC31D2E) ] coclass HomePage { [default] interface IHomePage; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f48e-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CPersistUserData { [default] interface IHTMLUserDataOM; [source, default] dispinterface HTMLPersistEvents; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f487-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CPersistDataPeer { [default] interface IHTMLPersistDataOM; [source, default] dispinterface HTMLPersistEvents; interface IHTMLPersistData; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f4c6-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CPersistShortcut { [default] interface IHTMLPersistDataOM; [source, default] dispinterface HTMLPersistEvents; interface IHTMLPersistData; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f4c8-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CPersistHistory { [default] interface IHTMLPersistDataOM; [source, default] dispinterface HTMLPersistEvents; interface IHTMLPersistData; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f4c9-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CPersistSnapshot { [default] interface IHTMLPersistDataOM; [source, default] dispinterface HTMLPersistEvents; interface IHTMLPersistData; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f5be-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CDownloadBehavior { [default] interface IDownloadBehavior; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f64f-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CHtmlArea { [default] interface IHtmlArea; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f688-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CIESelectElement { [default] interface IHTMLSelectElement3; }; [ uuid(3050f698-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CIEOptionElement { [default] interface IHTMLOptionElement2; }; [ uuid(3050f678-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CCombobox { [default] interface ICombobox; }; [ uuid(3050f686-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CCheckBox { [default] interface ICheckBox; }; [ uuid(3050f69c-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b) ] coclass CRadioButton { [default] interface IRadioButton; }; [ uuid(BAE31F9A-1B81-11D2-A97A-00C04F8ECB02), helpstring("Web Folders Class") ] coclass wfolders { [default] interface Iwfolders; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(13D5413C-33B9-11D2-95A7-00C04F8ECB02), helpstring("AnchorClick Class") ] coclass AnchorClick { [default] interface IAnchorClick; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f664-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b), ] coclass CLayoutRect { [default] interface ILayoutRect; [source, default] dispinterface LayoutRectEvents; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f6d4-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b), ] coclass CDeviceRect { [default] interface IDeviceRect; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f68a-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b), ] coclass CScrollBar { [default] interface IScrollBar; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f68c-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b), ] coclass CSpinButton { [default] interface ISpinButton; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f68e-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b), ] coclass CSliderBar { [default] interface ISliderBar; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f6b0-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b), ] coclass CUtilityButton { [default] interface IUtilityButton; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f6b3-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b), ] coclass CTemplatePrinter { [default] interface ITemplatePrinter2; }; //------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(3050f6cd-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b), ] coclass CHeaderFooter { [default] interface IHeaderFooter; }; };