2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

115 lines
2.8 KiB

use strict;
use IO::File;
# Arguments: none
# Purpose: generate a file called __bldnum__ and binplace to the source tree.
# the contents of this file will be a reference to the master build
# build number as specified by %SDXROOT%\public\sdk\inc\ntverp.h
# in the form "BUILDNUMBER=2257\n"
# Returns: 0 if success, non-zero otherwise
my( $BuildNumber );
my( $BldnumFileName ) = $ENV{ "SDXROOT" } . "\\__bldnum__";
# use unless as GetBuildNumber returns zero on failure
unless ( $BuildNumber = &GetBuildNumber ) {
print( "Failed to generate build number, exiting ...\n" );
exit( 1 );
# use if as GenerateBldnumFile returns zero for success
if ( &GenerateBldnumFile( $BldnumFileName, $BuildNumber ) ) {
print( "Failed to generate $BldnumFileName, exiting ...\n" );
exit( 1 );
# if we're here, we returned successfully
exit( 0 );
# GetBuildNumber
# Arguments: none
# Purpose: parse ntverp.h from public, return the build number
# Returns: the build number if successful, zero otherwise
sub GetBuildNumber
# find the file
my( $VerFile ) = $ENV{ "SDXROOT" } . "\\public\\sdk\\inc\\ntverp.h";
if ( ! -e $VerFile ) {
print( "$VerFile does not exist ...\n" );
return( 0 );
# parse the file
if ( -e $VerFile ) {
# open the file
if ( defined( my $fh = new IO::File $VerFile, "r" ) ) {
my( $ThisLine );
# read through the file
while ( $ThisLine = <$fh> ) {
# see if this is the build number defining line
if ( $ThisLine =~ /#define VER_PRODUCTBUILD\s*\/\* NT \*\/\s*(\d*)/ ) {
# $1 is now the build number
undef( $fh );
return( $1 );
undef( $fh );
} else {
print( "Failed to open $VerFile ...\n" );
return( 0 );
# if we're here, we didn't find a build number in the VerFile
print( "Failed to find a build number in $VerFile ..." );
return( 0 );
# GenerateBldnumFile
# Arguments: $BldnumFileName, $BuildNumber
# Purpose: write the build number to the binplaced build number file, in
# the following format: "BUILDNUM=2250"
# Returns: 0 if successful, non-zero otherwise
sub GenerateBldnumFile
# get passed args
my( $BldnumFileName, $BuildNumber ) = @_;
# open the file for write
if ( defined( my $fh = new IO::File $BldnumFileName, "w" ) ) {
print( $fh "BUILDNUMBER=$BuildNumber\n" );
# success
undef( $fh );
return( 0 );
# if we're here, we didn't create the file
print( "Failed to write $BldnumFileName ..." );
return( 1 );