2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

1824 lines
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2002.
// File: notifmgr.cxx
// Contents: Registry and file system change notifications
// History: 14-Jul-97 SitaramR Created from dlnotify.cxx
// Notes : For lock hierarchy and order of acquiring locks, please see
// cicat.cxx
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ciregkey.hxx>
#include <cistore.hxx>
#include <rcstxact.hxx>
#include <imprsnat.hxx>
#include <eventlog.hxx>
#include <docstore.hxx>
#include <svcutil.hxx>
#include "cicat.hxx"
#include "update.hxx"
#include "notifmgr.hxx"
#include "scanmgr.hxx"
#include "scopetbl.hxx"
BOOL AreIdenticalPaths( WCHAR const * pwcsPath1, WCHAR const * pwcsPath2 )
ULONG len1 = wcslen( pwcsPath1 );
ULONG len2 = wcslen( pwcsPath2 );
return len1 == len2 &&
RtlEqualMemory( pwcsPath1, pwcsPath2, len1*sizeof(WCHAR) );
// Member: CCiNotify::CCiNotify
// Synopsis: Constructor of the single scope notification object CCiNotify.
// Arguments: [notifyMgr] -- Notification manager.
// [wcsScope] -- Scope of the notification.
// [cwcScope] -- Length in chars of [wcsScope]
// [volumeId] -- Volume id
// [ftlastScan] -- Last scan time
// [usn] -- Usn
// [fDeep] -- Set to TRUE if deep notifications are enabled.
// History: 1-17-96 srikants Created
CCiNotify::CCiNotify( CCiNotifyMgr & notifyMgr,
WCHAR const * wcsScope,
unsigned cwcScope,
VOLUMEID volumeId,
ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime,
ULONG VolumeSerialNumber,
FILETIME const & ftLastScan,
USN usn,
ULONGLONG const & JournalId,
BOOL fUsnTreeScan,
BOOL fDeep )
: CGenericNotify( & notifyMgr.GetCatalog(), wcsScope, cwcScope, fDeep, TRUE ),
_VolumeCreationTime( VolumeCreationTime ),
_VolumeSerialNumber( VolumeSerialNumber ),
if ( volumeId == CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED )
_ftLastScan = ftLastScan;
_usn = usn;
_JournalId = JournalId;
XInterface<CCiNotifyMgr> xNotify( &notifyMgr );
if ( volumeId == CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED )
// Enable file system notifications for non-usn volumes
} //CCiNotify
// Member: CCiNotify::~CCiNotify
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 05-07-97 SitaramR Added Header
// Member: CCiNotify::Abort
// Synopsis: Marks that an abort is in progress. Also disables further
// notifications for this scope.
// History: 1-17-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotify::Abort()
CLock lock(_notifyMgr.GetMutex());
_fAbort = TRUE;
if ( _volumeId == CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED )
// Notifications are enabled only for those volumes that
// do not support usns.
// Ctor of CGenericNotify does an AddRef, which is released by
// the APC for non-usn volumes. For usn volumes do the Release here.
// Member: CCiNotify::IsMatch
// Synopsis: Checks if the given path is within the scope of the notifi-
// cations. If deep notifications are enabled, it is sufficient
// for the notification scope to be a subset of the given path.
// Otherwise, there must be an exact match.
// Arguments: [wcsPath] - Path to be tested.
// [len] - Length of wcsPath.
// Returns: TRUE if there is a match. FALSE o/w
// History: 1-18-96 srikants Created
BOOL CCiNotify::IsMatch( WCHAR const * wcsPath, ULONG len ) const
CScopeMatch match( GetScope(), ScopeLength() );
return match.IsInScope( wcsPath, len );
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::QueryAsyncWorkItem
// Synopsis: Creates an async work item to process notifications.
// Arguments: [pbChanges] - Buffer of changes
// [cbChanges] - Number of bytes in pbChanges
// [pwcsRoot] - The directory root where the change happened.
// Returns: A pointer to an async work item
// History: 1-03-97 srikants Moved from hxx file to use the new
// CWorkManager.
CCiAsyncProcessNotify * CCiNotifyMgr::QueryAsyncWorkItem(
BYTE const * pbChanges,
ULONG cbChanges,
WCHAR const * pwcsRoot )
XArray<BYTE> xChanges( cbChanges );
RtlCopyMemory( xChanges.GetPointer(), pbChanges, cbChanges );
CWorkManager & workMan = _cicat.GetWorkMan();
return new CCiAsyncProcessNotify( workMan,
pwcsRoot );
// Member: CCiNotify::DoIt()
// Synopsis: Called from APC.
// History: 1-17-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotify::DoIt()
BOOL fNotifyReEnabled = FALSE; // Indicates if the notification was reenabled
// successfully
#if 0
XPtr<CCiAsyncProcessNotify> xWorker;
#endif // 0
if ( _fAbort )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CiNotification APC: ABORT (IGNORE) 0x%x\n", this ));
if ( !BufferOverflow() )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CiNotification APC: CHANGES 0x%x\n", this ));
#if 0
xWorker.Set( _notifyMgr.QueryAsyncWorkItem( GetBuf(),
GetScope()) );
_notifyMgr.ProcessChanges( GetBuf(),
GetScope() );
#endif // 0
// ==================================================
// Re-enable the notification for this scope.
CLock lock(_notifyMgr.GetMutex());
fNotifyReEnabled = SUCCEEDED(status);
// ==================================================
if ( BufferOverflow() )
_notifyMgr.SetupScan( GetScope() );
#if 0
if ( 0 != xWorker.GetPointer() )
_notifyMgr.ProcessChanges( xWorker );
#endif // 0
CATCH(CException, e)
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CiNotification APC: CATCH 0x%x\n", e.GetErrorCode() ));
status = e.GetErrorCode();
if ( !_fAbort && !fNotifyReEnabled )
LogNotificationsFailed( status );
CLock lock( _notifyMgr.GetMutex() );
// Member: CCiNotify::ClearNotifyEnabled
// Synopsis: Clears the flag to indicate that notifications are disabled
// for this scope. This will permit periodic scanning of scopes
// by the scan thread.
// History: 5-03-96 srikants Created
// Notes: The operation must be done under a lock.
void CCiNotify::ClearNotifyEnabled()
CLock lock( _notifyMgr.GetMutex() );
// Member: CVRootNotify::CVRootNotify, public
// Synopsis: Constructor for object to watch IIS vroot changes
// Arguments: [cat] -- Catalog
// [eType] -- Type of vroot
// [Instance] -- Instance # of the vserver
// [notifyMgr] -- Notify manager controller
// History: 2-20-96 KyleP Created
CiCat & cat,
CiVRootTypeEnum eType,
ULONG Instance,
CCiNotifyMgr & notifyMgr )
: _type( eType ),
_cat( cat ),
_notifyMgr( notifyMgr ),
_mdMgr( FALSE, eType, Instance )
_mdMgr.EnableVPathNotify( this );
// Member: CRegistryScopesNotify::CRegistryScopesNotify
// Synopsis: Constructor for object to watch ci scopes
// Arguments: [cat] -- Catalog
// History: 10-16-96 dlee Created
CiCat & cat,
CCiNotifyMgr & notifyMgr )
: _cat( cat ),
_notifyMgr( notifyMgr ),
CRegNotify( cat.GetScopesKey() )
// Member: CCiRegistryNotify::CCiRegistryNotify
// Synopsis: Constructor for the CCiRegistryNotify.
// Arguments: [cat] -
// [notifyMgr] -
// History: 12-12-96 srikants Created
CiCat & cat,
CCiNotifyMgr & notifyMgr )
: _cat( cat ),
_notifyMgr( notifyMgr ),
CRegNotify( wcsRegAdminTree )
// Member: CVRootNotify::DisableNotification, public
// Synopsis: Turns off notifications (if on )
// History: 2-13-97 dlee Created
void CVRootNotify::DisableNotification()
// Need TRY since RPC may access violate if iisadmin has gone down
CATCH( CException, e )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN,
"CVRootNotify::DisableNotification caught exception 0x%x\n",
e.GetErrorCode() ));
// Member: CRegistryScopesNotify::~CRegistryScopesNotify
// Synopsis: Destructor.
// History: 10-16-96 dlee Created
// Member: CCiRegistryNotify::~CCiRegistryNotify
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 12-12-96 srikants Created
// Member: CVRootNotify::CallBack, public
// Synopsis: Callback from metabase connection point
// Arguments: [fCancel] -- If TRUE, iisadmin is going down, so cancel
// notifications and poll for it to come back up.
// History: 2-20-96 KyleP Created
// 2-13-97 dlee Updated for metabase
SCODE CVRootNotify::CallBack( BOOL fCancel )
if ( fCancel )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN,
"Scheduling worker for '%ws' shutdown...\n",
GetVRootService( _type ) ));
_notifyMgr.CancelIISVRootNotify( _type );
// note: we may be deleted by now, don't access private data
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN,
"Scheduling worker thread for VRoot registry change...\n" ));
CWorkManager & workMan = _cat.GetWorkMan();
XInterface<CIISVRootAsyncNotify> xNotify(
new CIISVRootAsyncNotify( _cat, workMan ) );
workMan.AddToWorkList( xNotify.GetPointer() );
return S_OK;
} //CallBack
// Member: CRegistryScopesNotify::DoIt, public
// Synopsis: Callback from APC
// History: 10-16-96 dlee Created
void CRegistryScopesNotify::DoIt()
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN,
"Scheduling worker thread for RegistryScopes registry change...\n" ));
CWorkManager & workMan = _cat.GetWorkMan();
CRegistryScopesAsyncNotify * pNotify = new CRegistryScopesAsyncNotify(_cat, workMan);
workMan.AddToWorkList( pNotify );
// Member: CCiRegistryNotify::DoIt
// Synopsis: Refreshes the registry parameters
// History: 12-12-96 srikants Created
void CCiRegistryNotify::DoIt()
// We don't need a worker thread to do this because it is very
// quick and simple.
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::CCiNotifyMgr
// Synopsis: ctor of the CI notification manager.
// Arguments: [cicat] - Catalog
// [scanMgr] - Scan thread manager
// History: 1-18-96 srikants Created
CCiNotifyMgr::CCiNotifyMgr( CiCat & cicat, CCiScanMgr & scanMgr )
: _cicat(cicat),
_fIISAdminAlive( TRUE ),
_fTrackW3Svc( FALSE ),
_fTrackNNTPSvc( FALSE ),
_fTrackIMAPSvc( FALSE ),
_W3SvcInstance( 1 ),
_NNTPSvcInstance( 1 ),
_IMAPSvcInstance( 1 ),
#pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) // this used in base initialization
_thrNotify( NotifyThread, this, TRUE ) // create suspended
#pragma warning( default : 4355 )
RtlZeroMemory( &_ftLastNetPathScan, sizeof(_ftLastNetPathScan) );
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::~CCiNotifyMgr
// Synopsis: dtor of the CI notification manager.
// History: 17 Dec 1997 AlanW Created
CCiNotifyMgr::~CCiNotifyMgr( )
// Be sure the thread will die...
if (_thrNotify.IsRunning())
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::TrackIISVRoots
// Synopsis: Registers for notification of VRoot registry changes
// Arguments: [fTrackW3Svc] -- TRUE if W3 should be tracked
// [W3SvcInstance] -- W3 instance # to be tracked.
// [fTrackNNTPSvc] -- TRUE if NNTP should be tracked
// [NNTPSvcInstance] -- NNTP instance # to be tracked.
// [fTrackIMAPSvc] -- TRUE if IMAP should be tracked
// [IMAPSvcInstance] -- IMAP instance # to be tracked.
// History: 2-21-96 KyleP Created
// 2-13-97 dlee converted to metabase
void CCiNotifyMgr::TrackIISVRoots(
BOOL fTrackW3Svc,
ULONG W3SvcInstance,
ULONG NNTPSvcInstance,
ULONG IMAPSvcInstance )
CLock lock(_mutex);
Win4Assert( _xW3SvcVRootNotify.IsNull() );
Win4Assert( _xNNTPSvcVRootNotify.IsNull() );
Win4Assert( _xIMAPSvcVRootNotify.IsNull() );
_fTrackW3Svc = fTrackW3Svc;
_W3SvcInstance = W3SvcInstance;
_fTrackNNTPSvc = fTrackNNTPSvc;
_NNTPSvcInstance = NNTPSvcInstance;
_fTrackIMAPSvc = fTrackIMAPSvc;
_IMAPSvcInstance = IMAPSvcInstance;
_evtType |= eWatchIISVRoots;
} //TrackIISVRoots
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::TrackScopesInRegistry
// Synopsis: Registers for notification of scope registry changes
// History: 10/17/96 dlee Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::TrackScopesInRegistry()
CLock lock(_mutex);
Win4Assert( 0 == _pRegistryScopesNotify );
_evtType |= eWatchRegistryScopes;
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::TrackCiRegistry
// Synopsis: Registers for notifications of CI registry changes.
// History: 12-12-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::TrackCiRegistry()
CLock lock(_mutex);
Win4Assert( 0 == _pCiRegistryNotify );
_evtType |= eWatchCiRegistry;
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::CancelIISVRootNotify
// Synopsis: Cancels notifications on iisadmin since it's going down
// History: 2-13-97 dlee Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::CancelIISVRootNotify( CiVRootTypeEnum eType )
// after this, we'll poll for the iisadmin svc to start again
CLock lock( _mutex );
if ( W3VRoot == eType )
_evtType |= eUnWatchW3VRoots;
else if ( NNTPVRoot == eType )
_evtType |= eUnWatchNNTPVRoots;
else if ( IMAPVRoot == eType )
_evtType |= eUnWatchIMAPVRoots;
Win4Assert( !"invalid IIS vroot notify type!" );
} //CancelIISVRootNotify
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::LokUnWatchIISVServerNoThrow
// Synopsis: Turns off notifications on W3, NNTP, or IMAP
// History: 2-Sep-97 dlee created
void CCiNotifyMgr::LokUnWatchIISVServerNoThrow(
CVRootNotify * pNotify )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "LokUnWatchIISVServer\n" ));
delete pNotify;
CATCH(CException, e)
_fIISAdminAlive = FALSE;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN,
"caught exception while tearing down IIS tracking\n" ));
} //LokUnWatchIISVServerNoThrow
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::LokWatchIISVServerNoThrow
// Synopsis: Registers for notification of IIS VRoot changes
// History: 2-21-96 KyleP Created
// 2-13-97 dlee converted to metabase
void CCiNotifyMgr::LokWatchIISVServerNoThrow()
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN,
"LokWatchIISVServer w3 %d:%d, nntp %d:%d, imap %d:%d\n",
_IMAPSvcInstance ));
Win4Assert( _fTrackW3Svc || _fTrackNNTPSvc || _fTrackIMAPSvc );
// If iisadmin isn't running and it wasn't running before, don't
// ping the metabase. Doing a CoCreateInstance() on the metabase
// object when iisadmin is disabled results in a DCOM error in
// the eventlog. Since we check every 5 minutes this can fill
// the log.
if ( !_fIISAdminAlive )
if ( ! IsServiceRunning( L"iisadmin" ) )
// Assume iisadmin is alive and we can get notifications
BOOL fWasAlive = _fIISAdminAlive;
_fIISAdminAlive = TRUE;
if ( _fTrackW3Svc && _xW3SvcVRootNotify.IsNull() )
_xW3SvcVRootNotify.Set( new CVRootNotify( _cicat,
*this ) );
if ( _fTrackNNTPSvc && _xNNTPSvcVRootNotify.IsNull() )
_xNNTPSvcVRootNotify.Set( new CVRootNotify( _cicat,
*this ) );
if ( _fTrackIMAPSvc && _xIMAPSvcVRootNotify.IsNull() )
_xIMAPSvcVRootNotify.Set( new CVRootNotify( _cicat,
*this ) );
CATCH(CException, e)
_fIISAdminAlive = FALSE;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN,
"caught exception while setting up iis tracking\n" ));
// did we miss notifications but can catch up now?
if ( !fWasAlive && _fIISAdminAlive )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Polling IIS: iisadmin woke up\n" ));
CWorkManager & workMan = _cicat.GetWorkMan();
XInterface<CIISVRootAsyncNotify> xNotify(
new CIISVRootAsyncNotify( _cicat, workMan ) );
workMan.AddToWorkList( xNotify.GetPointer() );
CATCH(CException, e)
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN,
"caught exception while setting up iis enumeration\n" ));
// try again after the timeout
_fIISAdminAlive = FALSE;
} //LokWatchIISVServerNoThrow
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::LokWatchRegistryScopesNoThrow
// Synopsis: Registers for notification of RegistryScopes registry changes
// History: 2-21-96 KyleP Created
// Notes: This must be done from thread waiting in alertable mode
void CCiNotifyMgr::LokWatchRegistryScopesNoThrow()
Win4Assert( 0 == _pRegistryScopesNotify );
_pRegistryScopesNotify = new CRegistryScopesNotify( _cicat, *this );
CATCH( CException, e )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "_LokWatchRegistryScopesNoThrow caught 0x%x\n",
e.GetErrorCode() ));
} //LokWatchRegistryScopesNoThrow
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::LokWatchCiRegistryNoThrow
// Synopsis: Watches for changes in CI registry.
// History: 12-12-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::LokWatchCiRegistryNoThrow()
Win4Assert( 0 == _pCiRegistryNotify );
_pCiRegistryNotify = new CCiRegistryNotify( _cicat, *this );
CATCH( CException, e )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "_LokWatchCiRegistryNoThrow caught 0x%x\n",
e.GetErrorCode() ));
} //LokWatchCiRegistryNoThrow
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::_KillThread
// Synopsis: Asks the notification thread to die and waits for its death.
// History: 1-18-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::_KillThread()
CLock lock(_mutex);
_evtType |= eKillThread;
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Waiting for death of notify thread\n" ));
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::Shutdown
// Synopsis: Shut down notification thread.
// History: 1-30-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::WaitForShutdown()
// If we never started running, then just bail out.
if ( _thrNotify.IsRunning() )
// must wait until all the APCs are aborted.
// Kill the notification thread.
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::InitiateShutdown
// Synopsis: Turns off notifications
// History: 1-18-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::InitiateShutdown()
CLock lock(_mutex);
_fAbort = TRUE;
// Abort registry notification (if any)
if ( !_xW3SvcVRootNotify.IsNull() )
if ( !_xNNTPSvcVRootNotify.IsNull() )
if ( !_xIMAPSvcVRootNotify.IsNull() )
// these are refcounted and needn't be freed
if ( 0 != _pRegistryScopesNotify )
if ( 0 != _pCiRegistryNotify )
// Abort all the notifications and the APCs queued for that.
CLock lock(_mutex);
for ( CCiNotify * pNotify = _list.Pop();
0 != pNotify;
pNotify = _list.Pop() )
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::_LokTellThreadToAddScope
// Synopsis: Sets the event type to add a scope for notifications and
// wakes up the notification thread.
// History: 1-18-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::_LokTellThreadToAddScope()
if ( 0 == (eKillThread & _evtType) )
_evtType |= eAddScopes;
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::AddPath
// Synopsis: Adds a scope for ci notifications. If the given scope (wcsScope)
// is a superset of any existing scopes, they are removed from
// the notification list.
// Arguments: [wcsScope] - Scope to be added.
// [fSubscopesRemoved] - Set to TRUE if sub-scopes of wcsScope
// were removed as a result of adding wcsScope.
// [volumeId] - Volume id
// [ftLastScan] - Last scan time
// [usn] - Usn
// History: 1-17-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::AddPath( CScopeInfo const & scopeInfo, BOOL & fSubscopesRemoved )
fSubscopesRemoved = FALSE;
// Allocate storage for the string and terminate it with the
// backslash character.
ULONG len = wcslen( scopeInfo.GetPath() );
if ( L'\\' != scopeInfo.GetPath()[len-1] )
Win4Assert( len < MAX_PATH );
XArray<WCHAR> xPath(len+1);
WCHAR * pwcsPath = xPath.Get();
wcscpy( pwcsPath, scopeInfo.GetPath() );
pwcsPath[len-1] = L'\\';
pwcsPath[len] = 0;
CLock lock(_mutex);
// First see if notifications are already enabled on this path
// in some other scope.
for ( CFwdCiNotifyIter iter1(_list); !_list.AtEnd(iter1); _list.Advance(iter1) )
if (iter1->IsMatch( pwcsPath, len ) )
Win4Assert( iter1->VolumeId() == scopeInfo.VolumeId() );
// there is an entry for this scope already. Just enable/start
// the notification if not already done so.
if ( iter1->VolumeId() == CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED )
// We have to create a new notification object for this scope.
XPtr<CScopeInfo> xScopeInfo;
if ( CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED == scopeInfo.VolumeId() )
xScopeInfo.Set( new CScopeInfo( xPath,
scopeInfo.GetLastScanTime() ) );
xScopeInfo.Set( new CScopeInfo( xPath,
scopeInfo.FUsnTreeScan() ) );
_stkScopes.Push( xScopeInfo.GetPointer() );
// If the new path is going to be a superset of the existing paths,
// they must be removed.
CScopeMatch superScope( pwcsPath, len );
for ( CFwdCiNotifyIter iter2(_list); !_list.AtEnd(iter2); )
CCiNotify * pNotify = iter2.GetEntry();
// See if the current node is a subset of the new path.
// If so, remove the current node from the list.
if ( superScope.IsInScope( pNotify->GetScope(), pNotify->ScopeLength()) )
fSubscopesRemoved = TRUE;
// Wake up the notification thread to add this scope.
} //AddPath
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::GetLastScanTime
// Synopsis: Gets the time of the last successful scan for the given scope.
// Arguments: [wcsScope] - Scope to check. If there is no entry for the
// given scope, the time of the last successful scan of the
// super scope of wcsScope will be returned.
// [ft] - The filetime of the last successful scan
// encompassing the given scope.
// Returns: TRUE if found; FALSE o/w. In case FALSE is returned, ft will
// be zero filled.
// History: 4-19-96 srikants Created
BOOL CCiNotifyMgr::GetLastScanTime( WCHAR const * wcsScope, FILETIME & ft )
RtlZeroMemory( &ft, sizeof(FILETIME) );
Win4Assert( 0 != wcsScope );
ULONG len = wcslen( wcsScope );
Win4Assert( L'\\' == wcsScope[len-1] );
CLock lock(_mutex);
// Look for a scope which encompasses the given scope.
for ( CFwdCiNotifyIter iter1(_list); !_list.AtEnd(iter1); _list.Advance(iter1) )
if (iter1->IsMatch( wcsScope, len ) )
ft = iter1->GetLastScanTime();
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::UpdateLastScanTimes
// Synopsis: Updates the last scan time of all the paths that have
// notifications enabled to the time given.
// Arguments: [ft] - Last successful scan time (all updates until this time
// are known for all the scopes with notifications enabled).
// [usnFlushInfoList] - Usn info list
// History: 4-21-96 srikants Created
// 05-07-97 SitaramR Usns
void CCiNotifyMgr::UpdateLastScanTimes( FILETIME const & ft,
CUsnFlushInfoList & usnFlushInfoList )
CLock lock(_mutex);
for ( CFwdCiNotifyIter iter1(_list); !_list.AtEnd(iter1); _list.Advance(iter1) )
if ( iter1->LokIsNotifyEnabled() && iter1->VolumeId() == CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED )
if ( ft.dwLowDateTime != 0 || ft.dwHighDateTime != 0 )
iter1->SetLastScanTime( ft );
else if ( iter1->VolumeId() != CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED
&& !iter1->FUsnTreeScan() )
// If an usn tree traversal is going on, then we shouldn't move the usn
// watermark because if there is a crash now, then we should
// restart the usn tree traversal from usn 0.
USN usnCurrent = usnFlushInfoList.GetUsn( iter1->VolumeId() );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE,
"CCiNotifyMgr::UpdateLastScanTimes drive %wc, old %#I64x, current %#I64x\n",
(WCHAR) iter1->VolumeId(),
usnCurrent ));
if ( usnCurrent != 0 && usnCurrent > iter1->Usn() )
// Win4Assert( usnCurrent >= iter1->Usn() );
// We cannot assert the above because after the initial usn tree
// scan is done, the maxUsn is written to iter1 (CiCat::SetUsnTreeComplete),
// and there can be usn notifications prior to usn tree scan, i.e. there can
// be usn's less than maxUsn.
iter1->SetUsn( usnCurrent );
} //UpdateLastScanTimes
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::ForceNetPathScansIf
// Synopsis: Forces the scan of network paths with no notifications if
// the interval for such scans has expired.
// History: 4-21-96 srikants Created
// Notes: If the remote machine is running networking software without
// notifications, we have to periodically scan for changes. This
// method identifies such paths and schedules scans for them if
// the minimum interval has expired since the last such scan.
void CCiNotifyMgr::ForceNetPathScansIf()
CLock lock(_mutex);
Win4Assert( sizeof(FILETIME) == sizeof(LONGLONG) );
RtlZeroMemory( &ftZero, sizeof(ftZero) );
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( (FILETIME *) &ftNow );
if ( 0 == CompareFileTime( (FILETIME *) &_ftLastNetPathScan,
(FILETIME *) &ftZero ) )
// We havent't yet started tracking the interval. Just initialize
// the _ftLastNetPathScan to the current time.
_ftLastNetPathScan = ftNow;
if ( ftNow < _ftLastNetPathScan )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Time has been set back\n" ));
_ftLastNetPathScan = ftNow;
// See if the interval for force scans has exceeded.
// Compute the interval in 100 nanosecond interval
const LONGLONG llInterval =
_cicat.GetRegParams()->GetForcedNetPathScanInterval() * 60 * 1000 * 10000;
if ( ftNow - _ftLastNetPathScan >= llInterval )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Forcing scan of net paths with no notifcations\n" ));
// Reset the last scan time for network paths.
RtlZeroMemory( &_ftLastNetPathScan, sizeof(_ftLastNetPathScan) );
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::_LokForceScanNetPaths
// Synopsis: Forces incremental scans of net paths with no notifications.
// History: 4-21-96 srikants Created
// Notes: This method must be called only in the context of the scan
// thread.
void CCiNotifyMgr::_LokForceScanNetPaths()
for ( CFwdCiNotifyIter iter1(_list); !_list.AtEnd(iter1); _list.Advance(iter1) )
if ( !iter1->LokIsNotifyEnabled() && iter1->VolumeId() == CI_VOLID_USN_NOT_ENABLED )
// Usn paths have their notifications disabled, but they should not be scanned
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN,
"Forcing an incremental scan of path (%ws)\n",
iter1->GetScope() ));
_cicat.ReScanPath( iter1->GetScope(), FALSE );
} //_LokForceScanNetPaths
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::_LokAddScopesNoThrow
// Synopsis: Takes scopes from the stack and enables notifications for
// those scopes.
// History: 1-18-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::_LokAddScopesNoThrow()
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _stkScopes.Count(); i++ )
CScopeInfo & scopeInfo = *_stkScopes.Get(i);
if ( !scopeInfo.IsValid() )
WCHAR const * pwcsPath = scopeInfo.GetPath();
CCiNotify * pNotify = new CCiNotify( *this,
scopeInfo.FUsnTreeScan() );
// Acquire the path as a sign that we shouldn't try to use it
// again to add another notification object.
delete [] scopeInfo.AcquirePath();
_list.Push( pNotify );
// empty the stack now
while ( _stkScopes.Count() > 0 )
CATCH( CException, e )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "_LokAddScopesNoThrow caught 0x%x\n",
e.GetErrorCode() ));
} //_LokAddScopesNoThrow
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::_DoNotifications
// Synopsis: The thread which is responsible for adding notification scopes
// and processing the notifications. The notification APC will
// execute in this thread's context.
// History: 1-18-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::_DoNotifications()
while ( TRUE )
// Don't do any work until the system has booted
while ( GetTickCount() < _cicat.GetRegParams()->GetStartupDelay() )
Sleep( 200 );
if ( _fAbort )
CVRootNotify * pW3Notify = 0;
CVRootNotify * pNNTPNotify = 0;
CVRootNotify * pIMAPNotify = 0;
// ++++++++++++++++ lock obtained +++++++++++++++++++
CLock lock(_mutex);
Win4Assert( 0 == ( _evtType &
eUnWatchNNTPVRoots|eUnWatchIMAPVRoots)) );
if ( eKillThread & _evtType )
if ( _fAbort )
_evtType = eNone;
if ( eAddScopes & _evtType )
_evtType &= ~eAddScopes;
if ( eWatchIISVRoots & _evtType )
_evtType &= ~eWatchIISVRoots;
if ( eUnWatchW3VRoots & _evtType )
pW3Notify = _xW3SvcVRootNotify.Acquire();
_evtType &= ~eUnWatchW3VRoots;
if ( eUnWatchNNTPVRoots & _evtType )
pNNTPNotify = _xNNTPSvcVRootNotify.Acquire();
_evtType &= ~eUnWatchNNTPVRoots;
if ( eUnWatchIMAPVRoots & _evtType )
pIMAPNotify = _xIMAPSvcVRootNotify.Acquire();
_evtType &= ~eUnWatchIMAPVRoots;
if ( eWatchRegistryScopes & _evtType )
_evtType &= ~eWatchRegistryScopes;
if ( eWatchCiRegistry & _evtType )
_evtType &= ~eWatchCiRegistry;
fWait = ( eNone == _evtType );
// ---------------- lock released --------------------
// Free these without holding the lock to avoid a deadlock
// with iisadmin.
if ( 0 != pW3Notify )
LokUnWatchIISVServerNoThrow( pW3Notify );
if ( 0 != pNNTPNotify )
LokUnWatchIISVServerNoThrow( pNNTPNotify );
if ( 0 != pIMAPNotify )
LokUnWatchIISVServerNoThrow( pIMAPNotify );
// If we're not watching, turn the flag off
if ( _xW3SvcVRootNotify.IsNull() &&
_xNNTPSvcVRootNotify.IsNull() &&
_xIMAPSvcVRootNotify.IsNull() )
_fIISAdminAlive = FALSE;
if ( fWait )
const DWORD dwFiveMinutes = 1000 * 60 * 5;
DWORD dwWait = ( ( !_fIISAdminAlive ) &&
( _fTrackW3Svc || _fTrackNNTPSvc || _fTrackIMAPSvc ) ) ?
dwFiveMinutes : INFINITE;
// TRUE: important to get APCs
ULONG res = _evt.Wait( dwWait, TRUE );
if ( WAIT_TIMEOUT == res )
// try again to talk to the iisadmin svc
CLock lock( _mutex );
_evtType |= eWatchIISVRoots;
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::NotifyThread
// Arguments: [self] -
// History: 1-18-96 srikants Created
DWORD CCiNotifyMgr::NotifyThread( void * self )
((CCiNotifyMgr *) self)->_DoNotifications();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Terminating notify thread\n" ));
// This is only necessary if thread is terminated from DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.
//TerminateThread( ((CCiNotifyMgr *) self)->_thrNotify.GetHandle(), 0 );
return 0;
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::ProcessChanges
// Synopsis: Processes the changes to files.
// Arguments: [changes] -
// History: 1-17-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::ProcessChanges( XPtr<CCiAsyncProcessNotify> & xWorker )
CWorkManager & workMan = _cicat.GetWorkMan();
workMan.AddToWorkList( xWorker.GetPointer() );
CCiAsyncProcessNotify *pAsyncNotify = xWorker.Acquire();
#if 0
// NTRAID#DB-NTBUG9-83784-2000/07/31-dlee FAT notifications don't use APCs -- they are handled by the notification thread
// There is a problem with lockups in NT. Until we figure
// that out, don't use worker threads. Just process the notifications
// in-line in the notification thread.
pAsyncNotify->DoIt( 0 );
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::ProcessChanges
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pbChanges] -
// [wcsScope] -
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 3-07-96 srikants Created
void CCiNotifyMgr::ProcessChanges( BYTE const * pbChanges,
WCHAR const * wcsScope )
CCiSyncProcessNotify notify(_cicat, _scanMgr, pbChanges, wcsScope, _fAbort );
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::SetupScan
// Synopsis: Schedules the given path for background scan in the scan
// thread.
// Arguments: [pwcsPath] - The path to be scanned.
// History: 1-19-96 srikants Created
// Notes: This method is invoked when the notification buffer overflowed
// and hence some updates are lost. A rescan is needed to figure
// out the changed documents.
void CCiNotifyMgr::SetupScan( WCHAR const * pwcsPath )
_cicat.ReScanPath( pwcsPath, TRUE );
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::IsInScope
// Synopsis: Tests if the given scope is already in the list of scopes
// being watched for notifications.
// Arguments: [pwcsPath] - Input path to check.
// Returns: TRUE if the path is already in a notification scope.
// FALSE o/w
// History: 1-21-96 srikants Created
BOOL CCiNotifyMgr::IsInScope( WCHAR const * pwcsPath )
Win4Assert( 0 != pwcsPath );
ULONG len = wcslen( pwcsPath );
CLock lock(_mutex);
// First check if it is in the list of paths to be added.
for ( unsigned i = 0;
i < _stkScopes.Count();
i++ )
if ( !_stkScopes.Get(i)->IsValid() )
WCHAR const * pwcsTmp = _stkScopes.Get(i)->GetPath();
CScopeMatch match( pwcsTmp, wcslen( pwcsTmp ) );
if ( match.IsInScope( pwcsPath, len ) )
return TRUE;
// next check in the list of notifications
for ( CFwdCiNotifyIter iter(_list); !_list.AtEnd(iter); _list.Advance(iter) )
if ( iter->IsMatch( pwcsPath, len ) )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} //IsInScope
// Member: CCiNotifyMgr::RemoveScope
// Synopsis: If there is an exact match for the given scope, it will be
// removed from the notification list.
// Arguments: [pwcsPath] - The scope to be removed.
// Returns: TRUE if the scope was found.
// FALSE if it was not found.
// History: 1-25-96 srikants Created
BOOL CCiNotifyMgr::RemoveScope( WCHAR const * pwcsPath )
Win4Assert( 0 != pwcsPath );
ULONG len = wcslen( pwcsPath );
CLock lock(_mutex);
BOOL fFound = FALSE;
// First see if there is a match in the list of paths still
// to be added.
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _stkScopes.Count(); i++ )
CScopeInfo & scopeInfo = *_stkScopes.Get(i);
if ( !scopeInfo.IsValid() )
if ( AreIdenticalPaths( pwcsPath, scopeInfo.GetPath() ) )
fFound = TRUE;
// Next remove from the list of notifications.
for ( CFwdCiNotifyIter iter(_list); !_list.AtEnd(iter); )
CCiNotify * pNotify = iter.GetEntry();
if ( AreIdenticalPaths(pwcsPath, pNotify->GetScope()) )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE,
"Removing path (%ws) from notification list\n",
pNotify->GetScope() ));
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Member: CCiNotifyIter::SetTreeScanComplete, public
// Synopsis: Mark a scope as scanned. Used to update volume version info.
// History: 13-Apr-1998 KyleP Created
void CCiNotifyIter::SetTreeScanComplete()
Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime = _notifyMgr._cicat.GetVolumeCreationTime( Get() );
ULONG VolumeSerialNumber = _notifyMgr._cicat.GetVolumeSerialNumber( Get() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() )
_stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->SetVolumeInfo( VolumeCreationTime, VolumeSerialNumber );
_iter->SetVolumeInfo( VolumeCreationTime, VolumeSerialNumber );
// Member: CCiNotifyIter::SetUsnTreeScanComplete, public
// Synopsis: Same as SetTreeScanComplete, but also updates USN info.
// Arguments: [usnMax] -- New high-water mark.
// History: 13-Apr-1998 KyleP Created
void CCiNotifyIter::SetUsnTreeScanComplete( USN usnMax )
Win4Assert( !AtEnd() );
ULONGLONG const & JournalId = _notifyMgr._cicat.GetJournalId( Get() );
ULONGLONG const & VolumeCreationTime = _notifyMgr._cicat.GetVolumeCreationTime( Get() );
ULONG VolumeSerialNumber = _notifyMgr._cicat.GetVolumeSerialNumber( Get() );
if ( _iNotAdded < _stack.Count() )
_stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->SetUsnTreeScanComplete( usnMax );
_stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->SetVolumeInfo( VolumeCreationTime, VolumeSerialNumber );
_stack.Get(_iNotAdded)->SetJournalId( JournalId );
_iter->SetUsnTreeScanComplete( usnMax );
_iter->SetVolumeInfo( VolumeCreationTime, VolumeSerialNumber );
_iter->SetJournalId( JournalId );