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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1998.
// File: regauto.hxx
// Contents: CRegAutomatic class
// CRegAutoStringValue
// CRegAutoDWORDValue
// History: 23 Oct 97 AlanW Created
// 14 Aug 98 KLam Inlined methods
#pragma once
#include <regacc.hxx>
#include <regevent.hxx>
// Class: CRegAutomatic
// Purpose: A base class for an automatically updating registry value(s)
// History: 23 Oct 97 AlanW Created
// 14 Aug 98 KLam Inlined CheckIfUpdated
class CRegAutomatic : protected CRegChangeEvent
CRegAutomatic( const WCHAR * wcsRegKey ) :
CRegChangeEvent( wcsRegKey ),
_mutex( )
// check if reg event fired. If so, call derived ReadRegValues().
BOOL CheckIfUpdated( )
CLock lock( _mutex );
ULONG res = WaitForSingleObject( GetEventHandle(), 0 );
if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == res )
return (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == res);
virtual void ReadRegValues() = 0;
CMutexSem _mutex;
// Class: CRegAutoStringValue
// Purpose: An automatically updating registry value of type REG_SZ
// Notes: The value is assumed to fit in MAX_PATH characters.
// Careful casting away const since the class maintains
// pointers to the strings passed into the constructor.
// History: 23 Oct 97 AlanW Created
// 14 Aug 98 KLam Changed inheritance to public to allow
// access to CheckIfUpdated
// Inlined ReadRegValues
class CRegAutoStringValue : public CRegAutomatic
CRegAutoStringValue( const WCHAR * wcsRegKey,
const WCHAR * wcsRegValueName,
const WCHAR * wcsDefaultValue = 0 ) :
CRegAutomatic( wcsRegKey ),
_pwszRegValueName( wcsRegValueName ),
_pwszDefaultValue( wcsDefaultValue )
const ULONG Get( WCHAR *pwc, ULONG cch )
CLock lock( _mutex );
// copy the whole string under lock
ULONG cchBuf = wcslen( _awchValue );
if ( cch > cchBuf )
wcscpy( pwc, _awchValue );
return cchBuf;
void ReadRegValues()
CRegAccess reg( RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, GetKeyName() );
XPtrST<WCHAR> xwszValue( reg.Read( _pwszRegValueName, _pwszDefaultValue ) );
wcsncpy( _awchValue, xwszValue.GetPointer(), MAX_PATH );
const WCHAR * _pwszRegValueName;
const WCHAR * _pwszDefaultValue;
WCHAR _awchValue[MAX_PATH];
// Class: CRegAutoDWORDValue
// Purpose: An automatically updating registry value of type REG_DWORD
// Notes: Careful casting away const since the class maintains
// pointers to the strings passed into the constructor.
// History: 13 Aug 98 KLam Created
class CRegAutoDWORDValue : public CRegAutomatic
CRegAutoDWORDValue( const WCHAR * wcsRegKey,
const WCHAR * wcsRegValueName,
DWORD dwDefaultValue ) :
CRegAutomatic( wcsRegKey ),
_pwszRegValueName( wcsRegValueName ),
_dwDefaultValue( dwDefaultValue )
BOOL Get ( DWORD *pdw )
BOOL fUpdated = CheckIfUpdated();
InterlockedExchange ( (long *)pdw, _dwValue );
return fUpdated;
void ReadRegValues()
CRegAccess reg( RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, GetKeyName() );
_dwValue = reg.Read ( _pwszRegValueName, _dwDefaultValue );
const WCHAR * _pwszRegValueName;
DWORD _dwDefaultValue;
DWORD _dwValue;