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232 lines
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(0,"",0,"DDefPolMessage",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="The WSRMDefault policy cannot be viewed or edited."
(0,"",0,"ErrCMEOValue",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="Use the values TerminateApp or Logevent for /memopt "
(0,"",0,"ErrDayMO",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="For /mo, specify First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last. "
(0,"",0,"ErrDayValid",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="The values for /day are Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat or Day. Specify a new value. "
(0,"",0,"ErrEqlShareValue",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="The values for /mgmtrule are EqualPerProcess, EqualPerUser, or Standard. Specify a new value. "
(0,"",0,"ErrFreqOnce",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="If the /freq value is set to Once, /interval is no longer a valid argument. "
(0,"",0,"ErrFreqValid",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="For /freq, use the values Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly. "
(0,"",0,"ErrInvalidDays",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="If the /freq value is set to monthly or yearly, /day cannot have more than one value specified. Specify a new value. "
(0,"",0,"ErrMonthValid",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="The valid values for /month are Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, or Dec. Specify a new value. "
(0,"",0,"ErrMonthlySyntax",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="/freq:monthly should be followed by the /monthday | /day filter, such as: /freq:monthly /monthday:3 or /freq:monthly /day:sun [/mo:second]. Specify a new value. "
(0,"",0,"ErrWeeklyDay",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="Weekly events must specify the days of recurrence, such as: /freq:weekly [/Interval:2] /day:sun,wed. Specify a new value. "
(0,"",0,"ErrYearlyInt",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="The yearly calendar event has no specified interval value. As a result, the value has been set to 1 by default. "
(0,"",0,"ErrYearlySyntax",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="For /freq:yearly, the /month filter should be followed by the /monthday | /day filter, such as: /freq:yearly /month:Jan /monthday:3 or /freq:yearly /day:sun [/mo:second]. Specify a new value. "
(0,"",0,"HCreateCal",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Create a new Calendar Event 1. wsrmc /Create:Cal /i:<file> <file> must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Cal <calname> [/Pol:<name> | /Sched:<name>] /Freq:<freq type> [/Interval:<freq modifier>] [/Day:<days> [/Mo:<days modifier>]] [/Month:<month>] [/Monthday:<day of month>] [/Sd:<startdate>] [/Ed:<enddate>] [/St:<starttime>] /Dur:<day:hr:min> calname Calendar Event to be created. /Pol Policy Name to be associated with the specified Calendar Event. Using "WSRMDefault" will associate WSRM Default Management Policy. If no Policy is used, Calendar Default Policy will be associated. /Sched Schedule Name to be associated with the specified Calendar Event. /Freq Specifies the frequency of occurrence of the calendar event Valid Frequency types: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY,ONCE. /Interval Specifies the interval for FREQ Type. Ex: /FREQ:Monthly /Interval:2 => "Every 2 months" /Day Specifies the day of the week. Valid values: MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN or DAY. /Mo Modifies for DAY type. Valid Values:FIRST,SECOND,THIRD,FOURTH,LAST. Ex: /DAY:SUN /MO:SECOND => "Every Second Sunday" /Month Specifies month of the year. Defaults to the first day of the month. Valid values: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC. /Monthday Specified the Day of the Month. If FREQ is Monthly|Yearly, specifies the day of the month. /Sd Specifies the Start Date. Use the mm/dd/yy (month:day:year) format. Default is current date. /Ed Specifies the End Date for the Event. Use the mm/dd/yy (month:day:year) format. /St Specifies the Start Time. Use the hh:mm (hour:minutes) format. The format can be a 24 hour format (i.e 14:30) or a 12 hour format (i.e 2:30 PM). Default is currrent time. /Dur Specifies the Duration of Event. The format is Day:Hr:Min "
(0,"",0,"HCreatePolicy",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Creates a new Resource Allocation Policy. 1. wsrmc /Create:Pol /i:<file> <file> must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Pol <policyname> /Alloc:[<name>] /Pmc:<name> /Cpu:<value> [/Aff:<value>] [/MgmtRule:<value>] [/MaxWS:<value>] [/MaxCM:<value> /MemOpt:<value>] policyname Name of the Resource Allocation Policy being created. /Alloc Auto-generated name for the resource-allocation using the process matching criteria name. This will be auto generated. Do not supply this name while creating a top level allocation (default). Supply the name of the immediately preceding Allocation to the /Alloc switch, while creating a hierarchy of allocations. /Pmc Name of the Process Matching Criteria. /Cpu Percentage of CPU targeted for this Allocation. /Aff Affinity mask for the Allocation (for example - 0,3,5-11,31 or All) /MgmtRule Management rule for the allocation. Valid values are "EqualPerProcess", "EqualPerUser", "Standard" /MaxWS Maximum working set per process in megabytes. /MaxCM Maximum committed memory per process in megabytes. /MemOpt Action taken when the specified memory limit is exceeded. Options are - TERMINATEAPP or LOGEVENT. Process matching criteria can be created when creating a resource allocation policy. Definition of a process matching criteria can be specified after /pmc:<name>. For example: wsrmc /create:pol polnameA /alloc /pmc:pmcnameB /rule /path:c:\temp /rule /user:userA /cpu:80 "
(0,"",0,"HCreateSc",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Creates a Process Matching Criteria. 1. wsrmc /Create:Pmc /i:<file> <file> must be a valid XML file. 2. wsrmc /Create:Pmc <pmcname> /Rule [/Path:<name>] [/User:<name>] Accepts multiple match criteria with a single command. Note that at least one of /Path or /User must be specified. /Rule Define the match criteria /User and /Path. (for example - /Rule /Path:pathA /User:userB) /Path Full path of the directory or executables to match. /User User or Group Name to match. To exclude a <user | path> from matching, use an exclamation point (!) before the < user name | command-line path> "
(0,"",0,"HDeleteCal",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Delete the specified Calendar Event. wsrmc /Delete:Cal <calname> [/y] calname Name of the Calendar Event to be deleted. '\' will delete all the Calendar Event. Multiple Calendar Events can be deleted by using ',' or ';' e.g. cal1,cal2. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to delete all Calendar Events. "
(0,"",0,"HDeletePolicy",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Deletes the specified Resource Allocation Policy. wsrmc /Delete:Pol <policyname> [/y] policyname Name of Policy to be deleted. '\' will delete all the Policies. Multiple policies can be deleted by using ',' or ';' e.g. pol1,pol2 /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to delete all Policies. "
(0,"",0,"HDeleteSc",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Deletes the specified Process Matching Criteria. wsrmc /Delete:Pmc <pmcname> [/y] pmcname Process Matching Criteria to be deleted. '\' will delete all the Process Matching Criteria. Multiple Process Matching Criteria can be deleted by using ',' or ';' e.g. pmc1,pmc2 /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to delete all Process Matching Criteria. "
(0,"",0,"HDeleteSched",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Delete the specified 24-hour schedule. wsrmc /Delete:Sched <schedname> [/y] schedname Schedules to be deleted. '\' will delete all the Schedules. Multiple schedules can be deleted by using ',' or ';' e.g. sched1,sched2 /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to delete all Schedules. "
(0,"",0,"HGetAcc",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Returns Accounting Information. 1. wsrmc /Get:Acc /Schema Return Column Names with their type. Also returns Column Names that can be aggregated. 2. wsrmc /Get:Acc [/Select:<Column Names>] [/GroupBy:<Column Names>] [/SortAsc:<Column Names>] [/SortDsc:<Column Names>] [/Where:<Filter Conditions>] [/Having:<Filter Conditions>] [/Sd:<startdate>] [/Ed:<enddate>] [/SaveQuery:<file>] [/o:<file> [/y]] Returns the accounting data for the query specified. /Select Returns information about the specified columns(separated by ","). /GroupBy Produce aggregate values for each row in the result set. Refer to "wsrmc /get:acc /schema" to get the columns that can be aggregated. /SortAsc Sorts result set in ascending order by one or more columns upto 5. /SortDsc Sorts result set in descending order by one or more columns upto 5. /Where Specify the conditions for the result set. Refer to WSRM help file (CHM file) for detailed information. /Having Specify the conditions for the result set. This must be used in conjunction with "/Groupby". Refer to WSRM help file (CHM file) for detailed information. /Sd /Ed Specifies the start date and end date which determines what accounting data should be displayed. Default date range will be last 30 days. /SaveQuery Saves the current accounting query to the specified file. Command /Get:Acc /i:<file> can be used for the same query next time. /o File where accounting data will be saved in CSV format. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. 3. wsrmc /Get:Acc /i:<file> [/o:<file> [/y]] Returns the accounting data for the query in <file> /i Name of the input file from which the query will be read. /o File where accounting data will be saved in CSV format. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. 4. wsrmc /Get:Acc /Archive:<archive type> /o:<output file> /Sd:<startdate> /Ed:<enddate> [/Del] [/y] Archives the accounting data for the specified period. /Archive Specifies the type of format in which data must be stored.The valid values are 1 to 7. 1 => Comma Delimited Text 2 => Tab Delimited Text 3 => Comma Delimited Unicode Text 4 => Tab Delimited UnicodeText 5 => SMF UNICODE 6 => SMF ASCII 7 => SMF EBCDIC /o Output file name in which archived data needs to be stored. /Sd Specifies the Start Date for archiving the data. Use the mm/dd/yy (month:day:year) format. /Ed Specifies the End Date for archiving the data. Use the mm/dd/yy (month:day:year) format. /Del Deletes the archived accounting data from the accounting database. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. "
(0,"",0,"HGetCal",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Return information about a specified Calendar Event. wsrmc /Get:Cal <calname> [/o:<file> [/y]] calname Name of the calendar event. '\' will return all the Calendar Events. /o Saves the calendar information to a file in XML format. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. "
(0,"",0,"HGetCalDefPolicy",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Returns information about the Default Calendar Policy. wsrmc /Get:CalDefPol [/o:<file> [/y]] /o Saves the resource allocation policy information to a file in XML format. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. "
(0,"",0,"HGetCalView",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Lists the calendar events that are scheduled between the specified date range. wsrmc /Get:CalView [/Sd:<startdate>] [/Ed:<enddate>] /Sd Specifies the Start Date. Use the mm/dd/yy (month:day:year) format. Default is today's date. /Ed Specifies the End Date. Use the mm/dd/yy (month:day:year) format. Default is one week from start date. "
(0,"",0,"HGetConfig",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Returns configuration information for Accounting or Notification. wsrmc /Get:Config /Acc | /Ntfy [/o:<file> [/y]] /Acc Returns Accounting configuration information. /Ntfy Returns Notification configuration information. /o Saves the configuration information to a file in XML format. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. "
(0,"",0,"HGetEventList",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Returns a list of all Events supported by WSRM. wsrmc /Get:EventList <event ids> [/o:<file> [/y]] event ids List of Event Ids (separated by ',') to be shown. "ERROR","WARNING","INFO" keywords may be used to group the events. '\' will return all the event ids. /o File where event list will be saved in XML format. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. "
(0,"",0,"HGetExclusionList",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" List of processes that Windows System Resource Manager will not manage. wsrmc /Get:ExclusionList [/o:<file> [/y]] /o Saves the user-defined exclusion list to a file in XML format. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. "
(0,"",0,"HGetPolicy",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Returns information about specified resource allocation policy. 1. wsrmc /Get:Pol <policyname> [/o:<file> [/y]] 2. wsrmc /Get:Pol /Current [/o:<file> [/y]] Returns information about the current active resource allocation policy. policyname Name of the Resource Allocation Policy. '\' will return information about all the Policies. /o Saves the resource allocation policy to a file in XML format. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. "
(0,"",0,"HGetSc",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Returns information about the specified Process Matching Criteria. wsrmc /Get:Pmc <pmcname> [/o:<file> [/y]] pmcname Name of the Process Matching Criteria. '\' will return information on all the Process Matching Criteria. /o Saves the process matching criteria information to a file in XML format. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. "
(0,"",0,"HGetSched",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Return information about a specified 24-hour schedule. wsrmc /Get:Sched <schedname> [/o:<file> [/y]] schedname Name of the schedule. '\' will return all the Schedules. /o File where schedule information will be saved in XML format. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. "
(0,"",0,"HModifyCal",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Modify the specified Calendar Event. 1. wsrmc /Modify:Cal /i:<file> /Force <file> must be a valid XML file. /Force overrides time-stamp checking. 2. wsrmc /Modify:Cal <calname> [/Pol:<name>] [/Sched:<name>] [/Interval:<freq modifier>] [/Day:<days>[/MO:<days modifier>]] [/Month:<month>] [/MonthDay:<day of month>] [/Sd:<startdate>] [/Ed:<enddate>] [/St:<starttime>] /Dur:<day:hr:min> Refer to the help for /create:cal for an explanation of the arguments. "
(0,"",0,"HModifyPolicy",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Modifies the specified Policy. 1. wsrmc /Modify:Pol /i:<file> /Force <file> must be a valid XML file. /Force overrides time-stamp checking. 2. wsrmc /Modify:Pol <policyname> /Alloc:<name> [/PMC:<name>] [/CPU:<value>] [/Aff:<value>] [/MgmtRule:<value>] [/MaxWS:<value>] [/MaxCM:<value> /MemOpt:<value>] Atleast one of the Pmc/CPU/Aff/MgmtRule/MaxWS/MaxCM/MemOpt values must follow the /Alloc switch. 3. wsrmc /Modify:Pol <policyname> /INS /Alloc:[<name>] /Pmc:<name> /Cpu:<value> [/Aff:<value>] [/MgmtRule:<value>] [/MaxWS:<value>] [/MaxCM:<value> /MemOpt:<value>] 4. wsrmc /Modify:Pol <policyname> /DEL /Alloc:<name> 5. wsrmc /Modify:Pol <policyname> /MOVBEF /Alloc:<ToMove,Reference> 6. wsrmc /Modify:Pol <policyname> /MOVAFT /Alloc:<ToMove,Reference> policyname Name of the policy being created. /Alloc Auto-generated name for the allocation using the process matching criteria name. This will be auto generated. Do not supply this name while creating a top level allocation (default). Supply the name of the immediate parent Allocation to the /Alloc switch, while creating a hierarchy of allocations. /PMC Name of the Process Matching Criteria. /Cpu Percentage of CPU targeted for this Allocation. /Aff Affinity mask for the Allocation (for example - 0,3,5-11,31 or All) /MgmtRule Management rule for the allocation. Valid values are "EqualPerProcess", "EqualPerUser", "Standard" /MaxWS Maximum working set per process in megabytes. /MaxCM Maximum committed memory per process in megabytes. /MemOpt Action taken when the specified memory limit is exceeded. Options are - TERMINATEAPP or LOGEVENT. "
(0,"",0,"HModifySc",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Modify the specified Process Matching Criteria. 1. wsrmc /Modify:Pmc /i:<file> /Force <file> must be a valid XML file. /Force overrides time-stamp checking. 2. wsrmc /Modify:Pmc <pmcname> /From [/Path:<old>] [/User:<old>] /To [/Path:<new>] [/User:<new>] 3. wsrmc /Modify:Pmc <pmcname> /INS /Rule /Path:<name> /User:<name> 4. wsrmc /Modify:Pmc <pmcname> /DEL /Rule /Path:<name> /User:<name> Multiple match criteria may be inserted or deleted. Note that at least one of /Path or /User must be specified. /Rule Use with /Path and /User. /Path Full path of the directory or executables to match. /User User or Group Name to match. To exclude a <user | path> from matching, use an exclamation point (!) before the < user name | command-line path> "
(0,"",0,"HRestoreInitial",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Reset WSRM Information to default settings. wsrmc /Reset [/y] /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. "
(0,"",0,"HRestoreManual",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Import from files in XML format resource allocation policies, process matching criteria, and calendar events and schedules from the specified directory. wsrmc /Import /Dir:<name> [/y] /Dir Source directory for the data files being imported. /y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an existing file. "
(0,"",0,"HSetConfig",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Sets Configuration Information. 1. wsrmc /Set:Config /Acc /i:<file> <file> should be in valid XML format. 2. wsrmc /Set:Config /Acc [/dbpath:<path>] [/LogInterval:<value>] Set Configuration Information for Accounting /LogInterval Accounting logging time interval in minutes. /dbpath Path to the volume or directory where the accounting data will be stored. 3. wsrmc /Set:Config /Ntfy /i:<file> <file> should be in valid XML format. 4. wsrmc /Set:Config /Ntfy [/SmtpSvr:<name>] [/MailIds:<email ids>] [/EventList:<event ids>] Sets Configuration Information for Notification. /SmtpSvr Name of the SMTP Server used for Notification. /MailIds E-mail addresses (separated by ';') to send Notification. /EventList List of Event Ids (separated by ',') chosen for Notification. "ERROR","WARNING","INFO" keywords may be used to group the events. "
(0,"",0,"HStart",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=" Starts Windows System Resource Manager management. wsrmc /Start [/DefMgmt] /DefMgmt Starts Windows System Resource Manager management using the default management settings. "
(0,"",0,"THavingClause",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="Having Clause - "
(0,"",0,"TWhereClause",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")="Where Clause - "
(0,"",0,"ConfirmNo",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=input key
(0,"",0,"ConfirmYes",0,"",0,"Strings",0,"")=input key