Document Type: IPF item: Global Version=6.0 Flags=00000100 Languages=0 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LanguagesList=English Default Language=2 Japanese Font Name=MS Gothic Japanese Font Size=10 Start Gradient=0 0 255 End Gradient=0 0 0 Windows Flags=00000000000000010010110000011000 Message Font=MS Sans Serif Font Size=8 Disk Filename=SETUP Patch Flags=0000000000000001 Patch Threshold=85 Patch Memory=4000 FTP Cluster Size=20 end item: Remark Text=Microsoft provides script, macro and other code examples for illustration end item: Remark Text=only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including but not end item: Remark Text=limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a end item: Remark Text=particular purpose. This script is provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not end item: Remark Text=guarantee that the following script, macro or code can be used in all end item: Remark Text=situations. Microsoft does not support modifications of the script, macro end item: Remark Text=or code to suit customer requirements for a particular purpose. end item: Remark end item: Remark Text=While Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a end item: Remark Text=particular script function, macro or code example, they will not modify these end item: Remark Text=examples to provide added functionality, nor will they help you construct end item: Remark Text=scripts, macros or code to meet your specific needs. If you have end item: Remark Text=limited programming experience, you may want to consult one of the Microsoft end item: Remark Text=Solution Providers. Solution Providers offer a wide range of fee-based services, end item: Remark Text=including creating custom scripts. For more information about Microsoft Solution end item: Remark Text=Providers, call Microsoft Customer Information Service at (800) 426-9400. end item: Remark Text=THIS IS WERE THE SCRIPT ACTUALLY STARTS end item: Check Disk Space end item: Remark end item: Remark Text=****************ADD IN DOMAIN SPECIFIC INFORMATION HERE******************************* end item: Remark end item: Remark Text=****************SET DOMAIN ADMIN ACCOUNT NAME HERE************************************** end item: Set Variable Variable=SVCACCT Value=TestAdmin end item: Remark Text=****************SET DOMAIN ADMIN'S ACCOUNT PASSWORD********************************************* end item: Set Variable Variable=SVCACCTPW Value=Test end item: Remark Text=****************SET DOMAIN NAME HERE*********************************************************** end item: Set Variable Variable=DOMAIN Value=TOYLAND end item: Remark Text=************************************************************************************************************* end item: Remark end item: Open/Close INSTALL.LOG end item: Get Registry Key Value Variable=IENT_PHASE Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Value Name=IENT_PHASE Flags=00000100 end item: Remark end item: If/While Statement Variable=IENT_PHASE end item: Remark Text= THIS PHASE IS RUN FIRST IN THE CONTEXT OF A DOMAIN ADMIN ACCT end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=This is where the script begins. Phase=Null end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=*************************************************************************************************************** end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=*************************************************************************************************************** end item: If/While Statement Variable=INST Value=: Flags=00000010 end item: Remark Text=A mapped drive was detected, assuming that we're running on SMS 1.2 end item: Remark Text=We will get the path to the source from the PCMUNC Variable end item: Get Environment Variable Variable=IENT_PATH Environment=PCMUNC end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE=Null %TIME% Mapped Drive source detected, getting install path from PCMUNC="%IENT_PATH% end item: Else Statement end item: Remark Text=A mapped drive was not detected, assuming that we're running on SMS 2.0 end item: Set Variable Variable=IENT_PATH Value=%INST% end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE=Null %TIME% UNC Source detected, Path to source from INST="%IENT_PATH%" end item: End Block end item: Get Environment Variable Variable=WINDIR Environment=windir end item: Copy Local File Source=%INST%\shutdown.exe Destination=%SYS32%\shutdown.exe Flags=0000000001100010 end item: Copy Local File Source=%INST%\IESetup.exe Destination=%SYS32%\IESetup.exe Flags=0000000001100010 end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE=Null %TIME% Checking for %SYS32%\Shutdown.exe, if absent we'll abort before setting automated install settings end item: Check if File/Dir Exists Pathname=%SYS32%\shutdown.exe Flags=00000011 end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE=Null %TIME% %SYS32%\Shutdown.exe, is present, proceeding end item: Get Registry Key Value Variable=USER Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Value Name=DefaultUserName Flags=00000100 end item: Remark Text=We stop writing to log here for security reasons end item: Open/Close INSTALL.LOG Flags=00000001 end item: Edit Registry Total Keys=6 item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=%DOMAIN% Value Name=DefaultDomainName Root=2 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=%SVCACCT% Value Name=DefaultUserName Root=2 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=%SVCACCTPW% Value Name=DefaultPassword Root=2 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=1 Value Name=AutoAdminLogon Root=2 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=%USER% Value Name=PreviousUser Root=2 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=1 Value Name=IENT_PHASE Root=2 end end item: Remark Text=NTFS Locked down systems may have a key "DontDisplayLastUserName" set, we'll disable for our install end item: Edit Registry Total Keys=1 Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=0 Value Name=DontDisplayLastUserName Root=2 end item: Open/Close INSTALL.LOG end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE=Null %TIME% Autoadmin login & path to source files set in reg end item: Remark Text=DISABLE KEYBOARD and mouse, enable AutoAdminLogon, and WRITE SETUP PHASE # to registry end item: Edit Registry Total Keys=2 item: Key Key=SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Kbdclass New Value=4 Value Name=Start Root=2 Data Type=3 end item: Key Key=SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass New Value=4 Value Name=Start Root=2 Data Type=3 end end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE=Null %TIME% Mouse & Keyboard disabled end item: Remark Text=Disable Internet Explorer Startup Box end item: Edit Registry Total Keys=1 Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Value Name=BrowserWebCheck Root=2 end item: Edit Registry Total Keys=1 Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run New Value=%SYS32%\IESetup.exe Value Name=IENT_RUN Root=2 end item: Edit Registry Total Keys=1 Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=%IENT_PATH% Value Name=IENT_PATH Root=2 end item: Get Registry Key Value Variable=RUNKEY Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Value Name=IENT_RUN Flags=00000100 end item: Get Registry Key Value Variable=DEFAULTUSER Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Value Name=DefaultUserName Flags=00000100 end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE "" %TIME% Wrote %IENT_PATH%\ to IENT_PATH, Wrote "%RUNKEY%" to the run key, about to reboot, Set Default User to "%DEFAULTUSER%" end item: Remark Text= Since the admin may be a new user to the client, we're disabling the welcome.exe end item: Get Environment Variable Variable=WINDIR Environment=WINDIR end item: Rename File/Directory Old Pathname=%WINDIR%\Welcome.exe New Filename=Welcome.old end item: Find File in Path Variable=WELCOMEOLD Pathname List=welcome.old end item: Find File in Path Variable=WELCOMEEXE Pathname List=welcome.exe end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE "" %TIME% Renamed Welcome.exe. Welcome.old: "%WELCOMEOLD%", Welcome.exe: "%WELCOMEEXE%" end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE "" %TIME% Calling Shutdown.exe end item: Execute Program Pathname=%SYS32%\SHUTDOWN.EXE Command Line=/L /R /T:10 "Internet Explorer Setup is shutting down this system to install Internet Explorer" /Y /C Default Directory=%SYS32% Flags=00000010 end item: End Block end item: Remark end item: If/While Statement Variable=IENT_PHASE Value=1 end item: Remark Text= THIS PHASE IS RUN SECOND IN THE CONTEXT OF PCMSVC ACCT end item: Remark Text= MACHINE WILL AUTOLOGON WITH MOUSE & KEYS DISABLED. end item: Remark Text= AFTER REACHING THE SHELL, SETUP WILL LAUNCH FROM THE RUN KEY end item: Remark Text= AFTER SETUP COMPLETES WE RUN SHUTDOWN.EXE AND REBOOT AGAIN end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=*************************************************************************************************************** end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=*************************************************************************************************************** end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE=1 %TIME% Entering IENT_PHASE %IENT_PHASE% end item: Get Registry Key Value Variable=IENT_PATH Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Value Name=IENT_PATH Flags=00000100 end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE=1 %TIME% Got %IENT_PATH%\ from IENT_PATH, resetting AutoAdmin Logon & changing phase to 2 end item: Remark Text=CHANGE PHASE to 2 and reseting AutoAdminLogon end item: Open/Close INSTALL.LOG Flags=00000001 end item: Edit Registry Total Keys=4 item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=1 New Value= Value Name=AutoAdminLogon Root=2 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=%SVCACCT% Value Name=DefaultUserName Root=2 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=%SVCACCTPW% Value Name=DefaultPassword Root=2 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=2 New Value= Value Name=IENT_PHASE Root=2 end end item: Open/Close INSTALL.LOG end item: Remark Text=*************************************************************** end item: Remark Text=IF INSTALLING INTERNET EXPLORER 4.0, MODIFY THE EXECUTE PROGRAM ACTION BELOW end item: Remark Text=TO RUN ie4setup /Q:A /C:"ie4wzd /S:""#E"" /Q /R:N" end item: Remark Text=ALSO MODIFY THE ADD TEXT TO INSTALL.LOG ACTION TO SHOW THE CORRECT COMMAND LINE end item: Remark Text=*************************************************************** end item: Execute Program Pathname=%IENT_PATH%\ie6setup.exe Command Line=/Q:A /C:"ie6wzd /S:""#E"" /Q /R:N" Flags=00000010 end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=Executing %IENT_PATH%\ie6setup.exe /Q:A /C:"ie6wzd /S:""#E"" /Q /R:N" end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE=1 %TIME% Finishing IENT_PHASE=1, setup should have finished, calling shutdown.exe end item: Remark Text=Strong Shutdown to get around anything from the startup group end item: Execute Program Pathname=%SYS32%\SHUTDOWN.EXE Command Line= /L /R /Y /T:10 "Internet Explorer is shutting down this system to run the second half of the installation" /C Default Directory=%SYS32% Flags=00000010 end item: Exit Installation end item: End Block end item: Remark end item: If/While Statement Variable=IENT_PHASE Value=2 end item: Remark Text= THIS PHASE IS RUN THIRD IN THE CONTEXT OF PCMSVC ACCT end item: Remark Text= MACHINE WILL AUTOLOGON WITH MOUSE & KEYS DISABLED. end item: Remark Text= AFTER REACHING THE SHELL, SETUP WILL LAUNCH FROM THE RUN KEY end item: Remark Text= AFTER SETUP COMPLETES WE RUN SHUTDOWN.EXE AND REBOOT AGAIN end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE=2 %TIME% Got %IENT_PATH%\ from IENT_PATH, changing phase to "" for final phase end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=*************************************************************************************************************** end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=*************************************************************************************************************** end item: Get Registry Key Value Variable=PREVIOUSUSER Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Value Name=PreviousUser Flags=00000100 end item: Remark Text=Stop writing to log for security reasons. end item: Open/Close INSTALL.LOG Flags=00000001 end item: Edit Registry Total Keys=6 item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=%PREVIOUSUSER% New Value= Value Name=DefaultUserName Root=2 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=0 Value Name=AutoAdminLogon Root=2 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Value Name=DefaultPassword Root=2 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Value Name=IENT_PATH Root=194 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Value Name=IENT_PHASE Root=194 end item: Key Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Value Name=PreviousUser Root=194 end end item: Open/Close INSTALL.LOG end item: Remark Text=Re-enable "DontDisplayLastUserName" (NTFS Locked down systems only) end item: Remark Text=UN-REMARK NEXT LINE TO SET "DontDisplayLastUserName" TO " 1 " end remarked item: Edit Registry Total Keys=1 Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon New Value=1 Value Name=DontDisplayLastUserName Root=2 end item: Remark Text=REMOVE AUTOLOGON; ENABLE KEYS & MOUSE end item: Edit Registry Total Keys=2 item: Key Key=SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Kbdclass New Value=1 Value Name=Start Root=2 Data Type=3 end item: Key Key=SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass New Value=1 Value Name=Start Root=2 Data Type=3 end end item: Edit Registry Total Keys=1 Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Value Name=IENT_RUN Root=194 end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=PHASE=2 %TIME% Disabled autoadmin logon and turned keyboard / mouse back on. About to reboot again. Run Key Shows "%RUNKEY%" end item: Get Environment Variable Variable=WINDIR Environment=WINDIR end item: Rename File/Directory Old Pathname=%WINDIR%\Welcome.old New Filename=Welcome.exe end item: Execute Program Pathname=%SYS32%\SHUTDOWN.EXE Command Line=/L /R /T:30 "Internet Explorer setup is shutting down this system and will return control to the user " /Y /C Default Directory=%SYS32% Flags=00000010 end item: Delete File Pathname=%SYS32%\shutdown.exe end item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG Text=IESETUP SCRIPT COMPLETED end item: Exit Installation end item: End Block end