332 lines
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332 lines
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1998
// File: domain.h
#ifndef _DOMAIN_H
#define _DOMAIN_H
#include "dnsutil.h"
#include "record.h"
#include "domainUI.h"
class CDNSServerNode;
class CDNSRecordNodeBase;
class CDNSZoneNode;
class CDNSRootHintsNode;
class CDNS_NS_RecordNodeList;
class CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList;
BOOL _match(LPCWSTR lpszNSName, CDNS_A_RecordNode* pARecordNode);
// CDNSDomainQueryObj
class CDNSDomainQueryObj : public CDNSQueryObj
CDNSDomainQueryObj(LPCTSTR lpszServerName,
LPCTSTR lpszZoneName,
DWORD dwServerVersion,
LPCTSTR lpszNodeName,
LPCTSTR lpszFullNodeName,
WORD wRecordType,
DWORD dwSelectFlags,
BOOL bIsZone,
BOOL bReverse,
BOOL bCache,
BOOL bAdvancedView)
: CDNSQueryObj(bAdvancedView, dwServerVersion)
m_szServerName = lpszServerName;
m_szZoneName = lpszZoneName;
m_szNodeName = lpszNodeName;
m_szFullNodeName = lpszFullNodeName;
m_wRecordType = wRecordType;
m_dwSelectFlags = dwSelectFlags;
m_bReverse = bReverse;
m_bIsZone = bIsZone;
m_bCache = bCache;
// internal state variables
m_bFirstPass = TRUE;
virtual BOOL Enumerate();
// implementation for DNS domain/zone type
BOOL CanAddRecord(WORD wRecordType, LPCWSTR lpszRecordName);
BOOL CanAddDomain(LPCWSTR lpszDomainName)
{ return MatchName(lpszDomainName);}
DNS_STATUS EnumerateFiltered(WORD wRecordType);
// query parameters (in the sequence expected by CDNSDomainNode::EnumerateNodes)
CString m_szNodeName;
CString m_szZoneName;
CString m_szFullNodeName;
WORD m_wRecordType;
DWORD m_dwSelectFlags;
BOOL m_bIsZone;
BOOL m_bReverse;
BOOL m_bCache;
// query flag to do multiple pass filtered query
BOOL m_bFirstPass;
// CDNSDomainNode
class CDNSDomainNode : public CDNSMTContainerNode
CDNSDomainNode(BOOL bDelegation = FALSE);
virtual ~CDNSDomainNode();
// node info
void SetZone(CDNSZoneNode* pZoneNode){m_pZoneNode = pZoneNode;}
virtual CDNSZoneNode* GetZoneNode()
{ ASSERT(m_pZoneNode != NULL); return m_pZoneNode;}
// helpers for setting names
void SetFullDNSName(BOOL bIsZone, BOOL bReverse,
LPCTSTR lpszNodeName, LPCTSTR lpszParentFullName);
void SetDisplayDNSName(BOOL bIsZone, BOOL bReverse, BOOL bAdvancedView,
LPCTSTR lpszNodeName, LPCTSTR lpszParentFullName);
void ChangePTRRecordsViewOption(BOOL bAdvanced,
CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject);
void OnMultiselectDelete(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList);
void SetNames(BOOL bIsZone, BOOL bReverse, BOOL bAdvancedView,
LPCTSTR lpszNodeName, LPCTSTR lpszParentFullName);
virtual HRESULT OnCommand(long nCommandID,
CComponentDataObject* pComponentData,
CNodeList* pNodeList);
virtual void OnDelete(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData,
CNodeList* pNodeList);
virtual BOOL OnRefresh(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData,
CNodeList* pNodeList);
virtual LPCWSTR GetString(int nCol)
return (nCol == 0) ? GetDisplayName() : g_lpszNullString;
virtual int GetImageIndex(BOOL bOpenImage);
virtual LPWSTR GetDescriptionBarText();
virtual BOOL HasPropertyPages(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type,
BOOL* pbHideVerb,
CNodeList* pNodeList);
virtual HRESULT CreatePropertyPages(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider,
LONG_PTR handle,
CNodeList* pNodeList);
virtual HRESULT CreatePropertyPagesHelper(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider,
LONG_PTR handle, long nStartPageCode);
virtual int Compare(CTreeNode* pNodeA, CTreeNode* pNodeB, int nCol, long lUserParam);
virtual void Show(BOOL bShow, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData);
virtual RECORD_SEARCH DoesContain(PCWSTR pszFullName,
CComponentDataObject* pComponentData,
CDNSDomainNode** ppDomainNode,
CDNSRecordNodeBase** ppExistingRecord,
CString& szNonExistentDomain,
BOOL bExpandNodes = FALSE);
virtual LPCONTEXTMENUITEM2 OnGetContextMenuItemTable()
{ return CDNSDomainMenuHolder::GetContextMenuItem(); }
virtual BOOL OnAddMenuItem(LPCONTEXTMENUITEM2 pContextMenuItem2,
long *pInsertionAllowed);
virtual BOOL OnSetDeleteVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type,
BOOL* pbHide,
CNodeList* pNodeList);
virtual BOOL OnSetRefreshVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type,
BOOL* pbHide,
CNodeList* pNodeList);
virtual HRESULT OnSetToolbarVerbState(IToolbar* pToolbar,
CNodeList* pNodeList);
// query creation
virtual CQueryObj* OnCreateQuery();
// main message handlers for thread messages
virtual void OnThreadExitingNotification(CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject);
virtual void OnHaveData(CObjBase* pObj, CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject);
// command handlers
void OnNewRecordHelper(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, WORD wType);
HRESULT OnNewRecord(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData,
CNodeList* pNodeList);
void OnNewDomain(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData);
void OnNewDelegation(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData);
void OnNewHost(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData);
void OnNewAlias(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData);
void OnNewMailExchanger(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData);
void OnNewPointer(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData);
// DNS specific data
CString m_szFullName; // FQN for the current zone/domain
CDNSZoneNode* m_pZoneNode; // pointer to the zone the domain
BOOL m_bHasDataForPropPages; // TRUE if we have enough data to display PPages
CDNS_NS_RecordNodeList* m_pNSRecordNodeList; // list of cached pointers to NS records
// (used for zones and delegated domains)
BOOL m_bDelegation; // TRUE of the node is a delegated domain
CDNS_NS_RecordNodeList* GetNSRecordNodeList()
{ ASSERT(m_pNSRecordNodeList != NULL); return m_pNSRecordNodeList; }
LPCWSTR GetFullName() { return m_szFullName; }
BOOL IsZone() { return (CDNSDomainNode*)m_pZoneNode == this; }
DWORD GetDefaultTTL();
// subdomain creation
CDNSDomainNode* FindSubdomainNode(LPCTSTR lpszSubdomainNode);
CDNSDomainNode* CreateSubdomainNode(BOOL bDelegation = FALSE); // create C++ object and hook it up
void SetSubdomainName(CDNSDomainNode* pSubdomainNode,
LPCTSTR lpszSubdomainName,
BOOL bAdvancedView); // set the name of the C++ object
DNS_STATUS CreateSubdomain(
CDNSDomainNode* pSubdomainNode,
CComponentDataObject* pComponentData); // assume the 2 above API's got used
DNS_STATUS CreateSubdomain(LPCTSTR lpszDomainName,
CComponentDataObject* pComponentData); // one step API using the ones above
DNS_STATUS Create(); // from a new C++ node, create on the server
// child enumeration
static DNS_STATUS EnumerateNodes(LPCTSTR lpszServerName,
LPCTSTR lpszZoneName,
LPCTSTR lpszNodeName,
LPCTSTR lpszFullNodeName,
WORD wRecordType,
DWORD dwSelectFlag,
BOOL bIsZone, BOOL bReverse, BOOL bAdvancedView,
CDNSDomainQueryObj* pQuery);
BOOL IsDelegation() { return m_bDelegation;}
// NS records management
BOOL HasNSRecords();
void GetNSRecordNodesInfo(CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList* pNSInfoList);
BOOL UpdateNSRecordNodesInfo(CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList* pNewInfoList,
CComponentDataObject* pComponentData);
static void FindARecordsFromNSInfo(LPCWSTR lpszServerName, DWORD dwServerVersion,
DWORD cServerAddrCount, PIP_ADDRESS pipServerAddrs,
LPCWSTR lpszZoneName,
CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList* pNSInfoList,
BOOL bAdvancedView);
virtual void FindARecordsFromNSInfo(LPCTSTR lpszNSName, CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList* pNSInfoList);
virtual void UpdateARecordsOfNSInfo(CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pNSInfo,
CComponentDataObject* pComponentData);
static void UpdateARecordsOfNSInfoHelper(CDNSDomainNode* pDomainNode,
CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pNSInfo,
CComponentDataObject* pComponentData,
BOOL bAskConfirmation);
// called by OnHaveData() to set cached RR ptrs and generally preprocess RR's
virtual void OnHaveRecord(CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode,
CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject);
DNS_STATUS Delete();
// CDNSDummyDomainNode
// * not multithreaded and hidden in the UI
class CDNSDummyDomainNode : public CDNSDomainNode
m_dwNodeFlags |= TN_FLAG_HIDDEN;
virtual CQueryObj* OnCreateQuery()
// should never be called, only for MT objects
return NULL;
// CDNSRootHintsNode
// * exists only if the server is not authoritated for the root
// * not multithreaded and hidden in the UI
class CDNSRootHintsNode : public CDNSDummyDomainNode
m_szFullName = _T(".");
m_szDisplayName = _T(".");
// this "domain" object is not associated to any zone
virtual CDNSZoneNode* GetZoneNode()
{ ASSERT(m_pZoneNode == NULL); return NULL;}
DNS_STATUS QueryForRootHints(LPCTSTR lpszServerName, DWORD dwServerVersion);
DNS_STATUS InitializeFromDnsQueryData(PDNS_RECORD pRootHintsRecordList);
void ShowPageForNode(CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject);
virtual void FindARecordsFromNSInfo(LPCTSTR lpszNSName, CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList* pNSInfoList);
virtual void UpdateARecordsOfNSInfo(CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pNSInfo,
CComponentDataObject* pComponentData);
#endif // _DOMAIN_H