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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// File: DREP.HXX
// Contents: Data Repository
// Classes: CDataRepository
// History: 17-Apr-91 BartoszM Created.
#pragma once
#include <plang.hxx>
#include <occarray.hxx>
#include <norm.hxx>
#include <keymak.hxx>
class CFullPropSpec;
class CWordList;
class CLangList;
class CValueNormalizer;
class CPidMapper;
// Class: CCumulTimer
// Purpose: Cumulative timing for debugging
// History: 07-Dec-93 BartoszM Created
#if CIDBG == 1
class CCumulTimer
CCumulTimer ( WCHAR* szActivity )
:_szActivity ( szActivity ), _count(0), _totalTime(0)
void Start()
_startTime = GetTickCount();
void Stop ()
ULONG stopTime = GetTickCount();
_totalTime += stopTime - _startTime;
ULONG _startTime;
ULONG _totalTime;
ULONG _count;
WCHAR* _szActivity;
#endif // CIDBG
// Macros to be used with the timer
#if CIDBG == 1
#define TSTART(timer) timer.Start()
#define TSTOP(timer) timer.Stop()
#define TSTART(timer)
#define TSTOP(timer)
// Class: CDataRepository
// Purpose: Data repository for filter
// History: 7-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
// 30-May-91 t-WadeR Changed to be input-driven
// 01-July-91 t-WadeR Added _fIgnore
// 18-Sep-92 AmyA Added PutObject
// 23-Sep-92 AmyA Overloaded PutPhrase
// 20-Oct-92 AmyA Changed PutWord to Unicode
// 04-Feb-93 KyleP Use LARGE_INTEGER
// 21-Oct-93 DwightKr Added new methods; made PutPropID
// public
// Notes: Data Repository is a sink for data in the form
// of streams, phrases, words, numbers, and dates.
// Data is processed internally and it ends up
// in the key repository in the form of normalized
// keys. Internal processing is done in two pipelines:
// some data goes to the language dependednt key maker,
// some (date, number) to the language independent
// value normalizer. The language dependent key maker
// may dynamically change when PutLanguage is called.
// Both key makers are initialized with the key
// repository as their key sink.
class CDataRepository
CDataRepository ( PKeyRepository& krep, IPhraseSink* pPhraseSink,
BOOL fQuery, ULONG fuzzy, CPidMapper & pidMap,
CLangList & langList);
void PutStream ( TEXT_SOURCE * stm );
void PutPhrase ( const WCHAR* str, unsigned cwc );
void PutPhrase ( const char* str, unsigned cc );
BOOL PutLanguage ( LCID lcid );
BOOL PutPropName ( CFullPropSpec const & Prop );
void PutValue ( CStorageVariant const & var );
inline BOOL StoreValue ( CFullPropSpec const & ps, CStorageVariant const & var );
inline void PutWorkId ( WORKID wid );
inline const ULONG GetFilteredBlockCount() const { return _krep.GetFilteredBlockCount(); }
void InitFilteredBlockCount( ULONG ulMaxFilteredBlocks ) { _krep.InitFilteredBlockCount( ulMaxFilteredBlocks ); }
BOOL ContainedNoiseWords();
inline PROPID GetPropId ( ) const { return _pid; }
void NormalizeWStr( BYTE *pbOutBuf, unsigned *pcbOutBuf );
BOOL PutPropId( PROPID pid );
BOOL LoadKeyMaker();
// Two key makers
XPtr<CKeyMaker> _xKeyMaker;
CValueNormalizer _valueNorm; // never changes
// Sink for keys
PKeyRepository& _krep;
// Pidmapper for pids
CPidMapper & _pidMap;
// Sink for phrases
IPhraseSink* _pPhraseSink;
// Source of key makers
WORKID _wid;
PROPID _pid; // Current property
PROPID _prevPid; // PROPID of previous _xKeyMaker
CSparseOccArray _occArray;
BOOL _fQuery;
ULONG _ulGenerateMethod;
LCID _lcid; // Current locale
LCID _prevLcid; // Locale of previous _xKeyMaker
LCID _lcidSystemDefault; // Default locale of system
ULONG _ulCodePage; // Codepage of current locale
CLangList & _langList;
#if CIDBG == 1
CCumulTimer timerBind;
CCumulTimer timerNoBind;
CCumulTimer timerFilter;
unsigned _cwcFoldedPhrase;
XArray<WCHAR> _xwcsFoldedPhrase;
// Member: CDataRepository::PutWorkId
// Synopsis: Sets work id
// Arguments: [wid] -- work id
// History: 18-Apr-91 BartoszM Created
inline void CDataRepository::PutWorkId ( WORKID wid )
_wid = wid;
_krep.PutWorkId( wid );
// Member: CDataRepository::StoreValue
// Synopsis: Store a property value.
// Arguments: [prop] -- Property descriptor
// [var] -- Value
// History: 21-Dec-95 KyleP Created
inline BOOL CDataRepository::StoreValue( CFullPropSpec const & ps,
CStorageVariant const & var )
return _krep.StoreValue( ps, var );
// Member: CDataRepository::StoreSecurity
// Synopsis: Store a security identifier
// Arguments: [pSD] -- Security descriptor
// [cbSD] -- size in bytes of pSD
// Notes: Effective for the down-level CI only.
// History: 06 Feb 96 AlanW Created
inline BOOL CDataRepository::StoreSecurity( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD, ULONG cbSD )
return _krep.StoreSecurity( pSD, cbSD );