
320 lines
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1992.
// File: NOISE.HXX
// Contents: Noise word list
// Classes: CNoiseList, NoiseListInit, NoiseListEmpty
// CLString, CStringList, CStringTable
// History: 11-Jul-91 BartoszM Created
#pragma once
#include <plang.hxx>
const NOISE_WORD_LENGTH = cbKeyPrefix + sizeof( WCHAR ); // word length for detecting
// and filtering noise words
// Class: CLString
// Purpose: Linkable String
// History: 16-Jul-91 BartoszM Created
class CLString
CLString ( UINT cb, const BYTE* buf, CLString* next );
void* operator new ( size_t n, UINT cb );
#if _MSC_VER >= 1200
void operator delete( void * p, UINT cb )
void operator delete( void * p )
inline BOOL Equal ( UINT cb, const BYTE* str ) const;
CLString * Next() { return _next; }
#if CIDBG == 1
void Dump() const { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "%s ", _buf )); }
CLString * _next;
UINT _cb;
#pragma warning(disable : 4200) // 0 sized array in struct is non-ansi
BYTE _buf[];
#pragma warning(default : 4200)
// Member: CLString::Equal, public
// Synopsis: String comparison
// Arguments: [cb] -- length
// [str] -- string
// History: 16-Jul-91 BartoszM Created.
inline BOOL CLString::Equal ( UINT cb, const BYTE* str ) const
return ( (cb == _cb) && (memcmp ( str, _buf, _cb ) == 0) );
// Class: CStringList
// Purpose: List of Linkable Strings
// History: 16-Jul-91 BartoszM Created
class CStringList
CStringList(): _head(0) {}
void Add ( UINT cb, const BYTE * str );
BOOL Find ( UINT cb, const BYTE* str ) const;
BOOL IsEmpty () const { return _head == 0; }
#if CIDBG == 1
void Dump() const;
CLString * _head;
// Class: CStringTable
// Purpose: Hash Table of strings
// History: 16-Jul-91 BartoszM Created
class CStringTable
CStringTable( UINT size );
void Add ( UINT cb, const BYTE* str, UINT hash );
inline BOOL Find ( UINT cb, const BYTE* str, UINT hash ) const;
#if CIDBG == 1
void Dump() const;
UINT _index ( UINT hash ) const { return hash % _size; }
UINT _size;
CStringList* _bucket;
// Member: CStringTable::Find, public
// Synopsis: String comparison
// Arguments: [cb] -- length
// [str] -- string
// History: 16-Jul-91 BartoszM Created.
inline BOOL CStringTable::Find ( UINT cb, const BYTE* str, UINT hash ) const
return _bucket [ _index(hash) ].Find ( cb, str );
class PKeyRepository;
// Class: CNoiseList
// Purpose: Discard meaningless words from the input stream
// History: 02-May-91 BartoszM Created stub.
// 30-May-91 t-WadeR Created first draft.
class CNoiseList: public PNoiseList
CNoiseList( const CStringTable& table, PKeyRepository& krep );
~CNoiseList() {};
void GetBuffers( UINT** ppcbInBuf, BYTE** ppbInBuf );
void GetFlags ( BOOL** ppRange, CI_RANK** ppRank );
void PutAltWord( UINT hash );
void PutWord( UINT hash );
void StartAltPhrase();
void EndAltPhrase();
void SkipNoiseWords( ULONG cWords )
_cNoiseWordsSkipped += cWords;
*_pocc += cWords;
void SetOccurrence( OCCURRENCE occ ) { *_pocc = occ; }
BOOL FoundNoise() { return _fFoundNoise; }
OCCURRENCE GetOccurrence() { return *_pocc; }
const CStringTable& _table;
UINT _cbMaxOutBuf;
UINT* _pcbOutBuf;
BYTE* _pbOutBuf;
PKeyRepository& _krep;
BOOL _fFoundNoise; // One way trigger to TRUE when noise word found.
ULONG _cNoiseWordsSkipped; // count of noise words that haven't
// been passed onto the key repository.
// Care must be taken to ensure that
// noise words at the same occurrence
// (ie alternate words) are not counted
// multiple times.
ULONG _cNonNoiseAltWords; // count of non-noise words at current
// occurrence
// Class: CNoiseListInit
// Purpose: Initializer for the noise list
// History: 16-Jul-91 BartoszM Created
class CNoiseListInit: INHERIT_VIRTUAL_UNWIND, public PNoiseList
CNoiseListInit( UINT size );
~CNoiseListInit() { delete _table; };
void GetBuffers( UINT** ppcbInBuf, BYTE** ppbInBuf );
void PutAltWord( UINT hash );
void PutWord( UINT hash );
CStringTable * AcqStringTable()
CStringTable* tmp = _table;
_table = 0;
return tmp;
CKeyBuf _key;
CStringTable * _table;
// Class: CNoiseListEmpty
// Purpose: Empty Noise List (used as default)
// History: 16-Jul-91 BartoszM Created
class CNoiseListEmpty: public PNoiseList
CNoiseListEmpty( PKeyRepository& krep, ULONG ulFuzzy );
void GetBuffers( UINT** ppcbInBuf, BYTE** ppbInBuf );
void GetFlags ( BOOL** ppRange, CI_RANK** ppRank );
void PutAltWord( UINT hash );
void PutWord( UINT hash );
void StartAltPhrase();
void EndAltPhrase();
void SkipNoiseWords( ULONG cWords )
_cNoiseWordsSkipped += cWords;
*_pocc += cWords;
void SetOccurrence( OCCURRENCE occ ) { *_pocc = occ; }
BOOL FoundNoise() { return _fFoundNoise; }
OCCURRENCE GetOccurrence() { return *_pocc; }
UINT _cbMaxOutBuf;
UINT* _pcbOutBuf;
BYTE* _pbOutBuf;
PKeyRepository& _krep;
ULONG _ulGenerateMethod; // Fuzzines of query
BOOL _fFoundNoise; // One way trigger to TRUE when noise word found.
ULONG _cNoiseWordsSkipped; // count of noise words that haven't
// been passed onto the key repository.
// Care must be taken to ensure that
// noise words at the same occurrence
// (ie alternate words) are not counted
// multiple times.
ULONG _cNonNoiseAltWords; // count of non-noise words at current
// occurrence