474 lines
14 KiB
474 lines
14 KiB
#include "bnparse.h"
// disable warning C4102: unreferenced label
#pragma warning (disable : 4102)
%token tokenEOF 0
%token tokenNil
%token tokenError
%token <zsr> tokenIdent tokenString
%token <ui> tokenInteger
%token <real> tokenReal
/* key words */
%token tokenArray
%token tokenContinuous
%token tokenCreator
%token tokenDefault
%token tokenDiscrete
%token tokenFormat
%token tokenFunction
%token tokenImport
%token tokenIs
%token tokenKeyword
%token tokenLeak
%token tokenNA
%token tokenName
%token tokenNamed
%token tokenNetwork
%token tokenNode
%token tokenOf
%token tokenParent
%token tokenPosition
%token tokenProbability
%token tokenProperties
%token tokenProperty
%token tokenPropIdent
%token tokenStandard
%token tokenState
%token tokenType
%token tokenUser
%token tokenVersion
%token tokenWordChoice
%token tokenWordReal
%token tokenWordString
%token tokenAs
%token tokenLevel
%token tokenDomain
%token tokenDistribution
%token tokenDecisionGraph
%token tokenBranch
%token tokenOn
%token tokenLeaf
%token tokenVertex
%token tokenMultinoulli
%token tokenMerge
%token tokenWith
%token tokenFor
%token tokenRangeOp /* ".." */
%type <ui> proptype dpientry
%type <integer> signedint
%type <zsr> tokentoken tokenPropIdent proptypename tokenlistel
%type <zsr> creator name format
%type <real> real signedreal version
%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/'
%right '^'
%left UNARY
%start start
start : { yyclearin; } bnfile
bnfile : header blocklst
blocklst : block
| blocklst block
block : propblock
| nodeblock
| probblock
| domainblock
| distblock
| ignoreblock
header : headerhead headerbody
headerhead : tokenNetwork tokentoken { SetNetworkSymb($2); }
| tokenNetwork
headerbody : '{' { _eBlk = EBLKNET; }
'}' { _eBlk = EBLKNONE; }
netdeclst : /* empty */
| netdeclst netdecl
netdecl : format { SetFormat($1); }
| version { SetVersion($1); }
| creator { SetCreator($1); }
conj : ':' /* general conjunction */
| '='
| tokenIs
prep : tokenWith /* general preposition */
| tokenOn
prepopt : prep /* optional preposition */
| /* empty */
/* header block productions */
format : tokenFormat conj tokenString ';' { $$ = $3; }
version : tokenVersion conj real ';' { $$ = $3; }
creator : tokenCreator conj tokenString ';' { $$ = $3; }
/* unrecognized block productions */
ignoreblock : tokenIdent parenexpr_opt { _eBlk = EBLKIGN; WarningSkip($1); }
{ SkipUntil("}"); }
'}' { _eBlk = EBLKNONE; }
parenexpr_opt : /* empty */
| '(' { SkipUntil(")"); } ')'
/* node block productions */
nodeblock : tokenNode tokenIdent { _eBlk = EBLKNODE; StartNodeDecl($2); }
'}' { CheckNodeInfo(); _eBlk = EBLKNONE; }
ndattrlst : /* empty */
| ndattrlst ndattr ';'
ndattr : name
| type
| position
| property
| error
name : tokenName conj tokenString { SetNodeFullName($3); }
type : tokenType conj tokenDiscrete statedef
statedef : tokenDomain tokentoken { SetNodeDomain($2); }
| '[' tokenInteger ']' conj_opt { SetNodeCstate($2); } states_opt
conj_opt : /* empty */
| conj
states_opt : /* empty */
| '{' { ClearCstr(); } tokenlist '}' { SetStates(); }
tokenlist : /* empty */
| tokenlistel
| tokenlist ',' tokenlistel
tokenlistel : tokentoken { AddStr($1); }
tokentoken : tokenIdent
| tokenString
tokenList : '[' { ClearCstr(); } tokenlist ']' ;
position : tokenPosition conj '(' signedint ',' signedint ')' { SetNodePosition($4, $6); }
/* probability block productions */
probblock : tokenProbability { _eBlk = EBLKPROB; ClearNodeInfo(); }
tokenIdent { SetNodeSymb($4, false); }
')' { CheckParentList(); }
probblocktail { _eBlk = EBLKNONE; }
/* tail of probability block: may be empty or may be a reference to a distribution */
probblocktail : probblkdistref ';'
| ';' { EmptyProbEntries(); }
| '{'
{ InitProbEntries(); }
{ CheckProbEntries(); }
parentlst_opt : /* empty */
| '|' parentlst
| error
parentlst : tokenIdent { AddSymb($1); }
| parentlst ',' tokenIdent { AddSymb($3); }
probblkdistref : conj tokenDistribution tokenIdent distplist_opt
distplist_opt : /* empty */
| '(' distplist ')'
distplist : tokenIdent
| distplist ',' tokenIdent
funcattr_opt : /* empty */
| tokenFunction conj tokenIdent ';' { CheckCIFunc($3); }
probentrylst : /* empty */
| probentrylst probentry
probentry : dpi doproblst ';'
| dpi pdf ';'
dpi : /* empty */ { _vui.clear(); CheckDPI(false); }
| '(' dodpilst ')' conj { CheckDPI(false); }
| tokenDefault conj { CheckDPI(true); }
dodpilst : { _vui.clear(); } dpilst
dpilst : /* empty */
| dpientry { AddUi($1); }
| dpilst ',' dpientry { AddUi($3); }
dpientry : tokenInteger { $$ = UiDpi($1); }
| tokenIdent { $$ = UiDpi($1); }
| tokenString { $$ = UiDpi($1); }
doproblst : { _vreal.clear(); } reallst { CheckProbVector(); }
pdf : tokenIdent '(' exprlst_opt ')' { CheckPDF($1); }
exprlst_opt : /* empty */
| exprlst
exprlst : expr
| exprlst ',' expr
reallst : signedreal { AddReal($1); }
| reallst ',' signedreal { AddReal($3); }
signedint : '-' tokenInteger { $$ = -INT($2); }
| '+' tokenInteger { $$ = +INT($2); }
| tokenInteger { $$ = INT($1); }
signedreal : '-' real { $$ = -$2; }
| '+' real { $$ = $2; }
| real
| tokenNA { $$ = -1; }
real : tokenReal { $$ = $1; }
| tokenInteger { $$ = REAL($1); }
expr : '(' expr ')'
| expr '+' expr
| expr '-' expr
| expr '*' expr
| expr '/' expr
| expr '^' expr
| tokenIdent { CheckIdent($1); }
| real
| tokenString
| '-' expr %prec UNARY
| '+' expr %prec UNARY
/* property declarations block productions */
propblock : tokenProperties
'{' { StartProperties(); }
'}' { EndProperties(); }
propdecllst : /* empty */
| propdecllst propitem ';'
propitem : propimport
| propdecl
| property
propimport : tokenImport tokenStandard { ImportPropStandard(); }
| tokenImport proptypename { ImportProp($2); }
propdecl : tokenType proptypename conj proptype ',' tokenString { AddPropType($2, $4, $6); }
| tokenType proptypename conj proptype { AddPropType($2, $4, ZSREF()); }
proptype : tokenArray tokenOf tokenWordString { $$ = fPropString | fPropArray; }
| tokenArray tokenOf tokenWordReal { $$ = fPropArray; }
| tokenWordString { $$ = fPropString; }
| tokenWordReal { $$ = 0; }
| tokenWordChoice tokenOf tokenList { $$ = fPropChoice; }
/* A duplicate property type declaration will cause a tokenIdent to be read as a tokenPropIdent */
proptypename : tokenIdent /* ident not previously seen */
| tokenPropIdent /* error case */
/* property item productions */
property : tokenProperty tokenPropIdent conj { ClearVpv(); } propval { CheckProperty($2); }
| tokenProperty tokenIdent conj propval /* error case */
| tokenPropIdent conj { ClearVpv(); } propval { CheckProperty($1); }
propval : '[' propvallst ']'
| propvalitem
propvallst : propvalitem
| propvallst ',' propvalitem
propvalitem : tokenString { AddPropVar( $1 ); }
| tokenIdent { AddPropVar( $1 ); }
| signedreal { AddPropVar( $1 ); }
/* domain declarations */
domainblock : tokenDomain { ClearDomain(); }
domainbody { CheckDomain( $3 ); }
/* array of domain specifiers */
domainbody : '{' domaindeclst '}'
domaindeclst : /* empty */
| domaindec
| domaindeclst ',' domaindec
/* range followed by symbolic name or just symbolic name */
domaindec : rangespec conj tokentoken { AddRange($3, false ); }
| tokentoken { AddRange($1, true ); }
/* Pascal-style range declaration */
/* variants of range specifiers for open and closed intervals */
/* identifiers are allowed for use with distributions where domains may be known in advance */
rangespec : real tokenRangeOp real
/* 0.0 .. 1.0 */ { SetRanges( true, $1, true, $3 ); }
| tokentoken tokenRangeOp tokentoken
/* lname .. uname */ { SetRanges( $1, $3 ); }
| tokenRangeOp real
/* .. 1.0 */ { SetRanges( false, 0.0, true, $2 ); }
| tokenRangeOp tokentoken
/* .. uname */ { SetRanges( ZSREF(), $2 ); }
| real tokenRangeOp
/* 0.0 .. */ { SetRanges( true, $1, false, 0.0 ); }
| tokentoken tokenRangeOp
/* lname .. */ { SetRanges( $1, ZSREF() ); }
| real
/* 0.0 */ { SetRanges( true, $1, true, $1 ); }
| tokentoken
/* name */ { SetRanges( $1, $1 ); }
/* List of range specifiers */
rangedeclst : '(' rangedeclset ')'
rangedeclset : /* empty */
| rangespec
| rangedeclset ',' rangespec
/* Advanced distribution declarations */
/* Only "decision graph" for now */
distblock : tokenDistribution /* "distribution" */
tokenDecisionGraph /* "decisionGraph" */
distdeclproto /* pseudo-prototype parent list */
dgraphbody /* body of decision graph items */
distdeclproto : tokentoken /* name of distribution */
distdeclst /* pseudo-parent list */
distdeclst : /* empty */
| distdecl
| distdeclst ',' distdecl
distdecl : tokenIdent tokenAs tokentoken /* pseudo-parent and domain name*/
| tokenIdent /* pseudo-parent name only */
/* Decision graph/tree item declarations */
dgraphbody : '{'
dgraphitemlst : /* empty */
| dgraphitem
| dgraphitemlst ',' dgraphitem
/* decision graph/tree item.
Vertices and leaves may have names for later merging.
Branches and merges have contraint ranges, which are lists of Pascal-style ranges;
e.g. ( 3..5, 9, 10, 20.. )
dgraphitem : /* vertex */ dgitemlevel tokenVertex tokentoken dgnamed
| /* branch */ dgitemlevel tokenBranch prepopt rangedeclst
| /* leaf */ dgitemlevel tokenLeaf dgitemleaf dgnamed
| /* merge */ dgitemlevel tokenMerge prepopt tokentoken prepopt rangedeclst
dgitemlevel : tokenLevel tokenInteger
dgitemleaf : tokenMultinoulli '(' reallst ')'
/* "named" sub-clause for verticies and leaves */
dgnamed : /* empty */
| tokenNamed tokentoken