
562 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1997.
// Contents: Parametrized doubly linked list and iterators
// History: 15-Jun-92 BartoszM Created.
#pragma once
// Class: CDoubleLink
// Purpose: Linked element
// History: 15-Jun-92 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: Use as base for your class. No need to override anything.
// class CFoo: public CDoubleLink
// {
// // your data and code goes here
// };
class CDoubleLink
CDoubleLink* Next() { return _next; }
CDoubleLink* Prev() { return _prev; }
void Close() { _next = this; _prev = this; }
BOOL IsSingle() const { return _next == this; }
void Unlink()
_next->_prev = _prev;
_prev->_next = _next;
void InsertBefore ( CDoubleLink* pAfter )
CDoubleLink* pBefore = pAfter->_prev;
_next = pAfter;
_prev = pBefore;
pAfter->_prev = this;
pBefore->_next = this;
void InsertAfter ( CDoubleLink* pBefore )
CDoubleLink* pAfter = pBefore->_next;
_next = pAfter;
_prev = pBefore;
pAfter->_prev = this;
pBefore->_next = this;
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf);
CDoubleLink* _next;
CDoubleLink* _prev;
// Class: CDoubleList
// Purpose: Linked list of indexes
// History: 15-Jun-92 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: Use as base for your own class.
// Add methods as needed.
// To implement searches use forward and backward
// iterators described below. For instance, if you implement
// a SORTED list:
// Foo* CFooList::Insert ( CFoo* pFoo )
// {
// for ( CBackFooIter it(*this); !AtEnd(it); BackUp(it) )
// {
// if ( it->Size() <= pFoo->Size() ) // overloaded operator ->
// {
// pFoo->InsertAfter(it.GetFoo());
// return;
// }
// }
// // end of list
// Push(pFoo);
// }
class CDoubleList
friend class CForwardIter;
friend class CBackwardIter;
friend class CDoubleIter;
class CDoubleIter
friend class CDoubleList;
CDoubleIter ( CDoubleLink* pLink ) : _pLinkCur(pLink) {}
CDoubleIter ( CDoubleIter& iter ) : _pLinkCur(iter._pLinkCur) {}
CDoubleLink* _pLinkCur;
BOOL IsEmpty() const { return _root.IsSingle(); }
void Advance ( CDoubleIter& it );
void BackUp ( CDoubleIter& it );
BOOL AtEnd ( CDoubleIter& it);
void SetToEnd( CDoubleIter& it )
Win4Assert( !IsEmpty() );
it._pLinkCur = _root.Prev();
void SetToBeginning( CDoubleIter& it )
Win4Assert( !IsEmpty() );
it._pLinkCur = _root.Next();
BOOL IsFirst( CDoubleLink & link )
return _root.Next() == &link;
BOOL IsLast( CDoubleLink & link )
return _root.Prev() == &link;
BOOL IsFirst( CDoubleIter & it )
Win4Assert( !AtEnd( it ) );
return _root.Next() == it._pLinkCur;
BOOL IsLast( CDoubleIter & it )
Win4Assert( !AtEnd(it) );
return _root.Prev() == it._pLinkCur;
// In derived class you can add your own Pop(), Top(), etc.
// that will cast the results of _Pop(), _Top(), etc...
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf);
CDoubleLink* _Top() { return IsEmpty()? 0: _root.Next(); }
BOOL _IsRoot ( CDoubleLink* pLink ) const
{ return pLink == &_root; }
void _Push ( CDoubleLink* pLink );
void _Queue ( CDoubleLink* pLink );
CDoubleLink* _Pop ( void );
CDoubleLink * _Replace( CDoubleIter & it, CDoubleLink * pNew )
Win4Assert( !AtEnd(it) );
Win4Assert( 0 != pNew );
CDoubleLink * pCurr = it._pLinkCur;
pNew->InsertAfter( pCurr );
it._pLinkCur = pNew;
return pCurr;
CDoubleLink _root;
// Class: CDoubleIter
// Purpose: Linked list iterator
// History: 17-Jun-92 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: Auxiliary class. See iterators below.
// Class: CForwardIter
// Purpose: Linked list iterator
// History: 17-Jun-92 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: Use as base for your own forward iterator.
// Notice the overloading of operator ->
// -------------------------------------
// It lets you use iterator like a pointer to Foo.
// class CForFooIter : public CForwardIter
// {
// public:
// CForFooIter ( CFooList& list ) : CForwardIter(list) {}
// CFoo* operator->() { return (CFoo*) _pLinkCur; }
// CFoo* GetFoo() { return (CFoo*) _pLinkCur; }
// };
// Example of usage:
// ----------------
// for ( CForFooIter it(fooList); !fooList.AtEnd(it); fooList.Advance(it))
// {
// it->FooMethod(); // operator ->
// }
class CForwardIter: public CDoubleList::CDoubleIter
CForwardIter ( CDoubleList& list ): CDoubleIter(list._root.Next()) {}
// Class: CBackwardIter
// Purpose: Linked list iterator
// History: 17-Jun-92 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: See above.
class CBackwardIter: public CDoubleList::CDoubleIter
CBackwardIter ( CDoubleList& list ): CDoubleIter(list._root.Prev()) {}
// Member: CDoubleList::AtEnd, public
// Arguments: [it] -- iterator
// Returns: TRUE if iterator at end of list
// History: 17-Jun-92 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: Works for both iterators (forward and backward)
inline BOOL CDoubleList::AtEnd ( CDoubleIter& it)
return _IsRoot( it._pLinkCur );
// Member: CDoubleList::Advance, public
// Synopsis: Advances an iterator
// Arguments: [it] -- iterator
// History: 17-Jun-92 BartoszM Created.
inline void CDoubleList::Advance ( CDoubleIter& it )
Win4Assert ( !_IsRoot(it._pLinkCur) );
it._pLinkCur = it._pLinkCur->Next();
// Member: CDoubleList::BackUp, public
// Synopsis: Backs up an iterator
// Arguments: [it] -- iterator
// History: 17-Jun-92 BartoszM Created.
inline void CDoubleList::BackUp ( CDoubleIter& it )
Win4Assert ( !_IsRoot(it._pLinkCur) );
it._pLinkCur = it._pLinkCur->Prev();
// Member: CDoubleList::Queue, private
// Arguments: [pLink] -- link to be queued
// History: 17-Mar-93 WadeR Created. (based on Push, below)
// Notest: Override, accept only derived class (type safety!), e.g.
// void CFooList::Queue ( CFoo* pFoo )
// {
// _Queue ( pFoo );
// }
inline void CDoubleList::_Queue ( CDoubleLink* pLink )
pLink->InsertBefore ( &_root );
// Member: CDoubleList::Push, private
// Arguments: [pLink] -- link to be pushed
// History: 17-Jun-92 BartoszM Created.
// Notest: Override, accept only derived class (type safety!), e.g.
// void CFooList::Push ( CFoo* pFoo )
// {
// _Push ( pFoo );
// }
inline void CDoubleList::_Push ( CDoubleLink* pLink )
pLink->InsertAfter ( &_root );
// Member: CDoubleList::_Pop, private
// History: 17-Jun-92 BartoszM Created.
// Notes: Override: cast the result
// CFoo* CFooList::Pop()
// {
// return (CFoo*) _Pop();
// }
inline CDoubleLink* CDoubleList::_Pop ( void )
CDoubleLink* pLink = 0;
if ( !IsEmpty() )
pLink = _root.Next();
return pLink;
template <class T>
class TDoubleList : public CDoubleList
TDoubleList() : _cEntries(0) {}
T * Top()
return (T *) _Top();
BOOL IsRoot(T * pLink)
return _IsRoot( pLink );
void Push( T * pLink )
Win4Assert( 0 != pLink );
_Push( pLink );
void Queue( T * pLink )
Win4Assert( 0 != pLink );
_Queue( pLink );
T * Pop()
if ( _cEntries )
return (T *) _Pop();
T * GetFirst()
return !IsEmpty() ? (T * ) _root.Next() : 0 ;
T * GetLast()
if ( IsEmpty() )
return 0;
return (T *) _root.Prev();
T * GetIth( ULONG i )
// Return ith entry
Win4Assert( i < _cEntries );
CDoubleLink *pLink = _root.Next();
while ( i != 0 )
pLink = pLink->Next();
return (T *) pLink;
T * RemoveLast()
T * pEntry = 0;
if ( !IsEmpty() )
pEntry = (T *) _root.Prev();
Win4Assert( _cEntries > 0 );
// NOTE: Some clients of this class may increment, but never decrement
// this count. This could happen by directly invoking the Unlink
// method on a list element instead of using the RemoveFromList
// method which maintains the entry count.
Win4Assert( _cEntries == 0 );
return pEntry;
void RemoveFromList( T * pEntry )
Win4Assert( _cEntries > 0 );
void MoveToFront( T * pLink )
_Push( pLink );
void Clear()
while ( Count() > 0 )
T *pLink = Pop();
delete pLink;
unsigned Count() const { return _cEntries; }
unsigned _cEntries;
template <class T, class TList>
class TFwdListIter : public CForwardIter
TFwdListIter ( TList & list ) : CForwardIter(list) {}
T* operator->() { return (T*) _pLinkCur; }
T* GetEntry() { return (T*) _pLinkCur; }
template <class T, class TList>
class TBackListIter : public CBackwardIter
TBackListIter ( TList & list ) : CBackwardIter(list) {}
T* operator->() { return (T*) _pLinkCur; }
T* GetEntry() { return (T*) _pLinkCur; }