2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

628 lines
24 KiB

Option Explicit
' ADMT Scripting Notes
' 1 - this template shows all the migration objects and all of the properties
' and methods of the various migration objects even though a normal
' script would not use all of the objects and properties
' 2 - optional properties are commented out with the default value shown
' being assigned
' 3 - service account enumeration would normally occur before user account
' migration so that services may be updated during user account migration
' ADMT Scripting Constants
' RenameOption constants
Const admtDoNotRename = 0
Const admtRenameWithPrefix = 1
Const admtRenameWithSuffix = 2
' PasswordOption constants
Const admtPasswordFromName = 0
Const admtComplexPassword = 1
Const admtCopyPassword = 2
' ConflictOptions constants
Const admtIgnoreConflicting = &H0000
Const admtReplaceConflicting = &H0001
Const admtRenameConflictingWithPrefix = &H0002
Const admtRenameConflictingWithSuffix = &H0003
Const admtRemoveExistingUserRights = &H0010
Const admtRemoveExistingMembers = &H0020
Const admtMoveReplacedAccounts = &H0040
' DisableOption constants
Const admtEnableTarget = 0
Const admtDisableSource = 1
Const admtDisableTarget = 2
Const admtTargetSameAsSource = 4
' SourceExpiration constant
Const admtNoExpiration = -1
' Translation Option
Const admtTranslateReplace = 0
Const admtTranslateAdd = 1
Const admtTranslateRemove = 2
' Report Type
Const admtReportMigratedAccounts = 0
Const admtReportMigratedComputers = 1
Const admtReportExpiredComputers = 2
Const admtReportAccountReferences = 3
Const admtReportNameConflicts = 4
' Option constants
Const admtNone = 0
Const admtData = 1
Const admtFile = 2
Const admtDomain = 3
Const admtRecurse = &H0100
Const admtFlattenHierarchy = &H0000
Const admtMaintainHierarchy = &H0200
' Declarations
Dim objMigration
Dim objUserMigration
Dim objGroupMigration
Dim objComputerMigration
Dim objSecurityTranslation
Dim objServiceAccountEnumeration
' ADMT Migration Class
' TestMigration Property
' - specifies whether a test migration will be performed
' - optional, the default value is false
' IntraForest Property
' - specifies whether the migration is intra-forest or inter-forest
' - the default is inter-forest migration
' SourceDomain Property
' - specifies the source domain name
' - the source domain may be specified in either DNS or Flat format
' - eg. DNS "" or Flat "MYDOMAIN"
' - the source domain must be specified
' SourceOU Property
' - specifies the source organizational unit (OU)
' - this property is only applicable for up-level domains (Windows 2000 or later)
' - the OU must be specified in relative canonical format
' - eg. "West/Sales"
' TargetDomain Property
' - specifies the target domain name
' - the target domain may be specified in either DNS or Flat format
' - eg. DNS "" or Flat "MYDOMAIN"
' - the target domain must be specified
' TargetOU Property
' - specifies the target organizational unit (OU)
' - the OU must be specified in relative canonical format
' - eg. "West/Sales"
' RenameOption Property
' - specifies how migrated accounts are to be renamed
' - optional, default is admtDoNotRename
' RenamePrefixOrSuffix Property
' - specifies the prefix or suffix to be added to account names
' - applicable only if RenameOption is admtRenameWithPrefix or
' admtRenameWithSuffix
' PasswordOption Property
' - specifies how to generate passwords for migrated accounts
' - applicable only for inter-forest user migrations and inter-forest group
' migrations when migrating member users
' - optional, default is admtComplexPassword
' PasswordServer Property
' - specifies the server that is to be used for copying passwords
' - applicable only for inter-forest user migrations and inter-forest group
' migrations when migrating member users
' - only applicable if password option specifies copying
' PasswordFile Property
' - specifies the path of the password file to be created
' - applicable only for inter-forest user migrations and inter-forest group
' migrations when migrating member users
' - optional, default path is the 'Logs' folder in the ADMT installation
' directory
' ConflictOptions Property
' - specifies how to handle accounts being migrated that have a naming
' conflict with a target domain account
' - the following are the allowable values
' admtIgnoreConflicting
' admtReplaceConflicting
' admtReplaceConflicting + admtRemoveExistingUserRights
' admtReplaceConflicting + admtRemoveExistingMembers
' admtReplaceConflicting + admtRemoveExistingUserRights + admtRemoveExistingMembers
' admtRenameConflictingWithPrefix
' admtRenameConflictingWithSuffix
' - optional, default is admtIgnoreConflicting
' ConflictPrefixOrSuffix Property
' - specifies the prefix or suffix to be added to migrated account names
' that have a naming conflict with a target domain account
' - applicable only if ConflictOptions is admtRenameConflictingWithPrefix or
' admtRenameConflictingWithSuffix
' UserPropertiesToExclude
' - specifies user properties that are not to be copied from source to target.
' - note that the asterisk character '*' may be used to exclude all properties
' InetOrgPersonPropertiesToExclude
' - specifies inetOrgPerson properties that are not to be copied from source to target.
' - note that the asterisk character '*' may be used to exclude all properties
' GroupPropertiesToExclude
' - specifies group properties that are not to be copied from source to target.
' - note that the asterisk character '*' may be used to exclude all properties
' ComputerPropertiesToExclude
' - specifies computer properties that are not to be copied from source to target.
' - note that the asterisk character '*' may be used to exclude all properties
' SystemPropertiesToExclude
' - specifies system properties that are not to be copied from source to target for any objects
' - the default system properties that are excluded are 'mail' and 'proxyAddresses'
' - note that the system properties to be excluded are saved in the database and therefore this
' property only needs to be set once
' CreateUserMigration Method
' - creates an instance of a user migration object
' CreateGroupMigration Method
' - creates an instance of a group migration object
' CreateComputerMigration Method
' - creates an instance of a computer migration object
' CreateSecurityTranslation Method
' - creates an instance of a security translation object
' CreateServiceAccountEnumeration Method
' - creates an instance of a service account enumeration object
' CreateReportGeneration Method
' - creates an instance of a report generation object
' create instance of migration object
Set objMigration = CreateObject("ADMT.Migration")
' set options
'objMigration.TestMigration = False
'objMigration.IntraForest = False
objMigration.SourceDomain = "MYSOURCEDOMAIN"
'objMigration.SourceOU = ""
objMigration.TargetDomain = ""
objMigration.TargetOU = "Users"
'objMigration.RenameOption = admtDoNotRename
'objMigration.RenamePrefixOrSuffix = ""
'objMigration.PasswordOption = admtComplexPassword
'objMigration.PasswordServer = ""
'objMigration.PasswordFile = "C:\Program Files\Active Directory Migration Tool\Logs\Password.txt"
'objMigration.ConflictOptions = admtIgnoreConflicting
'objMigration.ConflictPrefixOrSuffix = ""
'objMigration.UserPropertiesToExclude = ""
'objMigration.InetOrgPersonPropertiesToExclude = ""
'objMigration.GroupPropertiesToExclude = ""
'objMigration.ComputerPropertiesToExclude = ""
'objMigration.SystemPropertiesToExclude = "mail,proxyAddresses"
' UserMigration Class
' DisableOption Property
' - specifies whether to disable source or target account
' - applicable only for inter-forest migration
' - optional, default is admtEnableTarget
' SourceExpiration Property
' - specifies the expiration period of the source account in days
' - a value of admtNoExpiration specifies no source account expiration
' - applicable only for inter-forest migration
' - optional, default is admtNoExpiration
' MigrateSIDs Property
' - specifies whether to migrate security identifiers to the target domain
' - applicable only for inter-forest migration
' - optional, default is false
' TranslateRoamingProfile Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on roaming profiles
' - optional, default is false
' UpdateUserRights Property
' - specifies whether to update user rights in the domain
' - optional, default is false
' MigrateGroups Property
' - specifies whether to migrate groups that have as members accounts being
' migrated
' - optional, default is false
' UpdatePreviouslyMigratedObjects Property
' - specifies whether previously migrated accounts should be re-migrated
' - applicable only for inter-forest migration
' - optional, default is false
' FixGroupMembership Property
' - specifies whether group memberships will be re-established for migrated
' accounts
' - optional, default is true
' MigrateServiceAccounts Property
' - specifies whether to migrate service accounts
' - optional, default is false
' Migrate Method
' - migrate specified user accounts
' - the first parameter specifies whether the names are directly specified or
' the names are contained in the specified file or the names are to be
' enumerated from the specified domain or ou
' - the second parameter specifies the account names to be included
' - the third parameter optionally specifies names which are to be excluded
' - Note: Only the specified source OU will be used whether names are
' directly specified or specified in a file or the domain is
' searched. If no source OU is specified than the root of the domain
' is used.
' create instance of user migration object
Set objUserMigration = objMigration.CreateUserMigration
' set options
'objUserMigration.DisableOption = admtEnableTarget
'objUserMigration.SourceExpiration = admtNoExpiration
'objUserMigration.MigrateSIDs = False
'objUserMigration.TranslateRoamingProfile = False
'objUserMigration.UpdateUserRights = False
'objUserMigration.MigrateGroups = False
'objUserMigration.UpdatePreviouslyMigratedObjects = False
'objUserMigration.FixGroupMembership = True
'objUserMigration.MigrateServiceAccounts = False
' migrate user accounts
' the following are some examples of specifying the names and exclude names
objUserMigration.Migrate admtData, "CN=User1"
objUserMigration.Migrate admtData, Array("/Users/User3","\User4")
objUserMigration.Migrate admtFile, "C:\Users.txt", Array("begins_with*","*contains*","*ends_with")
objUserMigration.Migrate admtDomain, , "C:\ExcludeNames.txt"
' GroupMigration Class
' UpdateGroupRights Property
' - specifies whether to update group domain rights
' - optional, default is false
' UpdatePreviouslyMigratedObjects Property
' - specifies whether previously migrated accounts should be re-migrated
' - applicable only for inter-forest migration
' - optional, default is false
' FixGroupMembership Property
' - specifies whether group memberships will be re-established for migrated
' accounts
' - optional, default is true
' MigrateSIDs Property
' - specifies whether to migrate security identifiers to the target domain
' - applicable only for inter-forest migration
' - optional, default is false
' MigrateMembers Property
' - specifies whether to migrate members of groups during migration
' - optional, default is false
' DisableOption Property
' - specifies whether to disable source user accounts or target user accounts
' when copying members
' - applicable only if copying members in an inter-forest migration
' - optional, default is admtEnableTarget
' SourceExpiration Property
' - specifies the expiration period of source user accounts in days when
' copying members
' - a value of admtNoExpiration specifies no source user account expiration
' - applicable only if copying members in an inter-forest migration
' - optional, default is admtNoExpiration
' TranslateRoamingProfile Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on roaming profiles
' - applicable only if copying members in an inter-forest migration
' - optional, default is false
' Migrate Method
' - migrate specified group accounts
' - the first parameter specifies whether the names are directly specified or
' the names are contained in the specified file or the names are to be
' enumerated from the specified domain or ou
' - the second parameter specifies the account names to be included
' - the third parameter optionally specifies names which are to be excluded
' - Note: Only the specified source OU will be used whether names are
' directly specified or specified in a file or the domain is
' searched. If no source OU is specified than the root of the domain
' is used.
' create instance of group migration object
Set objGroupMigration = objMigration.CreateGroupMigration
' set options
'objGroupMigration.MigrateSIDs = False
'objGroupMigration.UpdateGroupRights = False
'objGroupMigration.UpdatePreviouslyMigratedObjects = False
'objGroupMigration.FixGroupMembership = True
'objGroupMigration.MigrateMembers = False
'objGroupMigration.DisableOption = admtDisableNeither
'objGroupMigration.SourceExpiration = admtNoExpiration
'objGroupMigration.TranslateRoamingProfile = False
' migrate group accounts
' the following are some examples of specifying the names and exclude names
objGroupMigration.Migrate admtData, "CN=Group1"
objGroupMigration.Migrate admtData, Array("/Users/Group3","\Group4")
objGroupMigration.Migrate admtFile, "C:\Groups.txt", Array("begins_with*","*contains*","*ends_with")
objGroupMigration.Migrate admtDomain, , "C:\ExcludeNames.txt"
' ComputerMigration Class
' - the following translate options specify whether to perform security
' translation on that type of objects during the computer migration
' TranslateFilesAndFolders Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on files and folders
' - optional, default is false
' TranslateLocalGroups Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on local groups
' - optional, default is false
' TranslatePrinters Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on printers
' - optional, default is false
' TranslateRegistry Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on registry
' - optional, default is false
' TranslateShares Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on shares
' - optional, default is false
' TranslateUserProfiles Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on user profiles
' - optional, default is false
' TranslateUserRights Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on user rights
' - optional, default is false
' RestartTime Property
' - specifies the time in minutes to wait before re-booting the computers
' after migrating
' - the valid range is 1 to 10 minutes
' - optional, default is 5 minutes
' Migrate Method
' - migrate specified computer accounts
' - the first parameter specifies whether the names are directly specified or
' the names are contained in the specified file or the names are to be
' enumerated from the specified domain or ou
' - the second parameter specifies the account names to be included
' - the third parameter optionally specifies names which are to be excluded
' - Note: Only the specified source OU will be used whether names are
' directly specified or specified in a file or the domain is
' searched. If no source OU is specified than the root of the domain
' is used.
' create instance of computer migration object
Set objComputerMigration = objMigration.CreateComputerMigration
' set options
'objComputerMigration.TranslationOption = admtTranslateAdd
'objComputerMigration.TranslateFilesAndFolders = False
'objComputerMigration.TranslateLocalGroups = False
'objComputerMigration.TranslatePrinters = False
'objComputerMigration.TranslateRegistry = False
'objComputerMigration.TranslateShares = False
'objComputerMigration.TranslateUserProfiles = False
'objComputerMigration.TranslateUserRights = False
'objComputerMigration.RestartDelay = 1
' migrate computer accounts
' the following are some examples of specifying the names and exclude names
objComputerMigration.Migrate admtData, "CN=Computer1"
objComputerMigration.Migrate admtData, Array("/Computers/Computer3","\Computer4")
objComputerMigration.Migrate admtFile, "C:\Computers.txt", Array("begins_with*","*contains*","*ends_with")
objComputerMigration.Migrate admtDomain, , "C:\ExcludeNames.txt"
' SecurityTranslation Class
' TranslationOption
' - specifies whether to add, replace or remove entries from access control lists
' TranslateFilesAndFolders Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on files and folders
' - optional, default is false
' TranslateLocalGroups Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on local groups
' - optional, default is false
' TranslatePrinters Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on printers
' - optional, default is false
' TranslateRegistry Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on registry
' - optional, default is false
' TranslateShares Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on shares
' - optional, default is false
' TranslateUserProfiles Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on user profiles
' - optional, default is false
' TranslateUserRights Property
' - specifies whether to perform security translation on user rights
' - optional, default is false
' SidMappingFile Property
' - specifies whether to use a mapping of SIDs from specified file
' - if a SID mapping file is not specified, then security translation
' maps SIDs from previously migration objects
' - optional, default is none
' Translate Method
' - perform security translation on specified computers
' - the first parameter specifies whether the names are directly specified or
' the names are contained in the specified file or the names are to be
' enumerated from the specified domain or ou
' - the second parameter specifies the account names to be included
' - the third parameter optionally specifies names which are to be excluded
' - if specifying NT4 style names for Windows 2000, or greater, domains the name must be
' preceded with a backslash
' eg. \NT4Name
' - Note: The source domain and OU will be used if not explicitly specified
' create instance of security translation object
Set objSecurityTranslation = objMigration.CreateSecurityTranslation
' set options
'objSecurityTranslation.TranslationOption = admtTranslateAdd
'objSecurityTranslation.TranslateFilesAndFolders = False
'objSecurityTranslation.TranslateLocalGroups = False
'objSecurityTranslation.TranslatePrinters = False
'objSecurityTranslation.TranslateRegistry = False
'objSecurityTranslation.TranslateShares = False
'objSecurityTranslation.TranslateUserProfiles = False
'objSecurityTranslation.TranslateUserRights = False
'objSecurityTranslation.SidMappingFile = "C:\SidMappingFile.txt"
' translate security on specified computers
' the following are some examples of specifying the names and exclude names
objSecurityTranslation.Translate admtData, "CN=Computer2"
objSecurityTranslation.Translate admtData, Array("/Computers/Computer3","\Computer4")
objSecurityTranslation.Translate admtFile, "C:\Computers.txt", Array("begins_with*","*contains*","*ends_with")
objSecurityTranslation.Translate admtDomain, , "C:\ExcludeNames.txt"
' ServiceAccountEnumeration Class
' Enumerate Method
' - enumerate service accounts on specified computers
' - the first parameter specifies whether the names are directly specified or
' the names are contained in the specified file or the names are to be
' enumerated from the specified domain or ou
' - the second parameter specifies the account names to be included
' - the third parameter optionally specifies names which are to be excluded
' - if specifying NT4 style names for Windows 2000, or greater, domains the name must be
' preceded with a backslash
' eg. \NT4Name
' - Note: The source domain and OU will be used if not explicitly specified
' create instance of service account enumeration object
Set objServiceAccountEnumeration = objMigration.CreateServiceAccountEnumeration
' enumerate service accounts on specified computers
' the following are some examples of specifying the names and exclude names
objServiceAccountEnumeration.Enumerate admtData, "CN=Computer1"
objServiceAccountEnumeration.Enumerate admtData, Array("/Computers/Computer3","\Computer4")
objServiceAccountEnumeration.Enumerate admtFile, "C:\Computers.txt", Array("begins_with*","*contains*","*ends_with")
objServiceAccountEnumeration.Enumerate admtDomain, , "C:\ExcludeNames.txt"
' ReportGeneration Class
' Type Property
' - specifies the type of report to generate
' Folder Property
' - specifies the folder where reports will be generated
' - optional, defaults to Reports folder in the ADMT installation folder
' Generate Method
' - generate specified report
' - the option should be admtNone for the admtReportMigratedAccounts,
' admtReportMigratedComputers, admtReportExpiredComputers, and
' admtReportNameConflicts reports
' - the option must be admtData, admtFile or admtDomain for the
' admtReportAccountReferences report
' - the include parameter must specify the computers upon which to collect
' account reference information if the admtReportAccountReferences report
' is specified
' create instance of report generation object
Set objReportGeneration = objMigration.CreateReportGeneration
' generate report
objReportGeneration.Type = admtReportMigratedAccounts
'objReportGeneration.Folder = "C:\Program Files\Active Directory Migration Tool\Reports"
objReportGeneration.Generate admtNone
'objReportGeneration.Generate admtDomain + admtRecurse