2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

265 lines
9.7 KiB

typedef SRID ITEM;
// UNDONE: tune these constants and remove cbFudge
#define cbFudge 10
#define citemMax 300
#define citagSonMax ctagMax
#define cbFOPNoSon ( sizeof(TAG) + 1 + 1 ) // 6
#define cbFOPOneSon ( cbFOPNoSon + 1 + 1 ) // 8
#define cbPageAvailMost ( cbPage - sizeof(PGHDR) - sizeof(PGTRLR) )
// 4096 - 28 - 4 = 4064
#define cbAvailMost ( cbPageAvailMost - cbFOPNoSon - sizeof(SRID) )
// 4064 - 6 - 4 = 4054
#define cbNodeMost ( cbAvailMost - ( cbFOPOneSon - cbFOPNoSon ) - sizeof(TAG) - sizeof(SRID) )
// 4054 - 2 - 4 - 4 = 4044
#define cbNullKeyData ( cbFOPOneSon - cbFOPNoSon + sizeof(TAG) + 1 + 1 )
// 8 - 6 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 8
#define cbNullKeyDataMost ( cbNodeMost - ( 1 + 1 ) - cbFudge )
// 4044 - 2 - 10 = 4032
#define cbChunkMost ( cbNullKeyDataMost - sizeof(LONG) )
// 4032 - 4 = 4028
#define cbItemNodeMost ( 1 + 1 + JET_cbKeyMost + 0 + 0 + sizeof(SRID) + (citemMax * sizeof(SRID)) )
// 261 + 300 * 4 = 1461
#define cbHalfItemNodeMost ( 1 + 1 + JET_cbKeyMost + 0 + 0 + sizeof(SRID) + ((((citemMax + 1) / 2) + 1 ) * sizeof(SRID)) )
// 261 + 151 * 4 = 865
// node header bits
#define fNDVersion 0x80
#define fNDDeleted 0x40
#define fNDBackLink 0x20
#define fNDFDPPtr 0x10
#define fNDSon 0x08
#define fNDVisibleSon 0x04
#define fNDFirstItem 0x02
#define fNDLastItem 0x01
#define FNDDeleted(b) ( (b) & fNDDeleted )
#define FNDVersion(b) ( (b) & fNDVersion )
#define FNDVerDel(b) ( (b) & (fNDDeleted | fNDVersion) )
#define FNDBackLink(b) ( (b) & fNDBackLink )
#define FNDNullSon(b) ( !( (b) & fNDSon ) )
#define FNDSon(b) ( (b) & fNDSon )
#define FNDFDPPtr(b) ( (b) & fNDFDPPtr )
#define FNDVisibleSons(b) ( (b) & fNDVisibleSon )
#define FNDInvisibleSons(b) ( !( (b) & fNDVisibleSon ) )
#define FNDFirstItem(b) ( (b) & fNDFirstItem )
#define FNDLastItem(b) ( (b) & fNDLastItem )
// node flag toggle macros
#define NDSetDeleted(b) ( (b) |= fNDDeleted )
#define NDResetDeleted(b) ( (b) &= ~fNDDeleted )
#define NDSetVersion(b) ( (b) |= fNDVersion )
#define NDResetVersion(b) ( (b) &= ~fNDVersion )
#define NDSetSon(b) ( (b) |= fNDSon )
#define NDResetSon(b) ( (b) &= ~fNDSon )
#define NDSetKeyLength(pb, cb) ( *(pb) = cb )
#define NDSetVisibleSons(b) ( (b) |= fNDVisibleSon )
#define NDSetInvisibleSons(b) ( (b) &= ~fNDVisibleSon )
#define NDSetBackLink(b) ( (b) |= fNDBackLink )
#define NDResetBackLink(b) ( (b) &= ~fNDBackLink )
#define NDSetFDPPtr(b) ( (b) |= fNDFDPPtr )
#define NDResetFDPPtr(b) ( (b) &= ~fNDFDPPtr )
#define NDSetFirstItem(b) ( (b) |= fNDFirstItem )
#define NDResetFirstItem(b) ( (b) &= ~fNDFirstItem )
#define NDSetLastItem(b) ( (b) |= fNDLastItem )
#define NDResetLastItem(b) ( (b) &= ~fNDLastItem )
// macros
#define StNDKey(pb) ( (pb) + 1 )
#define PbNDKeyCb(pb) ( (pb) + 1 )
#define PbNDKey(pb) ( (pb) + 2 )
#define CbNDKey(pb) ( *( (pb) + 1 ) )
#define PbNDSonTable(pb) ( (pb) + 1 + 1 + *(pb + 1) )
#define PbNDSon(pb) ( (BYTE *)PbNDSonTable(pb) + 1 )
#define CbNDSonTable(pbSonTable) ( *(BYTE *)(pbSonTable) )
#define CbNDSon(pbNode) \
( FNDNullSon(*(pbNode)) ? 0 : *PbNDSonTable(pbNode) )
#define PgnoNDOfPbSon(pb) ( *(PGNO UNALIGNED *)PbNDSon(pb) )
#define FNDNonIntrinsicSons(pbNode) ( !FNDNullSon(*pbNode) && ( FNDVisibleSons(*pbNode) || CbNDSon(pbNode) > 1 ) )
#define FNDIntrinsicSons(pbNode) ( !FNDNullSon(*pbNode) && ( !FNDVisibleSons(*pbNode) || CbNDSon(pbNode) == 1 ) )
#define PbNDBackLink(pb) \
( PbNDSonTable(pb) + ( FNDNullSon( *(pb) ) ? 0 : \
( ( ( *PbNDSonTable(pb) == 1 ) && FNDInvisibleSons( *(pb) ) ) ? \
sizeof(PGNO) + 1 : *PbNDSonTable(pb) + 1 ) ) )
#define PbNDData(pb) \
( PbNDBackLink(pb) + ( FNDBackLink( *(pb) ) ? sizeof(SRID) : 0 ) )
#define CbNDData( pbNode, cbNode ) ( (cbNode) - (DWORD)( PbNDData(pbNode) - (pbNode) ) )
#define ItagSonOfPbND(pb,ib) ( PbNDSonTable(pb)[ib] )
#define ItagSonOfPbSonTable(pb,ib) ( pb[ib+1] )
#define ItagSonOfPbSon(pb,ib) ( pb[ib] )
#define NDGet( pfucb, itagT ) PMGet( &(pfucb)->ssib, itagT )
#ifdef DEBUG
#define AssertNDIntrinsicSon( pbNode, cbNode ) \
{ \
Assert( ( PbNDData( (pbNode) )) - (pbNode) <= \
(INT)(cbNode) ); \
Assert( ( PgnoNDOfPbSon( pbNode ) & 0xff000000 ) == 0 ); \
#define AssertNDGet( pfucb, itagT ) \
{ \
AssertPMGet( &(pfucb)->ssib, itagT ); \
VOID AssertNDGetKey( FUCB *pfucb, INT itag );
VOID AssertNDGetNode( FUCB *pfucb, INT itag );
#define AssertNDIntrinsicSon( pbNode, cbNode )
#define AssertNDGet( pfucb, itag )
#define AssertNDGetKey( pfucb, itag )
#define AssertNDGetNode( pfucb, itag )
#define NDIGetBookmarkFromCSR( pfucb, pcsr, psrid ) \
{ \
if ( FNDBackLink( *((pfucb)->ssib.line.pb) ) ) \
{ \
*(SRID *)(psrid) = *(SRID UNALIGNED *)PbNDBackLink((pfucb)->ssib.line.pb); \
Assert( PgnoOfPn(*(SRID *)psrid) != pgnoNull ); \
} \
else \
{ \
*(psrid) = SridOfPgnoItag( (pcsr)->pgno, (pcsr)->itag ); \
} \
#define NDIGetBookmark( pfucb, psrid ) NDIGetBookmarkFromCSR( pfucb, \
PcsrCurrent( pfucb ), \
psrid )
#define NDGetBookmark( pfucb, psrid ) NDGetBookmarkFromCSR( pfucb, \
PcsrCurrent( pfucb ), \
psrid )
/* item bits and macros.
#define fNDItemDelete 0x40000000
#define fNDItemVersion 0x80000000
#define FNDItemVersion( item ) ( (item) & fNDItemVersion )
#define ITEMSetVersion( item ) ( (item) |= fNDItemVersion )
#define ITEMResetVersion( item ) ( (item) &= ~(fNDItemVersion) )
#define FNDItemDelete( item ) ( (item) & fNDItemDelete )
#define ITEMSetDelete( item ) ( (item) |= fNDItemDelete )
#define ITEMResetDelete( item ) ( (item) &= ~(fNDItemDelete) )
#define BmNDOfItem( item ) ((item) & ~( fNDItemVersion | fNDItemDelete ) )
#define CitemND(pb, cb) \
( ( cb - (UINT)( PbNDData(pb) - pb ) ) / sizeof(ITEM) )
#define CitemNDData(pb, cb, pbData) \
( ( cb - (UINT)( (pbData) - pb ) ) / sizeof(ITEM) )
#define FNDSingleItem( pfucb ) \
( ( (pfucb)->ssib.line.cb - \
(UINT)( PbNDData( (pfucb)->ssib.line.pb ) - (pfucb)->ssib.line.pb ) ) \
/ sizeof(ITEM) == 1 )
// LSridCmp
// ========================================================================
// LONG LSridCmp( SRID *psrid1, SRID *psrid2 )
// Compare the srids.
// PARAMETERS psrid1 pointer to a item;
// psrid2 pointer to a item;
// RETURNS < 0, then the first srid is less than the second.
// = 0, then the first srid is equal to the the second.
// > 0, then the first srid is greater than the second.
#define LSridCmp( srid1, srid2 ) \
((LONG) ((SRID) BmNDOfItem( srid1 ) - (SRID) BmNDOfItem( srid2 )))
#ifdef DEBUG
VOID NDCheckPage( FUCB *pfucb );
#define NDCheckPage( pfucb );
#define NDGetKey( pfucb ) \
{ \
AssertNDGet( pfucb, PcsrCurrent(pfucb)->itag ); \
(pfucb)->keyNode.cb = (INT)*((BYTE *)(pfucb)->ssib.line.pb + 1); \
(pfucb)->keyNode.pb = ( (BYTE *)(pfucb)->ssib.line.pb + 2 ); \
// node prototypes
ERR ErrNDNewPage( FUCB *pfucb, PGNO pgno, PGNO pgnoFDP, PGTYP pgtyp, BOOL fVisibleSons );
ERR ErrNDSetNodeHeader( FUCB *pfucb, BYTE bHeader );
VOID NDSeekSon( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsr, KEY const *pkey, INT fFlags );
VOID NDMoveFirstSon( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsr );
VOID NDMoveLastSon( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsr );
ERR ErrNDMoveSon( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsr );
VOID NDGetNode( FUCB *pfucb );
VOID NDGetBookmarkFromCSR( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsr, SRID *psrid );
ERR ErrNDInsertNode( FUCB *pfucb, KEY const *pkey,
LINE *plineData, INT fFlags );
ERR ErrNDDeleteNode( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDReplaceWithLink( FUCB *pfucb, SRID sridLink );
VOID NDDeleteInvisibleSon(
FUCB *pfucb,
RMPAGE *prmpage,
BOOL fCheckRemoveParentOnly,
BOOL *pfRmParent );
ERR ErrNDFlagDeleteNode( FUCB *pfucb, INT fFlags );
ERR ErrNDReplaceNodeData( FUCB *pfucb, LINE *pline, INT fFlags );
VOID NDResetNodeVersion( FUCB *pfucb );
VOID NDResetNodeDeleted( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDGetItem( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDFirstItem( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDLastItem( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDNextItem( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDPrevItem( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDSeekItem( FUCB *pfucb, SRID srid );
INT CitemNDThere( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDInsertItemList( FUCB *pfucb, KEY *pkey, SRID srid, INT fFlags );
ERR ErrNDInsertItem( FUCB *pfucb, ITEM item, INT fFlags );
ERR ErrNDInsertItems( FUCB *pfucb, ITEM *rgitem, INT citem );
ERR ErrNDFlagInsertItem( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDDeleteItem( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDFlagDeleteItem( FUCB *pfucb );
VOID NDSetItemDelete( FUCB *pfucb );
VOID NDResetItemVersion( FUCB *pfucb );
VOID NDResetItemDelete( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDSplitItemListNode( FUCB *pfucb, INT fFlags );
ERR ErrNDDelta( FUCB *pfucb, LONG lDelta, INT fFlags );
ERR ErrNDLockRecord( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDInsertWithBackLink( FUCB *pfucb, BYTE bFlags, KEY const *pkey,
LINE *plineSonTable, SRID sridBackLink, LINE *plineData );
VOID NDGetBackLink( FUCB *pfucb, PGNO *ppgno, INT *pitag );
ERR ErrNDExpungeBackLink( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrNDExpungeLinkCommit( FUCB *pfucb, FUCB *pfucbSrc );
VOID NDGetItagFatherIbSon( INT *pitagFather, INT *pibSon, PAGE *ppage, INT itag );