2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

325 lines
9.4 KiB

This program reads in a file (or multiple files) of lines with whitespace seperate columns.
After reading the whole file, it outputs the content formatted such that each field is padded
on the right..err, left actually, with spaces to be the width of the longest value of that colume.
There are two modes of operation.
multiple files in place
multiple files all written to one file (possibly among those read in)
one file to itself falls out of either
columns -inplace foo bar abc
read each of foo bar abc and write each on top of itself
columns -concat foo bar abc
read foo and bar and write out abc
columns -concat foo bar abc abc
read foo, bar, and abc and write out abc
columns - -
read stdin, write stdout
read stdin, write stdout
All data must fit in memory.
#define NOMINMAX
#include "yvals.h"
#undef _MAX
#undef _MIN
#define _cpp_min min
#define _cpp_max max
#define _MIN min
#define _MAX max
#define min min
#define max max
#pragma warning(disable:4100)
#pragma warning(disable:4663)
#pragma warning(disable:4511)
#pragma warning(disable:4512)
#pragma warning(disable:4127)
#pragma warning(disable:4018)
#pragma warning(disable:4389)
#pragma warning(disable:4702)
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include "windows.h"
#define NUMBER_OF(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
// get msvcrt.dll wildcard processing on the command line
extern "C" { int _dowildcard = 1; }
class String_t : public std::string
typedef std::string Base;
String_t(const std::string & s) : Base(s) { }
String_t() { }
~String_t() { }
String_t(const String_t & s) : Base(s) { }
String_t(const char * s) : Base(s) { }
String_t(const_iterator i, const_iterator j) : Base(i, j) { }
bool operator<( const String_t & s) const
return _stricmp(c_str(), s.c_str()) < 0;
bool operator==( const String_t & s) const
return _stricmp(c_str(), s.c_str()) == 0;
operator const char * () const { return c_str(); }
void Error(const char * s) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
class Filename_t : public String_t
typedef String_t Base_t;
Filename_t(const char * x) : Base_t(x), m_IsStdin(false), m_IsStdout(false) { }
Filename_t(const Base_t& x) : Base_t(x), m_IsStdin(false), m_IsStdout(false) { }
Filename_t() : m_IsStdin(false), m_IsStdout(false) { }
~Filename_t() { }
static Filename_t Stdin() { Filename_t fn; fn.m_IsStdin = true; return fn; }
static Filename_t Stdout() { Filename_t fn; fn.m_IsStdout = true; return fn; }
bool m_IsStdin;
bool m_IsStdout;
void Open(std::fstream & File, std::ios_base::open_mode Flags)
switch ((m_IsStdin ? 1 : 0) | (m_IsStdout ? 2 : 0))
case 0:
File.open(*this, Flags);
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
Error("stdin and stdout");
template <typename Iterator>
Iterator FindFirstNotOf(Iterator first1, Iterator last1, Iterator first2, Iterator last2)
if (first2 == last2)
return last1;
for ( ; first1 != last1 ; ++first1)
if (std::find(first2, last2, *first1) == last2)
return first1;
template <typename Iterator>
Iterator FindFirstOf(Iterator first1, Iterator last1, Iterator first2, Iterator last2)
return std::find_first_of(first1, last1, first2, last2);
void SplitString(const String_t& String, const String_t& Delim, std::vector<String_t>& Fields)
String_t::const_iterator FieldBegin;
String_t::const_iterator FieldEnd = String.begin();
while ((FieldBegin = FindFirstNotOf(FieldEnd, String.end(), Delim.begin(), Delim.end())) != String.end())
FieldEnd = FindFirstOf(FieldBegin, String.end(), Delim.begin(), Delim.end());
Fields.push_back(String_t(FieldBegin, FieldEnd));
const String_t HorizontalWhitespace(" \t");
class Row_t : public std::vector<String_t>
static void FromLine(Row_t & This, const String_t &);
class Columns_t
void Main(unsigned Argc, char ** Argv);
Columns_t() : m_StdinSeen(false), m_StdoutSeen(false), m_Inplace(false), m_Concat(false) { }
~Columns_t() { }
void Error(const char * s) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
void Usage() { }
bool m_StdinSeen;
bool m_StdoutSeen;
bool m_Inplace;
bool m_Concat;
std::vector<size_t> m_ColumWidths;
std::vector<Row_t> m_Rows;
std::vector<Filename_t> m_Filenames;
void PrintSpaces(std::ostream & Stream, size_t i)
const static char Spaces[] = " ";
for ( ; i >= NUMBER_OF(Spaces) ; i -= NUMBER_OF(Spaces) - 1 )
Stream << Spaces;
Stream << (Spaces + NUMBER_OF(Spaces) - 1 - i);
void Columns_t::Main(unsigned Argc, char ** Argv)
unsigned Arg = 0;
if (Argc == 0)
m_StdinSeen = true;
m_StdoutSeen = true;
m_Concat = true;
if (_stricmp(Argv[Arg], "-inplace") == 0)
m_Inplace = true;
else if (_stricmp(Argv[Arg], "-concat") == 0)
m_Concat = true;
for ( ; Arg < Argc ; Arg++)
if (_stricmp(Argv[Arg], "-") == 0)
if (m_StdinSeen)
if (m_StdoutSeen)
return Error("can't specify - more than twice");
if (Arg != (Argc - 1))
return Error("stdout must be last parameter");
m_StdoutSeen = true;
m_StdinSeen = true;
else if (
_stricmp(Argv[Arg], "-?") == 0
|| _stricmp(Argv[Arg], "/?") == 0
|| _stricmp(Argv[Arg], "-h") == 0
|| _stricmp(Argv[Arg], "/h") == 0
|| _stricmp(Argv[Arg], "-help") == 0
|| _stricmp(Argv[Arg], "/help") == 0
return Usage();
if (Argc == 2 && m_StdinSeen && m_StdoutSeen && !m_Inplace && !m_Concat)
m_Inplace = true;
if (m_StdinSeen && m_Inplace)
return Error("can't mix stdin and inplace");
if (!m_Inplace && !m_Concat)
return Error("must specify -inplace or -concat");
for (unsigned Filename = 0 ; Filename < m_Filenames.size() ; ++Filename)
if (Filename < m_Filenames.size() - (m_Concat ? 1 : 0))
std::fstream File;
m_Filenames[Filename].Open(File, File.in);
String_t Line;
while (std::getline(File, Line))
Row_t Row;
SplitString(Line, HorizontalWhitespace, Row);
m_ColumWidths.resize(std::max(m_ColumWidths.size(), Row.size()), 0);
for (unsigned j = 0 ; j != Row.size() ; ++j)
size_t k = std::max(m_ColumWidths[j], Row[j].size());
m_ColumWidths[j] = k;
if (m_Inplace || (m_Concat && Filename == m_Filenames.size() - 1))
if (!m_Filenames[Filename].m_IsStdin && !m_Filenames[Filename].m_IsStdout)
std::fstream File;
m_Filenames[Filename].Open(File, File.out);
File.fill(' ');
for (unsigned RowIndex = 0 ; RowIndex != m_Rows.size() ; ++RowIndex)
const Row_t & Row = m_Rows[RowIndex];
for (unsigned Column = 0 ; Column != Row.size() ; ++Column)
File << Row[Column];
PrintSpaces(File, m_ColumWidths[Column] + 1 - Row[Column].size());
File << "\n";
if (m_Inplace)
int __cdecl main(int argc, char ** argv)
Columns_t c;
c.Main(static_cast<unsigned>(argc - (argc != 0)) , argv + 1);
return 0;