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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: listview.h
// Contents: Implements Mobsync Custom Listview/TreeView control
// Classes: CListView
// Notes:
// History: 23-Jul-98 rogerg Created.
wraps standard ListView control so can do TreeView like operations.
ItemdId still refers to linear location in the ListView independent
of who many levels deep the item is
Item itemID
toplevel1 0
child1 1
child2 2
toplevel2 3
This works fine except causes some confusion on insert. On an insert
if the LVIFEX_PARENT flag isn't set the item is inserted as it always was
and indent is the same as the item is is inserted after. For example, if
if was inserted after toplevel1 it would be a toplevel item. If it was inserted
after child1 is would be another child of toplevel1
if the LVIFEX_PARENT flag is set the item is inserted as a child of iParent.
if the client specified LVI_FIRST, LVI_LAST the item is inserted a first or
last child. if a normal itemId is specified then it must fall within a valid
range to be the specified parents child or the inser fails.
For example, if I specified a parent of TopLevel1 an itemID of 1,2 or 3 would be valid.
a vlue of 4 would not be since it would fall outside the child range for toplevel1
#define LVI_ROOT -1 // itemID to pass in for ParenItemID for root
#define LVI_FIRST -0x0FFFE
#define LVI_LAST -0x0FFFF
// The blob field is for perf so a user of the listview doesn't have to
// enumerate, getting the lParam or storing its own lookup for an item.
// when a blob is added the listview makes its own copy and automatically
// frees it when the item is deleted. The blob field is not allowed on subitems.
// define blob structure that app can set and listview
typedef struct _tagLVBLOB
ULONG cbSize; // size of the blob struture. !!!Include cbSize itself.
BYTE data[1];
// state flags for ListView Item check,uncheck conform to real ListView others are our own defines.
typedef enum _tagLVITEMEXSTATE
// mutually exclusive
// extended flags
#define LVIFEX_PARENT 0x0001
#define LVIFEX_BLOB 0x0002
// make private LVITEM structure,
// Blob is only allowed on a insert and set.
// parent is only allowed on insert
typedef struct _tagLVITEMEX
// original listviewItem Structure
UINT mask;
int iItem;
int iSubItem;
UINT state;
UINT stateMask;
LPWSTR pszText;
int cchTextMax;
int iImage;
LPARAM lParam;
int iIndent; // need to add indent to depth
// new item methods that we need.
UINT maskEx;
int iParent; // set LVIFEX_PARENT maskEx when this field valid. If not LVI_ROOT is assumed.
LPLVBLOB pBlob; // set LVIFEX_BLOB maskEx when this field is valid. Currently not returned on a GetItem.
// notification structures for this listview First fields are identical to real listView
typedef struct tagNMLISTVIEWEX{
// specific notification items
int iParent;
NMHDR hdr;;
// specific notification items
int iCheckCount; // new checkCount
int iItemId; // ItemIds who checkCount was changed.
LVITEMSTATE dwItemState; // new state of the item whose checkcount has changed.
// notification codes we wrap
// notificaiton codes we send
#define LVNEX_ITEMCHECKCOUNT (LVN_LAST + 1) // lparam contains number of items selected in the ListView.
// #define INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(i) ((i) << 12) (Macro from commctrl.h usefull for setting state)
// itemID is just how far into the list an item is. We keep a flat list of
// of items in the same order they are displayed in the ListView.
// have parent, children pointers just for optimization, Review if really need when done implimenting.
typedef struct _tagListViewItem
// vars for keeping track of tree view status
struct _tagListViewItem *pSubItems; // ptr to array of subItems for ListView Row.
// internal vars
BOOL fExpanded; // true if children are expanded
int iChildren; // Number of children this node has.
// native ListView structure and Item
int iNativeListViewItemId; // id of Item in acutal listView - If not shown it is set to -1
LVITEMEX lvItemEx; // current lvItemEx state for this item
class CListView
CListView(HWND hwnd,HWND hwndParent,int idCtrl,UINT MsgNotify); // contructor gives in ptr to the listView.
// wrappers for top-level ListView calls
BOOL DeleteAllItems();
int GetItemCount(); // returns total number of items in the listview.
UINT GetSelectedCount();
int GetSelectionMark();
HIMAGELIST GetImageList(int iImageList);
HIMAGELIST SetImageList(HIMAGELIST himage,int iImageList);
void SetExtendedListViewStyle(DWORD dwExStyle); // !!Handle checkboxes ourselves.
// wrappers for basic listviewItem calls that we support
// ids are given from our list, not the true ListView id.
BOOL InsertItem(LPLVITEMEX pitem);
BOOL DeleteItem(int iItem);
BOOL DeleteChildren(int iItem);
BOOL SetItemlParam(int iItem,LPARAM lParam);
BOOL SetItemState(int iItem,UINT state,UINT mask);
BOOL SetItemText(int iItem,int iSubItem,LPWSTR pszText);
BOOL GetItemText(int iItem,int iSubItem,LPWSTR pszText,int cchTextMax);
BOOL GetItemlParam(int iItem,LPARAM *plParam);
HWND GetHwnd();
HWND GetParent();
// really helper function for generic set/getitem calls.
int GetCheckState(int iItem); // return state from LVITEMEXSTATE enum.
int GetCheckedItemsCount(); // returns the number of checked items.
// wrapper for ListView Column Calls
BOOL SetColumn(int iCol,LV_COLUMN * pColumn);
int InsertColumn(int iCol,LV_COLUMN * pColumn);
BOOL SetColumnWidth(int iCol,int cx);
// TreeView like calls
BOOL Expand(int iItemId); // expand children of this item,
BOOL Collapse(int iItemId); // collapse children of this item,
// helper functions not impl in either standard ListView or TreeView control
int FindItemFromBlob(LPLVBLOB pBlob); // returns first toplevel item in list that matches blob
LPLVBLOB GetItemBlob(int ItemId,LPLVBLOB pBlob,ULONG cbBlobSize);
// notification method client must call when receives native listview notification
HWND m_hwnd;
HWND m_hwndParent;
int m_idCtrl;
UINT m_MsgNotify;
LPLISTVIEWITEM m_pListViewItems; // ptr to the array of listview Items.
int m_iListViewNodeCount; // total number of nodes in the listView (Doesn't include SubItems
int m_iListViewArraySize; // number of elements allocated in listViewItems array
int m_iNumColumns; // number of columns for this listView
int m_iCheckCount; // not of checked items in the ListView (Does not include indeterminate
DWORD m_dwExStyle; // Extendend Style for this ListView
LPLISTVIEWITEM ListViewItemFromNativeListViewItemId(int iNativeListViewItemId); // returns ptr to ListViewItem from native ListView ID.
LPLISTVIEWITEM ListViewItemFromNativeListViewItemId(int iNativeListViewItemId,int iSubItem); // returns ptr to ListViewItem from native ListView ID.
LPLISTVIEWITEM ListViewItemFromIndex(int iItemID); // returns ptr to ListViewItem from internal list.
LPLISTVIEWITEM ListViewItemFromIndex(int iItemID,int iSubitem,int *piNativeListViewItemId);
void DeleteListViewItemSubItems(LPLISTVIEWITEM pListItem);
BOOL ExpandCollapse(LPLISTVIEWITEM pListViewItem,BOOL fExpand);
BOOL IsEqualBlob(LPLVBLOB pBlob1,LPLVBLOB pBlob2);
void OnGetDisplayInfo(UINT code,LV_DISPINFO *plvdi);
BOOL OnHandleUIEvent(UINT code,UINT flags,WORD wVKey,int iItemNative);