/*++ Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: convert.c Abstract: Contains the conversion related routines. Author: Sanjay Anand (SanjayAn) Nov. 14, 1995 Environment: User mode Revision History: Sanjay Anand (SanjayAn) Nov. 14, 1995 Created --*/ #include "defs.h" #define MAX_TRIES 30 NTSTATUS JCCallUpg( IN SERVICES Id, IN PSERVICE_INFO pServiceInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine creates a process to convert a database file. Arguments: Id - service id pServiceInfo - Pointer to the service information struct. Return Value: None. --*/ { TCHAR imageName[] = CONVERT_EXE_PATH; TCHAR exImageName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR curDir[MAX_PATH]; STARTUPINFO startInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; DWORD error; DWORD exitCode, size; TCHAR cmdLine[MAX_PATH+1000]=""; TCHAR exCmdLine[MAX_PATH+1000]; TCHAR temp[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR sId[3]; // upg351db c:\winnt\system32\wins\wins.mdb /e2 /@ /dc:\winnt\system32\jet.dll // /yc:\winnt\system32\wins\system.mdb /lc:\winnt\system32\wins // /bc:\winnt\system32\wins\backup /pc:\winnt\system32\wins\351db if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( imageName, exImageName, MAX_PATH)) == 0) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", imageName, error)); } strcat(cmdLine, exImageName); strcat(cmdLine, " "); // // Build the command line // strcat(cmdLine, pServiceInfo[Id].DBPath); strcat(cmdLine, " /e"); sprintf(sId, "%d", Id+1); strcat(cmdLine, sId); // // Passed in to indicate to upg351db that it was called by me and not from cmd line. // This is so it can know whether CreateMutex shd fail. // strcat(cmdLine, " /@"); strcat(cmdLine, " /d"); strcat(cmdLine, SYSTEM_ROOT); strcat(cmdLine, "jet.dll"); strcat(cmdLine, " /y"); strcat(cmdLine, pServiceInfo[Id].SystemFilePath); strcat(cmdLine, " /l"); strcat(cmdLine, pServiceInfo[Id].LogFilePath); // // WINS does not have a default backup path // if (pServiceInfo[Id].BackupPath[0] != '\0') { strcat(cmdLine, " /b"); strcat(cmdLine, pServiceInfo[Id].BackupPath); } strcat(cmdLine, " /p"); strcpy(temp, pServiceInfo[Id].LogFilePath); strcat(temp, "\\351db"); strcat(cmdLine, temp); if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( cmdLine, exCmdLine, MAX_PATH+1000)) == 0) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", cmdLine, error)); } if (!GetSystemDirectory( curDir, MAX_PATH)) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("GetSystemDirectory returned error: %lx\n", error)); return error; } MYDEBUG(("cmdLine: %s\n", exCmdLine)); memset(&startInfo, 0, sizeof(startInfo)); startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo); // // Create a process for the convert.exe program. // if(!CreateProcess( exImageName, // image name exCmdLine, // command line (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES )NULL, // process security attr. (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES )NULL, // thread security attr. FALSE, // inherit handle? 0, // creation flags (LPVOID )NULL, // new environ. block curDir, // current directory &startInfo, // startupinfo &procInfo )) { // process info. error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("CreateProcess returned error: %lx\n", error)); return error; } MYDEBUG(("CreateProcess succeeded\n")); // // Get the exit code of the process to determine if the convert went through. // do { if (!GetExitCodeProcess(procInfo.hProcess, &exitCode)) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("GetExitCode returned error: %lx\n", error)); return error; } } while ( exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE ); // // If non-zero exit code, report the error // if (exitCode) { MYDEBUG(("ExitCode: %lx\n", exitCode)); return exitCode; } return STATUS_SUCCESS ; } NTSTATUS JCCallESE( IN SERVICES Id, IN PSERVICE_INFO pServiceInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine creates a process to convert a database file from jet500 to jet600. Arguments: Id - service id pServiceInfo - Pointer to the service information struct. Return Value: None. --*/ { TCHAR imageName[] = CONVERT_EXE_PATH_ESE; TCHAR exImageName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR curDir[MAX_PATH]; STARTUPINFO startInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; DWORD error; DWORD exitCode, size; TCHAR cmdLine[MAX_PATH+1000]=""; TCHAR exCmdLine[MAX_PATH+1000]; TCHAR temp[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR sId[3]; TCHAR Preserve40DbPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR Preserve40BasePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR PreserveBasePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR PreserveDbPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR DbFile[MAX_PATH], DbFileName[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE HSearch = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData; ULONG index = 0, tries = 0; TCHAR DatabaseFileName[MAX_PATH]; LPVOID lpMsgBuf; DWORD MsgLen = 0, Error = 0; // eseutil /u c:\winnt\system32\wins\wins.mdb /dc:\winnt\system32\edb.dll // if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( imageName, exImageName, MAX_PATH)) == 0) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", imageName, error)); } strcat(cmdLine, exImageName); strcat(cmdLine, " /u "); // u for upgrade // // Build the command line // strcat(cmdLine, pServiceInfo[Id].DBPath); strcat(cmdLine, " /d"); strcat(cmdLine, SYSTEM_ROOT); strcat(cmdLine, "edb500.dll"); // // WINS does not have a default backup path // if (pServiceInfo[Id].ESEBackupPath[0] != '\0') { strcat(cmdLine, " /b"); strcat(cmdLine, pServiceInfo[Id].ESEBackupPath); } // // Preserve the old database now. WINS does not get preserved // because of its cool replication feature. // #if 0 MYDEBUG(("40DbPath = %s\n", pServiceInfo[Id].DBPath)); MYDEBUG(("SystemFilePath = %s\n", pServiceInfo[Id].SystemFilePath)); MYDEBUG(("LogFilePAth = %s\n", pServiceInfo[Id].LogFilePath)); MYDEBUG(("Backup = %s\n", pServiceInfo[Id].BackupPath)); MYDEBUG(("ESEBackup = %s\n", pServiceInfo[Id].ESEBackupPath)); MYDEBUG(("ESEPreserve = %s\n", pServiceInfo[Id].ESEPreservePath)); #endif // // First get the base path, then get the DB name and append // as follows - // DBBasePAth = whatever // DBPath = whatever\wins.mdb // 40BasePath = whatever\40db // 40DbPath = whatever\40db\wins.mdb // strcpy(PreserveBasePath, pServiceInfo[Id].DBPath); // now get the base path out index = strlen(PreserveBasePath); while (index && (L'\\' != PreserveBasePath[index])) { index--; } strcpy(DatabaseFileName, &PreserveBasePath[index+1]); PreserveBasePath[index] = L'\0'; // Now get the backup base path. strcpy(Preserve40BasePath, PreserveBasePath); strcat(Preserve40BasePath, "\\40db\\"); // The BaseDbPath already exists strcpy(PreserveDbPath, pServiceInfo[Id].DBPath); // Generate the backup database path. strcpy(Preserve40DbPath, Preserve40BasePath); strcat(Preserve40DbPath, DatabaseFileName); MYDEBUG(("40BasePath = %s\n", Preserve40BasePath)); MYDEBUG(("40DbPath = %s\n", Preserve40DbPath)); MYDEBUG(("BasePath = %s\n", PreserveBasePath)); MYDEBUG(("DbPath = %s\n", PreserveDbPath)); wait_for_file: if ((HSearch = FindFirstFile( PreserveDbPath, &FileData )) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { MYDEBUG(("File not found yet (%d)! Sleep and try another %d times\n", GetLastError(), (MAX_TRIES - tries))); Sleep(1000); tries++; if (tries < MAX_TRIES) { goto wait_for_file; } } error = PreserveCurrentDb(PreserveBasePath, PreserveDbPath, Preserve40BasePath, Preserve40DbPath); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MYDEBUG(("FAILED Preserve Database!\n")); return error; } if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( cmdLine, exCmdLine, MAX_PATH+1000)) == 0) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", cmdLine, error)); } if (!GetSystemDirectory( curDir, MAX_PATH)) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("GetSystemDirectory returned error: %lx\n", error)); return error; } MYDEBUG(("cmdLine: %s\n", exCmdLine)); memset(&startInfo, 0, sizeof(startInfo)); startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo); // // Create a process for the convert.exe program. // if(!CreateProcess( exImageName, // image name exCmdLine, // command line (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES )NULL, // process security attr. (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES )NULL, // thread security attr. FALSE, // inherit handle? 0, // creation flags (LPVOID )NULL, // new environ. block curDir, // current directory &startInfo, // startupinfo &procInfo )) { // process info. error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("CreateProcess returned error: %lx\n", error)); return error; } MYDEBUG(("CreateProcess succeeded\n")); // // Get the exit code of the process to determine if the convert went through. // do { if (!GetExitCodeProcess(procInfo.hProcess, &exitCode)) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("GetExitCode returned error: %lx\n", error)); return error; } } while ( exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE ); // // If non-zero exit code, report the error // if (exitCode) { MYDEBUG(("ExitCode: %lx\n", exitCode)); // // Check if the file exists // strcpy(DbFile, SYSTEM_ROOT); strcat(DbFile, "edb500.dll"); if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( DbFile, DbFileName, MAX_PATH)) == 0) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", DbFileName, error)); } else { if ((HSearch = FindFirstFile( DbFileName, &FileData )) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { MYDEBUG(("Error: Edb500.dll wasnt found on the DISK! Need to copy from the NT5.0 CDROM.\n")); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, NULL, JC_DB_FAIL_MSG, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); if (!MsgLen) { Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("FormatMessage failed with error = (%d)\n", Error )); } else { MYDEBUG(("FormatMessage : %d size\n", MsgLen)); } if(MessageBoxEx(NULL, lpMsgBuf, __TEXT("Jet Conversion Process"), MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION | MB_ICONSTOP, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL)) == 0) { DWORD Error; Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("MessageBoxEx failed with error = (%d)\n", Error )); } ASSERT(lpMsgBuf); LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); } } return exitCode; } return STATUS_SUCCESS ; } DWORD JCConvert( IN PSERVICE_INFO pServiceInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine gets the sizes of the dbase files; if there is enough disk space, calls convert for each service. Arguments: pServiceInfo - Pointer to the service information struct. Return Value: None. --*/ { SERVICES i ; LARGE_INTEGER diskspace = {0, 0}; LARGE_INTEGER totalsize = {0, 0}; DWORD error; HANDLE hFile; DWORD SectorsPerCluster; DWORD BytesPerSector; DWORD NumberOfFreeClusters; DWORD TotalNumberOfClusters; TCHAR eventStr[MAX_PATH]; DWORD j = 0; BOOLEAN fYetToStart = FALSE; BOOLEAN fFirstTime = TRUE; SC_HANDLE hScmCheck = NULL; #if 0 SERVICES order[NUM_SERVICES]; SERVICES k = NUM_SERVICES - 1; // // Build the service invocation order // for (i = 0; i < NUM_SERVICES; i++) { JCGetMutex(hMutex, INFINITE); if (shrdMemPtr->InvokedByService[i]) { order[j++] = i; } else { order[k--] = i; } JCFreeMutex(hMutex); } #if DBG for (i = 0; i < NUM_SERVICES; i++) { MYDEBUG(("order[%d]=%d\n", i, order[i])); } #endif #endif do { fYetToStart = FALSE; // // Get the size of the dbase files // for (j = 0; j < NUM_SERVICES; j++) { // i = order[j]; i = j; if (!pServiceInfo[i].Installed ) { MYDEBUG(("Service# %d not installed - skipping to next\n", i)); continue; } JCGetMutex(hMutex, INFINITE); // // If JetConv was invoked by this service and it has not been started yet // if (shrdMemPtr->InvokedByService[i] && !pServiceInfo[i].ServiceStarted) { JCFreeMutex(hMutex); MYDEBUG(("Check if the service has stopped\n")); if ((hScmCheck = OpenSCManager( NULL, // address of machine name string NULL, // address of database name string SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS)) == NULL) { // type of access MYDEBUG(("OpenSCManager returned error: %lx\n", GetLastError())); exit(1); } { SC_HANDLE hService; SERVICE_STATUS serviceStatus; TCHAR eventStr[MAX_PATH]; int numtries = 0; // // Make sure that the service has stopped. // if ((hService = OpenService( hScmCheck, pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, SERVICE_START | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS)) == NULL) { MYDEBUG(("OpenService: %s returned error: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, GetLastError())); // // just mark it as started, so we dont re-try this. // pServiceInfo[i].ServiceStarted = TRUE; CloseServiceHandle(hScmCheck); MYDEBUG(("Marking service: %d as started since the Service cant be opened.\n", i)); continue; } tryagain: if (!QueryServiceStatus( hService, &serviceStatus)) { MYDEBUG(("QueryServiceStatus: %s returned error: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, GetLastError())); // // just mark it as started, so we dont re-try this. // pServiceInfo[i].ServiceStarted = TRUE; MYDEBUG(("Marking service: %d as started since we cant query it.\n", i)); continue; } if ((SERVICE_RUNNING == serviceStatus.dwCurrentState) || (SERVICE_STOP_PENDING == serviceStatus.dwCurrentState)) { // // Service is about to stop/start - we wait for it to stop/start completely. // MYDEBUG(("Service (%s) state STOP pending - will loop until it goes down\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); MYDEBUG(("Sleep(15000)\n")); Sleep(15000); if (++numtries < MAX_TRIES) { goto tryagain; } else { MYDEBUG(("Service (%s) is NOT STOPPING!! We don't bother with it anymore.\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); pServiceInfo[i].ServiceStarted = TRUE; MYDEBUG(("Marking service: %d as started since we can't STOP it.\n", i)); continue; } } else if (SERVICE_STOPPED == serviceStatus.dwCurrentState) { MYDEBUG(("YAY!! Finally stopped.\n")); } else { MYDEBUG(("Service (%s) in state (%d)- will loop until it goes down\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, serviceStatus.dwCurrentState)); MYDEBUG(("Sleep(15000)\n")); Sleep(15000); if (++numtries < MAX_TRIES) { goto tryagain; } else { MYDEBUG(("Service (%s) is NOT STOPPING!! We don't bother with it anymore.\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); pServiceInfo[i].ServiceStarted = TRUE; MYDEBUG(("Marking service: %d as started since we cant STOP it.\n", i)); continue; } MYDEBUG(("Problem! - %s is currently in %d\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, serviceStatus.dwCurrentState)); } CloseServiceHandle(hService); CloseServiceHandle(hScmCheck); } // // Get a handle to the file // if ((hFile = CreateFile ( pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { MYDEBUG(("Could not get handle to file: %s, %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, GetLastError())); if (pServiceInfo[i].DefaultDbPath) { // // Log event that the default database file is not around // JCLogEvent(JC_COULD_NOT_ACCESS_DEFAULT_FILE, pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, NULL); } else { // // Log event that the database file in the registry is not around // JCLogEvent(JC_COULD_NOT_ACCESS_FILE, pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, NULL); } // // If this was not the default path, try the default path // if (!pServiceInfo[i].DefaultDbPath) { TCHAR tempPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD size; switch (i) { case DHCP: strcpy(tempPath, DEFAULT_DHCP_DBFILE_PATH); break; case WINS: strcpy(tempPath, DEFAULT_WINS_DBFILE_PATH); break; case RPL: strcpy(tempPath, DEFAULT_RPL_DBFILE_PATH); break; } if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( tempPath, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, MAX_PATH)) == 0) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error)); } pServiceInfo[i].DefaultDbPath = TRUE; // // so we recheck this service // j--; } else { // // just mark it as started, so we dont re-try this. // pServiceInfo[i].ServiceStarted = TRUE; MYDEBUG(("Marking service: %d as started since the dbase is not accessible.\n", i)); } continue; } // // Try to obtain hFile's huge size. // if ((pServiceInfo[i].DBSize.LowPart = GetFileSize ( hFile, &pServiceInfo[i].DBSize.HighPart)) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { if ((error = GetLastError()) != NO_ERROR) { sprintf(eventStr, "Could not get size of file: %s, %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, GetLastError()); MYDEBUG((eventStr)); // // Log event // JCLogEvent(JC_COULD_NOT_ACCESS_FILE, pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, NULL); continue; } } totalsize.QuadPart = pServiceInfo[i].DBSize.QuadPart; CloseHandle(hFile); // // Get the free disk space for comparison. // if (!GetDiskFreeSpace( SystemDrive, &SectorsPerCluster, // address of sectors per cluster &BytesPerSector, // address of bytes per sector &NumberOfFreeClusters, // address of number of free clusters &TotalNumberOfClusters)) { sprintf(eventStr, "Could not get free space on: %s, %lx\n", SystemDrive, GetLastError()); MYDEBUG((eventStr)); // // Log event // JCLogEvent(JC_COULD_NOT_GET_FREE_SPACE, SystemDrive, NULL, NULL); } diskspace.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64 (NumberOfFreeClusters, SectorsPerCluster * BytesPerSector); MYDEBUG(("Disk size: low: %d high: %d\n", diskspace.LowPart, diskspace.HighPart)); // // if there is enough disk space, call convert for this service. // if (totalsize.QuadPart + PAD < diskspace.QuadPart) { SC_HANDLE hScm; MYDEBUG(("Enough free space available\n")); if ((hScm = OpenSCManager( NULL, // address of machine name string NULL, // address of database name string SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS)) == NULL) { // type of access MYDEBUG(("OpenSCManager returned error: %lx\n", GetLastError())); exit(1); } { SC_HANDLE hService; SERVICE_STATUS serviceStatus; TCHAR eventStr[MAX_PATH]; // // Invoke the services that had their databases converted and that tried to call us. // // // Make sure that the service is not already running // if ((hService = OpenService( hScm, pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, SERVICE_START | SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS)) == NULL) { MYDEBUG(("OpenService: %s returned error: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, GetLastError())); continue; } if (!QueryServiceStatus( hService, &serviceStatus)) { MYDEBUG(("QueryServiceStatus: %s returned error: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, GetLastError())); continue; } switch (serviceStatus.dwCurrentState) { case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: case SERVICE_START_PENDING: // // Service is about to stop/start - we wait for it to stop/start completely. // MYDEBUG(("Service state pending - will come later: %s\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); fYetToStart = TRUE; // // We re-try the service that called us once; else go to the next one. // if (fFirstTime) { MYDEBUG(("Service state pending - re-trying: %s\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); fFirstTime = FALSE; MYDEBUG(("Sleep(15000)\n")); Sleep(15000); j--; } break; case SERVICE_RUNNING: // // Service is already running - mark it as started // pServiceInfo[i].ServiceStarted = TRUE; break; case SERVICE_STOPPED: default: MYDEBUG(("%s size: low: %d high: %d\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, pServiceInfo[i].DBSize.LowPart, pServiceInfo[i].DBSize.HighPart)); error = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (Jet200) { if ((error = JCCallUpg(i, pServiceInfo)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { sprintf(eventStr, "%sCONV failed: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error); MYDEBUG((eventStr)); sprintf(eventStr, "%lx", error); JCLogEvent(JC_CONVERT_FAILED, pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, eventStr, NULL); } else { sprintf(eventStr, "%sCONV passed, converted database %s\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath); MYDEBUG((eventStr)); JCLogEvent(JC_CONVERTED_SUCCESSFULLY, pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, pServiceInfo[i].BackupPath); pServiceInfo[i].DBConverted = TRUE; } } // // Now, we convert to jet600, if the 200 -> 500 was a success - MS // RPL does not want to convert to Jet600, so ESEPreservePath for RPL // is overloaded with NULL to figure this out. // if (ERROR_SUCCESS == error && pServiceInfo[i].ESEPreservePath[0] != TEXT('\0')) { if ((error = JCCallESE(i, pServiceInfo)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { sprintf(eventStr, "%sCONV failed: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error); MYDEBUG((eventStr)); sprintf(eventStr, "%lx", error); JCLogEvent(JC_CONVERT2_FAILED, pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, eventStr, NULL); //break; } else { sprintf(eventStr, "%sCONV passed, converted database %s\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath); MYDEBUG((eventStr)); JCLogEvent(JC_CONVERTED_SUCCESSFULLY, pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, pServiceInfo[i].BackupPath); pServiceInfo[i].DBConverted = TRUE; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != DeleteLogFiles(pServiceInfo[i].LogFilePath)) { MYDEBUG(("Could not delete log files!\n")); } } // // If service is not already running, start it. // if (ERROR_SUCCESS == error) { if (!StartService( hService, 0, NULL)) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("StartService: %s returned error: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error)); sprintf(eventStr, "%lx", error); JCLogEvent(JC_COULD_NOT_START_SERVICE, pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, eventStr, NULL); } else { MYDEBUG(("StartService: %s done\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); } } else { MYDEBUG(("NOT starting Service: %s because the conversion failed\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); } } // // Set this so we dont re-try this service. // pServiceInfo[i].ServiceStarted = TRUE; break; } // // Sleep for a while to let the services stabilize // if (fYetToStart) { MYDEBUG(("Sleep(15000)\n")); Sleep(15000); } } CloseServiceHandle(hScm); } else { // // Log an event to indicate that enough space was not available to // do the conversion. // sprintf(eventStr, "Not enough free space on: %s to proceed with conversion of WINS/DHCP/RPL databases\n", SystemDrive); MYDEBUG((eventStr)); // // Bug 104808: break the infinite loop if not enough disk space. // error = ERROR_DISK_FULL; fYetToStart = FALSE; // // Search for the installed service here // for ( i = 0; i < NUM_SERVICES; i++) { if (pServiceInfo[i].Installed) { JCLogEvent(JC_SPACE_NOT_AVAILABLE, SystemDrive, NULL, NULL); } } } } else { JCFreeMutex(hMutex); } } if (!fYetToStart) { INT i; // // If there are no pending services, do one last check to see if someone else // invoked us in the meantime. // JCGetMutex(hMutex, INFINITE); for (i=0; iInvokedByService[i] && !pServiceInfo[i].ServiceStarted) { MYDEBUG(("Service: %d invoked during conversion.\n", i)); fYetToStart = TRUE; } } // // If still no more invocations, we are done; destroy the shared mem // if (!fYetToStart) { MYDEBUG(("No more Services invoked during conversion.\n")); // // Destroy the shared mem. // if (!UnmapViewOfFile(shrdMemPtr)) { MYDEBUG(("UnmapViewOfFile returned error: %lx\n", GetLastError())); exit(1); } CloseHandle(hFileMapping); } JCFreeMutex(hMutex); } } while (fYetToStart); return error; } /*++ Routine Description: DeleteLogFiles: Deletes the log files after a successful conversion in the main directory. That way, the program that uses the database knows that the conversion was successful. Arguments: Complete path to the directory where the log files exist. Returns: NTSTATUS --*/ NTSTATUS DeleteLogFiles(TCHAR * LogFilePath ) { TCHAR *FileNameInPath; HANDLE HSearch = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData; TCHAR CurrentDir[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD Error; // // now move the log files // if( GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_PATH, CurrentDir ) == 0 ) { Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("DeleteCurrentDb: GetCurrentDirctory failed, Error = %ld.\n", Error )); goto Cleanup; } // // set current directory to logfile path. // if( SetCurrentDirectory( LogFilePath ) == FALSE ) { Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("DeleteCurrentDb: SetCurrentDirctory failed, Error = %ld.\n", Error )); goto Cleanup; } // // Start file search on current dir. // HSearch = FindFirstFile( "j50*.log", &FileData ); if( HSearch == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("Error: No Log files were found in %s\n", LogFilePath )); goto Cleanup; } // // Delete log files // for( ;; ) { if( DeleteFile( FileData.cFileName ) == FALSE ) { Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("DeleteCurrentDb: could not delete log file, Error = %ld.\n", Error )); goto Cleanup; } // // Find next file. // if ( FindNextFile( HSearch, &FileData ) == FALSE ) { Error = GetLastError(); if( ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES == Error ) { break; } MYDEBUG(("Error: FindNextFile failed, Error = %ld.\n", Error )); goto Cleanup; } } Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ MYDEBUG(("Error deleting log files %ld", Error)); } if( HSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { FindClose( HSearch ); } // // reset current currectory. // SetCurrentDirectory( CurrentDir ); // // always return success! // return ERROR_SUCCESS; } DWORD PreserveCurrentDb( TCHAR * InBasePath, TCHAR * InSourceDb, TCHAR * InPreserveDbPath, TCHAR * InPreserveDb) /*++ Routine Description: Preserve the current DB in a preserve path, so that we can always revert. Arguments: szBasePath szSourceDb szPreserveDbPath Directories from/to preserve Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD FileAttributes; TCHAR TempPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR Temp2Path[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *FileNameInPath; HANDLE HSearch = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData; TCHAR CurrentDir[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD Error, size; TCHAR szBasePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szSourceDb[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szPreserveDbPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szPreserveDB[MAX_PATH]; if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( InBasePath, szBasePath, MAX_PATH)) == 0) { Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %ws returned error: %lx\n", InBasePath, Error)); goto Cleanup; } if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( InSourceDb, szSourceDb, MAX_PATH)) == 0) { Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", InSourceDb, Error)); goto Cleanup; } if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( InPreserveDbPath, szPreserveDbPath, MAX_PATH)) == 0) { Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", InPreserveDbPath, Error)); goto Cleanup; } if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( InPreserveDb, szPreserveDB, MAX_PATH)) == 0) { Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", InPreserveDb, Error)); goto Cleanup; } FileAttributes = GetFileAttributes( szPreserveDbPath ); if( FileAttributes == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { Error = GetLastError(); if( Error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { // // Create this directory. // if( !CreateDirectory( szPreserveDbPath, NULL) ) { Error = GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; } } else { goto Cleanup; } } // // move the database file. // if ( !CopyFile( szSourceDb, szPreserveDB, FALSE ) ){ Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("PreserveCurrentDb: could not save database file: Error %ld\n",GetLastError())); MYDEBUG(("Src %s, Dest %s\n",szSourceDb, szPreserveDB)); goto Cleanup; } // // Start file search on current dir. // strcpy(Temp2Path, szBasePath); strcat(Temp2Path,"\\"); strcat(Temp2Path,"j*.log"); HSearch = FindFirstFile( Temp2Path, &FileData ); if( HSearch == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("Error: No Log files were found in %s\n", Temp2Path )); goto Cleanup; } // // Move files. // for( ;; ) { strcpy(TempPath, szPreserveDbPath); strcat(TempPath,"\\"); strcat(TempPath, FileData.cFileName ); strcpy(Temp2Path,szBasePath); strcat(Temp2Path,"\\"); strcat(Temp2Path,FileData.cFileName ); if( CopyFile( Temp2Path, TempPath, FALSE ) == FALSE ) { Error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("PreserveCurrentDb: could not save log file, Error = %ld.\n", Error )); MYDEBUG(("File %s, Src %s, Dest %s\n",FileData.cFileName,Temp2Path,TempPath)); goto Cleanup; } // // Find next file. // if ( FindNextFile( HSearch, &FileData ) == FALSE ) { Error = GetLastError(); if( ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES == Error ) { break; } // printf("Error: FindNextFile failed, Error = %ld.\n", Error ); goto Cleanup; } } Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ){ MYDEBUG(("CONVERT_ERR_PRESERVEDB_FAIL2_ID %x\n", GetLastError())); } if( HSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { FindClose( HSearch ); } // // always return same! // return Error; }