
446 lines
11 KiB

// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1998.
// Contents: Recoverable Stream Transactions.
// Classes: CRcovStrmTrans
// CRcovStrmReadTrans
// CRcovStrmWriteTrans
// CRcovStrmAppendTrans
// CRcovStrmMDTrans
// History: 25-Jan-94 SrikantS Created.
#pragma once
#include <prcstob.hxx>
#include <xact.hxx>
// Class: SOpenRcovObj
// Purpose: An unwindable object to guarantee that the open streams in a
// recoverable object are closed.
// History: 1-16-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class SOpenRcovObj
SOpenRcovObj( PRcovStorageObj & obj ) : _obj(obj)
// None of these methods on PRcovStorageObj can throw
if ( _obj.IsOpen(CRcovStorageHdr::idxOne) )
if ( _obj.IsOpen(CRcovStorageHdr::idxTwo) )
PRcovStorageObj & _obj;
// Class: CRcovStrmTrans ()
// Purpose: Base class for the Recoverable Stream transactions.
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes: This object must not be created directly. Classes for
// read transaction, write transaction, etc must be
// derived from this class.
class CRcovStrmTrans : public CTransaction
BOOL Seek( ULONG offset );
void Advance( ULONG cb );
void Backup( ULONG cb );
ULONG Read( void *pvBuf, ULONG cbToRead );
BOOL AtEnd();
CRcovStrmTrans( PRcovStorageObj &obj , RcovOpType op );
void CommitPh1();
void CommitPh2();
void Write( const void *pvBuf, ULONG cbToWrite );
void Unmap( CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum nCopy );
void SetStrmSize( CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum nCopy, ULONG cbNew );
void Grow( CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum nCopy, ULONG cbDelta );
void CopyToBack( ULONG oSrc, ULONG oDst, ULONG cbToCopy );
void CleanupAndSynchronize();
void _Seek( ULONG offset );
ULONG _GetCommittedStrmSize( PMmStream & strm,
CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum nCopy );
ULONG _GetCommittedStrmSize( CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum nCopy );
PRcovStorageObj & GetRcovObj() { return _obj; }
CRcovStorageHdr & GetStorageHdr() { return _hdr; }
void EmptyBackupStream();
CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum _iPrim, _iBack, _iCurr;
PRcovStorageObj & _obj;
CRcovStorageHdr & _hdr;
SOpenRcovObj _sObj; // Safe pointer to always close the
// streams on a failure (even in the
// constructor).
// This keeps track of the range of bytes mapped in memory and the
// current offset for both the primary copy and the backup copy.
class CStrmInfo
_oCurrent = 0;
void Reset()
_oMapLow = _oMapHigh = ENDOFSTRM;
// All of the offsets below are WRT to the beginning of the
// "committed" region, ie, after the "hole" in the front.
ULONG _oMapLow; // Offset of the lowest mapped byte.
ULONG _oMapHigh; // Offset of the highest mapped byte.
ULONG _oCurrent; // Current offset.
} _aStrmInfo[2];
void SetCurrentStrm( CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum nCopy )
_iCurr = nCopy;
BOOL IsMapped( ULONG offset );
// Function: IsMapped
// Synopsis: Checks whether the specified offset is mapped in the
// current stream or not.
// Arguments: [offset] -- Byte offset to check for mapping.
// Returns: TRUE if that byte is mapped; FALSE otherwise.
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
inline BOOL CRcovStrmTrans::IsMapped( ULONG offset )
return ( ENDOFSTRM != _aStrmInfo[_iCurr]._oMapLow &&
offset >= _aStrmInfo[_iCurr]._oMapLow &&
offset <= _aStrmInfo[_iCurr]._oMapHigh ) ;
// Member: CRcovStrmTrans::AtEnd
// Synopsis: Checks if the data access is at the end of the stream.
// Returns: TRUE if at end; FALSE o/w
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
inline BOOL CRcovStrmTrans::AtEnd()
return (_aStrmInfo[_iCurr]._oCurrent == ENDOFSTRM) ||
(_aStrmInfo[_iCurr]._oCurrent >= _hdr.GetFullSize(_iCurr));
inline ULONG CRcovStrmTrans::_GetCommittedStrmSize( PMmStream & strm,
CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum nCopy )
return lltoul( strm.Size() - _hdr.GetHoleLength( nCopy ) );
inline ULONG CRcovStrmTrans::_GetCommittedStrmSize( CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum nCopy )
PMmStream & strm = _obj.GetMmStream( nCopy );
return _GetCommittedStrmSize( strm, nCopy );
// Class: CRcovStrmReadTrans ()
// Purpose: Read Transaction for a Recoverable Stream.
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CRcovStrmReadTrans : public CRcovStrmTrans
CRcovStrmReadTrans( PRcovStorageObj &obj );
inline CRcovStrmReadTrans::CRcovStrmReadTrans( PRcovStorageObj & obj )
: CRcovStrmTrans( obj, opRead )
inline CRcovStrmReadTrans::~CRcovStrmReadTrans()
if ( XActCommit == CTransaction::_status )
CTransaction::_status = XActAbort;
Unmap( _iPrim );
// Class: CRcovStrmWriteTrans ()
// Purpose: Write transaction for a Recoverable Stream. This
// is a expensive transaction mode which allows any
// kind of writing on the stream.
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes: This transaction must be used only when there is a
// need to modify something in the middle of a stream.
// For appending to the stream, use the CRcovStrmAppendTrans
class CRcovStrmWriteTrans : public CRcovStrmTrans
CRcovStrmWriteTrans( PRcovStorageObj &obj );
void Empty();
void Append( const void *pvBuf, ULONG cbToAppend );
void Write( const void *pvBuf, ULONG cbToWrite )
CRcovStrmTrans::Write( pvBuf, cbToWrite );
void Commit();
inline CRcovStrmWriteTrans::CRcovStrmWriteTrans( PRcovStorageObj & obj )
: CRcovStrmTrans( obj, opModify )
void CRcovStrmWriteTrans::Append( const void *pvBuf, ULONG cbToAppend )
Write( pvBuf, cbToAppend );
// Class: CRcovStrmAppendTrans ()
// Purpose: Append transaction for a Recoverable Stream.
// Allows reading any where in the stream but writing
// is only to the end of the stream ( appending ).
// Optimized for append operation.
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes: Even though we don't want all the methods of CRcovStrmTrans
// be available to CRcovStrmAppendTrans users, we cannot
// selectively grant access to methods eg. declaring
// CRcovStrm::Read() say in the public section because
// of compiler limitations.
class CRcovStrmAppendTrans : public CRcovStrmTrans
CRcovStrmAppendTrans( PRcovStorageObj &obj );
void Append( const void *pvBuf, ULONG cbToAppend, BOOL fIncrementCount = TRUE );
void Commit();
void CRcovStrmAppendTrans::Append( const void *pvBuf, ULONG cbToAppend, BOOL fIncrementCount )
Write( pvBuf, cbToAppend );
if ( fIncrementCount )
// Class: CRcovStrmMDTrans ()
// Purpose: Transaced operations on Meta Data for a recoverable
// stream.
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CRcovStrmMDTrans : public CRcovStrmTrans
enum MDOp { mdopSetSize, mdopGrow, mdopFrontShrink, mdopBackCompact };
CRcovStrmMDTrans( PRcovStorageObj &obj, MDOp op, ULONG cb );
void Commit();
void SetSize( ULONG cbNew );
void Grow( ULONG cbDelta );
void ShrinkFromFront( ULONG cbDelta );
void CompactFromEnd( ULONG cbDelta );
void IncreaseBytesToSkip( ULONG cbDelta );
void CopyShrinkFromFront( ULONG cbNew, ULONG cbDelta );
MDOp _op;
ULONG _cbOp;
// Class: CCopyRcovObject
// Purpose: Copies the given source recoverable object's data to the
// destination source object.
// History: 3-17-97 srikants Created
class CCopyRcovObject
CCopyRcovObject( PRcovStorageObj & dst, PRcovStorageObj & src )
: _dst(dst),
_cbSrc = _srcHdr.GetUserDataSize( _srcHdr.GetPrimary() );
void _SetDstSize();
void _CopyData();
PRcovStorageObj & _dst;
PRcovStorageObj & _src;
CRcovStorageHdr & _dstHdr;
CRcovStorageHdr const & _srcHdr;
ULONG _cbSrc;