255 lines
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255 lines
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<!--#INCLUDE FILE='Global_DBUtils.asp' -->
<!--#include file='global_serverutils.asp'-->
<table id="tblUserBuckets" width="100%" class="clsTableInfo" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">
if ( Session("Authenticated") != "Yes" )
Response.Redirect("privacy/authentication.asp?../DBGPortal_Main.asp?" + Request.QueryString() )
//this is the number of milliseconds in a day
var dayVal = 86400000
var BucketID = Request.QueryString("BucketID")
var g_DBConn = GetDBConnection ( Application("CRASHDB3") )
var length = new String( Request.QueryString("Length" ) )
var interval = new String( Request.QueryString("Interval" ) )
var range = new String( Request.QueryString("range") )
var startOffset = 2 //number of days from present to go back to start the chart
//var RemoveZero = new String( Request.QueryString( "chkRemoveZero" ) )
if ( length.toString() == "undefined" )
length = 30
if ( interval.toString() == "undefined" )
interval = 3
if ( range.toString() == "undefined" )
range = 1
//if ( RemoveZero.toString() == "undefined" )
//RemoveZero = false
//RemoveZero = true
//Need to prime the date value so that it doesn't use today's date, it will skew the data
var endDate = new Date()
endDate = new Date( endDate.valueOf() - (startOffset*dayVal) )
var chartValues = ""
var chartDate = ""
for ( var i=0 ; i< length ; i++ )
endDate = endDate.valueOf()
startDate = endDate - (dayVal*(range-1))
endDate = new Date( endDate )
startDate = new Date( startDate )
nextDate = endDate - ( dayVal*interval )
endDate = (endDate.getMonth()+1) + "-" + (endDate.getDate()) + "-" + endDate.getYear()
startDate = (startDate.getMonth()+1) + "-" + (startDate.getDate()) + "-" + startDate.getYear()
//endDate = endDate
//startDate = startDate + " 00:00:00.001"
//Response.Write(" nextdate: " + nextDate + "<BR>" )
var Query = "DBGPortal_GetCrashCountByDate '" + startDate + " 00:00:00.001" + "','" + endDate + " 23:59:59.999" + "','" + BucketID + "'"
//Response.Write( Query + "<BR>" )
var rsBuckets = g_DBConn.Execute( Query )
var count = new String( rsBuckets("CrashCount") )
//if( !(count.toString() == "0") )
var endDate = new Date( endDate )
var startDate = new Date( startDate )
var chartValues = rsBuckets("CrashCount") + "\t" + chartValues
//Response.Write(" Number: " + rsBuckets("CrashCount") + "<BR>" )
if ( range > 1 )
chartDate = (endDate.getMonth()+1)+ "/" + endDate.getDate() + "-" + (startDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + startDate.getDate() + '\t' + chartDate
chartDate = (endDate.getMonth()+1)+ "/" + endDate.getDate() + '\t' + chartDate
var endDate = new Date( nextDate )
//Response.Write( Request.QueryString() )
//Response.Write("chart: " + chartDate + "<BR>" )
//Response.Write("vals: " + chartValues + "<BR>" )
<link rel="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="/main.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="/CustomStyles.css">
<body bgcolor='#ffffff' topmargin='0' leftmargin='0' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' tabindex='0' OnreSize = "fnSizeChart()" OnLoad="fnSizeChart()">
<form method='get' action='DBgPortal_Histogram.asp'>
<input type='hidden' name='BucketID' id='BucketID' value='<%=BucketID%>'>
<table id='tblNoFollowup'>
<p class='clsPTitle'>Crash Histogram</p>
<p>Select how many data points that you want to sample. This will determine how many columns will appear on the chart.<p>
<select id='length' name='length'>
<option value='15'>15</option>
<option value='30' selected>30</option>
<option value='40'>40</option>
<option value='50'>50</option>
<option value='60'>60</option>
<p>Select how many days you would like in between each data sample.</p>
<select id='interval' name='interval'>
<option value='1'>1 Day</option>
<option value='2'>2 Days</option>
<option value='3' selected>3 Days</option>
<option value='4'>4 Days</option>
<option value='5'>5 Days</option>
<option value='6'>6 Days</option>
<option value='7'>7 Days</option>
<option value='8'>8 Days</option>
<option value='9'>9 Days</option>
<option value='10'>10 Days</option>
<option value='15'>15 Days</option>
<option value='20'>20 Days</option>
<option value='25'>25 Days</option>
<option value='30'>30 Days</option>
<p>Select how many days you want to sample per data point. For example, a value of 3 would sum the total number of crashes over a three day period.</p>
<select id='range' name='range'>
<option value='1' selected>1 Day</option>
<option value='2'>2 Days</option>
<option value='3'>3 Days</option>
<option value='4'>4 Days</option>
<option value='5'>5 Days</option>
<option value='6'>6 Days</option>
<option value='7'>7 Days</option>
<option value='8'>8 Days</option>
<option value='9'>9 Days</option>
<option value='10'>10 Days</option>
<td style='padding-left:16px'>
<input type='submit' value='Create Chart'>
Currently displaying a total of <%=length%> days data, over <%=range%> day(s) with <%=interval%> day(s) between each sample.
<!--<object height='1000px' width=100% CLASSID="clsid:0002E500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" ID="objUserChart" codebase="\\products\public\Products\Applications\User\OfficeXP\Internal\cd1\owc10.msi" VIEWASTEXT></object> -->
<object height='1000px' width=100% CLASSID="clsid:0002E500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" ID="objUserChart" codebase="file:\\dbgportal\owc\owc10.msi" VIEWASTEXT>
<td class='clsTDWarning'>
<b>Warning: Could not build chart</b>
<td class=clsTDWarning>
<p>In order to display the crash histrogram, you must download the <a href="\\products\public\Products\Applications\User\OfficeXP\Internal\cd1\owc10.msi">Office Web Components</a>. </p>
<script language=javascript>
var objChart = objUserChart.Charts.Add()
var c = objUserChart.Constants
objSeries1 = objChart.SeriesCollection.Add()
objSeries1.SetData( c.chDimCategories, c.chDataLiteral, "<%=chartDate%>" )
objSeries1.SetData( c.chDimValues, c.chDataLiteral, "<%=chartValues%>" )
var trend = objSeries1.Trendlines.Add()
trend.IsDisplayingRSquared = false
//objChart.FirstSliceAngle = 90
objChart.HasTitle = true
objChart.Title.Caption = "Crash Rate Histogram - Bucket <%=BucketID%>"
var DataLabel = objSeries1.DataLabelsCollection.Add()
//DataLabel.NumberFormat = "0%"
DataLabel.Position = c.chLabelPositionRight
catch ( err )
function fnSizeChart()
if( (document.body.clientHeight - 230) > 0 )
objUserChart.style.height = (document.body.clientHeight - 230)