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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998-1999.
// File: signore.cxx
// Contents: CScopeIgnore methods
// Classes: CScopeIgnore
// History: 3-1-98 mohamedn created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "cicat.hxx"
// Member: CScopesIgnored::Enumerate(), public
// Synopsis: enumerates ignoredScopes table
// Arguments: [pwcRoot] -- contains table entries upon return
// [cwc] -- buffer lenght of pwcRoot
// [iBmk] -- enumeration index
// returns: TRUE if pwcRoot contains valid table entry. FALSE otherwise.
// History: 3-1-98 mohamedn created
BOOL CScopesIgnored::Enumerate(WCHAR * pwcRoot, unsigned cwc, unsigned & iBmk )
CReadAccess lock( _rwLock );
while( iBmk < _aElems.Count() )
if ( cwc < ( wcslen( _aElems[iBmk]->Get() ) + 1 ) )
wcscpy( pwcRoot, _aElems[iBmk]->Get() );
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} //Enumerate
// Member: CScopesIgnored::RemoveElement(), public
// Synopsis: removes an element from ignoredScopes table
// Arguments: [pwcScope] -- scope to remove.
// returns: none.
// History: 3-1-98 mohamedn created
void CScopesIgnored::RemoveElement(WCHAR const * pwcScope)
CLowcaseBuf lowcaseBuf(pwcScope);
CWriteAccess lock( _rwLock );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aElems.Count(); i++ )
if ( lowcaseBuf.AreEqual(*_aElems[i]) )
delete _aElems.AcquireAndShrink(i);
} //RemoveElement
// Member: CScopesIgnored::RegExFind(), public
// Synopsis: finds a regular expression match for the passed in string.
// Arguments: [bufToFind] -- contains path to search for.
// returns: TRUE if path was found, FALSE otherwise.
// History: 3-1-98 mohamedn created
BOOL CScopesIgnored::RegExFind( CLowcaseBuf const & bufToFind )
// The DFA may be NULL if we failed to create it while adding or
// removing a scope.
// This logic is complicated by the fact that we can't promote from a
// read lock to a write lock.
if ( _xDFA.IsNull() )
CWriteAccess lock( _rwLock );
if ( _xDFA.IsNull() )
CReadAccess lock( _rwLock );
if ( 0 == _aElems.Count() )
return FALSE; // no excluded scopes to search
if ( !_xDFA.IsNull() )
BOOL fFound = _xDFA->Recognize( bufToFind.Get() );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "%ws is %s Found\n", bufToFind.Get(),
fFound ? "" : "not" ));
return fFound;
} while ( TRUE );
// Keep the compiler happy...
return FALSE;
} //RegExFind
// Member: BOOL CScopesIgnored::ConstructDFAObject(), private
// Synopsis: Creates a new CDFA object
// History: 3-1-98 mohamedn created
void CScopesIgnored::ConstructDFAObject(void)
DWORD bufLen = 0;
// Generate a single buffer containing all excluded scopes.
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _aElems.Count(); i++ )
bufLen += _aElems[i]->Length() + 2; // to account for "|," reg-x chars.
bufLen++; // null terminator.
XGrowable<WCHAR> xExcludeString(4*80); // 4 lines by 80 wchars each.
for ( i = 0, xExcludeString[0] = L'\0' ; i < _aElems.Count(); i++ )
if ( i > 0 )
wcscat( xExcludeString.Get(), L"|," ); // add a regX OR separator.
wcscat( xExcludeString.Get(), _aElems[i]->Get() );
// Create a new CDFA object, case insensitive with infinite timeout.
XPtr<CDFA> xDFA(new CDFA( xExcludeString.Get(), _tl, FALSE ) );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "New RegularExpression: %ws\n", xExcludeString.Get() ));
} //ConstructDFAObject