2020-09-30 16:53:55 +02:00

472 lines
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// File: EditText.h
#ifndef _EDITTEXT_H_
#define _EDITTEXT_H_
#include "GenWindow.h"
#include "GenContainers.h"
class CEditText;
interface IEditTextChange : IUnknown
virtual void OnTextChange(CEditText *pEdit) = 0;
virtual void OnFocusChange(CEditText *pEdit, BOOL bSet) = 0;
} ;
// An edit control class that supports using different foreground and
// background colors
class DECLSPEC_UUID("{FD827E00-ACA3-11d2-9C97-00C04FB17782}")
CEditText : public CFillWindow
// Default constructor; inits a few intrinsics
// Creates the edit control
BOOL Create(
HWND hWndParent, // Parent of the edit control
DWORD dwStyle=0, // Edit control style
DWORD dwExStyle=0, // Extended window style
LPCTSTR szTitle=TEXT(""), // Initial text for the edit control
IEditTextChange *pNotify=NULL // Object to notify of changes
if (__uuidof(CEditText) == riid)
*ppv = this;
return(CFillWindow::QueryInterface(riid, ppv));
void GetDesiredSize(SIZE *ppt);
// Sets the foreground and background colors and brush to use for painting
// Set the brush to NULL to indicate using default colors
void SetColors(HBRUSH hbrBack, COLORREF back, COLORREF fore);
// Sets the font to use in the edit control
void SetFont(HFONT hf);
// Sets the text for the control
void SetText(
LPCTSTR szText // The text to set
// Gets the text for the control; returns the total text length
int GetText(
LPTSTR szText, // Where to put the text
int nLen // The length of the buffer
virtual ~CEditText();
virtual LRESULT ProcessMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// The actual edit control
HWND m_edit;
// The background brush
HBRUSH m_hbrBack;
// The background color
COLORREF m_crBack;
// The foreground color
COLORREF m_crFore;
// The font to use
HFONT m_hfText;
// The object ot notify of changes
IEditTextChange *m_pNotify;
// I may turn this into a GetWindow call later
inline HWND GetEdit()
// Needed to change the edit control colors
HBRUSH OnCtlColor(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, HWND hwndChild, int type);
// Notification of events on the edit control
void OnCommand(HWND hwnd, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
// To clean stuff up
void OnNCDestroy(HWND hwnd);
} ;
class CButton;
interface IButtonChange : IUnknown
virtual void OnClick(CButton *pButton) = 0;
} ;
class DECLSPEC_UUID("{C3AEA4CA-CAB3-11d2-9CA7-00C04FB17782}")
CButton : public CFillWindow
BOOL Create(
HWND hWndParent, // The parent window
INT_PTR nId, // The ID of the button for WM_COMMAND messages
LPCTSTR szTitle, // The string to display
DWORD dwStyle=BS_PUSHBUTTON, // The Win32 button style
IButtonChange *pNotify=NULL // Click notifications
if (__uuidof(CButton) == riid)
*ppv = this;
return(CFillWindow::QueryInterface(riid, ppv));
// Get/set the icon displayed with this button
void SetIcon(
HICON hIcon // The icon to use for this button
HICON GetIcon();
// Get/set the bitmap displayed with this button
void SetBitmap(
HBITMAP hBitmap // The bitmap to use for this button
HBITMAP GetBitmap();
// Get/set the checked state of the button
void SetChecked(
BOOL bCheck // TRUE if the button should be checked
BOOL IsChecked();
virtual void GetDesiredSize(SIZE *psize);
virtual LRESULT ProcessMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Notify handler for clicks
IButtonChange *m_pNotify;
// Store away the icon size to avoid creating many bitmaps
SIZE m_sizeIcon;
// Change the HWND and forward to the parent
void OnCommand(HWND hwnd, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
} ;
// A button class that uses bitmaps for its different states. Currently only
// pressed and normal are supported
class DECLSPEC_UUID("{E1813EDA-ACA3-11d2-9C97-00C04FB17782}")
CBitmapButton : public CButton
// The order of the bitmaps for the states of the button
enum StateBitmaps
Normal = 0,
} ;
// Default constructor; inits a few intrinsics
// Creates the button, using the bitmaps specified
BOOL Create(
HWND hWndParent, // The parent of the button
int nId, // The ID for WM_COMMAND messages
HBITMAP hbStates, // The 2D array of bitmaps for the states of the button,
// vertically in the order specified in the StateBitmaps enum
// and horizontally in the custom states order
UINT nInputStates=NumStates, // The number of input states (Normal, Pressed, Hot, Disabled)
UINT nCustomStates=1, // The number of custom states
IButtonChange *pNotify=NULL // The click handler
// Creates the button, using the bitmaps specified
BOOL Create(
HWND hWndParent, // The parent of the button
int nId, // The ID for WM_COMMAND messages
HINSTANCE hInst, // The instance to load the bitmap from
int nIdBitmap, // The ID of the bitmap to use
BOOL bTranslateColors=TRUE, // Use system background colors
UINT nInputStates=NumStates, // The number of input states (Normal, Pressed, Hot, Disabled)
UINT nCustomStates=1, // The number of custom states
IButtonChange *pNotify=NULL // The click handler
if (__uuidof(CBitmapButton) == riid)
*ppv = this;
return(CButton::QueryInterface(riid, ppv));
void GetDesiredSize(SIZE *ppt);
// Change the current custom state
void SetCustomState(UINT nCustomState);
// Return the current custom state
UINT GetCustomState() const { return(m_nCustomState); }
// Change to flashing mode
void SetFlashing(int nSeconds);
// Is in flashing mode
UINT IsFlashing() const { return(NoFlash != m_nFlashState); }
static void GetBitmapSizes(HBITMAP parts[], SIZE sizes[], int nParts);
static void LoadBitmaps(
HINSTANCE hInst, // The instance to load the bitmap from
const int ids[], // Array of bitmap ID's
HBITMAP bms[], // Array of HBITMAP's for storing the result
int nBmps, // Number of entries in the arrays
BOOL bTranslateColors=TRUE // Use system background colors
virtual ~CBitmapButton();
virtual LRESULT ProcessMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual void SetHot(BOOL bHot);
virtual BOOL IsHot() { return(m_bHot != FALSE); }
void SchedulePaint()
InvalidateRect(GetChild(), NULL, FALSE);
enum FlashState
NoFlash = 0,
} ;
// The number of custom states
UINT m_nCustomStates;
// The current custom state
UINT m_nCustomState;
// The bitmaps for the states of the button, in the order specified in the
// StateBitmaps enum.
HBITMAP m_hbStates;
// The time to stop flashing
DWORD m_endFlashing;
// The number of input states; one of StateBitmaps enum
// HACKHACK georgep: Need to change the number of bits if more states
UINT m_nInputStates : 4;
// The Hot flag
BOOL m_bHot : 1;
// The current flash state; one of FlashState enum
// HACKHACK georgep: Need an extra bit since C++ thinks this is signed
FlashState m_nFlashState : 3;
// Specialized drawing
void OnDrawItem(HWND hwnd, const DRAWITEMSTRUCT * lpDrawItem);
// Change the HWND and forward to the parent
void OnCommand(HWND hwnd, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
// Set the Hot control
BOOL OnSetCursor(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndCursor, UINT codeHitTest, UINT msg);
// Handles the flashing button
void OnTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT id);
} ;
class CComboBox;
interface IComboBoxChange : IUnknown
virtual void OnTextChange(CComboBox *pCombo) = 0;
virtual void OnFocusChange(CComboBox *pCombo, BOOL bSet) = 0;
virtual void OnSelectionChange(CComboBox *pCombo) = 0;
} ;
// An edit control class that supports using different foreground and
// background colors
class DECLSPEC_UUID("{B4B10DBA-B22F-11d2-9C98-00C04FB17782}")
CComboBox : public CFillWindow
// Default constructor; inits a few intrinsics
operator HWND (void){ return( m_combo ); }
// Creates the edit control
BOOL Create(
HWND hWndParent, // Parent of the edit control
UINT height, // The height of the combo (with drop-down)
DWORD dwStyle=0, // Edit control style
LPCTSTR szTitle=TEXT(""), // Initial text for the edit control
IComboBoxChange *pNotify=NULL // Object to notify of changes
if (__uuidof(CComboBox) == riid)
*ppv = this;
return(CFillWindow::QueryInterface(riid, ppv));
void GetDesiredSize(SIZE *ppt);
// Sets the foreground and background colors and brush to use for painting
// Set the brush to NULL to indicate using default colors
void SetColors(HBRUSH hbrBack, COLORREF back, COLORREF fore);
// Sets the font to use in the edit control
void SetFont(HFONT hf);
// Sets the text for the control
void SetText(
LPCTSTR szText // The text to set
// Gets the text for the control; returns the total text length
int GetText(
LPTSTR szText, // Where to put the text
int nLen // The length of the buffer
// Returns the number of items in the list
int GetNumItems();
// Returns the index of the currently selected item
int GetSelectedIndex();
// Sets the index of the currently selected item
void SetSelectedIndex(int index);
// Adds text to the list; returns the index of the added string
int AddText(
LPCTSTR pszText, // The string to add
LPARAM lUserData=0 // User data to associate with the string
// Gets the text for the list item; returns the total text length
// The string is emptied if there is not enough room for the text
int GetText(
UINT index, // The index of the string to get
LPTSTR pszText, // The string buffer to fill
int nLen // User data to associate with the string
// Gets the user data for the list item
LPARAM GetUserData(
int index // The index of the user data to get
// Removes an item from the list
void RemoveItem(
UINT index // The index of the item to remove
virtual void Layout();
virtual ~CComboBox();
virtual LRESULT ProcessMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Get the info necessary for displaying a tooltip
virtual void GetSharedTooltipInfo(TOOLINFO *pti);
// The actual ComboBox control
HWND m_combo;
// The background brush
HBRUSH m_hbrBack;
// The background color
COLORREF m_crBack;
// The foreground color
COLORREF m_crFore;
// The font to use
HFONT m_hfText;
// The object ot notify of changes
IComboBoxChange *m_pNotify;
// I may turn this into a GetWindow call later
inline HWND GetComboBox()
// I may turn this into a GetWindow call later
inline HWND GetEdit()
// return(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(SendMessage(GetCombo(), CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL, 0, 0));
// Needed to change the edit control colors
HBRUSH OnCtlColor(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, HWND hwndChild, int type);
// Notification of events on the edit control
void OnCommand(HWND hwnd, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify);
// To clean stuff up
void OnNCDestroy(HWND hwnd);
} ;
class CSeparator : public CGenWindow
// The Separator style
enum Styles
Normal = 0,
} ;
BOOL Create(
HWND hwndParent, UINT iStyle = Normal
virtual void GetDesiredSize(SIZE *ppt);
void SetDesiredSize(SIZE *psize);
// Put the single child in the middle
virtual void Layout();
// The desired size for the control; defaults to (2,2)
SIZE m_desSize;
UINT m_iStyle : 4;
inline void OnPaint(HWND hwnd);
virtual LRESULT ProcessMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
} ;
#endif // _EDITTEXT_H_