2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

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/*** asrt.c - Assertion Manager
* Microsoft Confidential
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1994
* All Rights Reserved.
* Author:
* Benjamin W. Slivka
* History:
* 10-Aug-1993 bens Initial version
* 11-Aug-1993 bens Lift code from 1988 PSCHAR.EXE
* 12-Aug-1993 bens Improve documentation, move messages to asrt.msg
* 14-Aug-1993 bens Add assertion flags, query calls
* Functions available in ASSERT build:
* AssertRegisterFunc - Register assertion failure call back function
* AsrtCheck - Check that parameter is TRUE
* AsrtStruct - Check that pointer points to specified structure
* AssertForce - Force an assertion failure
#include "types.h"
#include "asrt.h"
#ifdef ASSERT // Must be after asrt.h!
#include "asrt.msg"
void doFailure(char *pszMsg, char *pszFile, int iLine);
STATIC PFNASSERTFAILURE pfnafClient=NULL; // Assertion call back function
STATIC ASSERTFLAGS asfClient=asfNONE; // Assertion flags
/*** AssertRegisterFunc - Register assertion failure call back function
* NOTE: See asrt.h for entry/exit conditions.
void AssertRegisterFunc(PFNASSERTFAILURE pfnaf)
pfnafClient = pfnaf; // Store for future use
/*** AssertGetFunc - Get current assertion failure call back function
* NOTE: See asrt.h for entry/exit conditions.
return pfnafClient;
/*** AssertSetFlags - Set special assertion control flags
* NOTE: See asrt.h for entry/exit conditions.
void AssertSetFlags(ASSERTFLAGS asf)
asfClient = asf;
/*** AssertGetFlags - Get special assertion control flags
* NOTE: See asrt.h for entry/exit conditions.
ASSERTFLAGS AssertGetFlags(void)
return asfClient;
/*** AsrtCheck - Check assertion that argument is TRUE
* Entry:
* f - Boolean value to check
* pszFile - name of source file
* iLine - source line number
* Exit-Success:
* Returns; f was TRUE
* Exit-Failure:
* Calls assertion failure callback function; f was false.
void AsrtCheck(BOOL f, char *pszFile, int iLine)
if (!f) {
doFailure(pszASRTERR_FALSE,pszFile,iLine); // Inform client
// Client returned, ignore error!
/*** AsrtStruct - Check assertion that pointer is of correct type
* Entry:
* pv - Pointer to structure
* sig - Expected signature
* pszFile - name of source file
* iLine - source line number
* Exit-Success:
* Returns; pv != NULL, and pv->sig == sig.
* Exit-Failure:
* Calls assertion failure callback function; pv was bad.
void AsrtStruct(void *pv, SIGNATURE sig, char *pszFile, int iLine)
if (pv == NULL) {
doFailure(pszASRTERR_NULL_POINTER,pszFile,iLine); // Inform client
// Client returned, ignore error!
else if (*((PSIGNATURE)pv) != sig) {
(*pfnafClient)(pszASRTERR_SIGNATURE_BAD,pszFile,iLine);// Inform client
// Client returned, ignore error!
/*** AssertForce - Force an assertion failure
* NOTE: See asrt.h for entry/exit conditions.
void AssertForce(char *pszMsg, char *pszFile, int iLine)
doFailure(pszMsg,pszFile,iLine); // Inform client
// Client returned, ignore error!
/*** AssertErrPath - Report an internal error path
* NOTE: See asrt.h for entry/exit conditions.
void AssertErrPath(char *pszMsg, char *pszFile, int iLine)
//** Only assert if we are not skipping error path assertions
if (!(asfClient & asfSKIP_ERROR_PATH_ASSERTS)) {
doFailure(pszMsg,pszFile,iLine); // Inform client
// Client returned, ignore error!
/*** doFailure - Call registered call back function
* Entry:
* pszMsg - Message to display
* pszFile - Name of source file
* iLine - Source line number
* Exit-Success:
* Returns; client wanted to ignore assertion.
* Exit-Failure:
* Does not return.
void doFailure(char *pszMsg, char *pszFile, int iLine)
if (pfnafClient == NULL) {
//** Call back not registered!
// We don't have any output mechanism of our own, since we
// are platform-independent. So, just spin in a loop and
// hope the developer can break in with a debugger to see
// what is wrong!
for (;;)
else { //** Call back registered
(*pfnafClient)(pszMsg,pszFile,iLine); // Inform client
#endif // !ASSERT