2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

2006 lines
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; Module name
; su.asm
; Author
; Thomas Parslow (tomp) Jan-15-91
; Description
; Startup module for the 386 NT OS loader.
; Exported Procedures
; EnableProtectPaging
; Notes
; NT386 Boot Loader program. This assembly file is required in
; order to link C modules into a "/TINY" (single segment) memory
; model.
; This file does the following:
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; 1) Defines the entry point for the boot loader's startup program
; 2) Computes what values should actually be in the DS and SS registers.
; 3) Provides the int bios functionality
; 4) Provides 386/486 mode (protect/paging) switching code.
; The OS/2 bootstrap routine (boot sector) loads the boot loader program at
; real-mode address 2000:0000 with the following register values:
; CS = 2000
; IP = 0000
; DS = 07C0
; ES = 1000
; SS = 0000
; SP = 7C00
; The PXE boot PROM loads the boot loader program at real-mode address
; 0000:7C00 with the following register values:
; CS = 0000
; IP = 7C00
; DS = Data segment of PXE boot PROM
; SS = Stack segment of PXE boot PROM
; SP = Stack pointer of PXE boot PROM (at least 1K free)
; ES = 16-bit, real-mode, segment of PXENV Entry Point structure
; BX = 16-bit, real-mode, offset of PXENV Entry Point structure
; EDX = 32-bit, physical, address of PXENV Entry Point structure
; For a boot from an SDI image, startrom is loaded at real-mode address
; 0000:7C00 with the following register values:
; CS = 0000
; IP = 7C00
; DS = don't care
; SS = Caller-defined stack segment
; SP = Caller-defined stack pointer
; EDX = physical address of page-aligned SDI image ORed with 0x41
; This startup module relocates itself to 2000:0 and changes the CS and IP
; register values to:
; CS = 2000
; IP = 0000
; Build Notes:
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~
; The microsoft C compiler will not produce "tiny" model programs. In the
; tiny model, the entire program consists of only one segment. The small
; model produced by our compilers consists of two segments: DGROUP and _TEXT.
; If you convert a small model program into a tiny model program, DS (which
; should point to DGROUP (bss,const,data) will always be wrong. For this reason
; we need an assembly module to do a simple run-time fixup on SS and DS. To
; guarantee that DS will point to DGROUP no matter where os2ldr is loaded,
; the paragraph (shifted right four bits) offset of DGROUP from _TEXT must
; be added to the value in CS to compute DS and SS.
; We get the linker to fixup the offset of the beginning of the dgroup segment
; relative to the beginning of the code segment and it's this value added
; to the value in CS that allows us to build a "tiny" model program in C
; without a lot of munging around in order to get the data reference offsets
; in the code correct.
; If the _TEXT:DGROUP fixup appears in other files (which it does), the linker
; will not compute the correct value unless the accumulated data pointer is
; zero when it gets there. Therefore, no data should be placed in the data segment
; until after all instances of _TEXT:DGROUP have been encountered by the linker.
; The linker processes files from right to left on the command line.
; A Note About Stacks
; Initially we run on our internal stack (SuStack) which is only 160 bytes deep
; but seems to do the trick. Then we have to have a separate double fault stack.
; This stack can be in the middle of the stack/data segment. It will step on
; the loader image, but that's ok since the fault was either caused by 16bit
; code (which won't be in the loader image) or, it was caused by the 32bit
; loader (which has already been relocated) so we won't be stepping on code
; that may have caused the fault. And finally, we have the "call back" stack
; which starts at the top of the stack/data segment. We use this during
; all call backs since the original loader source is no longer needed and
; this'll give us plenty of stack for bios calls etc.
DoubleWord struc
lsw dw ?
msw dw ?
DoubleWord ends
; This is the structure used to pass all shared data between the boot sector
; and NTLDR.
SHARED struc
ReadClusters dd ? ; function pointer
ReadSectors dd ? ; function pointer
SectorBase dd ? ; starting sector
; for ReadSectors
; callback
BPB struc
BytesPerSector dw ?
SectorsPerCluster db ?
ReservedSectors dw ?
Fats db ?
DirectoryEntries dw ?
Sectors dw ?
Media db ?
FatSectors dw ?
SectorsPerTrack dw ?
Heads dw ?
HiddenSectors dd ?
SectorsLong dd ?
; The following byte is NOT part of the BPB but is set by SYS and format
BootDriveNumber db ?
BPB ends
SU_CODEMODULE equ 1 ; Identifies this module to ""
extrn _BootRecord:word
extrn _puts:near
extrn _MemoryDescriptorList:near
extrn _InsertDescriptor:near
extrn _NetPcRomEntry:near
extrn GetKeyEx:near
extrn GetCounterReal:near
include ; Included for PXENV Entry Point
; structure. Also includes
; file.
_TEXT segment para use16 public 'CODE'
; Run-time fixups for stack and data segment
public Start
; The FAT boot sector only reads in the first 512 bytes of NTLDR. This is
; the module that contains those 512 bytes, so we are now responsible for
; loading the rest of the file. Other filesystems (i.e. HPFS, NTFS, RIPL)
; will load the whole file, so the default entrypoint branches around the
; FAT-specific code.
jmp RealStart
; If we're here, we've booted off a FAT system and we must load the rest
; of NTLDR at 2000:0200 (right behind this sector) NTLDR passes us the
; following:
; BX = Starting Cluster Number of NTLDR
; DL = INT 13h drive number we've booted from
; DS:SI -> boot media's BPB
; DS:DI -> argument structure (see above struc definition)
; Save away the boot drive and the starting cluster number
push dx
push bx
; Blast the FAT into memory at 6000:0000 - 8000:0000
push 06000h
pop es
xor bx,bx ; (es:bx) = 6000:0000
mov cx,ds:[si].ReservedSectors
mov ds:[di].SectorBase.msw,0
mov ds:[di].SectorBase.lsw,cx ; set up Sector Base
mov ax,ds:[si].FatSectors ; (al) = # Sectors to read
cmp ax,080h
jbe FatLt64k
; The FAT is > 64k, so we read the first 64k chunk, then the rest.
; (A 16-bit FAT can't be bigger than 128k)
push cx
mov ax,080h ; (al) = # of sectors to read
call ds:[di].ReadSectors
pop cx ; (cx) = previous SectorBase
push 07000h
pop es
xor bx,bx ; (es:bx) = 7000:0000
mov ax,ds:[si].FatSectors
sub ax,080h ; (ax) = # Sectors left to read
add cx,080h ; (cx) = SectorBase for next read
mov ds:[di].SectorBase.lsw,cx
adc ds:[di].SectorBase.msw,0 ; set up SectorBase
; (al) = # of sectors to read
call ds:[di].ReadSectors
; FAT is in memory, now we restore our starting cluster number
pop dx ; (dx) = starting cluster number
xor bx,bx
; set up FS and GS for reading the FAT
mov ax,6000h
mov fs,ax
mov ax,7000h
mov gs,ax
; set up ES for reading in the rest of us
push cs
pop es
mov ah,MAXSECTORS ; (ah) = number of sectors we can read
; until boundary
; (dx) = next cluster to load
push dx
mov al,ds:[si].SectorsPerCluster ; (al) = number of contiguous sectors
; found
sub ah,ds:[si].SectorsPerCluster ; can read before 64k
; Check to see if we've reached the end of the file
cmp dx,0ffffh
jne Fat10
; The entire file has been loaded. Throw away the saved next cluster,
; restore the boot drive, and let NTLDR do its thing.
pop dx
pop dx
jmp RealStart
mov cx,dx
; (dx) = (cx) = last contiguous cluster
; (al) = # of contiguous clusters found
call NextFatEntry
; (dx) = cluster following last contiguous cluster
; Check to see if the next cluster is contiguous. If not, go load the
; contiguous block we've found.
inc cx
cmp dx,cx
jne LncLoad
; Check to see if we've reached the 64k boundary. If so, go load the
; contiguous block so far. If not, increment the number of contiguous
; sectors and loop again.
cmp ah,0
jne Lnc20
mov ah,MAXSECTORS ; (ah) = number of sectors until
; boundary reached again
jmp short LncLoad
add al,ds:[si].SectorsPerCluster
sub ah,ds:[si].SectorsPerCluster
jmp short Fat10
; (TOS) = first cluster to load
; (dx) = first cluster of next group to load
; (al) = number of contiguous sectors
pop cx
push dx
mov dx,cx
mov cx,10 ; (cx) = retry count
; N.B.
; This assumes that we will never have more than 255 contiguous clusters.
; Since that would get broken up into chunks that don't cross the 64k
; boundary, this is ok.
; (dx) = first cluster to load
; (al) = number of contiguous sectors
; (TOS) = first cluster of next group to load
; (es:bx) = address where clusters should be loaded
push bx
push ax
push dx
push cx
if 0
push dx
call PrintDbg
mov dx,ax
call PrintDbg
pop dx
call [di].ReadClusters
jnc ReadOk
; error in the read, reset the drive and try again
if 0
mov dx, ax
call PrintDbg
mov ax,01h
mov al,ds:[si].BootDriveNumber
int 13h
if 0
mov dx,ax
call PrintDbg
xor ax,ax
mov al,ds:[si].BootDriveNumber
int 13h
; pause for a while
xor ax,ax
dec ax
jnz FatPause
pop cx
pop dx
pop ax
pop bx
dec cx
jnz FatRetry
; we have re-tried ten times, it still doesn't work, so punt.
push cs
pop ds
mov si,offset FAT_ERROR
or al,al
jz FatErrDone
mov ah,14 ; write teletype
mov bx,7 ; attribute
int 10h ; print it
jmp FatErrPrint
jmp $
; This should be replaced by a mechanism to get a pointer
; passed to us in the param block. since the boot sector msg itself
; is properly localized but this one isn't.
FAT_ERROR db 13,10,"Disk I/O error",0dh,0ah,0
pop cx
pop dx
pop ax
pop bx
pop dx ; (dx) = first cluster of next group
; to load.
; Convert # of sectors into # of bytes.
mov cl,al
xor ch,ch
shl cx,9
add bx,cx
jz FatLoopDone
jmp FatLoop
; (bx) = 0
; This means we've just ended on a 64k boundary, so we have to
; increment ES to continue reading the file. We are guaranteed to
; always end on a 64k boundary and never cross it, because we
; will reduce the number of contiguous clusters to read
; to ensure that the last cluster read will end on the 64k boundary.
; Since we start reading at 0, and ClusterSize will always be a power
; of two, a cluster will never cross a 64k boundary.
mov ax,es
add ax,01000h
mov es,ax
jmp FatLoop
; NextFatEntry - This procedure returns the next cluster in the FAT chain.
; It will deal with both 12-bit and 16-bit FATs. It assumes
; that the entire FAT has been loaded into memory.
; Arguments:
; (dx) = current cluster number
; (fs:0) = start of FAT in memory
; (gs:0) = start of second 64k of FAT in memory
; Returns:
; (dx) = next cluster number in FAT chain
; (dx) = 0ffffh if there are no more clusters in the chain
NextFatEntry proc near
push bx
; Check to see if this is a 12-bit or 16-bit FAT. The biggest FAT we can
; have for a 12-bit FAT is 4080 clusters. This is 6120 bytes, or just under
; 12 sectors.
; A 16-bit FAT that's 12 sectors long would only hold 3072 clusters. Thus,
; we compare the number of FAT sectors to 12. If it's greater than 12, we
; have a 16-bit FAT. If it's less than or equal to 12, we have a 12-bit FAT.
call IsFat12
jnc Next16Fat
mov bx,dx ; (fs:bx) => temporary index
shr dx,1 ; (dx) = offset/2
; (CY) = 1 need to shift
pushf ; = 0 don't need to shift
add bx,dx ; (fs:bx) => next cluster number
mov dx,fs:[bx] ; (dx) = next cluster number
jc shift ; carry flag tells us whether to
and dx,0fffh ; mask
jmp short N12Tail
shr dx,4 ; or shift
; Check for end of file
cmp dx,0ff8h ; If we're at the end of the file,
jb NfeDone ; convert to canonical EOF.
mov dx,0ffffh
jmp short NfeDone
add dx,dx ; (dx) = offset
jc N16high
mov bx,dx ; (fs:bx) => next cluster number
mov dx,fs:[bx] ; (dx) = next cluster number
jmp short N16Tail
mov bx,dx
mov dx,gs:[bx]
cmp dx,0fff8h
jb NfeDone
mov dx,0ffffh ; If we're at the end of the file
; convert to canonical EOF.
pop bx
NextFatEntry endp
; IsFat12 - This function determines whether the BPB describes a 12-bit
; or 16-bit FAT.
; Arguments - ds:si supplies pointer to BPB
; Returns
; CY set - 12-bit FAT
; CY clear - 16-bit FAT
IsFat12 proc near
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
movzx ecx, ds:[si].Sectors
or cx,cx
jnz if10
mov ecx, ds:[si].SectorsLong
; (ecx) = number of sectors
movzx ebx, byte ptr ds:[si].Fats
movzx eax, word ptr ds:[si].FatSectors
mul ebx
sub ecx,eax
; (ecx) = (#sectors)-(sectors in FATs)
movzx eax, word ptr ds:[si].DirectoryEntries
shl eax, 5
; (eax) = #bytes in root dir
mov edx,eax
and edx,0ffff0000h
div word ptr ds:[si].BytesPerSector
sub ecx,eax
; (ecx) = (#sectors) - (sectors in fat) - (sectors in root dir)
movzx eax, word ptr ds:[si].ReservedSectors
sub ecx, eax
mov eax, ecx
movzx ecx, byte ptr ds:[si].SectorsPerCluster
xor edx,edx
div ecx
cmp eax, 4087
jae if20
jmp short if30
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
IsFat12 endp
PrintDbg proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov cx,4
rol dx,4
mov ah,0eh
mov bx,7
mov al,dl
and al,0fh
add al,'0'
cmp al,'9'
jbe pd15
add al,'A'-('9'+1)
int 010h
loop pd10
mov ah,0eh
mov al,' '
mov bx,7
int 010h
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
PrintDbg endp
TerminalStatus dw 0
Free EQU 512-($-Start)
if Free lt 0
%out FATAL PROBLEM: FAT-specific startup code is greater than
%out 512 bytes. Fix it!
; Compute the paragraph needed for DS
if 0
mov ax,0
int 16h
; If this is a network boot (known by CS == 0 and IP ~= 7C00), then
; move the startup module to 2000:0.
call near ptr pxe_boot_check ; *(SP -= 2) = IP
pop ax ; AX := IP
cmp ax, 7c00h + pxe_boot_check - Start
jne not_pxe_boot
mov ax, cs
cmp ax, 0
jne not_pxe_boot
push ds
push es
xor ax,ax
mov cx,7c0h ; move from 7C0:0
mov ds,cx
mov si,ax
mov cx,2000h ; move to 2000:0
mov es,cx
mov di,ax
mov ecx,offset _TEXT:DGROUP ; get length of text segment
add ecx,offset DGROUP:_edata ; add length of data segment
cld ; move forward
rep movsb ; relocate to 2000:0
pop es
pop ds
db 0EAh ; Far jump to 2000h:CS_IP_adjust
dw offset CS_IP_adjust ; to change CS:IP and flush
dw 2000h ; prefetch.
push edx
mov ax, 00e3h ; Initialize, 9600 baud, no parity, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits
mov dx, HEADLESS_COMPORT ; com port
int 14h
mov cs:TerminalStatus, ax ; Save the status for later
pop edx
; Check DL as set by our caller. If it is 0x41, this implies that we're doing
; an SDI boot. Our caller is a different initial boot program that has loaded
; into memory an SDI image containing a ramdisk image, and
; osloader.exe. The caller has copied to 0:7c00 and jumped to it.
; We are to do the normal PXE bootstrap things here, except that we don't have
; to download the loader, because it's already here. We do have to move it into
; the right place from where it exists in the SDI image.
; If this is an SDI boot, the top three bytes of the page-aligned physical
; address of the SDI image are in the top three bytes of EDX. This address is
; passed to SuMain().
cmp dl, 41h ; SDI boot?
je sdi_boot ; Jump if yes (skip wait for F12,
; leave dl == 0x41 to indicate boot
; drive, and leave the SDI address in
; the upper part of edx.
; Give the user a chance to press F12 to request a network boot. If F12 is not
; pressed, then return from the boot code. This causes the BIOS to try the next
; boot device (usually the disk).
call CheckForF12
cmp ax,0
jnz do_remote_boot
mov dx, 0040h ; Default boot disk (0x40 == PXE boot)
; Compute the paragraph needed for DS
mov bx,offset _TEXT:DGROUP ; first calculate offset to data
shr bx,4 ; must be para aligned
mov ax,cs ; get base of code
add ax,bx ; add paragraph offset to data
mov ss,ax ; ints disabled for next instruct
mov sp,offset DGROUP:SuStack ; (sp) = top of internal stack
; Build C stack frame for _SuMain
push edx ; pass bootdisk to main
; Make DS point to the paragraph address of DGROUP
mov ds,ax ; ds now points to beginning of DGROUP
mov es,ax ; es now points to beginning of DGROUP
; Compute the physical address of the end of the data segment (which
; will be the beginning of the prepended loader file).
movzx edx,ax
shl edx,4
add edx,offset DGROUP:_edata
mov dword ptr _FileStart,edx
; Force the upper parts of
; of EBP and ESP to be zero in real mode.
xor bp,bp
movzx ebp,bp
movzx esp,sp
mov [saveDS],ds
call _SuMain ; go to C code to do everything else.
; _EnableProtectPaging
; Loads 386 protect mode registers.
; Enables 386 protection h/w
; Loads pagings registers
; Enables 386 paging h/w
public _EnableProtectPaging
_EnableProtectPaging proc near
; Sanitize ES and GS and clean out any junk in the upper 16bits
; of the flags that may have been left by the bios, before we go protected
push dword ptr 0
mov bx,sp
mov dx,[bx+2] ; are we enabling prot/paging for the first time?
xor ax,ax
mov gs,ax
mov es,ax
; FS must contain the selector of the PCR when we call the kernel
push PCR_Selector
pop fs
; Load the gdtr and idtr.
; We disable interrupts here since we can't handle interrups with the
; idt loaded while were in real mode and before we switch to protmode.
lgdt fword ptr [_GDTregister]
lidt fword ptr [_IDTregister]
; We have to stamp the segment portion of any real-mode far pointer with
; the corresponding selector values before we go protected.
mov si,offset _ScreenStart
mov word ptr [si+2],VideoSelector
mov si,offset _vp
mov word ptr [si+2],VideoSelector
mov si,offset _MemoryDescriptorList
mov word ptr [si+2],MdlSelector
; Enable protect and paging mode
mov eax,cr0
; If we're enabling protect mode for the first time, don't turn on paging
; because the osloader does all that. However, if we're returning to
; protected mode, the page tables are already setup, therefore we do want
; to turn paging on.
cmp dx,1
jnz only_prot
mov cr0,eax
; The following JMP must be DWORD-aligned in order to avoid an obscure i386
; hardware bug. If not, it is possible (albeit unlikely) that the prefetch
; queue can get trashed.
jmp flush
or eax,PROT_MODE
mov cr0,eax
; Flush the prefetch queue
jmp flush
; Load CS with the SU module's code selector
push SuCodeSelector
push offset cs:restart
; Now load DS and SS with the SU module's protect mode data selector.
mov ax,SuDataSelector
mov ds,ax
mov ss,ax
; Load LDT with zero since it will never be used.
xor bx,bx
lldt bx
; Load the Task Register and return to the boot SU module.
or dx,dx
jnz epp10
mov bx,TSS_Selector
ltr bx
_EnableProtectPaging endp
;** _biosint
; Rom bios interrupt dispatcher
public _biosint
_biosint proc near
enter 0,0
push di
push si
push ds
push es
; Get pointer to register parameter frame
les di,[bp+4]
; Get requested interrupt number
mov ax,es:[di].intnum
; Check that requested bios interrupt is supported
sub ax,10h ; sub lowest int number supported
jnc short bios1
mov es:[di].intnum,FUNCTION_ERROR
jmp short biosx
shl ax,1 ; shift if to make it a word offset
cmp ax,bios_cnt ; offset beyond end of table?
jb short bios2
; Error: requested interrupt not supported
mov es:[di].sax,FUNCTION_ERROR
jmp short biosx
bios2: mov bx,ax
mov ax,word ptr cs:bios_table[bx]
push es ; save seg of address frame
push di ; save stack register frame pointer
push ax ; address of bios int
mov ax,es:[di].sax
mov bx,es:[di].sbx
mov cx,es:[di].scx
mov dx,es:[di].sdx
mov si,es:[di].ssi
mov es,es:[di].ses
ret ; this sends us to the "int #" instruction
; We return here from the jmp instruction following the int
pop di ; get address of register parameter frame
pop es ; restore segment of parameter frame
bios5: pushf
pop es:[di].sfg
mov es:[di].sax,ax
mov es:[di].sbx,bx
mov es:[di].scx,cx
mov es:[di].sdx,dx
mov es:[di].ssi,si
mov es:[di].ses,es
; Restore original registers and return to caller
pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop di
_biosint endp
;** Bios Interrupt Table
bios10: int 10h
jmp short bios_ret
bios11: int 11h
jmp short bios_ret
bios12: int 12h
jmp short bios_ret
bios13: int 13h
jmp short bios_ret
bios14: int 14h
jmp short bios_ret
bios15: int 15h
jmp short bios_ret
bios16: int 16h
jmp short bios_ret
bios17: int 17h
jmp short bios_ret
bios18: int 18h
jmp short bios_ret
bios19: int 19h
jmp short bios_ret
bios_table dw bios10,bios11,bios12,bios13,bios14,bios15,bios16,bios17,bios18,bios19
bios_cnt equ $ - bios_table
; _MoveMemory
; Routine Description
; Moves dwords in memory from source to destination.
; Arguments
; (TOS+4) = number of bytes to move
; (TOS+8) = linear address of destination
; (TOS+12) = linear address of source
; Notes
; 1) Valid page table entries must already exist for the
; source and destination memory.
; 2) ALL memory in the lower one megabyte is assumed to
; be identity mapped if used.
public _MoveMemory
_MoveMemory proc near
enter 0,0
push ds
push es
; Get source, destination, and count arguments from the stack
; Make "count" the number of dwords to move.
mov esi,dword ptr [bp+4]
mov edi,dword ptr [bp+8]
mov ecx,dword ptr [bp+12]
shr ecx,2
; Load FLAT selectors into DS and ES
mov ax,KeDataSelector
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
; Move the block of data.
assume es:FLAT, ds:FLAT
; move the dwords
rep movs dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
; move the remaining tail
mov ecx, dword ptr [bp+12]
and ecx, 3
rep movs byte ptr [edi],byte ptr [esi]
assume es:nothing, ds:DGROUP
pop es
pop ds
_MoveMemory endp
; _ZeroMemory
; Routine Description
; Writes zeros into memory at the target address.
; Arguments
; (TOS+4) = linear address of target
; (TOS+8) = number of bytes to zero
; Notes
; 1) Valid page table entries must already exist for the
; source and destination memory.
; 2) ALL memory in the lower one megabyte is assumed to
; be identity mapped if used.
public _ZeroMemory
_ZeroMemory proc near
enter 0,0
push es
; Get source, destination, and count arguments from the stack
; Make "count" the number of dwords to move.
mov edi,dword ptr [bp+4]
mov ecx,dword ptr [bp+8]
shr ecx,2
; Load FLAT selectors into DS and ES
mov ax,KeDataSelector
mov es,ax
xor eax,eax
; Zero the the block of data.
assume es:FLAT
; Zero the dwords
rep stos dword ptr [edi]
; Zero the remaining bytes
mov ecx, dword ptr [bp+8]
and ecx, 3
rep stos byte ptr [edi]
assume es:nothing, ds:DGROUP
pop es
_ZeroMemory endp
public _SetMemory
_SetMemory proc near
enter 0,0
push es
; Get source, destination, and count arguments from the stack
; Make "count" the number of dwords to move.
mov edi,dword ptr [bp+4]
mov ecx,dword ptr [bp+8]
shr ecx,2
; Load FLAT selectors into DS and ES
mov ax,KeDataSelector
mov es,ax
mov eax,dword ptr [bp+12]
; Set the the block of data.
assume es:FLAT
; Set the dwords
rep stos dword ptr [edi]
; Set the remaining bytes
mov ecx, dword ptr [bp+8]
and ecx, 3
rep stos byte ptr [edi]
assume es:nothing, ds:DGROUP
pop es
_SetMemory endp
; Turn Floppy Drive Motor Off
public _TurnMotorOff
DriveControlRegister equ 3f2h ; Floppy control register
_TurnMotorOff proc near
mov dx,DriveControlRegister
mov ax,0CH
out dx,al
_TurnMotorOff endp
; Note: we do not save and restore the gdt and idt values because they
; cannot change while external services are being used by the OS loader.
; This is because they MUST remain identity mapped until all mode
; switching has ceased.
public _RealMode
_RealMode proc near
; Switch to real-mode
sgdt fword ptr [_GDTregister]
sidt fword ptr [_IDTregister]
push [saveDS] ; push this so we can get to it later
mov ax,SuDataSelector
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,ax
mov eax,cr0
and eax, not (ENABLE_PAGING + PROT_MODE)
mov cr0,eax
; flush the pipeline
jmp far ptr here
; Flush TLB
; HACKHACK - We don't know where the page directory is, since it was
; allocated in the osloader. So we don't want to clear out cr3,
; but we DO want to flush the TLB....
mov eax,cr3
nop ; Fill - Ensure 13 non-page split
nop ; accesses before CR3 load
nop ; (P6 errata #11 stepping B0)
mov cr3,eax
; switch to real mode addressing
; N. B. We need to do a far jump rather than a retf, because a retf will not
; reset the access rights to CS properly.
dw offset _TEXT:rmode ; 2000:rmode
dw 02000h
pop ax
mov ds,ax
mov ss,ax
; Stamp video pointers for real-mode use
mov si,offset _ScreenStart
mov word ptr [si+2],0b800h
mov si,offset _vp
mov word ptr [si+2],0b800h
; re-enable interrups
lidt fword ptr [_IDTregisterZero]
; Re-enable interrupts
_RealMode endp
;** _TransferToLoader - transfer control the the OS loader
; Arguments:
; None
; Returns:
; Does not return
public _TransferToLoader
_TransferToLoader proc near
; generates a double fault for debug purposes
; mov sp,0
; push 0
mov ebx,dword ptr [esp+2] ; get entrypoint arg
xor eax,eax
mov ax,[saveDS]
; Setup OS loader's stack. Compute FLAT model esp to id map to
; original stack.
mov cx,KeDataSelector
mov ss,cx
; Load ds and es with kernel's data selectors
mov ds,cx
mov es,cx
; Setup pointer to file system and boot context records
; Make a linear pointer to the Boot Context Record
shl eax,4
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,offset _BootRecord
add eax,ecx
push eax
push 1010h ; dummy return address.
push 1010h ; dummy return address.
; Push 48bit address of loader entry-point
push KeCodeSelector
push ebx
; Pass control to the OS loader
_TransferToLoader endp
; Description:
; Gets memory block sizes for memory from zero to one meg and
; from one meg to 64 meg. We do this by calling int 12h
; (get conventional memory size) and int 15h function 88h (get
; extended memory size).
; Arguments:
; None
; Returns:
; USHORT - Size of usable memory (in pages)
public _IsaConstructMemoryDescriptors
BmlTotal equ [bp-4]
Func88Result equ [bp-6]
_IsaConstructMemoryDescriptors proc near
push bp ; save ebp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, 6
; Initialize the MemoryList to start with a zero entry. (end-of-list)
les si, dword ptr _MemoryDescriptorList
xor eax,eax
mov es:[si].BlockSize,eax
mov es:[si].BlockBase,eax
; Get conventional (below one meg) memory size
push es
push si
int 12h
movzx eax,ax
; EAX is the number of 1k blocks, which we need to convert to the
; number of bytes.
shl eax,10
push eax
shr eax, 12
mov BmlTotal, eax
xor eax,eax
push eax
call _InsertDescriptor
add sp,8
; Get extended memory size and fill-in the second descriptor
mov ah,88h
int 15h
mov Func88Result,ax
and eax,0ffffh
; EAX is the number of 1k blocks, which we need to convert to the
; number of bytes.
shl eax,10
push eax
shr eax,12
add BmlTotal, ax
mov eax,0100000h
push eax
call _InsertDescriptor
add sp,8
; Try function E801, see if that is supported on this machine
mov ax,0E801h
int 15h
jc short Isa50
cmp ax,Func88Result ; Is extended memory same as 88?
je short Isa40 ; Yes, go add the rest
cmp ax, (16-1) * 1024 ; Is extended memory exactly 16MB?
jne short Isa50 ; No, conflict between 88 & E801
; Function looks like it worked
; AX = extended memory < 16M in 1k blocks
; BX = extended memory > 16M in 64k blocks
and ebx,0ffffh
jz short Isa50
shl ebx,16 ; ebx = memory > 16M in bytes (via E801)
add ebx, 16*1024*1024 ; ebx = end of memory in bytes (via E801)
mov ax, Func88Result
and eax,0ffffh
shl eax, 10 ; eax = memory > 1M in bytes (via 88)
add eax, 1*1024*1024 ; eax = end of memory in bytes (via 88)
sub ebx, eax ; ebx = memory above eax
jbe short Isa50 ; if ebx <= eax, done
push ebx
shr ebx,12
add BmlTotal, bx
push eax
call _InsertDescriptor
add sp,8
and eax,0ffffh
pop si
pop es
mov eax, BmlTotal
mov sp, bp
pop bp
_IsaConstructMemoryDescriptors endp
; Int15E820 (
; E820Frame *Frame
; );
; Description:
; Gets address range descriptor by calling int 15 function E820h.
; Arguments:
; Returns:
; BOOLEAN - failed or succeed.
cmdpFrame equ [bp + 6]
public _Int15E820
_Int15E820 proc near
push ebp
mov bp, sp
mov bp, cmdpFrame ; (bp) = Frame
push es
push edi
push esi
push ebx
push ss
pop es
mov ebx, [bp].Key
mov ecx, [bp].DescSize
lea di, [bp].BaseAddrLow
mov eax, 0E820h
mov edx, 'SMAP' ; (edx) = signature
INT 15h
mov [bp].Key, ebx ; update callers ebx
mov [bp].DescSize, ecx ; update callers size
sbb ecx, ecx ; ecx = -1 if carry, else 0
sub eax, 'SMAP' ; eax = 0 if signature matched
or ecx, eax
mov [bp].ErrorFlag, ecx ; return 0 or non-zero
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
pop es
pop ebp
_Int15E820 endp
; t_PXENV_ENTRY far *
; PxenvGetEntry (
; );
; Description:
; Get the address of the PXENV Entry Point structure using Int 1Ah.
; Arguments:
; none
; Returns:
; DX:AX := Far pointer to PXENV Entry Point structure.
public _PxenvGetEntry
_PxenvGetEntry proc near
push ebp ; Save important C registers
push edi
push esi
push ds
push es
mov ax, 5650h ; Get address of PXENV Entry Point
int 1Ah ; structure.
jc no_pxenv_entry ; CF set if function not supported.
cmp ax, 564Eh ; Check for PXENV API signature.
jne no_pxenv_entry
mov dx, es ; Return far pointer to C in DX:AX.
mov ax, bx
jmp exit
xor dx, dx ; Return NULL if PXENV Entry Point
xor ax, ax ; structure is not available.
pop es ; Restore C registers.
pop ds
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebp
_PxenvGetEntry endp
; UINT16
; PxenvApiCall(
; UINT16 service,
; void far *param
; );
; Description:
; Make a service call into the PXENV API.
; Arguments:
; ENTRY (TOS+6) := Far pointer to PXENV Entry Point structure
; SERVICE (TOS+10) := PXENV API service number
; PARAM (TOS+12) := Far pointer to PXENV API parameter structure
; Returns:
; AX := Return value from PXENV API service
; Contents of parameter structure will be modified as per API.
SERVICE equ word ptr [bp + 6]
PARAM equ dword ptr [bp + 8]
public _PxenvApiCall
_PxenvApiCall proc near
push ebp ; Save caller's stack frame & use BP
mov bp, sp ; to reference stack parameters.
push ebx ; Save all general use registers.
push ecx
push edx
push edi
push esi
push ds
push es
mov bx, SERVICE ; Setup BX & ES:DI for call to
cmp bx,-1
jne xxxSkip
call GetKeyEx ; get keystroke, if any
mov ebx,eax ; copy it
cmp ebx,08600h ; check for F12
jz pxenv_api_ret ; jump out if F12 pressed
cmp ebx,0011Bh ; check for ESC
jz pxenv_api_ret ; jump out if ESC pressed
jmp xxxLoop ; loop
les di, PARAM ; PXENV API service.
lds si, dword ptr _NetPcRomEntry
push cs ; Push far return address onto stack
lea ax, pxenv_api_ret ; (just as if we did a far call).
push ax
push ds
push si
retf ; Far return into API entry point.
pop es ; Restore all general use registers.
pop ds
pop esi
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop ebp ; Restore caller's stack frame.
_PxenvApiCall endp
; CheckForF12(
; );
; Description:
; This routine spins for three seconds monitoring the keyboard.
; If the user presses F12, the routine returns immediately with
; eax==1. If the user presses ESC, the routine returns immediately
; with eax==0. All other keys are ignored. If neither F12 nor ESC
; is pressed within three seconds, the routine returns with eax==0.
; If this is a restart invoked by a loader program (indicate by
; a block of memory at a known location initialized correctly), the
; return returns immediately with eax==1.
; Arguments:
; None.
; Returns:
; EAX - 1 if F12 pressed or if this is a restart; otherwise 0.
CheckForF12 proc near
; Save DS and ES.
push ds
push es
; Set DS and ES to 0.
mov ax,0
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
; Point ESI to the last DWORD of the restart block. Check to see if the
; tag value is present. If not, jump to the wait loop.
mov esi,07c00h + 08000h - 4 ; point to last DWORD of block
mov ebx,[esi] ; get the tag value
cmp ebx,'rtsR' ; is it right?
jnz DoF12Check ; if not, enter wait loop
; Calculate the checksum of the block. If it is 0, then this is a valid
; restart block, so pretend that the user pressed F12.
mov eax,0 ; accumulated checksum
mov ecx,128/4 ; length of block (last 128 bytes
; of restart block)
mov ebx,[esi] ; get next DWORD
add eax,ebx ; add it to accumulated checksum
sub esi,4 ; point to previous DWORD
dec ecx ; check for end of block
jnz F12csLoop
cmp eax,0 ; is checksum correct?
mov eax,1 ; indicate F12 pressed
jz F12Done ; jump out if checksum is correct
; Write a prompt string. (Yes, this is not internationalizable.)
push cs ; prompt string is in code segment
pop ds
mov si,offset F12Prompt ; ds:si points to prompt string
mov ax, cs:TerminalStatus ; If there is a terminal, initialize it
and al, 0b0h
cmp al, 0b0h
jne SkipTerminalInit
; Set color to black on white "\033[m\017"
mov ah, 01h
mov al, 1bh
int 14h
mov ah, 01h
mov al, '['
int 14h
mov ah, 01h
mov al, 'm'
int 14h
mov ah, 01h
mov al, 11h
int 14h
; Clear the terminal screen "\033[H\033[J"
mov ah, 01h
mov al, 1bh
int 14h
mov ah, 01h
mov al, '['
int 14h
mov ah, 01h
mov al, 'H'
int 14h
mov ah, 01h
mov al, 1bh
int 14h
mov ah, 01h
mov al, '['
int 14h
mov ah, 01h
mov al, 'J'
int 14h
lodsb ; get next byte of string
cmp al,0 ; end of string?
jz PromptDone ; jump out if yes
mov bx, cs:TerminalStatus ; if there is a terminal, write out to it as well
and bl, 0b0h
cmp bl, 0b0h
jne SkipTerminalPrompt
mov ah, 01h ; Write command
mov dx, HEADLESS_COMPORT ; Com port
int 14h ; Make com port call
mov ah,14
mov bx,7
int 10h ; print the byte
jmp PromptLoop
push es ; restore ds
pop ds
; Capture the current RTC value.
call GetCounterReal ; get starting RTC value
mov edi,eax ; calculate RTC value for now + 3 secs.
add edi,182 ; (if this is headless, make it 10 seconds)
add edi,55 ; (RTC clicks 18.2 times per second)
call GetKeyEx ; get keystroke, if any
mov ebx,eax ; copy it
cmp ebx,08600h ; check for F12
mov eax,1 ; indicate F12 pressed
jz F12Done ; jump out if F12 pressed
cmp ebx,0DA00h ; check for F12
mov eax,1 ; indicate F12 pressed
jz F12Done ; jump out if F12 pressed
cmp ebx,0011Bh ; check for ESC
mov eax,0 ; indicate F12 not pressed
jz F12Done ; jump out if ESC pressed
call GetCounterReal ; get current RTC value
cmp eax,edi ; is it higher than end value?
mov eax,0 ; indicate F12 not pressed
jb F12Loop ; loop if current < end
pop es
pop ds
CheckForF12 endp
F12Prompt db 13,10,"Press F12 for network service boot",13,10,0
; GetTickCount(
; )
; Description:
; Reads the tick counter (incremented 18.2 times per second)
; Arguments:
; None.
public _GetTickCount
_GetTickCount proc near
push cx
mov ah,0
int 01ah
mov ax,dx ; low word of count
mov dx,cx ; high word of count
pop cx
_GetTickCount endp
_TEXT ends
end Start