2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

145 lines
4.7 KiB

#ifndef __glunurbstess_h_
#define __glunurbstess_h_
* *
* Copyright (C) 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. *
* *
* These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain *
* unpublished proprietary information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and *
* are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed *
* to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or *
* in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc. *
* *
* nurbstess.h - $Revision: 1.2 $
#include "mysetjmp.h"
#include "subdivid.h"
#include "renderhi.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include "maplist.h"
#include "reader.h"
#include "nurbscon.h"
class Knotvector;
class Quilt;
class DisplayList;
class BasicCurveEvaluator;
class BasicSurfaceEvaluator;
class NurbsTessellator {
NurbsTessellator( BasicCurveEvaluator &c,
BasicSurfaceEvaluator &e );
~NurbsTessellator( void );
void getnurbsproperty( long, INREAL * );
void getnurbsproperty( long, long, INREAL * );
void setnurbsproperty( long, INREAL );
void setnurbsproperty( long, long, INREAL );
void setnurbsproperty( long, long, INREAL * );
void setnurbsproperty( long, long, INREAL *, long, long );
// called before a tessellation begins/ends
virtual void bgnrender( void );
virtual void endrender( void );
// called to make a display list of the output vertices
virtual void makeobj( int n );
virtual void closeobj( void );
// called when a error occurs
virtual void errorHandler( int );
void bgnsurface( long );
void endsurface( void );
void bgntrim( void );
void endtrim( void );
void bgncurve( long );
void endcurve( void );
void pwlcurve( long, INREAL[], long, long );
void nurbscurve( long, INREAL[], long, INREAL[], long, long );
void nurbssurface( long, INREAL[], long, INREAL[], long, long,
INREAL[], long, long, long );
void defineMap( long, long, long );
void redefineMaps( void );
// recording of input description
void discardRecording( void * );
void * beginRecording( void );
void endRecording( void );
void playRecording( void * );
Renderhints renderhints;
Maplist maplist;
Backend backend;
void resetObjects( void );
int do_check_knots( Knotvector *, char * );
void do_nurbserror( int );
void do_bgncurve( O_curve * );
void do_endcurve( void );
void do_freeall( void );
void do_freecurveall( O_curve * );
void do_freebgntrim( O_trim * );
void do_freebgncurve( O_curve * );
void do_freepwlcurve( O_pwlcurve * );
void do_freenurbscurve( O_nurbscurve * );
void do_freenurbssurface( O_nurbssurface * );
void do_freebgnsurface( O_surface * );
void do_bgnsurface( O_surface * );
void do_endsurface( void );
void do_bgntrim( O_trim * );
void do_endtrim( void );
void do_pwlcurve( O_pwlcurve * );
void do_nurbscurve( O_nurbscurve * );
void do_nurbssurface( O_nurbssurface * );
void do_freenurbsproperty( Property * );
void do_setnurbsproperty( Property * );
void do_setnurbsproperty2( Property * );
Subdivider subdivider;
JumpBuffer* jumpbuffer;
Pool o_pwlcurvePool;
Pool o_nurbscurvePool;
Pool o_curvePool;
Pool o_trimPool;
Pool o_surfacePool;
Pool o_nurbssurfacePool;
Pool propertyPool;
Pool quiltPool;
TrimVertexPool extTrimVertexPool;
int inSurface; /* bgnsurface seen */
int inCurve; /* bgncurve seen */
int inTrim; /* bgntrim seen */
int isCurveModified; /* curve changed */
int isTrimModified; /* trim curves changed */
int isSurfaceModified; /* surface changed */
int isDataValid; /* all data is good */
int numTrims; /* valid trim regions */
int playBack;
O_trim** nextTrim; /* place to link o_trim */
O_curve** nextCurve; /* place to link o_curve */
O_nurbscurve** nextNurbscurve; /* place to link o_nurbscurve */
O_pwlcurve** nextPwlcurve; /* place to link o_pwlcurve */
O_nurbssurface** nextNurbssurface; /* place to link o_nurbssurface */
O_surface* currentSurface;
O_trim* currentTrim;
O_curve* currentCurve;
DisplayList *dl;
#endif /* __glunurbstess_h_ */