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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1997.
// File: cmdprutl.hxx
// Contents: A wrapper for scope properties around ICommand
// History: 5-10-97 mohamedn created
#pragma once
// Class: CGetCmdProps
// Purpose: A wrapper for scope properties around ICommand
// History: 05-12-97 mohamedn Created
class CGetCmdProps : INHERIT_UNWIND
CGetCmdProps( ICommand *pICommand );
void GetProperties();
ULONG GetCardinality() { return _cCardinality; }
void PopulateDbProps( IDBProperties *pIDBProperties, ULONG i = 0);
WCHAR const * GetCatalog(unsigned i = 0 ) const { return (_aCatalogs ? _aCatalogs[i] : 0); }
void CreateNewPropSet ( ULONG * cPropSets, DBPROPSET ** ppPropSet, ULONG index);
void CopyPropertySet ( CDbPropSet &destPropSet, CDbPropSet &srcPropSet, ULONG index );
void CopyDbProp ( CDbProp & destProp, CDbProp & srcProp, ULONG index);
void ProcessPropSet ( DBPROPSET & propSet );
void ProcessDbInitPropSet ( DBPROPSET & propSet );
void ProcessCiFsExtPropSet ( DBPROPSET & propSet );
void SetCardinalityValue();
WCHAR const * GetMachine(unsigned i = 0 ) const { return (_aMachines ? _aMachines[i] : 0); }
WCHAR const ** GetScopes() const { return ((WCHAR const **)_aPaths); }
DWORD const * GetDepths() const { return (_aDepths ? _aDepths : 0); }
ULONG GetScopeCount() const { return _cScopes;}
CiMetaData GetQueryType() const { return _type; }
GUID const * GetClientGuid() const { return _fGuidValid ? &_clientGuid : 0; }
DWORD * _aDepths; // depths of scopes
WCHAR ** _aPaths; // path pointers
WCHAR ** _aCatalogs; // pointer to alternate catalog
CiMetaData _type;
ULONG _cDepths; // number of depths
ULONG _cScopes; // Number of scopes specified
ULONG _cCatalogs; // number of catalogs
ULONG _cMachines; // number of machines
ULONG _cGuids;
WCHAR ** _aMachines; // pointer to machines
GUID _clientGuid; // GUID of the client
BOOL _fGuidValid; // Set to TRUE if _clientGuid is valid
ULONG _cCardinality; // cardinality value
XArrayOLEInPlace<CDbPropSet> _xPropSet;
ULONG _cPropertySets;
XInterface<ICommandProperties> _xICmdProp;