XML Parsing: To be fast, xml parsing in MARS should use IXMLParser instead of the full IXMLDomDocument. The IXMLDomDocument prepares a full structure which can be walked through while the IXMLParser just calls back functions like CreateNode and BeginChildren, allowing the client to create his own structure or ignore the calls as it choses. We've provided a helper class, CMarsXMLFactory, to handle the IXMLParser callbacks. CMarsXMLFactory communicates with you, the client, through a CXMLElement class; you should derive your application-specific class from CXMLElement. The CXMLElement way is a structured way that makes it a little simpler to handle the parsing than using the callbacks. If you feel that it is too restrictive, however, you should feel free to make your own callback IXMLNodeFactory class. CMarsXMLFactory as well as the base class CXMLElement are declared/defined in parser.h/parser.cpp. ALso provided is the CXMLGenericElement class, which basically recreates the DOM all over again - you pass it allowed children and attributes, and it will handle AddChild, SetAttribute, etc, for nodes of the given name. This class should only be used when you're using it on simple types like <name> or <width> or something; I suggest you do not use it on any tag type with a large amount of semantic content; implement those yourself! An example using the CMarsXMLFactory is some code used to load the mars panel scheme from an xml file. That code is in marsload.h/marsload.cpp.