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// Copyright (C) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// File: CodePageConvert.h
// Functions:
// HrCodePageConvert
// HrCodePageConvert
// HrCodePageConvertFree
// HrCodePageConvertInternal
// History:
// aszafer 2000/03/29 created
#include "windows.h"
HRESULT HrCodePageConvert (
IN UINT uiSourceCodePage, // Source code page
IN LPSTR pszSourceString, // Source String
IN UINT uiTargetCodePage, // Target code page
OUT LPSTR pszTargetString, // p to prealloc buffer where target string is returned
IN int cbTargetStringBuffer); // cbytes in prealloc buffer for target string
HRESULT HrCodePageConvert (
IN UINT uiSourceCodePage, // Source code page
IN LPSTR pszSourceString, // Source string
IN UINT uiTargetCodePage, // Target code page
OUT LPSTR * ppszTargetString); // p to where target string is returned
VOID HrCodePageConvertFree (LPSTR pszTargetString); //p to memory allocated by HrCodePageConvert
HRESULT HrCodePageConvertInternal (
IN UINT uiSourceCodePage, // source code page
IN LPSTR pszSourceString, // source string
IN UINT uiTargetCodePage, // target code page
OUT LPSTR pszTargetString, // target string or NULL
IN int cbTargetStringBuffer, // cb in target string or 0
OUT LPSTR* ppszTargetString ); // NULL or p to where target string is returned
HRESULT HrConvertToUnicodeWithAlloc(
IN UINT uiSourceCodePage,
IN LPSTR pszSourceString,
OUT LPWSTR* ppwszTargetString);
HRESULT HrConvertToUnicodeWithAlloc(
IN UINT uiSourceCodePage,
IN DWORD dwcbSourceString,
IN LPSTR pszSourceString,
OUT LPWSTR* ppwszTargetString);
VOID CodePageConvertFree (
IN LPWSTR pwszTargetString); //p to memory allocated by ConvertToUnicodeWithAlloc
HRESULT wcsutf8cmpi(
IN LPWSTR pwszStr1, // two strings to compare
IN LPCSTR pszStr2);