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File: VarMap.h
Comments: A map string=>Variant, used by VarSet. It is implemented as a hash
table, win and optional red-black tree index.
Added features include:
CaseSensitive property - The case of each key is preserved as it was when
the key was first added to the map. The hash function is not case sensitive,
so the CaseSensitive property can be toggled on and off without rehashing the data.
Optional indexing to allow for fast enumeration in alphabetical order by key.
This will add overhead to insert operations. Without indexing, the contents of
the map can be enumerated, but they will be in arbitrary order.
Stream I/O functions for persistance.
(c) Copyright 1995-1998, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved
Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
Revision By: Christy Boles
Revised on 11/19/98 18:03:19
#ifndef __VARSETMAP_H
#define __VARSETMAP_H
#include "VarData.h"
#include "VarNdx.h"
class CHashItem // used internally by hash table
friend class CMapStringToVar;
friend class CIndexItem;
CHashItem() { pNext = NULL; value = NULL; pIndex = NULL; }
CHashItem* pNext; // used in hash table
UINT nHashValue; // needed for efficient iteration
CString key;
CVarData* value;
CIndexItem* pIndex; // pointer to index, or NULL
class CMapStringToVar : public CObject
// Construction
CMapStringToVar(BOOL isCaseSensitive,BOOL isIndexed, BOOL allowRehash, int nBlockSize = 10);
CMapStringToVar() {};
// Attributes
// number of elements
int GetCount() const { return m_nCount; }
BOOL IsEmpty() const { return m_nCount == 0; }
// Lookup
BOOL Lookup(LPCTSTR key, CVarData*& rValue) const;
BOOL LookupKey(LPCTSTR key, LPCTSTR& rKey) const;
// Operations
// Lookup and add if not there
CVarData*& operator[](LPCTSTR key);
// add a new (key, value) pair
void SetAt(LPCTSTR key, CVarData* newValue) { (*this)[key] = newValue; }
BOOL RemoveKey(LPCTSTR key);
void RemoveAll();
POSITION GetStartPosition() const { return (m_nCount == 0) ? NULL : BEFORE_START_POSITION; }
void GetNextAssoc(POSITION& rNextPosition, CString& rKey, CVarData*& rValue) const;
POSITION GetPositionAt(LPCTSTR key) { UINT hash; return (POSITION)GetAssocAt(key,hash); }
CIndexItem * GetIndexAt(LPCTSTR key) { UINT hash; CHashItem * h = GetAssocAt(key,hash); if ( h ) return h->pIndex; else return NULL; }
UINT GetHashTableSize() const { return m_nHashTableSize; }
void InitHashTable(UINT hashSize, BOOL bAllocNow = TRUE);
UINT HashKey(LPCTSTR key) const;
void SetCaseSensitive(BOOL val) { m_CaseSensitive = val;
m_Index.SetCompareFunctions(val? &CompareItems : &CompareItemsNoCase,
val? CompareStringToItem : CompareStringToItemNoCase); }
void SetIndexed(BOOL val);
void SetAllowRehash(BOOL val) { m_AllowRehash = val; }
HRESULT ReadFromStream(LPSTREAM pStm);
DWORD CalculateStreamedLength();
long CountItems();
CIndexTree * GetIndex() { if ( m_Indexed ) return &m_Index; else return NULL; }
void McLogInternalDiagnostics(CString keyName);
// Implementation
// Hash table stuff
CHashItem** m_pHashTable;
UINT m_nHashTableSize;
UINT m_nCount;
CHashItem* m_pFreeList;
struct CPlex* m_pBlocks;
int m_nBlockSize;
CHashItem* NewAssoc();
void FreeAssoc(CHashItem*);
CHashItem* GetAssocAt(LPCTSTR, UINT&) const;
void BuildIndex();
void ResizeTable();
BOOL m_CaseSensitive;
BOOL m_Indexed;
BOOL m_AllowRehash;
CIndexTree m_Index;
void Serialize(CArchive&);
#ifdef _DEBUG
void Dump(CDumpContext&) const;
void AssertValid() const;
#endif // __VARSETMAP