2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

163 lines
5.4 KiB

// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000
// File: cstrings.cpp
// Contents: Defines the global strings that are used in dsget
// History: 13-Oct-2000 JeffJon Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "commonstrings.cpp"
// The command line executable name
PCWSTR g_pszDSCommandName = L"dsget";
// Object types as are typed on the command line
PCWSTR g_pszOU = L"ou";
PCWSTR g_pszUser = L"user";
PCWSTR g_pszContact = L"contact";
PCWSTR g_pszComputer = L"computer";
PCWSTR g_pszGroup = L"group";
PCWSTR g_pszServer = L"server";
PCWSTR g_pszSite = L"site";
PCWSTR g_pszSubnet = L"subnet";
PCWSTR g_pszPartition = L"partition";
PCWSTR g_pszQuota = L"quota";
PCWSTR c_sz_arg1_com_listformat = L"l";
// User switches
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserDN = L"dn";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserSID = L"sid";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserSAMID = L"samid";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserUPN = L"upn";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserFirstName = L"fn";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserMiddleInitial = L"mi";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserLastName = L"ln";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserDisplayName = L"display";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserEmployeeID = L"empid";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserOffice = L"office";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserTelephone = L"tel";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserEmail = L"email";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserHomeTelephone = L"hometel";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserPagerNumber = L"pager";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserMobileNumber = L"mobile";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserFaxNumber = L"fax";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserIPTel = L"iptel";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserWebPage = L"webpg";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserTitle = L"title";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserDepartment = L"dept";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserCompany = L"company";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserManager = L"mgr";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserHomeDirectory = L"hmdir";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserHomeDrive = L"hmdrv";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserProfile = L"profile";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserLogonScript = L"loscr";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserMustChangePwd = L"mustchpwd";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserCanChangePwd = L"canchpwd";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserPwdNeverExpires = L"pwdneverexpires";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserReversiblePwd = L"reversiblepwd";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserDisableAccount = L"disabled";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserAcctExpires = L"acctexpires";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserMemberOf = L"memberof";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserExpand = L"expand";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserPart = L"part";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserQLimit = L"qlimit";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1UserQuotaUsed = L"qused";
// Computer switches
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ComputerSAMID = L"samid";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ComputerSID = L"sid";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ComputerLoc = L"loc";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ComputerDisableAccount = L"disabled";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ComputerMemberOf = L"memberof";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ComputerExpand = L"expand";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ComputerPart = L"part";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ComputerQLimit = L"qlimit";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ComputerQuotaUsed = L"qUsed";
// Group switches
PCWSTR g_pszArg1GroupSamid = L"samid";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1GroupSID = L"sid";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1GroupSecGrp = L"secgrp";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1GroupScope = L"scope";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1GroupMemberOf = L"memberof";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1GroupMembers = L"members";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1GroupExpand = L"expand";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1GroupPart = L"part";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1GroupQLimit = L"qlimit";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1GroupQuotaUsed = L"qUsed";
// Ou switches
// ** only uses common switches **
// Server switches
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ServerDnsName = L"dnsname";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ServerSite = L"site";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ServerIsGC = L"isgc";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ServerTopObjOwner = L"topobjowner";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1ServerPart = L"part";
// Site switches
PCWSTR g_pszArg1SiteAutotopology = L"autotopology";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1SiteCacheGroups = L"cachegroups";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1SitePrefGCSite = L"prefGCsite";
// Subnet switches
PCWSTR g_pszArg1SubnetLocation = L"loc";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1SubnetSite = L"site";
// Partition switches
PCWSTR g_pszArg1PartitionQDefault = L"qdefault";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1PartitionQTombstoneWeight = L"qtmbstnwt";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1PartitionTopObjOwner = L"topobjowner";
// Quota switches
PCWSTR g_pszArg1QuotaAcct = L"acct";
PCWSTR g_pszArg1QuotaQLimit = L"qlimit";
// Values
PCWSTR g_pszYes = L"yes";
PCWSTR g_pszNo = L"no";
PCWSTR g_pszNotConfigured = L"not configured";
PCWSTR g_pszNever = L"never";
// 702724 ronmart 2002/09/18 Range qualifier
PCWSTR g_pszRange = L";range";
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-765440-2003/01/17-ronmart-dsget user/group -qlimit -qused
// not returning values
PCWSTR g_pszAttrmsDSQuotaEffective = L"msDS-QuotaEffective";
PCWSTR g_pszAttrmsDSQuotaUsed = L"msDS-QuotaUsed";