/****************************************************************************/ // logerr.h // // Error logging constants and descriptions. // // Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation /****************************************************************************/ // Specific components are declared here divided into ranges in the unsigned // space. Note that the ordering here is important since we use these ranges // to determine a facility name in MCSProtocolErrorEvent(). #define Log_Null_Base 0 #define Log_X224_Base 1 #define Log_MCS_Base 100 #define Log_RDP_Base 200 #define Log_RDP_ENC_Base 400 /* * Null */ // "Null event log error" #define Log_Null Log_Null_Base /* * X.224 */ // "Overall X.224 Disconnect Request header length given in a " // "packet was not 11 as expected, or the Length Indicator was not 6." #define Log_X224_DisconnectHeaderLenNotRequiredSize Log_X224_Base // "An X.224 Disconnect Request was received without first receving an X.224 " // "connect" #define Log_X224_DisconnectWithoutConnection (Log_X224_Base + 2) // "An X.224 packet was received with the wrong X.224 version prefix " // "(expected 0x03 0x00)." #define Log_X224_RFC1006HeaderVersionNotCorrect (Log_X224_Base + 3) // "An X.224 Data packet was received before the connectioon sequence was " // "completed." #define Log_X224_ReceivedDataBeforeConnected (Log_X224_Base + 4) // "An X.224 packet was received with a packet length indicator less " // "than the minimum for its headers." #define Log_X224_PacketLengthLessThanHeader (Log_X224_Base + 5) // "An X.224 Data packet was received whose Length Indicator was not 2 as " // "expected." #define Log_X224_DataLenIndNotRequiredSize (Log_X224_Base + 6) // "An X.224 Data packet did not have the EOT bit set; this is not supported " // "in this implementation." #define Log_X224_DataFalseEOTNotSupported (Log_X224_Base + 7) // "An X.224 Data packet was received which did not contain a complete MCS " // "PDU. This is not supported in this implementation." #define Log_X224_DataIncompleteMCSPacketNotSupported (Log_X224_Base + 8) // "An X.224 Data packet was received containing more than one MCS PDU. This " // "is not supported in this implementation." #define Log_X224_DataMultipleMCSPDUsNotSupported (Log_X224_Base + 9) // "An X.224 packet was received with an unknown TPDU type." #define Log_X224_UnknownPacketType (Log_X224_Base + 10) // "An X.224 Connect packet was received when already connected." #define Log_X224_ConnectReceivedAfterConnected (Log_X224_Base + 11) // "An X.224 Connect packet was received containing a total packet length " // "field that was not at least 11 bytes, or a Lengh Indicator not at least " // "6 bytes." #define Log_X224_ConnectHeaderLenNotRequiredSize (Log_X224_Base + 12) // "An X.224 Connect packet was received which specified a connection level " // "other than class 0." #define Log_X224_ConnectNotClassZero (Log_X224_Base + 14) // "An X.224 Connect packet was received containing a TPDU_SIZE field whose " // "length field was not 1." #define Log_X224_ConnectTPDU_SIZELengthFieldIllegalValue (Log_X224_Base + 15) // "An X.224 Connect packet was received containing a TPDU_SIZE block size " // "outside range of 7..11." #define Log_X224_ConnectTPDU_SIZENotLegalRange (Log_X224_Base + 16) // "An X.224 Connect packet was received containing a Length Indicator that " // "does not match the packet length specified in the header." #define Log_X224_ConnectLenIndNotMatchingPacketLen (Log_X224_Base + 17) // "An X.224 Disconnect packet was received containing a Length Indicator " // "that does not match the packet length specified in the header." #define Log_X224_DisconnectLenIndNotMatchingPacketLen (Log_X224_Base + 18) // "An X.224 Data packet was received after an X.224 Disconnect or MCS DPum." #define Log_X224_ReceivedDataAfterRemoteDisconnect (Log_X224_Base + 19) /* * MCS */ // "An MCS connect PDU was received containing a poorly formatted or " // "unsupported ASN.1 BER encoding." #define Log_MCS_ConnectPDUBadPEREncoding Log_MCS_Base // "An MCS connect PDU was received which is not supported under this " // "MCS implementation." #define Log_MCS_UnsupportedConnectPDU (Log_MCS_Base + 1) // "An MCS merge-domain PDU was received. Merging domains is not supported " // "in this implementation." #define Log_MCS_UnsupportedMergeDomainPDU (Log_MCS_Base + 2) // "MCS failed to successfully negotiate domain parameters with a remote " // "connection." #define Log_MCS_UnnegotiableDomainParams (Log_MCS_Base + 3) // "MCS received a connect PDU enumeration value outside the allowed range." #define Log_MCS_BadConnectPDUType (Log_MCS_Base + 4) // "MCS received a domain PDU enumeration value outside the allowed range." #define Log_MCS_BadDomainPDUType (Log_MCS_Base + 5) // "MCS received an unexpected Connect-Initial PDU." #define Log_MCS_UnexpectedConnectInitialPDU (Log_MCS_Base + 6) /* * RDP (The protocol formerly known as TShare) */ // "A packet with an unknown PDUType2 has been received." #define Log_RDP_UnknownPDUType2 (Log_RDP_Base + 1) // "A packet with an unknown PDUType has been received." #define Log_RDP_UnknownPDUType (Log_RDP_Base + 2) // "A data packet has been received out of sequence." #define Log_RDP_DataPDUSequence (Log_RDP_Base + 3) // "An unknown Flow PDU has been received." #define Log_RDP_UnknownFlowPDU (Log_RDP_Base + 4) // "A control packet has been received out of sequence." #define Log_RDP_ControlPDUSequence (Log_RDP_Base + 5) // "A ControlPDU has been received with an invalid action." #define Log_RDP_InvalidControlPDUAction (Log_RDP_Base + 6) // "An InputPDU has been received with an invalid messageType." #define Log_RDP_InvalidInputPDUType (Log_RDP_Base + 7) // "An InputPDU has been received with invalid mouse flags." #define Log_RDP_InvalidInputPDUMouse (Log_RDP_Base + 8) // "An invalid RefreshRectPDU has been received." #define Log_RDP_InvalidRefreshRectPDU (Log_RDP_Base + 9) // "An error occurred creating Server-Client user data." #define Log_RDP_CreateUserDataFailed (Log_RDP_Base + 10) // "Failed to connect to Client." #define Log_RDP_ConnectFailed (Log_RDP_Base + 11) // "A ConfirmActivePDU was received from the Client with the wrong ShareID." #define Log_RDP_ConfirmActiveWrongShareID (Log_RDP_Base + 12) // "A ConfirmActivePDU was received from the Client with the wrong " // "originatorID." #define Log_RDP_ConfirmActiveWrongOriginator (Log_RDP_Base + 13) // "A PersistentListPDU was received of insufficient length." #define Log_RDP_PersistentKeyPDUBadLength (Log_RDP_Base + 18) // "A PersistentListPDU was received marked FIRST when a FIRST PDU was " // "previously received." #define Log_RDP_PersistentKeyPDUIllegalFIRST (Log_RDP_Base + 19) // "A PersistentListPDU was received which specified more keys than the " // "protocol allows." #define Log_RDP_PersistentKeyPDUTooManyTotalKeys (Log_RDP_Base + 20) // "A PersistentListPDU was received which contained more than the " // "specified number of keys for the cache." #define Log_RDP_PersistentKeyPDUTooManyCacheKeys (Log_RDP_Base + 21) // "An InputPDU was received of insufficient length." #define Log_RDP_InputPDUBadLength (Log_RDP_Base + 22) // "A BitmapCacheErrorPDU was received of bad length." #define Log_RDP_BitmapCacheErrorPDUBadLength (Log_RDP_Base + 23) // "A packet was received at the security layer that was too short for " // "the required security data." #define Log_RDP_SecurityDataTooShort (Log_RDP_Base + 24) // "A virtual channel packet was received that was too short for " // "required header data." #define Log_RDP_VChannelDataTooShort (Log_RDP_Base + 25) // "Share core data was received that was too short for required " // "header data." #define Log_RDP_ShareDataTooShort (Log_RDP_Base + 26) // "A bad SuppressOutputPDU was received - either too short or too many " // "rectangles." #define Log_RDP_BadSupressOutputPDU (Log_RDP_Base + 27) // "A ClipPDU was received that was too short for its header or data." #define Log_RDP_ClipPDUTooShort (Log_RDP_Base + 28) // "A ConfirmActivePDU was received that was too short for its header or data." #define Log_RDP_ConfirmActivePDUTooShort (Log_RDP_Base + 29) // "A FlowPDU was received that was too short." #define Log_RDP_FlowPDUTooShort (Log_RDP_Base + 30) // "A capability set has been received with a length less than the length of " // "a capability set header." #define Log_RDP_CapabilitySetTooSmall (Log_RDP_Base + 31) // "A capability set has been received with a length greater than the " // "total length of data received." #define Log_RDP_CapabilitySetTooLarge (Log_RDP_Base + 32) // "The negotiated cursor cache size = zero." #define Log_RDP_NoCursorCache (Log_RDP_Base + 33) // "The client capabilities received were unacceptable." #define Log_RDP_BadCapabilities (Log_RDP_Base + 34) // "The client GCC user data was malformed." #define Log_RDP_BadUserData (Log_RDP_Base + 35) // "Virtual channel decompression error." #define Log_RDP_VirtualChannelDecompressionErr (Log_RDP_Base + 36) // "Invalid VC compression format specified" #define Log_RDP_InvalidVCCompressionType (Log_RDP_Base + 37) // "Can't allocate out buffer" #define Log_RDP_AllocOutBuf (Log_RDP_Base + 38) // "Invalid channel ID" #define Log_RDP_InvalidChannelID (Log_RDP_Base + 39) // "Too many channels to join in NM_Connect" #define Log_RDP_VChannelsTooMany (Log_RDP_Base + 40) // "The shadow data is too short #define Log_RDP_ShadowDataTooShort (Log_RDP_Base + 41) // "The server certificate PDU is too short #define Log_RDP_BadServerCertificateData (Log_RDP_Base + 42) // // RDP_ failed to update the encryption session key. // #define Log_RDP_ENC_UpdateSessionKeyFailed (Log_RDP_ENC_Base + 1) // // RDP failed to decrypt protocol data. // #define Log_RDP_ENC_DecryptFailed (Log_RDP_ENC_Base + 2) // // RDP failed to encrypt protocol data. // #define Log_RDP_ENC_EncryptFailed (Log_RDP_ENC_Base + 3) // // RDP Data Encryption Package mismatch. // #define Log_RDP_ENC_EncPkgMismatch (Log_RDP_ENC_Base + 4)