/*++ Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: cdp.c Abstract: A user mode app that allows simple commands to be sent to a selected scsi device. Environment: User mode only Revision History: 03-26-96 : Created --*/ // // this module may be compiled at warning level 4 with the following // warnings disabled: // #pragma warning(disable:4200) // array[0] #pragma warning(disable:4201) // nameless struct/unions #pragma warning(disable:4214) // bit fields other than int #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include "bootstatus.h" #ifdef DBG #define dbg(x) x #define HELP_ME() printf("Reached line %4d\n", __LINE__); #else #define dbg(x) /* x */ #define HELP_ME() /* printf("Reached line %4d\n", __LINE__); */ #endif #define ARGUMENT_USED(x) (x == NULL) // // The default size of the safemode.dat file - it must be large enough that the // data stream isn't a resident attribute of the metadata or the loader's // NTFS implementation can't write to it. // #define DEFAULT_SAFEMODE_FILE_SIZE 0x800 typedef struct { PCHAR Name; PCHAR Description; BOOLEAN LockData; ULONG (*Function)(HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[]); } COMMAND; DWORD TestCommand(HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[]); DWORD Disable(HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[]); DWORD Enable(HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[]); DWORD Create(HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[]); DWORD CreateEx(HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[]); DWORD SetFlags(HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[]); DWORD ClearFlags(HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[]); DWORD ListSettings(HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[]); DWORD ListCommand(int argc, char *argv[]); // // List of commands // all command names are case sensitive // arguments are passed into command routines // list must be terminated with NULL command // command will not be listed in help if description == NULL // COMMAND CommandArray[] = { {"create", "Creates the boot status data file", FALSE, Create}, {"createex", "Tests creation code", FALSE, CreateEx}, {"disable", "Disables Auto Advanced Boot", TRUE, Disable}, {"enable", "Enables Auto Advanced Boot", TRUE, Enable}, {"set", "Sets the boot status flags", TRUE, SetFlags}, {"settings","Lists the Auto Advanced Boot settings", TRUE, ListSettings}, {NULL, NULL, FALSE, NULL} }; int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 0; HANDLE bootStatusData; BOOLEAN bsdLocked = FALSE; if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s [parameters]\n", argv[0]); printf("possible commands: \n"); ListCommand(argc, argv); printf("\n"); return -1; } // // Iterate through the command array and find the correct function to // call. // while(CommandArray[i].Name != NULL) { if(strcmp(argv[1], CommandArray[i].Name) == 0) { NTSTATUS status; if(CommandArray[i].LockData) { status = RtlLockBootStatusData(&bootStatusData); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx opening boot status bootStatusData\n", status); return -1; } bsdLocked = TRUE; } else { bootStatusData = NULL; } (CommandArray[i].Function)(bootStatusData, (argc - 1), &(argv[1])); break; } i++; } if(CommandArray[i].Name == NULL) { printf("Unknown command %s\n", argv[1]); } if(bsdLocked) { RtlUnlockBootStatusData(bootStatusData); } return 0; } DWORD TestCommand(HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[]) /*++ Routine Description: Tests the command "parsing" Arguments: device - a file handle to send the ioctl to argc - the number of additional arguments. should be zero argv - the additional arguments Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS if successful The value of GetLastError() from the point of failure --*/ { int i; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(BootStatusData); printf("Test - %d additional arguments\n", argc); for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) { printf("arg %d: %s\n", i, argv[i]); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } DWORD ListCommand(int argc, char *argv[]) /*++ Routine Description: Prints out the command list Arguments: device - unused argc - unused argv - unused Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS --*/ { int i = 0; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(argc); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(argv); while(CommandArray[i].Name != NULL) { if(CommandArray[i].Description != NULL) { printf("\t%s - %s\n", CommandArray[i].Name, CommandArray[i].Description); } i++; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } DWORD Create( HANDLE Unused, int argc, char *argv[] ) { BOOLEAN enabled; NTSTATUS status; status = RtlCreateBootStatusDataFile(); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx creating boot status data\n", status); } return status; } DWORD Enable( HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[] ) { BOOLEAN enabled; NTSTATUS status; status = RtlGetSetBootStatusData(BootStatusData, TRUE, RtlBsdItemAabEnabled, &enabled, sizeof(BOOLEAN), NULL); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx reading boot status data\n", status); return status; } printf("Enabling Automatic Advanced Boot\n"); printf("Previous setting was %s\n", enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); enabled = TRUE; status = RtlGetSetBootStatusData(BootStatusData, FALSE, RtlBsdItemAabEnabled, &enabled, sizeof(BOOLEAN), NULL); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx writing boot status data\n", status); } return status; } DWORD Disable( HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[] ) { BOOLEAN enabled; NTSTATUS status; status = RtlGetSetBootStatusData(BootStatusData, TRUE, RtlBsdItemAabEnabled, &enabled, sizeof(BOOLEAN), NULL); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx reading boot status data\n", status); return status; } printf("Disabling Automatic Advanced Boot\n"); printf("Previous setting was %s\n", enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); enabled = FALSE; status = RtlGetSetBootStatusData(BootStatusData, FALSE, RtlBsdItemAabEnabled, &enabled, sizeof(BOOLEAN), NULL); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx writing boot status data\n", status); } return status; } DWORD ListSettings( HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[] ) { BOOLEAN flag; NTSTATUS status; status = RtlGetSetBootStatusData(BootStatusData, TRUE, RtlBsdItemAabEnabled, &flag, sizeof(BOOLEAN), NULL); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx reading boot status data\n", status); return status; } printf("Automatic Advanced Boot is %s\n", flag ? "enabled" : "disabled"); status = RtlGetSetBootStatusData(BootStatusData, TRUE, RtlBsdItemAabTimeout, &flag, sizeof(BOOLEAN), NULL); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx reading boot status data\n", status); return status; } printf("Automatic Advanced Boot timeout is %d seconds\n", (UCHAR) flag); status = RtlGetSetBootStatusData(BootStatusData, TRUE, RtlBsdItemBootGood, &flag, sizeof(BOOLEAN), NULL); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx reading boot status data\n", status); return status; } printf("LastBootSucceeded = %#x\n", flag); status = RtlGetSetBootStatusData(BootStatusData, TRUE, RtlBsdItemBootShutdown, &flag, sizeof(BOOLEAN), NULL); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx reading boot status data\n", status); return status; } printf("LastBootShutdown = %#x\n", flag); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } DWORD SetFlags(HANDLE BootStatusData, int argc, char *argv[]) { int count; if(argc <= 1) { printf("usage: autosafeboot set = ..."); return 0; } for(count = 1; count < argc; count++) { PUCHAR nameString; PUCHAR valueString; ULONG index; UCHAR value; index = -1; // // match the string. // nameString = argv[count]; valueString = strrchr(nameString, '='); if(valueString == NULL) { printf("** element \"%s\" not understood\n", nameString); continue; } valueString[0] = '\0'; valueString += 1; value = (UCHAR) atoi(valueString); if(_stricmp(nameString, "boot") == 0) { printf("Setting LastBootSucceeded to %#x\n", value); index = RtlBsdItemBootGood; } else if(_stricmp(nameString, "shutdown") == 0) { printf("Setting LastBootShutdown to %#x\n", value); index = RtlBsdItemBootShutdown; } if(index != -1) { NTSTATUS status; status = RtlGetSetBootStatusData(BootStatusData, FALSE, index, &value, sizeof(UCHAR), NULL); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx reading boot status data\n", status); continue; } } else { printf("** element \"%s=%s\" not understood\n", nameString, valueString); } } return 0; } NTSTATUS MyCreateBootStatusDataFile( PUCHAR DataFileName ) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; WCHAR fileNameBuffer[MAXIMUM_FILENAME_LENGTH+1]; ANSI_STRING ansiFileName; UNICODE_STRING fileName; HANDLE dataFileHandle; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; LARGE_INTEGER t; UCHAR zero = 0; BSD_BOOT_STATUS_DATA defaultValues; NTSTATUS status; RtlZeroMemory(fileNameBuffer, sizeof(fileNameBuffer)); RtlInitAnsiString(&ansiFileName, DataFileName); fileName.Length = 0; fileName.MaximumLength = sizeof(fileNameBuffer); fileName.Buffer = fileNameBuffer; RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&fileName, &ansiFileName, FALSE); InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttributes, &fileName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); // // The file must be large enough that it doesn't reside in the MFT entry // or the loader won't be able to write to it. // t.QuadPart = 2048; // // Create the file. // status = NtCreateFile(&dataFileHandle, FILE_GENERIC_READ | FILE_GENERIC_WRITE, &objectAttributes, &(ioStatusBlock), &t, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM, 0, FILE_CREATE, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL, 0); ASSERT(status != STATUS_PENDING); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; } // // Write a single zero byte to the 0x7ffth byte in the file to make // sure that 2k are actually allocated. This is to ensure that the // file will not become attribute resident even after a conversion // from FAT to NTFS. // t.QuadPart = t.QuadPart - 1; status = NtWriteFile(dataFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ioStatusBlock, &zero, 1, &t, NULL); ASSERT(status != STATUS_PENDING); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto CreateDone; } // // Now write out the default values to the beginning of the file. // defaultValues.Version = sizeof(BSD_BOOT_STATUS_DATA); RtlGetNtProductType(&(defaultValues.ProductType)); defaultValues.AutoAdvancedBoot = FALSE; defaultValues.AdvancedBootMenuTimeout = 30; defaultValues.LastBootSucceeded = TRUE; defaultValues.LastBootShutdown = FALSE; t.QuadPart = 0; status = NtWriteFile(dataFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ioStatusBlock, &defaultValues, sizeof(BSD_BOOT_STATUS_DATA), &t, NULL); ASSERT(status != STATUS_PENDING); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { // // The data file was created and we can assume the contents were zeroed // even if we couldn't write out the defaults. Since this wouldn't // enable auto-advanced boot we'll leave the data file in place with // its zeroed contents. // } CreateDone: NtClose(dataFileHandle); return status; } DWORD CreateEx( HANDLE Unused, int argc, char *argv[] ) { BOOLEAN enabled; NTSTATUS status; if(argc < 2) { printf("Error - must supply file name\n"); return -1; } printf("Will Create file %s\n", argv[1]); status = MyCreateBootStatusDataFile(argv[1]); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { printf("Error %#08lx creating boot status data\n", status); } return status; }